Sean frowned, looking at the black box with some surprise and uncertainty.

If his conjecture is correct, does that mean that the being currently sealed by the obsessional body does not actually belong to the returnees?

Sean fell into hesitation. If the obsession in front of him is ignored, it won't take long before the suppression effect of the rune circle is reduced and the existence within it will be released. Then it will definitely be a big trouble - and , Although Sean's rune attainments are not high, he can also judge based on the fluctuations of magic power. Because of Louis' awakening, the process of loosening the suppression has been greatly accelerated.

The complete collapse of the rune circle may be half a month later, maybe ten days later, maybe five days later, or even, maybe tomorrow.

But if he was concerned, he didn't have any good solution now, he only had a conclusion he had speculated. If the speculation was true, maybe Sean could try to wake up in advance and communicate with the existence inside.

After thinking for a moment, Sean took out the Deluminator.

The matter was so important that he had to discuss it with Grindelwald.

Pressing the switch, the Deluminator snapped away all the light sources in the secret room. Then Sean pressed the tip of the wand against the top of the Deluminator. After a period of distortion, he once again entered the mirror space created by the Deluminator.

There is no difference between the mirror space and the outside world, except that there is a strange sense of refraction when observing the outside world from inside.

Not long after Sean entered the mirror space, the direction where the stone wall was originally collapsed suddenly like broken glass. Then, it seemed that another space was connected here from another place.

It was a study room with a rather classical charm, and Grindelwald who was inside was wiping his hands with a handkerchief, as if he had just touched something unclean.

"What happened? Aren't you supposed to be taking care of the child now?" Grindelwald said to Sean through the somewhat broken and refracted space fragments.

It turns out that this is how the two mirror spaces are used...

Sean directly told what he had seen in the McFasty family, and then stepped aside to show the black box behind him.

The mirror space will create some kind of copy of all inanimate objects in the world, presented in a strange way.

Grindelwald, who had been listening to Sean's description, walked to the broken edge of the mirror space, narrowed his eyes and looked at it.

"The rune nodes you judged are quite correct -" he said, sniffing his nose and showing a somewhat cold smile, "I can even smell some of the stench of Haierbo."

I remember this hatred too much...

However, Sean had no intention of complaining at this time. He just frowned and said, "So is there a high probability that my judgment is true?"

"Which aspect? Regarding the true situation of that existence, your judgment is uncertain, but your judgment about the collapse of the magic circle is accurate - the effect of this runic magic circle is stronger than you imagined."

He lazily leaned against a "broken" pillar and said thoughtfully: "Although I can't sense the magic fluctuations, I still trust your judgment. Based on some of my own information, if the one inside [He] has been released, and its destructive power will not be lower than the Obscurus Giant we met in Durmstrang."

Sean's frown deepened. The original Obscurus giant only appeared when dozens of Obscurans gathered together, and its destructive power was terrifying.

If Grindelwald hadn't borrowed Dumbledore's Vulcan at the cost of his life to clear the way, the damage caused by the Obscurus Titan would be immeasurable.

And now, there is a new trouble... Moreover, no one knows what is inside this time...

"It must be solved as soon as possible, but my judgment about that existence may not be accurate, which may lead to early awakening - if we are prepared, we may be able to complete it as smoothly as you solved the Obscurus Giant. Of course, The premise is that our preparations are sufficient - but there may not be enough time. Can you rush back as soon as possible? I wonder if you want to take advantage of it..."

"Stop-" Grindelwald interrupted Sean's thoughts impatiently.

Sean raised his head strangely: "Of course we have to do it in the safest way - it is definitely unrealistic to wake it up directly, and it is also very difficult to crack the rune circle that has been outlined."

Grindelwald rarely showed a helpless expression: "You are more afraid of death than I thought, but your spirit of seeking death is very strong."


"Is this a trouble? No, I don't think so at all." Grindelwald spread his hands, "One thing we can be sure of is that the thing inside, whether it is him, her, it, or Him, the other party must not be alive. posture."

Sean nodded, of course that was certain.

"Isn't that simple?" Grindelwald glanced at him rather dissatisfied.

"Simple? But I don't know what's going on..." Sean was suddenly startled, and then looked around.

Here is the mirror space created by Deluminator...

"The reaction speed is too slow -" Grindelwald waved his hand, "The items in the mirror space are actually copies of external items. This kind of copy is not valid for living creatures. You can copy inanimate existences - at the same time, This kind of copy will disappear completely after the mirror space ends. This is true for buildings, soil, stones, magic, spells, props, etc. Only the person who creates the space will consume magic power - but the information will not disappear. of."

Sean suddenly realized that if he was operating the replica in the mirror space... it was wrong, and he became confused again.

"However, the copy has no magic power. In other words, it is just an empty shell. Otherwise, wouldn't the mirror space become a copy that can be rehearsed in advance?"

Grindelwald, who originally thought Sean would understand and seemed relaxed, froze, and then shook his head with hatred: "It seems that I haven't spurred you for too long... Of course, the replica has no magic power, but this shell It's complete! Who asked you to touch the obsessional body and the existence in it, the rune circle, my idiot apprentice."

Sean suddenly realized that, yes, the rune array will also be copied into the mirror space. Of course, this array does not have any magical effect, but he can dismantle and analyze the entire rune array to his heart's content, and Don't worry about the negative effects caused by destroying the magic circle.

Grindelwald added: "Why do you think Albus's runes are so profound? He can use the Deluminator to conduct risk-free node and context analysis. Although a lot of information is missed due to the lack of magic flow, the runes It itself is words, and the combination of words has a fixed meaning."

As he said that, he glanced at Sean angrily: "Take some time to study this rune circle thoroughly. Not to mention cracking it, but at least you can safely remove a few key nodes without creating risks. "

"I can remove [Recycle] and [Borrow] first, and then strengthen [Suppression] -" Sean's eyes shone.

"It suits your style very well -" Grindelwald waved his hand, indicating that he still had things to do, "Remember, what you are analyzing is the meaning of words, not the flow of magic power. If there is a mirror space, you will also cause this rune grammar. If the formation mutates, I will definitely find an opportunity to graft your head to the mountain troll."

When Grindelwald said this, the mirror space he belonged to began to slowly fragment, and his face became blurred and distorted.

Only the last sentence remained in the mirror space: "The only difficulty - if my inference is correct, you still have about twenty hours."

After saying that, the mirror space where Grindelwald belonged completely disappeared.

Sean was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and sucked in a breath of air.

Twenty hours was a very difficult challenge for his rune level...

Sean smiled bitterly, this is Grindelwald - when a normal elder discovers that his student is facing a difficult challenge, and failure of the challenge may cause problems in the entire world, shouldn't he hurry up and rush over to find out?

Why is it so insignificant in the eyes of this old man...

Feelings of laughter and tears welled up, Sean shook his head and then his eyes became deep and serious.

The Sigh of the Ancients hasn't even started cooling yet...

It's a challenge, but one he's confident he can handle.


"Roar--" A huge dragon roar sounded in the center of the island.

An underage black dragon from the Hebridean Islands was being angrily killed by dozens of young wizards.

"Repair the eye disease curse!"

"Second team, cover the retreat of the third team!"

"Idiot! I asked you to use the Flying Curse to pull down his clothes, not his belt!"

"Maintain the transformation technique for me!"

"Quick, quick, put out the fire, and the water will be as clear as a spring!"

The scene seemed chaotic, but the young wizards who were divided into several teams cooperated tacitly. Although they were staggering and extremely embarrassed, it could be clearly seen that the black dragon's breathing had brought black smoke.

This is a sign that the fire dragon's physical strength is greatly consumed.

However, no one relaxed, and the battle between trapped beasts was the real test for them.

When the battle between the little wizards and the fire dragon was fierce, a group of people on the edge were hiding their figures. They were the rescue force. Sean's request was simple - he could be injured, but he must not let any little wizard lose his own. life.

Stephanie held up her light blue wand. Her petite body was hidden in the canopy of a big tree, and no one could notice it even without using the Disillusionment Spell.

She kept scanning every corner of the battlefield, the tip of her staff following the students who were in trouble or targeted by the fire dragon.

Once there is any change, her armor spell will immediately support it.

She is not a person who likes to take care of children - no, to be precise, she is not a person who likes to deal with other people.

Noisy, chaotic, hypocritical, stupid... these are the traits she can often see in others.

She doesn't hate other people because of these traits. She clearly knows that this is a part of complex human nature, and she also has many traits that others don't like.

At the same time, due to a more special physical reason, she is naturally not a lovable existence.

She doesn't like other people's stupid looks, and others won't like her either.

Then not disturbing each other is the best result.

That's what Stephanie originally thought.

Until he showed up.

Stephanie still remembers the first time the two met at Ollivander's Wand Shop.

There was nothing memorable or noteworthy about that encounter, it could be perfectly summed up by just the word 'ordinary'.

The only specialness comes from his own specialness. Hidden under his polite and handsome skin is a proud and irascible reckless soul.

This was Stephanie’s assessment at the time.

She was not surprised because there were so many different people in the world.

Until she entered school, until she got the mission from Grindelwald, until the two began to really get to know each other.

At some point, Stephanie found that she began to like the feeling of having someone around her who could communicate normally, and this feeling slowly fermented and heated up until it turned into liking her.

She had seriously considered it, just like what Sean said when he rejected her.

Is the liking born out of guilt, altered memories, or the mutual attraction between guilt and guilt?

So, Stephanie did something no one had thought of.

She spent a lot of time extracting her memories.

Of course, not extracting them all at once would lead to very terrible results.

From her toddler steps when she was a child, she saw the signs of her charming physique slowly unfolding, from the love and affection of others to obsession, stupidity, fear and distance, from the first encounter to everything that happened after that, she put those things into perspective. All modified memories are restored to their truest form.

She had finished watching the life she had experienced.

And Stephanie has always felt that she has a great advantage-she never lies to herself.

Therefore, she was convinced that she did fall in love with him.

Then, everything became logical: this was also what she thought she was excellent about—fighting for it in a reasonable, wise, and acceptable way...desperately.

The result is not very satisfactory to me, but at least I am moving forward slowly but firmly.

The only thing that surprised Stephanie was that there were some small but subtle differences between his character and her imagination.

Sometimes he is more innocent than he thought, and his moral bottom line will be inexplicably higher. And sometimes, his shame seems to be able to catch up with his teacher.

What a wonderful man, Stephanie thought.

She enjoyed it all happily.

Enjoying it regardless.

And for all this, she is willing to pay more.

For example, now I help him take care of his children.

For example, getting along well with Hermione and Daisy.

For example, always stand behind him.

However, she has a small worry recently.

That is, he graduated while he was still in Hogwarts.

Stephanie spent a lot of time worrying about this, but there is still a way, isn't there?

She didn't look in the direction where Sean was, but still watched every move on the field.

But, suddenly, Stephanie raised her head.

She felt a strange wave.

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