I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 507 “Education” for Dumbledore


Sean walked to the cushion next to Dumbledore and sat down on it.

"You look unhappy, Sean. Well, you finally look like a child now?" Dumbledore laughed happily.

Sean curled his lips angrily: "As a person in the game, my elders who are worthy of my trust are guarding me like a thief. I am indeed unhappy, but it has nothing to do with age - normal people will think like me, Professor. .”

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully: "What you said makes sense. You should indeed be unhappy. It has nothing to do with your age..."

When Sean heard this, he just wanted to roll his eyes. You were doing the right thing at this time - and in Dumbledore's eyes, it was probably not just him, but even people as old as Sirius were probably considered "children".

He said nothing, waiting for Dumbledore's next words.

The old man tugged on the folds of his robe and said in a ethereal tone that Sean had rarely heard before: "Sean, I already know your conversations with the principals. What I must admit is that your acumen is beyond It exceeded my imagination, and you and Gellert have indeed learned a lot, at least when it comes to thinking about other people's hearts, I have never seen anyone better than your peers."

"But -" he changed the subject, "it's not good to use acting skills to extract information from the elders. They are all people who have contributed to Hogwarts and the entire wizarding world. Now we can't bully them into just portraits. Bar?"

Sean glanced at Dumbledore. They both had lake-blue eyes. The difference was that Dumbledore's eyes were deeper, while Sean's were brighter.

"Professor, I don't deny that I used some acting skills and used some words that can impress others - but what I said is true." Sean said softly.

"Oh -" Dumbledore didn't seem to expect Sean to say that, he looked surprised.

After a while, he sighed, sat on the cushion like a child, and then touched the corners of his eyes: "I'm very touched, Sean."

Sean was silent for a moment and said something that even he thought was very mean: "Now, being moved doesn't mean much, Professor."

Even after he said it, Sean was surprised that he actually said such cold words to Dumbledore.

However, Dumbledore did not look unhappy, but his voice was lowered: "From the current perspective, you are right, Sean - but I must state that feelings are the greatest wealth of mankind. Wizard or Muggle."

And Sean couldn't bear it anymore. He felt that he had lost his previous calmness: "Professor, you will die, right? Did you hide part of the prophecy from me?"

Dumbledore did not admit or deny, he just talked about another topic: "Sean, please allow me to ask you a question - do you think that in today's world, not only wizards, but also Muggles, can be equal?" Continue amicably?”

"Professor, I know you are a kind and kind person, but I also admire your wisdom, so you should know the answer to this question." Sean answered in a different way.

"No, I want to know your answer." Dumbledore was surprisingly persistent.

Sean took a few uncomfortable breaths, looked around, and then stood up.

His ring was opened, and when Dumbledore saw the magical animals coming out, he was not surprised. However, Dumbledore looked a little surprised when he saw the things that the magical animals brought out.

It was an extremely exquisite classical piano.

Sean stroked the piano without paying much attention and said to Dumbledore: "Professor, this piano is made in the UK, John Broadwood, and has a long history - the piano in front of you is worth hundreds of thousands of pounds - "

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked at Sean with some contemplation.

Sean chuckled softly: "This piano has been in the living room of my house since I was born. Since I was three years old, when I could only roughly smash the keys, this is what I have been using. A piano - this is a musical instrument and a luxury item, and for most people in this world, if there is not such a piano at home when they are born, they probably will not have one in this life."

"Is this fair, professor?" Sean looked at the other person calmly.

Dumbledore fell silent.

Sean continued: "For me, this is just a relatively expensive instrument. If I accidentally break it, my parents will only ask me if I am injured first, and then they will care about this... toy? "

"Although I became a wizard, my mother still wanted me to keep practicing the piano. She thought it was a skill that could add value to me, so I moved the piano and used it when I had free time. I will practice, and my animals like to hear me play the piano, although my piano skills are not very good and are not worthy of this very expensive piano."

"Then what? In order to make the living room less empty, my father bought another collector's piano. That piano was more expensive, but no one would even touch it when I wasn't home."

Sean pressed the black keys of the piano and produced a trembling note.

"Professor, is this fair?"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and almost smiled bitterly: "Sean, your words are sharper than I thought. As an old man, I even felt the sting."

Sean just said nonchalantly: "Professor, you asked me this question, but you actually know very well - there may be fairness in this world, but there is absolutely no equality."

"If these animals were replaced by another person, would they still be obedient? No, because the person they recognize is called Sean Wallop, and I, Sean Wallop, naturally have this Talent - Professor, your feelings should be deeper than mine. As a well-known magic genius in the wizarding world, you will modestly deny this, but this is a fact - you have been better than others since you came into contact with magic. You learn Your speed is much faster than others, and your spell is much stronger than others. This is an indisputable fact."

"If there is another person, his name is John? His name is Tom? He has made the same efforts as you, or even harder than you, studying magic day and night - then why is there no one named John or Tom in the magic world? What about a wizard becoming a wizard like you? Others will respect Dumbledore, but they won't when they meet Tom or John. Is that equal?"

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I almost regret asking you this question - but, do I really know a genius named Tom?"

"Okay, I know that too -" Sean shrugged, "Professor, I can probably understand a little bit of your dilemma, but it must be said that everyone is born different, and we don't need to ask everyone to All the same - I personally believe that being able to achieve a relative degree of equality of opportunity, that is, society should equally provide necessary opportunities and conditions for each member to pursue their own interests, self-development and self-improvement, which should be the ability and power. It is what readers should do, and it is also the development direction that the world is pursuing.”

"Professor, your kindness will not be given to everyone evenly - and I don't think this is something worth worrying about. You might as well think about how to encourage others to work harder to improve themselves and give as much as possible. Many people can help equally, aren't you the principal of Hogwarts?" Sean said softly.

Dumbledore fell into deep thought. After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "You are a genius, Sean."

Sean shrugged: "No, I'm just more realistic than others, and as a vested interest, it's actually annoying for me to say this, and it's just a casual discussion between us."

Dumbledore seemed to have figured something out. He touched the piano and said with interest: "Sean, I suddenly became curious - oh, please forgive me for suddenly having more questions... "

"Please don't mind, Professor."

He pressed the white keys, and the piano sounded a soft note: "Do you think there is absolute good and evil in this world?"

Sean didn't know why the other party raised this question. He shook his head: "I never say absolute, but good and evil must exist - because I stand on my position, or in other words, my position and Most ordinary people are close to each other, so the boundary between good and evil may not be obvious, but the boundary will definitely exist."

Dumbledore said thoughtfully: "What you said is very interesting."

Sean leaned casually on the piano and pressed the keys casually. Dumbledore was surprised to find that this child he was so familiar with seemed to have changed. He was no longer so gentle, elegant, and humble. He seemed to suddenly He turned into the most arrogant genius boy, with his eyes full of pride and confidence.

"Professor -" Sean's mouth curved up, "Although it's very immodest to say this, I still have to be honest with you - in some ways, you are not as good as me."

"Oh - of course, such as relationships." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Sean didn't feel any embarrassment or shyness. He just smiled indifferently: "This is just one of them. However, Professor, when you say this, you must have some thoughts in your heart. You can maintain your humility." And tolerance, but deep down in your heart there will inevitably be a thought - as Albus Dumbledore, I am stronger than most people in this world, no matter what."

Dumbledore said nothing, waiting for Sean's next words.

"This is human beings, this is human nature. Professor, you don't see human nature as clearly as I do -" Sean looked directly at the other person without any guilt, "You are too kind, and you believe too much in the beautiful parts of human nature. , It’s not that beautiful things are not worthy of our pursuit, but that while pursuing them, we should maintain a certain degree of... ruthlessness.”

Sean held his head high: "Professor, you have always had respect for beauty, which prevents you from truly seeing through human nature, and even makes you dare not pursue that superior [beauty]."

"And you have been holding on to another kind of superiority that belongs to Albus Dumbledore - Oh, these difficult problems, am I the only one who can handle them? Shouldn't I let those young people be exposed to more Cruelty - as the 'lofty' Albus Dumbledore, you are extremely proud, even prouder than Gellert Grindelwald."

Dumbledore just sighed, looking a little guilty.

Sean changed the subject: "Professor, how about my interpretation of you from another angle?"

Dumbledore said bitterly: "This makes me unable to refute, and even makes me breathless, Sean."

Sean smiled easily and sat down on the expensive piano, the black and white keys producing chaotic notes together.

"Professor, I have a question - who do you think is the proudest among the four founders of Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore shook his head, but answered according to his own understanding: "Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw cannot be easily judged, but Slytherin may be more proud. This can be seen from his requirements for recruiting students.”

Sean said, "No, I think it's Lady Helga Hufflepuff."

Dumbledore made a thoughtful expression.

Sean continued: "Sounds a little strange? Hufflepuff, the most populous and kind-hearted house in Hogwarts - even the Sorting Hat can sing - you may belong to Hufflepuff, the people there Integrity and loyalty, Hufflepuff students are stoic and honest, and are not afraid of hard work. Everyone says that every house is the same, but it is undeniable that there are still many people who openly or secretly believe that Hufflepuff Qi’s students are not that outstanding, they are mediocre, even if there is an outstanding representative like Cedric in the academy.”

"Everyone says that Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw all have their own admissions requirements. Only Hufflepuff is kind enough to take in the remaining students, but I think Hufflepuff Ms. Qi is not the most tolerant one, but the most proud one - she is so proud that she thinks that her college can educate the remaining students from other colleges into excellent wizards."

Sean smiled: "Ms. Hufflepuff is extremely proud."

Dumbledore showed an astonished expression and shook his head almost in admiration: "Sean, you are really..."

"I accept your compliment, Professor—" Sean caressed his chest in graceful greeting.

"I never expected that I originally wanted to talk to you about something, um, about your thoughts. I didn't expect that the person receiving the education would be me. This feeling-" Dumbledore showed a happy smile, "It's wonderful, it's wonderful, Sean."

Sean also laughed: "Let's look at various things from another angle, shall we?"

"Yes, yes -" Dumbledore sighed, and then he put on a serious expression, "Sean, it's time to talk about business."

"I've been waiting for this moment."

Dumbledore said in a deep voice: "There are some things that I really don't want to tell you. It's not good to think that you know it, but there are some things that I really can't tell you, especially some things that have an impact on you."

Sean frowned: "Guilty?"

"That's right."

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