Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Zhanji said to Zhu Di excitedly:

"Grandpa, I think our Ming Dynasty can separate the Department of Cleaning and Officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and set up a separate Ming Dynasty Internal Revenue Service, which will only obey your orders, Grandpa."

"In the future, local officials will no longer be allowed to collect taxes, but the newly established Ming Dynasty State Taxation Bureau will be responsible for collecting taxes."

"In this way, there will be no fear of local officials colluding with large households to evade taxes."

"Well, you can also transfer people from Jinyiwei to the Ming Dynasty State Taxation Bureau to work as tax policemen. Who dares to come and ransack your home without paying taxes?"

The more Zhu Zhanji thought about it, the more excited he became.

In the future, if the imperial court has such a powerful Ming Dynasty Internal Revenue Service, will it still be afraid that the treasury will have no money? Hearing this, Zhu Di was really moved.

He often sent troops to attack outside the Great Wall.

And what were they fighting for?

It’s money.

As the saying goes, food and grass go first before the troops are moved.

In later generations, the Yingjiang Kingdom solved the military expenditure problem in the war through the Yingjiang Kingdom’s Internal Revenue Service. Could the same be true for the Ming Dynasty?

After listening to Zhu Zhanji’s words, Zhu Gaochi on the side said, Looking at Zhu Di again, he was really moved, so he quickly said to Zhu Di:

"Dad, taxes are the foundation of the country. A single move can affect the whole body. Don’t mess around with it."

"The situation in our Ming Dynasty is very different from that of the Yingjiang Kingdom in later generations. We need to be cautious when establishing the Ming Dynasty State Taxation Bureau."

Zhu Di had actually calmed down on his own at this time.

After listening to Zhu Gaochi's reminder, he nodded slightly.


【However, although the Yingjiang Country Taxation Bureau seems to be almost invincible in Yingjiang Country, it is not completely invincible.】

【For example, it is difficult for the National Taxation Bureau to deal with the top wealthy groups who can spend tens of millions of dollars in accounting and legal fees a year.】

【A typical representative of this is Bezos, the former richest man in the world and founder of Amazon. In 2007, he didn’t pay a penny. What’s even more touching is that in 2011, he even applied for"low income" because his investment losses exceeded his income. tax deduction】"450"

【There is also the stock god Buffett. From 2014 to 2018, his wealth increased by US$24.3 billion, and he paid a cumulative tax of US$23.7 million, with a tax rate as high as 0.1%】

【This is also the reason why the top accounting firms and law firms in China have high fees but good business.】

【Between tens of millions in accounting fees and lawyer fees, compared with hundreds of millions or even billions in taxes, any fool knows how to choose. 】

The power of the giant screen allowed the ancients to understand later concepts such as accounting and lawyers.

As a result, many wise ancient people in the past dynasties understood that even with such a powerful and domineering tax collection agency as the Yingjiang State Taxation Bureau, there are still people in Yingjiang State who can evade taxes.

And those people are almost all the rich and powerful people of Yingjiang Country.

This reminded them of a sentence they heard from a video on a high-altitude giant screen:

"The squire's money will be returned in full, and the common people's money will be divided into 30-70 portions."

【Then again, although the National Taxation Bureau does not trust many wealthy people in their country, it is undeniable that it is still the most feared department in the country.】

【As the people of Yingjiang say in private, don’t mess with anyone but the IRS of Yingjiang.】

【Okay, that’s it for this video. See you next time.】


In the giant screen high in the sky.

The video refreshes again.

A new video appears

【Of the four ancient civilizations, only China remains. Why is it that only the Chinese civilization has lasted for more than 5,000 years?】

【Recently, I saw this question on the website of Yingjiang Country: Is China really the only ancient civilization in the world that has lasted for more than 5,000 years? Or is it just the Chinese people who think so?】

【One of the more favorable answers is this:

People believe that Chinese civilization is the only civilization that originated from itself and has never been interrupted.

Greece and Rome were great and influential, but they were civilizations of this life.

Ancient Egypt and Babylonia were native civilizations, but they were thought to be extinct】

"What about ancient Indian civilization? Why wasn't it mentioned?"

"Reply - After the disappearance of the Habala script, the ancient Indian civilization was considered extinct."

【In fact, Chinese civilization is the oldest and uninterrupted civilization in the world, and we Chinese are not bragging about ourselves.】

【In the classic historical work"Global History" by Stavrianos, a historian from the Eagle Kingdom, there is such a description: Chinese civilization is the oldest and uninterrupted civilization in the world.】

【And Professor Martin Jacques of The Sun Never Sets also said: You have to know that we are all newcomers to China. China is the oldest existing country in the world】

"No one needs to say it, this is the truth! From the emergence of our Chinese civilization to the present day, there has been no gaps in history, no interruption in culture, and no major migration of races. It has a complete written history and unearthed cultural relics corresponding to almost all historical eras with written records."

"The only one who can sustain civilization for more than 5,000 years without extinction is China."


Many ancient people from all dynasties couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their hearts when they saw this place.

They already knew the vastness of the world, and that there would even be hundreds of countries in later generations.

In such a large world and among so many countries, the Chinese civilization is the only country that has lasted for more than five thousand years. They are all Chinese, so they are naturally happy and proud of it.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di became more determined to continue to improve"Yongle Dadian" in the future.

A large part of the inheritance of civilization lies in classics. at this time.

Zhu Di also thought of the Seagate hard drive that he had seen on the giant screen before. A small iron box could hold all the"Yongle Dian" in it. It was really magical.

If China could have such things from ancient times to the present, then Chinese civilization would undoubtedly continue more completely.


【Regarding the continuity of Chinese civilization, there was once a description on the Internet:

Five thousand years ago, I faced the flood like the others; four thousand years ago, we played with bronzes like the ancient Babylonians; three thousand years ago, we and the Greeks Think about philosophy the same way; two thousand years ago, we were fighting everywhere like the Romans; a thousand years ago, we were as rich as the Arabs; and now, we are competing with the Eagles!

We have been playing chess on the world's chessboard for five thousand years, but the players on the other side have changed for several rounds!

We have been watching the rise and demise of each opponent】

"It's on fire!"

"Opponents have changed one after another, but we, China, still stand tall in the East"

"Eagle Sauce Country: If you want to say that, then I’ll be a little panicked."

"Earth’s veteran player"

"We, China, have never withdrawn from the main stage of the world"

"The iron-clad China, the flowing opponent"


Many ancient people throughout the dynasties were quite excited when they heard this passage.

The tenacity and strength of Chinese civilization are fully demonstrated in this passage.

Many ancients couldn't help but sigh in their hearts:

"Magnificent, China!"

The plane of Ming Taizu.

Zhu Yuanzhang was a little surprised:

"Are we in China so powerful?"

Looking at the specific Ming Dynasty, of course he felt that his Ming Dynasty was very powerful.

But he really didn't know that when China was placed in the long history of human civilization, Chinese civilization was also so powerful.

In fact, it was not just people like Zhu Yuanzhang who had such influence on the world. The ancients who did not know the whole picture, and even many modern people in later generations, knew that the Chinese civilization had a long history and a long history, but they did not fully understand the powerful position of the Chinese civilization in the world civilization.

Perhaps, this is the"only because of being here""In this mountain".

As a Chinese, living in the land of China, I feel that the continuation of Chinese civilization for thousands of years is a matter of course.

But those foreigners outside China, when they look at China as a whole civilization, they will It feels so incredible.

The Chinese civilization has been in one continuous line throughout thousands of years of human history. It has never been interrupted. It is the only one in the world. This is definitely an unparalleled miracle in the history of human civilization.


【So why is this so?】

【Why does our Chinese civilization last for thousands of years at a time?】

【Today, I just want to talk about this issue】

【1. Geographical location】

【This place where Huaxia is located is particularly good.】

【From a geographical point of view, China is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, frozen Siberia to the north, and the highest mountain peak in the world to the west, directly forming an absolute defense】

【Compared with other civilizations, there are fewer foreign enemy invasions, which provides Chinese civilization with a relatively closed and stable development time.】

【At the same time that our Chinese civilization was developing steadily, due to the climate change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yangtze River Basin did not become like the ghost next door in the same dimension.】

【This gave Chinese civilization a livable area】

【In addition, it brings various climate zones such as cold temperate zone, medium temperate zone, warm temperate zone, subtropical zone, tropical zone, etc., which is conducive to the production of various crops.Growth, fault tolerance rate is particularly high】

【Other civilizations often follow a fixed pattern when they perish: frequent natural disasters, environmental degradation, no peace for the country, and people living in dire straits.】

【For example, because the environment in the two Nile River basins is too simple, once there is a major natural disaster, there is often little room for error.】

【Even during the later period of drastic global climate change, when agriculture in the Yellow River Basin suffered disasters, China was able to transfer its industries to the Yangtze River Basin and resume its work.】

【In short, China's superior geographical location determines that China can develop independently and will not be invaded repeatedly for a long time, and China's topography determines that China can be self-sufficient and thrive.】

"The legendary Peach Blossom Spring is actually in my own home, it is indeed a good place"

"The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is really the sacred mountain that protects the country. It not only provides an insurmountable geographical barrier, but also makes the southern region of our country a livable agricultural zone, instead of turning it into a desert area like other regions of the same dimension in the world."

"In fact, from a geographical point of view, the area of ​​Asan Country is quite good, but the ethnic group of Asan Country, well, it is difficult to evaluate"

"Reply - There are many natural disasters in our country, which forced our ancestors to unite and fight. However, the tropical climate of Asan Country can easily feed people, so it is easy for them to lie flat."

"This absolute defense protects us on the one hand, but it also limits our path to external expansion."


The Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shihuang frowned.

This absolute defense is not what he wants.

Only others can defend Da Qin, and Da Qin cannot defend others.....

Even Xianyang City in Da Qin didn't even have a city wall.

Qin Shihuang did not feel that the absolute defense of China's terrain was beneficial to Da Qin, but instead felt that it was a restriction to Da Qin.


The plane of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Shimin sighed with emotion:

"Our land in China is truly blessed by nature!"

Although he didn't understand many nouns, he understood one thing, that is, Huaxia is a very good place and a treasure.

The other officials of the Tang Dynasty were also very emotional and felt lucky that Huaxia could have such a treasure.


【2. Political system】

【Ancient China invented and continued the most effective centralized political system and political philosophy system in the world at that time, which effectively guaranteed the centripetal force and relative integrity of Chinese civilization.】

【The national unified ideology aimed at pursuing"grand unification" and protected by a powerful centralized monarchy system provides a strong institutional guarantee for the continuation of Chinese civilization in the state of agricultural civilization.】

"Indeed, without long-term unification, Chinese civilization cannot be completely integrated."

"The creation of a unified dynasty was undoubtedly a huge contribution of Qin Shihuang"

"Since the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, the idea of ​​great unification has been engraved in the bones of Chinese civilization."

"If the Qin Dynasty had not completed the great unification, China might have become as numerous as Europe with small countries, and there might not have been a unified Chinese civilization."


The Qin Dynasty.

Qin Shihuang looked at the giant screen in the sky,color calm[]

From many previous videos, he had seen many compliments from many future generations.

The officials of Great Qin looked at the barrages praising Qin Shihuang on the giant screen, and felt deeply in their hearts.

Ending hundreds of years of war between the Seven Kingdoms and establishing a unified Qin Dynasty was undoubtedly a great achievement of His Majesty. at the same time.

In other dynasty planes, many ancients looked at the huge screen in the sky and had to admit in their hearts that although Qin Shihuang had many criticisms in the history books, he did have a huge contribution that could not be erased in completing the unification.

Moreover, even if they don’t want to admit it, future generations after thousands of years have already given the answer.


【Three, culture】

【The first thing here is text】

【Writing is the representative of a nation and civilization, and it is also the most direct reflection of the development and history of a civilization and nation.】

【The Chinese characters of Chinese civilization, from the birth of oracle bone inscriptions, have gradually evolved into what they are today.】

【After Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms, he also unified writing】

【From then on, whether it was the northwest in the vast desert or the south of the Yangtze River, a land of plenty, people from different regions wrote the same words even if they had different accents.】

【Over thousands of years of history, no matter how the political regimes on this land have changed, Chinese characters have never been replaced and have been passed down to this day.】

【The continuity of this writing system has allowed ancient texts to be preserved and influenced for thousands of years, allowing Chinese civilization to be spread with the help of Chinese characters. Most of the culture and customs of the previous dynasties were inherited by later generations.】

【The same words give us the same cultural identity, and the same cultural identity leads to ethnic identity. We are from the same country, and what the people want is the general trend. 】3.3"Brother Zheng: I was also responsible for unifying the Chinese language."

"Books and texts lay the cultural foundation"

"The cuneiform script of ancient Babylon, the ancient Egyptian script, and the Habal script of ancient India are all gone. Only Chinese characters have always existed."


Seeing this, many ancient people from all dynasties once again admitted that this was indeed another great contribution of Qin Shihuang.

Unified writing is crucial to the inheritance of civilization

【Secondly, the unified thought】

【The ideas of Chinese civilization are passed down from generation to generation. Starting from the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty when he"deposed hundreds of schools of thought and respected only Confucianism", Confucianism gradually became the mainstream of the Chinese dynasty passed down from generation to generation.】

【For thousands of years, even though dynasties changed, wars broke out frequently, and the world was in chaos, once they were unified and began to recuperate, the ideas passed down from generation to generation began to play a role, guiding society and civilization in the same direction.】

"Although Confucianism has many problems, I always believe that having unified thoughts is better than not having one at all."

"Unification of thought is absolutely necessary"

"The idea of ​​unity gives Chinese civilization strong cohesion and centripetal force"


In many planes after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, many Confucian scholars had complicated emotions.

They had just watched the video about the truth about Chinese Confucianism. Some of them had realized that the Confucianism they learned was actually Confucianism transformed by the will of the imperial power, which was quite different from the Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius in the pre-Qin period.

This inevitably makes some people question the Confucianism they have learned.

【The unique geographical location, the unified political system, and the unity of writing and thought are the reasons why I think the Chinese civilization continues to this day and is the only ancient civilization that has not died out.】

【Moreover, I believe that no matter how the world changes, our Chinese civilization will never wither. Within civilization, there will always be China. 】

Seeing this sentence, the ancients of all dynasties believed deeply..

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