In a timeline that once happened but is now lost, Sean Wallop is dead...

Such a guess is very bold, but Sean feels that it makes sense.

It has been mentioned in all studies on time that history cannot be changed, the dead will not be resurrected, and time will eventually become a closed loop.

But Grindelwald has proven that history can be changed - as long as you can afford to be watched by the will of the world.

But time will inevitably close the loop, this is a conclusion.

There is no such thing as parallel worlds, only the time that has happened in the past remains at a certain node in the long river of time as a branch of the entire world.

This branch did not develop due to various reasons, such as Grindelwald's hundred-year time travel, or other means unknown to Sean.

When history is drastically changed, the branches will stop completely, and then merge into the long river of time and become nothing.

Of course, everything has traces, and that branch of time will also leave something behind. For example, Grindelwald's extra hundred years of experience, the Kirin blood and another broken blood alliance he brought back, and the cracked block that only had fragments left but caused great pain to Sean - that belonged to Sean in another timeline The blood alliance above.

Therefore, Sean felt that on the timeline that had happened, he was already dead...

However, this kind of death becomes "laughing" because history is changed and time is closed again. Sean's own soul is also affected by another timeline - because the soul does not change.

Sean does not have the memories, spells, magic, or feelings of other timelines, but he only has one soul, and his soul has experienced those journeys.

What can be confirmed now is that there are traces of two other timelines - the one Grindelwald traveled through for hundreds of years, and the one before the return of the lustful soul and will.

The former is considered the first timeline, and the latter is considered the second.

In the first timeline, according to Grindelwald, Sean had been missing for more than half a year, and the one who attacked Grindelwald in the end was [Pride], but not Sean—could this be some kind of division?

In the second timeline, Sean sealed other sins and exiled [Pride]. The price he paid for this was that the world forgot about him. Finally, he returned to Hogwarts at the last moment of his life and died in Hogmore. In the alley of Germany - this is also the reason why Stephanie took the initiative to awaken [Lust] to destroy Hogwarts and the world.

However, in the second timeline, how is history restarted and changed...

It’s so confusing…

After rolling up the thin quilt around him, Sean clicked on the props in the inventory.

Unknown fragment (gold)

Still the same as before, unable to take it out.

Things and abilities obtained from the system prize pool can be used directly when the cooldown is completed, such as Dark Sleeper, Hermione Granger's Echo, etc.

The prop prizes can be taken out, such as divination coins, cards of the Weasley twins, Sybill Trelawney's cards, etc. However, Sean still does not know about this unknown fragment in reality. What does it look like?

The current collection progress is 4/7, with three pieces left...

Seven is a magic number... Somehow, Sean remembered what Voldemort once said.

In the original book, Voldemort made seven Horcruxes for himself just because of his love for this magic number, although due to an accident, Harry became his eighth Horcrux.

There are also seven types of guilt.

There are also seven unknown fragments.

Does seven really mean anything in the wizarding world?

Could it be that there are seven other timelines appearing...

Sean always felt that maybe the seven fragments produced by the system could bring about huge changes to him.

It's not an extremely powerful magical ability, or some very scary magic item.

Sean has this kind of intuition. When the pieces are put together, what he gets may not necessarily be a reward, but a certain truth.

He pulled out the arm that was resting on the back of his head and squirmed on the bed.

I seem to have all kinds of inexplicable intuitions lately?

Is it brought about by the soul, or by [arrogance]? Or is it caused by the awakening of blood?

Suddenly I wanted to drink the elixir again... Sean laughed to himself.

The wonderful feeling brought by the Felixir is unforgettable for a lifetime, and in situations that require intuitive judgment, the Felixir is almost equivalent to a cheating potion.

"Ah, but I don't understand it yet, so I can't be impulsive..."

Sean groaned and rolled over.

Suddenly a confused voice sounded from the other end of the dormitory: "Before you do anything... you must think more, think more, think more... what will happen after you make your decision and put it into action? Such an influence... Sean, you have said this before... right?"

Sean was stunned, could Terry Butt be able to read minds?

"But sometimes, being a little more impulsive can bring out the vitality of young people... and passion... You said so... Sean..." Terry Butt's voice was confusing, as if he was wandering. In the air.

Soul-stealed? Sean straightened up in surprise.

Terry Butt suddenly let out a loud wolf howl, but it was the long-awaited howl of a pervert.

"I want to confess, I want to confess to...her...huh..."

He rolled over heavily and snored.

Sean's temples twitched twice.

You kid, why don't you just talk in your sleep to cheer yourself up?

With a helpless smile, Sean lay back down again.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, he honestly closed his eyes.

This is what I said and this is how I have always done things...

I only reflect on myself, but never question myself...

I believe in myself, and I also believe in people who are worthy of my trust...

I am prouder than anyone else, more [arrogant] than [arrogant]...

Time cannot erase my determination for myself. This is a trait engraved deep in my soul...

Sean frowned and raised the corners of his mouth.

He fell asleep quickly.


"Professor, you taught me the transformation technique construction skills in the last class. I went back and tried it, but I always felt something was wrong. According to you, I recorded all my feelings at the time..."

"Well, show me - the record is quite clear. There is no big problem with your construction in the first half. Just pay attention to the small details carefully. But in the second half, you fell into a common misunderstanding when learning progresses too fast. Among them, I personally call it Transfiguration to build a trap."

After the third-grade Transfiguration class, Sean, who was organizing the teaching, leaned on the podium and held a piece of paper to impart his experience to a student who came for consultation.

"...That's about it. Remember, the key point is still in the form, the surface form. This form includes appearance, voice, internal proportions, bone distribution, etc., but it does not include the soul of this creature and what it should be. Some actions - your polymorph creature is controlled by you, do you understand?"

It took a lot of time, and other students who had no after-school problems were reluctant to leave.

When Sean finished speaking, a large number of people nodded in unison.

Sean raised a smile, which made many girls' eyes turn red.

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, can you express what you have learned in the homework I left? It's almost time. I remember your next class is potions class, right? Go quickly, you are late. Don’t think I’m here to catch you.”

He straightened his books on the podium and said with a smile.

A bold and naughty boy burst into laughter. He hid behind the crowd and shouted loudly: "Professor, I know, you were made to stand for the entire class by Professor Snape in your last Potions class."

Sean stretched out his wand and tapped the other person: "Thank you for spreading the news so quickly, Mr. Coius - your homework is half as long as everyone else's."

"Huh? Professor, I was wrong!"

"Okay, it's time for you to go to class-"

Amid screams and laughter, the students dispersed.

It's okay to joke with Professor Wallop, but Professor Snape never jokes with you - Late? Then expect to be deducted points and ridiculed coldly for a whole class.

Although everyone knows that the first one on Professor Snape's blacklist is Harry Potter, and the second one is Sean Wallop - but they are in the third grade, and no one attracts firepower...

After watching the students leave, Sean stretched. He had no classes to attend in the next period, so he could take a break.

However, when Potions was mentioned just now, Sean still shuddered involuntarily when he thought of Snape's face.

Two weeks have passed since school started, and Harry and Sean's treatment has not changed much.

Sean's potions talent caught up. With Hermione's help and Snape's own notes, in the fifth-year ordinary wizard level exam, he got an O (excellent) in potions class as expected. Of course, you can continue to take the Potions class as an elective.

It would be a waste of money for Sean to not take a Potions Master's lesson because of Snape's criticism - even though Harry was originally prepared to do so.

Harry had inherited his mother's talent for potions very well, and had been exposed to it since he was a child. His grades in potions class had always been excellent, but his original plan was to fail the potions class and not take Sneath as an elective in sixth grade. Common courses.

However, it is said that this plan was "accidentally" leaked to Lily by Daisy. Harry, who was taught a lesson by the owl letter, could only get high marks in the exam and continue to study potions.

So he is still "honored" at the top of Snape's blacklist.

Harry was unhappy, Sean was happy - how miserable would he have been without Harry?

Miss Daisy Potter, who "accidentally" revealed her brother's plan to her parents, thought so too... Without her brother to attract firepower, Sean's life would be difficult~

Sean loves this girl to death, she is truly a sister.

However, in the last class, he was targeted even more brutally than Harry. Snape spent almost the whole class hanging around his cauldron, punished with standing penalties and all kinds of criticism. Everyone sympathized with him - —and then word spread throughout the castle in one afternoon.

Sean could only sigh helplessly. Snape's targeting was expected. He could only say that he was indeed unlucky...

At the opening ceremony, Daisy said that she would teach him Shen Feng Wuying, so the two found some free time to go to the Room of Requirement to practice.

Sean picked up the game as quickly as ever, and Daisy quickly put in all the details and experiences that Snape had taught her.

In the teaching of magic spells, three points are generally involved.

The first, of course, is the pronunciation of the curse. The pronunciation must be accurate so that the curse can take effect correctly.

The second is the emotion and state when releasing the spell. Shenfeng Wuying does not belong to black magic, but it has powerful power. This requires the caster to provide a certain emotion and describe the invisible blade in his mind.

Third, of course, is the correct casting action.

As we all know, the teaching of spellcasting movements is often demonstrated by the instructor, and then imitated by the instructor.

As we all know, learning progresses fastest when the instructor personally guides you.

As we all know, hands-on instruction is the right way to teach in person.

As we all know, Hermione has been busy with a lot of things in her duties recently, so there are only two people in the Room of Requirement, Daisy and Sean.

As we all know, the innocent and lovely Miss "Sean Sunflower" Daisy Porter has never been defensive about Mr. Sean Wallop, nor has she ever rejected intimate actions.

As we all know, it's still summer, it's muggy in England, and there are torches burning in the Room of Requirement.

It was no secret that Daisy had an amazing body, the kind of body Hermione coveted.

Anyway, when Daisy was personally teaching Sean how to cast spells, the two of them took off their school uniforms, leaving only their thin summer clothes.

And because the two of them were too close to each other, they were too obsessed with learning magic spells.

So, by the time she reacted, Daisy was basically stuck with Sean.

Daisy's overly impressive figure gave Sean, who had just had a negative relationship with Stephanie, a subtle reaction.

Essentially nothing happened, but for some reason, both of their faces were horribly red.

But Sean's blush was suppressed.

Xiao Baihua finally ran away without even being able to teach Shen Feng Wuying well.

Sean thought deeply for a long time and one night, and the next day he found the little white flower who was too embarrassed to talk to him at night.

"Daisy, you have to start and finish everything. I think our spell needs to be practiced a little more - I haven't fully learned it." God knows how serious the expression on Sean's face was when he said this.

Xiao Baihua's expression was extremely exciting, but in the end she shyly agreed.

The two of them practiced Shen Feng Wuying in the Room of Requirement for a whole week...

Sean swore that he was really practicing the spell, not for Daisy's personal guidance - he had to accept the teacher's kindness, right?

All in all, when Sean and Daisy came out of the Room of Requirement one day with red faces, they were still holding hands tightly.

Damn it, Snape happened to be passing by...

Sean felt that it was difficult for him to describe the expression on Snape's face in human words.

Extremely scary, extremely wonderful, extremely shocking...

Then, Sean almost encountered a demonic demonstration by the founder of Shenfeng Wuying himself...

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