I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 537 The true meaning of entrusted dreams


"It should have a lot to do with the sound I heard..."

Sean frowned and thought for a while, then took some parchment and a quill, and wrote down the sounds he heard in the entrusted dream.

"You, you...came again...to save...to save them...snake...snake...you...keep it to yourself...good luck...accumulate...accumulate..."

The other three girls also gathered around and looked at the parchment.

Sean frowned and said: "The voice was intermittent, and there should be a lot of content in the middle, but I really can't hear it clearly."

Stephanie thought thoughtfully: "It's not necessarily that I didn't hear it clearly, it might be that I couldn't remember it."

Sean thought about it and said, "It's possible..."

This is not the reason for Sean's poor memory, but something that often happens in the mysterious side - entrusted dreams contain prophecy elements, and it is almost normal for the wizarding world's prophecies to be unclear.

Some old scholars who have studied prophecies for many years even believe that the gods of the world do not want mortals to be able to clearly see the future, so they leave many obstacles in the prophecies.

The voice that Sean heard seemed to want to convey accurate content, but due to the obstruction of the prophecy, there may be situations where Sean cannot remember it.

However, he personally still preferred that the voice was too intermittent when conveyed.

The clarity of his soul gave him this confidence.

Hermione was half lying on the ground, sticking her butt out regardless of appearance, and then started to coo while holding a quill in her mouth.

After a while, she scribbled underneath the sentence Sean had written.

"This is obviously not a sentence, but how it is separated will cause the meaning of the entire sentence to change -" Hermione said quickly, "Sean, you said there was another sentence after it, right?"

"Well, salvation and good luck, those were the last two words I heard, and it seemed like the other person was emphasizing."

Hermione pursed her lips, quickly wrote several sentences, and then analyzed: "Looking at the front, 'come again' is obviously very important, but I don't know if this sentence structure is connected with the subsequent 'rescue', because there is no There are two different meanings in the sentence. You are here again, please save them - you are here to save them again, the meaning is completely different."

"The 'snake' inserted in the middle is very strange, and it appears twice. I tend to think that the content in the middle is missing. The other party should be trying to describe the situation about snakes."

"But these next few words -" Hermione showed a distressed expression, "There are so many words that can be added and sentences that can be combined. The sentences have completely different meanings in different ways. We can't infer them out of thin air. come out."

Sean patted Hermione on the shoulder: "Don't be in such a hurry. We can start from the intuitive place - 'Here we go again'. This makes me very strange. This is the first time this has happened to me. No. Being goes to the moon for the second time.”

Stephanie said, "Have you ever had a dream like this?"

Sean shook his head in confusion: "As I told you, I have dreamed about the moon many times, and the common point is that the moon is getting closer and closer, but I have not been to the moon... let alone seen the moon. The landscape and figures were so beautiful, and no one spoke to me.”

Hermione touched him: "Is this an omen? In the dream, you were getting closer and closer to the moon. Maybe the entrustment of the dream had begun slowly, but under the influence of various factors, the entrustment of the dream could not be reached smoothly. Reality - after all, that is what happened in the illusion, and you are in the real world."

Sean nodded: "I also thought of this, but what I can't explain is why it's 'here we go again'. I don't know why, but I care about this very much."

"We can change the direction," Stephanie pushed up her glasses, "Who is the person who created this entrusted dream for Sean - a blurry fantasy, an ethereal female voice, standing on a high mountain, and also showing the blur The collapse of the illusion.”

Several people looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes.

The figure seemed to be pointing at the long-dead robin.

In Sean's early exploration, Robin has been equated with the God of Love. The name of the God of Love has not appeared in any major information, but there are many legends about her in the Muggle world.

This god, who corresponds to the God of Death, appears mysterious and tragic - he appears to reward those who clear the level, but ultimately dies under the fangs of his companions.

As for the companion snake, it and the robin manage the tangled illusion under the instructions of the master. The so-called snake of wisdom is most likely the legendary god of death.

Nowadays, the two gods have most likely fallen, but Sean encountered a dream of entrustment created by the god of love...

Hermione held her chin and thought: "If this guess is true, then the goddess of love may not have died, but she must have been seriously injured - this can also explain why the voice is intermittent, and her strength is not enough."

"Then this rescue is to save her?" Xiao Baihua interjected.

"I don't know, but I personally feel that it seems to be to save the original residents of the trance..." Sean said uncertainly.

Stephanie frowned: "Isn't that the returnee?"

Yes, the returnees come from a trance and fantasy world. After their homeland collapsed, they came to the world in an unknown way, and then planned a huge conspiracy - do you want to save them?

This is somewhat ridiculous.

Hermione was still puzzled: "But I still don't understand why you want to find Sean - yes, Sean is great, very talented, and has participated in many big events, but he is still a human being Where are the fifth-year students! Wouldn’t it be better to approach Professor Dumbledore or Mr. Grindelwald for this kind of matter?”

Sean and Stephanie glanced at each other secretly, and they knew the answer - probably because [Arrogance] resided in Sean's body.

However, Hermione and Daisy don't know this yet, and Sean has been worrying about how to secretly reveal it to them.

Several people sat around in front of the parchment and discussed for a while. However, the information was not complete enough, there were too many answers, and the answers were so different that they were not sure which one it was.

The foursome, who failed to come up with satisfactory results, lay down on the cushions after a while of exhaustion. Hermione was still mumbling "I really don't like divination...".

Sean was spinning his quill unconsciously, staring at the ceiling of the Room of Requirement, his thoughts wandering.

He didn't know if it was intuition or something else, but he always felt that "Come Again" contained the method of interpreting this entrusted dream. Maybe as long as he found a thread, he could unravel the entire ball of wool.

Hermione seemed to have another idea. She stood up and started writing and drawing on the parchment. From time to time, she would discuss something with Stephanie who was quickly flipping through a thick ancient book.

Although I didn't find the answer, it still felt good to have someone around me to discuss with... Sean thought silently.

But how to get the answer to the puzzle?

What is left for myself...what is left for myself? Is the robin asking me to leave something behind? Or, this is related to the later, but keep good luck to yourself, this sentence can give many explanations...

Finally, there is another accumulation. This accumulation is mindless. Maybe it is connected with the previous one to accumulate good luck? Or maybe there was a word at the back that he didn't hear, so he was accumulating experience? Accumulating magic power? Saving up something...

She then emphasized salvation and good luck, indicating that these two words were the focus...

Good luck…good luck…

Sean couldn't help but think of the elixir. In the wizarding world, the only good luck that can be touched and seen is the elixir.

But what role can the elixir of blessing play in the entrustment dream created by the gods?

At the moment, he is just thinking about drinking the elixir and then going to the lottery...

Sean pursed his lips, his brows almost furrowed into a Sichuan shape, and he began to recall whether he had left anything behind.

If the entrusted dream didn't come all at once, there should have been some hints before...

However, in the dream I often have, except for the bright full moon that is getting closer and closer, there is nothing with a clear meaning.

And he is not a prophet like Grindelwald. In fact, as a student of Grindelwald, he has no talent at all in predicting the future...

Sean suddenly thought of how Nurmengard came to Hogwarts as an intern in the first grade. When Dumbledore introduced Professor Nurmengard, how excited he was when he heard the name Tom Riddle. Shock.

I was also worried that Dumbledore had been deceived by Voldemort, and he wanted to find him to remind him even if he exposed the secret.

But after he said all this, the first thing Dumbledore said when he turned around was: "Sean, you are indeed a prophet..."

It was later proven that Dumbledore was actually Grindelwald in disguise.

Tsk, my teacher still thinks he is a prophet, but in fact he is a person who often dozes off in divination classes.

"Alas..." Sean sighed.

If only I were as you imagined, then I wouldn't have to be so entangled, keep thinking about the infinite possibilities, and keep making guesses that I can't tell whether they are true or false.

Teacher, I really can’t see a clear future... It’s really troublesome...

Sean was mumbling, not sure whether he was venting his dissatisfaction or simply complaining.

At this time, a hand came up gently.

Sean turned around in surprise, just in time to see Xiao Baihua's cute smiling face.

Daisy followed his example and lay on the soft cushion, her long fiery red hair spread out like flowers, and her beautiful eyes curved into crescent moons at this moment.

Sean's weak, boneless hand clenched slightly, and Little White Flower's waxy voice sounded in his ears: "Hehe, don't be anxious, Mr. Wallop~"

Sean was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

Yes, there's no point in being anxious.

The little white flower glanced to the side again like a thief, and after making sure that Hermione and Stephanie, who were having a heated discussion, didn't notice her, she moved towards Sean again.

"I think you always think too much, Sean." Daisy said softly.

Sean showed a helpless smile and whispered: "There is no way, Mr. Wallop was born to work hard. I am curious about everything and can't help it."

"Hehe, dad said at that time that he was really surprised why you weren't assigned to Gryffindor."

"Sirius also complained to me about this -" Sean laughed, "I said at the time, maybe it's because Ravenclaw has been calm for too long and needs an impulsive guy."

But Xiao Baihua shook her head firmly: "No, you are not impulsive at all. You just can't stop your adventurous heart, but you like to be fully prepared and face everything that is going to happen."

Sean grabbed her hand helplessly: "That's not a good thing to say, Miss Potter. I've been in danger many times."

"But those are all unforeseen circumstances - to be honest, in my mind, you are a person who particularly likes layout. Sometimes I think that as long as you are given enough time, you can even go for a goal. Hibernating for many years.”

"Hmm, does this really seem like something I can do?" Sean tilted his head to think about it and said with a smile.

"So, don't worry, I think you won't be confused about what this dream means..." Daisy smiled sweetly.

"Well..." Sean smiled back.

The two of them looked up at the ceiling for a while, and Daisy asked another puzzled question: "I'm a little weird..."

"How to say?"

"I think the person who can send out this entrusted dream must not be an ordinary person. Ah, nonsense, how can a robin be an ordinary person..." Daisy stuck out her tongue.

Sean smiled and shook his head: "No, keep talking."

"Think about it, you have had many dreams with similar signs. In other words, this entrustment dream has actually been planned in advance - I think the other party may have some kind of confidence."

"Confidence?" Now it was Sean's turn to be confused.

"Yes, confidence. Think about it. If you didn't have confidence, how could you give such an unclear entrustment dream?" Xiao Baihua puffed up her cheeks and said, "You, Hermione, Stephanie, you are almost the most beautiful people I have ever seen. You are smart people, but the three of you have been together for so long and you have never thought of the answer to this dream——"

"Huh?" Sean suddenly felt a surge of emotion.

Daisy continued: "What I mean is, if you were the one who created the entrusted dream, you should have expected it, right? The message conveyed is likely to be incomplete and cannot be interpreted by the other party - it is smart It is so difficult that Mr. Wallop, Miss Granger and Miss Ollivander cannot decipher it. This is not reasoning, this is pure speculation."

"Sean, if you were that person, you wouldn't do such a thing, would you?" Daisy asked.

Sean nodded blankly, yes, if he were the other person, he would never be like this.

"But I think the robin must be very smart. She would not make such a choice - but she still did it, so I think she is very confident..."

very confident……

Sean suddenly stood up suddenly, and Xiao Baihua was pulled up by him.

"I know!" Sean hugged the girl excitedly.

He knew the meaning of this dream!

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