Da Qin plane.

Qin Shi Huang was extremely shocked.

If the people farm without paying taxes and there is no tax revenue, then where will the money come from for the court?

Without money, how could the court pay salaries to officials and support the army?

In addition, there are many things that require money.

It can be said that without the taxes paid by the people for farming, the imperial court would not be able to function at all, and there would be chaos in an instant.

Therefore, Qin Shihuang could not understand at all, how could a country not collect taxes from farmers?

"Meng Yi, do you think what later generations said is true? In later generations, do the people of the Dragon Kingdom really farm without paying taxes?

Qin Shihuang asked Meng Yi :

"Your Majesty, people in later generations have said this, and it must be true."

Meng Yi replied respectfully.

He actually couldn't believe it, but those barrages in the giant high-altitude screen said so, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

"Yes, it should be true"

"But how is this possible?"

"How could the Dragon Kingdom allow people to farm without collecting taxes and make the country so powerful?"

Qin Shi Huang had many questions in his mind.


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

The faces of Li Shimin and the officials of the Tang Dynasty were all shocked.

Since ancient times, people have farmed and paid taxes to the court. This is a matter of course.

This has always been the case in all dynasties.

Why did the Dragon Kingdom in later generations allow people to farm without paying taxes?

"Gentlemen, what do you think of this matter?"

Li Shimin asked the officials of the Tang Dynasty:

"Your Majesty, I really dare to believe it"

"If the common people no longer pay taxes, where will the money come from for the court?"

"But people in later generations all say so, and there must be no lies."

"This minister doesn't understand at all."

Changsun Wuji was the first to reply.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xuanling said:

"Looking at the words of these later generations, I judge that most of the taxes of the Dragon Kingdom should be paid by the businesses of the Dragon Kingdom."

"For example, the tax paid by Longguo Tobacco, the largest tax payer in Dragon Kingdom, is close to 10% of Dragon Kingdom's annual tax revenue."

When Fang Xuanling mentioned Longguo Tobacco, the other officials of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help but say:

"What exactly is Longguo Tobacco doing? It's so profitable"

"It is simply unimaginable that a business company could pay so much tax to the imperial court."

"Is it possible that in later generations, business taxes in the Dragon Kingdom would be high?"

"No matter how high you charge, you still have to have money to pay. Being able to pay so much tax proves that the business of Longguo Tobacco is really profitable."

"The commercial tax is higher than the agricultural tax, which is incredible"


Listening to the discussions of the ministers, Li Shimin was also moved.

He also wanted to know what kind of business Longguo Tobacco was doing and whether Datang could do it.

If there were businesses in the Tang Dynasty that could pay 777 taxes to the court, then the court would not be afraid of running out of money.

So Li Shimin's eyes were fixed on the giant screen high in the sky, wanting to see if future generations would mention what kind of business Longguo Tobacco was doing.


Ming Taizu Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed:

"Later generations of the Dragon Kingdom were so courageous. They had collected taxes from China for thousands of years, but they actually stopped collecting them."

"The people of the Dragon Kingdom must be very happy."

He comes from a poor family and understands the mentality of the people very well.

Not to mention not paying taxes, even if he pays less taxes, the people will be grateful to the court.

"Dad is right. Farming without paying taxes is a great benefit to the people."

"Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom can allow people to farm without paying taxes, and at the same time, it can also make the court rich and the Dragon Kingdom strong. This is even more powerful."

"If this were the case in our Ming Dynasty, if the people farmed without paying taxes, the court would be in chaos. Zhu

Biao replied.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, he knew this very well.

Then, he asked Zhu Biao in confusion:

"Boss, do you think this is how the business of Dragon Kingdom will make money?"

Compared with agriculture, he doesn't value commerce very much.

In his mind, agriculture is the foundation of the country, and commerce is insignificant.

But now that he has seen that the Dragon Kingdom in later generations has abolished agricultural taxes and only collected commercial taxes to make the country stronger, he The concept in his mind was a little shaken.

He thought that if the Ming Dynasty could also collect so much business tax, it would be able to reduce part of the tax collected from farmers.

In this way, farmers can farm with more peace of mind and have more food. , the country will be stable.

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang’s question, Zhu Biao replied:

"It should be very profitable, otherwise the Dragon Kingdom would not cancel the agricultural tax"

"Dad, it seems that our Ming Dynasty should also pay attention to business. Zhu

Biao suggested.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.


In addition to the Great Qin, Great Tang Taizong, and Great Ming Taizu, there were many emperors in many other dynasty planes who were extremely shocked.

All dynasties in ancient China were agricultural countries, and agricultural taxes were the financial lifeblood of each dynasty.

Without agricultural taxes, dynasties simply could not function.

In ancient China, abolition of agricultural taxes was the root of ancient dynasties.

Therefore, the emperors were naturally shocked by this incident. at the same time.

Many emperors also realized the importance of commerce and had the idea of ​​​​strengthening commercial development. the other side.

After being shocked, many people in the past dynasties felt extremely envious of the people of the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

Farming without paying taxes is something they would never dream of doing.

Countless people (bica) lament in their hearts, why don't they live in the Dragon Kingdom in the future? at this time.

In the giant screen high in the sky.

Video refreshes.

A new video appears

【FBI detectives teach you how to read minds: decipher body language and see through the other person immediately. 】

As soon as the title of this video appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of many ancient people from all dynasties. the reason is simple.

Mind reading!

These three words alone have great appeal.

Who wouldn’t want to have such magical abilities? so.

This video, which claims to teach mind-reading skills, will naturally attract their attention. soon.

Feature film begins


【Why do people make gesticulations even though they can't see each other on the phone?】

【Why do some people sweat involuntarily or even turn pale when they are nervous?】

【We often say that to judge whether a person is lying, we need to look at his facial expressions】

【But in fact, just because the face is the most easily noticed place, it is also the focus of disguise.】

【Instead of staring into a person's eyes and guessing whether he is lying, it is better to look at his feet, because the feet are the most honest part of the body.】

【Today, let’s talk about how to use body language to see through a person】


Wuzhou plane

"Are the feet the most honest part of the body?"

"Quite a novel statement."

After listening to the preface of the video, Wu Zetian became very interested in the content of the following video.

As an emperor, knowing people is a necessary skill.

When understanding a person, in addition to asking people to investigate the person's behavior, In addition, she will also secretly observe them while talking to them.

The place she observes the most is the face.

This is also a common way to observe others.

Unexpectedly, the video said that the feet are the most honest part..

This statement made Wu Zetian feel very unique.

"Di Aiqing, you are good at solving cases. Have you ever heard of this statement?"

Wu Zetian asked Di Renjie in the palace.

Di Renjie shook his head and replied:

"Reporting back to Your Majesty, this is the first time I have heard of such a statement."

"Then let's take a good look together. Stones from other mountains can attack jade. Maybe the methods mentioned by future generations can be useful for you to solve cases in the future."

Wu Zetian said

"Obey the decree. Di

Renjie replied respectfully.


【This method comes from the master of body language: Joe Navarro] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【He has worked for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States for 25 years. He has long served as an interrogation expert for the FBI's counterintelligence intelligence team. He has repeatedly used body language to detect major and important cases. He is a veritable"FBI detective""】

【The cases and analysis in this video also come from his book:"The FBI Teaches You How to Read Minds"》】

【This book is written by Joe Navarro based on 25 years of FBI work experience and summarizing various real cases.】

【This book tells you how to see through the mysteries hidden in other people's body language, allowing you to gain insight into other people's true inner thoughts, and to use non-verbal wisdom to interpret others.】


After hearing this, many ancient people throughout the dynasties became even more looking forward to the content of the next video.

In the previous video about the KGB, they already had an idea of ​​how powerful spies would be in later generations. They knew that spies were one of the groups best at disguising and telling lies.

And this person named Joe Navarro can become an expert in interrogating spies, and has repeatedly seen through the spies' lies through body language, which shows how powerful this person and his mind-reading skills are.

The plane of the Great Ming Dynasty's ancestors.

Zhu Di opened his mouth and said to Ji Gang, the commander of the Jinyiwei:

"It seemsThe ability to read people's minds is indeed worth learning."

"You study hard"

"Obey the decree."

Ji Gang replied respectfully.


【Body language is also called non-verbal behavior. Like verbal language, it conveys information in communication.】

【The difference is that it is expressed through facial expressions, limb movements, body movements, and even clothing decorations】

【Body language behavior accounts for 60% to 65% of interpersonal communication】

【And there is a situation where the communication between two people is almost all non-verbal behavior. Let’s leave this in suspense for now.】

【You may think it’s difficult to communicate without speaking, but it’s actually not that difficult.】

【Think about it, when you ask someone for something, you can’t help but stretch out your hand.】

【Or when you listen to an annoying person speaking, does your body subconsciously lean back?】


Hear these words.

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties subconsciously took the lead.

It turned out that they didn't feel it yet. When they heard these words, they thought about it again.

It seems that this is indeed the case in their daily lives.

So why is this?

These ancients continued to look at the giant screen high in the sky


【This is not intentional, but a conditioned reflex】

【These unconscious behaviors reflect the truest thoughts in the heart and are determined by a set of honest modules in the brain.】

【We all know that we have a brain, and we also know that our brain is the base of our cognitive abilities】

【But in fact, there are three"brains" in the human head, each with different responsibilities. Combined, they form the"command and control center" that controls everything in our bodies.】

【These three"brains" are:"reptilian brain" (brainstem),"mammalian brain" (limbic system) and"human brain" (neocortex). The trinity composed of the three is our entire brain】

【Among them, the honesty module that determines unconscious behavior is the limbic system, which mainly includes the amygdala and hippocampus.】

【The limbic system is the only part of the brain responsible for our survival. It never rests and is always"running"】

【When it is stimulated, it will immediately make corresponding reflex actions.】

【This kind of reaction is conditional and without consideration, so it is also the most real.】

【In addition, the limbic system is also our emotional center】

【From here, various signals go to other parts of the brain, and these parts govern our behavior, some are related to emotions, and some are related to our life and death.】

【These marginal survival responses can be traced back not only to our infancy but also to our distant ancestors. They're hardware in our nervous systems, and they're hard to fake or tune out—much like trying to suppress that startled reaction when we hear a loud noise.】

【Therefore, it has become axiomatic that borderline behaviors are honest and trustworthy behaviors that are true reflections of human thoughts, feelings, and intentions.】


The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked Zhu Biao doubtfully:

"Boss, what does this mean?"

"It seems that there is something in our brains that determines how our bodies will take corresponding actions when encountering stimulation."

"And none of these actions can be faked. Zhu

Biao replied.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said:

"I see"

"So this person's mind-reading ability is to judge other people's true inner thoughts based on these behaviors that cannot be faked, right?"

After all, he was the hero who built a unified dynasty from scratch. Zhu Yuanzhang quickly guessed the idea of ​​using body language to interpret inner behavior.

"It should be so. Zhu

Biao replied


【The third part of the brain was added to the skull later and is called the neocortex, or new brain.】

【This part of the brain is responsible for high-level cognition and memory, so it is also called the thinking brain.】

【It is this part of the brain that distinguishes us from other mammals, and it is this part of the brain that performs many miracles】

【However, it is also the most dishonest part of the brain, so it is also known as the"lying brain""】

【This part of our brain often deceives】

【The lies in our mouths all come from here.】


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said with emotion:

"The human brain is still really complex. Part of it never lies, and part of it always lies."

"How can people of this future generation understand these things?"

They are all secular mortals.

There are also very smart people in the Tang Dynasty. How come they can't think of these?

And there are so many magical things in later generations, why can't the Tang Dynasty create them?

Li Shimin is very confused.

Li Zhi and the Tang Dynasty Naturally, none of the officials of the Tang Dynasty could answer Li Shimin's confusion.

This was actually the confusion of almost all ancient people.

How could the same population, on the same land, show completely different situations?


【After understanding this, let's look at why legs and feet are the most honest parts of the human body compared with other parts of the body?】

【Because the limbic system dates back to primitive times, it reflects humans' primitive survival mechanisms.】

【Millions of years ago, before humans could speak, our legs and feet were able to quickly respond to threats around us without even needing to think rationally.】

【Our limbic brain determines whether the legs and feet can react accordingly when needed: stop, run away, or kick at an enemy】

【This survival mechanism was inherited from our ancestors and suits us so well that it is still used today】

【In fact, these ancient responses are so ingrained in our bodies that even now, when we encounter something dangerous or disagreeable, our legs and feet still respond in the same way they did in prehistoric times.】

【That is, freeze first and then find a way to escape. Finally, if there is no other choice, you can only enter the state of preparation for war】

【So next, let’s start with the legs and feet to explain how to judge people’s true inner thoughts through body language. 】

Many ancient people throughout the dynasties looked at the giant screen in the sky with more concentration.

What follows is what they care more about.

To put it bluntly, most ancient people could not understand these complex principles.

Therefore, they want to know more about how to use body language to accurately judge other people's true inner thoughts.

In other words, they want to know what is happening rather than why..

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