I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 634 Find a girlfriend for Dave

The next day, Sean finished his first class in the afternoon and rushed to Hogsmeade.

Originally, I wanted to go to Stephanie first and ask her how she was thinking about it, but she happened to be not in the room and went somewhere.

Sean suspected that the girl wouldn't sleep directly in the Room of Requirement - there was also a small bedroom for her.

However, there is no need to worry about Stephanie's sudden disappearance within Hogwarts, either the library, the Room of Requirement, or an unknown small bookstore in Hogsmeade.

Sean rushed the three broomsticks first.

When we got there, several new assistant teachers who were preparing for interviews were already waiting inside.

They were all young people, the oldest seemed to be no more than thirty years old, and there was an acquaintance of Sean among them.

He wasn't a particularly familiar person, but he did have a deep impression on him.

Professor Scamander has the same name as Newt Robles West, from whom Sean also got a pot of asparagus representing the power of Qilin blood, as well as the still silly Airwing bird.

His grandmother was Bonty, Professor Scamander's assistant at that time, and had a very good relationship with both the Kawalski and Scamander families.

Of course, excluding the relationship between his elders, Newt Robles West himself is also famous-this guy has unique methods and can always make those magical animals that have no desire to reproduce mate.

Many groups of magical animals on the verge of extinction have expanded their numbers due to his "magic rejuvenation".

Newt Scamander has been working hard to prevent Newt Kawalski from meeting Hagrid, another "God of Hybrids", effectively preventing the world from being destroyed.

As soon as he saw that the person who came to greet them was Sean, West immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Hey, man, long time no see!"

"Long time no see." Sean also said hello.

West put his arm around Sean's shoulders very familiarly, and the smile on his face was... chicken-like and bright.

"It seems that we will be colleagues from now on! During the summer vacation, I heard Mr. Scamander say that you are already a teaching assistant, right? Oh, my God, my grandmother even used you to educate me, because Kaval You know what Grandpa Sky said, he was full of praise for you." West gushed.

"Remember to thank him for his appreciation for me -" Sean looked at him funny, "I didn't expect it to be you..."

"Why can't it be me?" He spread his hands exaggeratedly, "Not only magical animals, I also know a lot about various herbs."

"No, I'm just wondering why Professor Scamander allowed you to come to Hogwarts - he put a spell on you that will kill you as soon as you see Hagrid?" Sean joked.

The two buddies spent all day researching how to mate the fire dragon and the giant monster. Newt wanted to send the two men to the Antarctic and the North Pole respectively.

West patted his chest: "As I said, I no longer conduct dangerous research - I didn't even apply for the position of Magical Beasts Assistant this time, but for Herbology."

Sean remains skeptical about the veracity of this statement.

On the way back to Hogwarts, Newt Kawalski sneaked to the end of the line and found Sean again.

"Dude, I have a suggestion—" he whispered furtively.

Sean immediately became wary: "Don't think that I will help you meet Hagrid."

"No, I have changed my ways - do you still remember the last time we met?"

"Remember, what happens next?" Sean raised his eyebrows, "Are you here to ask for something?"

"How could it be - that was a pleasant transaction between us, and I am not that kind of person. Do you remember Gray?" West blinked at him, with a strange and excited light flashing in his eyes. .

"Gray?" Sean looked up and recalled, remembering that the other party did indeed have a curled-winged demon named Gray, and it was only a female.

"Remember it?" West chuckled, "Your mutated winged demon must have grown up. How about we get married?"

Sean almost one

The saliva spurted out, this guy came here sneakily, he actually came to ask for a bride...

He looked at the other party speechlessly: "Didn't you change your ways?"

West said seriously: "Isn't it normal for reproduction and union between species of the same species?"

Sean looked at the other person and said amusedly: "Magical animals like the Crooked-winged Demon don't have a fertilization period. The union between them is somewhat similar to humans - free love, mating and reproduction after falling in love, you are in a hurry to find* **Well?"

"Gray is already a grown-up, and so is the one in your family. Young guys are just fine with this."

"You just want to see the Winged Demon fall in love?"

West smiled sheepishly: "Hey, that's not all - I just have one request."

"Huh?" Sean raised his eyes.

"When the time comes, let me study the eggs laid by the two of them when they mate..." West rubbed his hands together like a wretched old pervert.

Sean was speechless. How could this kid change his ways? Isn't it because he wanted to study Dave's mutation?

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, West thought it was because he didn't have enough chips. He vowed: "I only do research, and the eggs I lay will still belong to you, and I will provide all the expenses for them when they are in love - you also know, the Winged Demon When this kind of magical animal gives birth, it will greatly consume the mother's physical strength and vitality. It seems that Gray is the one who suffers the most."

Sean disagreed: "It's not like I came to ask for Dave's hand in marriage."

"Give me a chance, man. My Gray eldest is quite young. It's time to fall in love - I also want to have a grandson, right?"

Sean rolled his eyes when he heard this: "My family doesn't have traditional values. Elders don't need to decide on love and marriage, and Dave is still young. You are an old cow eating young grass."

"It's not young anymore. The Curly-winged Devil will reach adulthood in three years and can mate and reproduce normally. Your Dave is in his prime - and if you think about it, he has been living alone and has no chance to go out and make friends with beautiful members of the opposite sex. What a pity, who doesn’t like sweet love?”

"It sounds like your Gray is not single."

"So, isn't it just right for two people to be single? My Gray is only two years older than your Dave. She just loves people... No, she loves insects right now, unlike those two or three-year-old females. The Winged Devil likes to be petty like that, and the male will not find anyone with five brains who refuses to mate in one day."

"Come on, our Dave is strong and has no shortage of insects to like."

"There has to be a chance, right? It lies in your ring every day - do you remember the last time we met?" West said with a heartbroken look on his face, "That should be the first time Dave has seen other people. Of the same kind, right? It's still a female! What did it do? It didn't even look at Gray, it just lay there and worked hard. You know, our Gray is also the most beautiful insect in the entire group of curled-wing demons. .”

"If you just open your mouth and say it, no one will believe you, and why do you pretend to know so much about the aesthetics of the Winged Demon?" Sean said disdainfully.

West said "Hey": "I have studied it in depth - besides, we haven't even decided on our horoscopes yet, and we haven't gotten married yet, right? If you ask me, let the two children get in touch first. It’s up to them to decide whether they like it or not, don’t you think?”

Sean thought for a while: "This can be said..."

"Oh, I will be responsible for the expenses during the contact stage between the two of them! If they officially fall in love later, I will still have something to give them!" West said grandly.

"Okay, then it's decided." Sean finally agreed.

The main thing is that Dave is indeed not young anymore. He was hatched in the first grade and is now in the sixth grade - in terms of the Curling Wing Demon, this is equivalent to a young adult who has been an adult for a period of time.

Then this young man chased a silly air-winged bird back and forth in the ring for half an hour yesterday because of a mouthful of food. In the end, Dave caught the air-winged bird and ate it from the opponent's crop. It was dug out.

After finishing it, Dave even ate it himself...

How could the old father not worry about this guy's mind?

Let’s get in touch with girls from the outside world. Gray did look pretty pretty the last time we met—

- Even if I was cheated on my body and my feelings, at least it was a lesson...

The matter was settled, and West became even more enthusiastic. He hooked Sean's shoulders and patted his chest confidently: "I'm applying for an assistant teaching position in herbal medicine this time - you still have to take classes in herbal medicine, right? Don't worry. You definitely got perfect marks in class!"

Thinking of opening a back door before passing the interview... Sean rolled his eyes: "Teaching assistants are usually only responsible for lower-grade courses. Thank you for your preference."

"Anyway, if you have any questions about herbalism and magical animals, just come to me -" West patted his chest confidently, "I'm not as good as you at magic, you're too cruel. Magical animals and herbalism...well, when it comes to magic... I'm not as good as you at taming animals, but you're definitely not as good as me at other things."

Sean looked back at him with interest: "So confident?"

West was not embarrassed at all, but raised his head proudly: "This is what I have accumulated over the years. There are many rare and magical animals that even Mr. Scamander may have never seen - and there are also herbs. Hehe, sometimes if you want magical animals to mate well, different proportions of herbs are also necessary."

Sean said contemptuously: "You actually drugged me."

"This is about helping the race to reproduce - to reproduce. Can we call it medicine?"

"Hagrid thinks so too, by the way -" Sean suddenly remembered something. The West in front of him had traveled all over the world, and he might actually know.

"Well, you tell me."

Sean lowered his voice: "Do you know about Nepenthes resurrectalis?"

"Dang-" West's eyes widened and he subconsciously exclaimed, then quickly lowered his voice, "Of course..."

He came closer and said softly and excitedly: "Resurrection plant, an extremely rare but magical herb, happens to be one of the favorites of magical animals - I specialize in magical animals and herbalism, how could I not know this? How? Do you have that thing?"

Sean shrugged: "Not yet - but, judging from your tone, you haven't seen the real thing, have you?"

Speaking of this, a trace of heartache flashed across West's face: "I've really seen it... When I traveled in West Africa a few years ago, I saw one - and it turned out, Fake! One year after I arrived there Some time ago, the locals picked a Nepenthes resurrectae plant with a diameter of about fifty centimeters and made it into a specimen..."

"So you've only seen specimens..." Sean was speechless.

West shrugged: "This kind of herb is rare and of great value, and it has no means of self-protection. Over the years, the ones that are easy to find have been discovered by wizards. I guess it may only be found in some uninhabited places. There are wild plants.”

He looked at Sean in confusion again: "You didn't, so why are you asking? You have a magical animal that was seriously injured."

"That's not..." Sean hesitated for a while, but decided to reveal a little bit. Although West had a quick temper, Professor Scamander and Hagrid's relationship meant that he was still trustworthy.

"Do you know how to transplant Nepenthes resurrectalis?" Sean said softly.

West's eyes widened: "Did you really find out?!"

He immediately looked at the people in front of him, and after making sure no one was paying attention, he secretly cast a magic spell to block eavesdropping.

"This is a treasure, especially for people who own magical animals - and this plant is also effective for wizards, although you have to be extremely careful when using it..." He did not ask Sean where the Ascension Plant was. Instead, he held his chin up, with a look of serious thought on his face, "I have no experience in actual transplantation, but I have found many medieval records."

"The underground rhizome of this herb is very large, often dozens of times larger than the above-ground leaf chamber. The smallest underground rhizome of Nepenthes resurrectalis can be larger than a century-old tree - this plant cannot be harmed when transplanted. If it touches any rhizome, even the tiniest one, it will interrupt the flow of magic power of the Nepenthes resurrectus, and the magical effect will be greatly reduced or even disappear."

"Hiss, let me think about it - I have a magic potion formula. After I prepare it and sprinkle it along the area where the resurrection plant is located, it will make the magic flow of the roots below perceptible.

type, then dig out the entire rhizome and soil directly according to the perceived position. This should be the most reliable way - by the way, you must remember to keep the sun shining, otherwise the resurrection plant will move randomly , resulting in transplantation failure. "

Sean nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Sure enough, professional matters should be left to professionals.

He had never found a way to open Hufflepuff's Chamber of Secrets, but the Resurrection Plant must be transplanted.

It's just that he suffered from the lack of a safe transplantation method and was worried that this magical herb would lose its vitality. He didn't expect that West would be so professional, which was really a big help.

Thinking of this, Sean said seriously: "I can buy your formula in Galleons or in exchange for things."

Instead, West waved his hand generously: "No, I'll give it to you directly. The formula is of no use to me anyway."

"How can this be so embarrassing?" Sean pretended to be polite.

"It's okay. Hey, if one of my magical animals is seriously injured by then, I just need you to help me heal it."

[In view of the general environment,

"This must be no problem."

The two reached an amicable consensus.

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