
Gellert Grindelwald.

The old man with a wild smile stepped steadily on the grass, with his hands behind his back, greeting everyone calmly and happily.

Sean's eyes widened for a moment, Grindelwald? !

Isn't he still under the invisibility cloak on Lake Center Island?

Moreover, the current principal of Nurmengard is Vita Rozier. Although the change of principal is caused by external factors, the position of the principal has indeed changed. Grindelwald now leading Nurmengard always gives people a sense of confusion. The feeling of necessity…

However, the daze was only for a moment. Sean immediately thought that just like before, Grindelwald, as the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, was unable to be present in person due to ulterior reasons, so his saints often took the compound. The decoction was temporarily impersonated, something Sean had done before.

The Grindelwald in front of me is probably not me...

Nurmengard's shocking appearance made the students at Hogwarts stunned for a moment. It wasn't until Dumbledore walked forward that they began to applaud belatedly.

"Oh, hahahaha, Albus, my old friend." Grindelwald's face was filled with a happy smile.

"Gellert, I thought you wouldn't come." Dumbledore also greeted the other party with a smile.

Like an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time.

Sean, who was watching from behind, even felt an unreal feeling. After that night in Paris, Grindelwald and Dumbledore had almost broken up.

Grindelwald was extremely dissatisfied with Dumbledore's distrust of him and cooperation with the Returned People, and he didn't even want to hear Sean's analysis.

And Dumbledore seems to have a source of distrust in Grindelwald - the terrible truth hidden behind the Blood Pact.

Not to mention Sean, an outsider, Sean suspected that neither of them could figure out the grudges between the two old men.

Therefore, when the two of them greeted each other so warmly, Sean didn't know how to describe his feelings for a moment.

However, it was this greeting that convinced Sean that the Grindelwald in front of him was not him.

The will of the world still needs to be concealed, Grindelwald will not leave the island in the middle of the lake, and although the Grindelwald in front of him is enthusiastic when greeting Dumbledore, he always has an unnatural feeling.

Only people who are very familiar with him like Sean or Dumbledore can detect it.

Another person who could also sense it came forward, it was Nurmengard's current principal, Vita Rozier.

"Professor Rosier, long time no see. How are you?" Dumbledore greeted equally enthusiastically.

Vita Rosier returned the smile: "Very good, thank you for your concern, Professor Dumbledore."

"Is this?" Dumbledore raised his doubts at the right time. It seemed that he did not know that Grindelwald would come.

Professor Rozier explained with a smile: "Mr. Chairman feels that grand events like the Four Wizard Tournament are not only the affairs of various magic schools and ministries of magic in various countries, but also the International Federation of Wizards should pay more attention to it. In fact, he is the The chief referee of the secondary referee panel.”

Dumbledore laughed: "Gellert, the temporary change of personnel really caught me off guard."

"Albus, you are really kidding me - the Four-wizard tournament is so important. As the new chairman, of course I have to pay more attention to it - won't it cause you trouble?"

"Of course not, Gellert."

"That's fine, that's fine, but I still have to apologize. As the chief referee, I shouldn't appear in the Nurmengard team, but - after all, I am the former principal of Nurmengard, right? This school has deep feelings, and I hope you can forgive me for my little selfishness. Of course, don't worry, I will judge fairly."

"Of course this is not what I have to worry about - hahaha, welcome, you are welcome to come with the Nurmengard team -"

After the simple greetings were completed, at Professor Rosier's signal, the students from Nurmengard came forward.

It was still the same as before, everyone stood up straight, wearing high-collar windbreakers and standard boots.

Sean tilted his head and looked over, meeting the eyes of a fat man.

It's Hugo Barbarossa, one of the original members of the Golden Dawn and the suspected candidate for Gluttony in Sean's mind.

Apart from using the Golden Dawn badge to communicate through the air, he and several members of the Golden Dawn in Nurmengard have never met. Over the past few years, Hugo, who was already astonishingly built, completely developed into a huge bucket, soft and soft. Her blond hair stuck to his head like ears of wheat on the cork of a wine barrel.

Hugo also saw Sean. He still maintained an upright posture, although his body shape looked a bit funny - he winked quietly at Sean as a greeting.

Sean also smiled and waved, and then he saw other members of the Golden Dawn, Yin En Teach, a confusion spell expert who likes top hats and collects playing cards. The other person was used to blinking frequently after seeing Sean. His eyes blinked faster - he seemed to be expressing his excitement in this way.

Savannah Minsk, who comes from a Russian brokerage family, is now in sixth grade. She put on a pair of glasses and looked smart and confident. After spotting Sean, she nodded slightly, giving her a cool and strong demeanor.

Another Patricia DeLanzal is also in the team. This sexy and hot girl is a good transfiguration expert and quite aggressive. After seeing Sean, she boldly winked at him. come over.

Sean smiled helplessly and waved. He had never been able to do anything about Patricia. When several people communicated remotely through badges, this girl often made shocking remarks.

In addition to the members of the Golden Dawn, Sean also met several familiar faces from the past, including the president of the Numengard Student Union, Morganth Daniels, who was a student with Sean during the summer vacation.

Daniels stood at the front of the team and seemed to be the favorite for the Nurmengard Warriors this time.

All personnel from the three schools arrived at Hogwarts, and the welcome party came to an end for the time being. The students of Hogwarts returned to the auditorium to discuss their experiences, while the guests who came from afar needed to sort themselves out.

After half an hour of noisy talk, Dumbledore tapped the glass gently.

"Quiet, everyone-"

When there was no sound in the auditorium, he clapped his hands gently: "Let us welcome the guests who have come from afar——"

Amid thunderous applause, Dumbledore shouted: "Beauxbatons!"

The door to the auditorium opened, and Beauxbatons students who had put on uniforms filed in. Regardless of gender, they all had confident and soft smiles on their faces.

Silver light fell, and Fleur's sister Gabrielle danced lightly and came to the front.

Along with the dance, every Beauxbatons student jumped forward with small steps. Silver butterflies flew out of their uniforms and gathered in front of Gabrielle.

Silver light gathered, and when everyone arrived at their positions, Gabrielle made an elegant jump, causing the silver light to explode, and Beauxbatons' school badge appeared in mid-air in the auditorium.

Amid cheers and applause, Dumbledore continued to shout: "Durmstrang!"

"Winter!" The sound of canes tapping the ground was the first signal for Durmstrang's appearance.

They wore fur coats with their chests open, and everyone looked straight ahead.

"Roar——" In the unknown syllables, they beat the ground with a rhythm similar to a war dance while striding towards the auditorium.

The cane struck sparks on the slate tiles, and the huge pressure was the greeting brought by Durmstrang. They stepped forward with a low roar, and then suddenly stood still.

A student took out his wand and raised it to his lips. He blew it hard and the flames spiraled into the air, severely shattering the Beauxbatons school badge. Durmstrang's logo danced violently in the air.


There were no extra sounds or extra movements. The elites of Nurmengard walked in two columns.

Their movements were uniform, and apart from the sound of boots hitting the ground, there was no other movement, only overwhelming momentum and arrogant self-confidence.

As they walked forward, they activated their own magic power. Everyone present noticed that a huge magic power was rapidly taking shape in the auditorium.

Durmstrang's school badge is trembling.

"Wha—" a uniform voice fell, and the flame badge in mid-air whined and dissipated, but the flame did not disappear, but was absorbed by the huge magic power.

Then, the magic suddenly exploded.

The flame was given new magic power, and it turned into a golden-red fire ball that hit the wall, and then spun rapidly.

The entire auditorium was wrapped in golden-red flames. Daniels walked out of the team and indifferently raised his wand and waved it lightly - the golden-red flames that illuminated the entire auditorium were split into two pieces.

The roar of the dragon and the cry of the phoenix sounded together, and the golden-red flame quickly returned to its position.

The symbol of the Deathly Hallows emerged, with fire dragons and phoenixes surrounding it wantonly.

Dumbledore clapped his hands.

"Welcome, welcome to Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and the warriors of Nurmengard, welcome to Hogwarts!"

Thunderous applause.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and - especially - distinguished guests," said Dumbledore, looking at the foreign students with a smile. "It is with great joy that I welcome you. To Hogwarts. I hope and trust that you will feel comfortable and happy here."

"The competition will officially begin at the end of the banquet." Dumbledore said, "I now invite everyone to enjoy the delicious food as if they were at home!"

Dumbledore sat down, with Grindelwald and Karkaroff beside him. Sean saw that Karkaroff seemed to want to come up and talk, but when Grindelwald made no movement, he seemed to dare not.

There were two empty chairs next to the teacher's table, as if they were waiting for someone to come in.

"Interesting..." Sean chuckled.

Mountains of food appeared on the plates, and the students all started to eat.

Halfway through the meal, the atmosphere in the auditorium had become lively, with people from other schools running around talking and discussing from time to time.

"Hey, Sean, have you seen those sisters?" Fred and George came over at some point.

Sean raised his eyebrows: "Well, what's wrong?"

Fred smiled evilly: "The boys are fascinated to death, especially our stupid brother——"

Sean looked in the direction Fred pointed, and sure enough, Ron was looking at Fleur with obsession.

"Silly boy," George sneered, "I have asked, the eldest is Fleur Delacour, and the younger is her sister Gabrielle. Both of them have Veela blood."

"It's obvious, but you two are not obsessed?" Sean teased.

The twins gave him a surprised look, as if Sean had said something terrible.

"Don't be stupid, brother, although Beauxbatons has beauties, Durmstrang has Krum, Viktor Krum!"

"Okay -" Sean shrugged, ignoring Krum's appeal to Quidditch enthusiasts.

Hermione frowned on the side: "It's a bit strange. I have read the introduction of the Bulgarian Quidditch National Team. Krum is indeed their seeker, but according to official information, he should have graduated in the first half of the year. That’s right.”

"Oh? Krum is now in eighth grade?" Sean asked curiously.

"According to the data, this is the case."

"That's it..." Sean looked at Krum and then at Fleur. According to Hermione, Fleur should also be an "eighth grader"?

The two people who were supposed to graduate came to participate in the semifinals as current students. It seems that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are a bit out of date...

I don’t know how Dumbledore and Rozier agreed.

As he was talking, Fred suddenly shouted: "Look, someone is here again, is it from the Ministry of Magic?"

Sean looked over after hearing this, and saw a man and a woman walking in one after the other. Dumbledore stood up and greeted them.

During this period, Grindelwald turned his head leisurely, and Sean saw that the two people from the Ministry of Magic were clearly retreating.

Everyone knows what they are made of... Sean chuckled inwardly.

When the dinner was over, Dumbledore stood up.

"Please allow me to introduce two new guests to you, Amelia Burns, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and International Affairs Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic -" The stern-looking woman stood up and nodded. There was a sporadic round of applause.

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic."

The applause given to Mr. Bagman was obviously much louder, but that was all.

Hogwarts students don't have a good impression of the Ministry of Magic now - thanks to Umbridge.

At Dumbledore's signal, Filch hummed and carried a box forward.

"As you already know, there will be twelve warriors participating in the competition," Dumbledore continued calmly, "Each three of them represent a participating school. We will rate them based on the quality of their completion of each competition event. Three At the end of each event, the team with the highest score will win. The person responsible for selecting the warriors is an impartial selector, which is the Goblet of Fire."

Having said this, Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped the lid of the box three times. The lid slowly creaked open.

He reached in and pulled out a large, roughly carved wooden goblet. The cup itself was unremarkable at all, but it was filled with dancing blue-white flames.

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