I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 464 The new school year begins


"Then, that guy?" Milani was a little worried. After all, Capone's spell hit Little Lace firmly.

"It'll be fine. My paralysis spell isn't very effective - of course, it won't necessarily happen if I'm taken away by the seniors." Capone smiled helplessly, "The seniors were given to me by Mr. Wallop. Insurance, he greeted me in front of so many people on purpose, his reputation is too high, so someone will definitely come to me to establish a good relationship."

"It's a pity. I originally wanted to deal with Desi before they arrived, but I couldn't hold it back... Even if I can't solve it, I can still leave a lot of backup plans. It will only make things more convenient when we get to school..." Capone He looked quite remorseful.

Milani tilted her head and leaned closer: "Do you think you are not doing a good enough job?"

Capone sighed: "It's not just good enough, it's too bad. My mentality has not calmed down. I have been suppressing it, but I am still dominated by anger. Moreover, I have been thinking for too long. Xiao Laisi has too many opportunities. I should quickly judge the emotional state and psychological thoughts of the other party, instead of choosing a less good method in desperation and borrowing the strength of others..."

Looking at Capone who was talking endlessly and summarizing all his actions just now with a look of regret on his face, Milani slapped her forehead.

"It's really..." The girl sighed and jumped forward, her face close to Capone's bottom.

Capone was startled by the sudden approach of Melanie. He subconsciously took a step back and his face turned slightly red: "M-Milannie..."

"Listen, Capone, it's not that you're not good enough. On the contrary, I think you're great - oh, now I'm starting to regret that I didn't learn my dad's way of speaking. Forgive me for not being able to find good sentences. Come to praise you. But——"

Milani looked at Capone seriously: "You are really great."

Capone's face turned red visibly, not only because of the girl's sincere praise, but also because the other party was too close. He could even see Milani's long eyelashes.

But he had to admit that the other party's words gave him great encouragement.


"Capone, don't be so heavy-handed, well - it's good to get used to thinking and reviewing, but there is no need to magnify all your unsatisfactory places. You see, Mr. Wallop has never That way, he’s thinking about doing better next time instead of blaming himself.”

Capone looked at each other in a daze, then laughed.

"I understand, Milani."

"Of course I understand. You have always been very smart in my mind, and you have a great person like Mr. Wallop to teach you - but now do we have to think about our future strategies?"

Capone nodded: "Indeed, Xiao Laisi will be educated by the seniors soon, but he is a freshman after all, and the seniors will not do too much, so I will still be resented by him. And according to my Judging from this, he may have found a new backstage, so that when he gets to school, he may target us secretly."

Milani said thoughtfully: "Although you can ask Mr. Wallop for help, and the third-year seniors should be happy to help you, you should have made your own decision..."

Capone clenched his wand: "Well, Mr. Wallop has taught me for so long. This is the first test he gave me. I want to rely more on my own strength."

"I can help too." Milani smiled.

Capone, who subconsciously wanted to refuse, was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"

"I have such an idea..."

"Sean, there are three first-year boys who were brought into the box by a group of third-year guys."

On the train that had begun to slow down gradually, Hermione, who did a brief inspection again, said to Sean with a headache.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"I don't know the specific reason. The boys who were brought in were not harmed, but from the looks of those children, I think they must have been taught a lesson by a little curse that would not harm the body." Hermione was not angry. said.

"But both sides said nothing happened?" Sean asked.

"That's right, no matter the first or third graders, they all said that nothing happened, so I couldn't ask any more questions... You should know the leader of the third graders, a black-haired boy named Bram Ryder. "

"Bram? I know him - well, what do those first-year students look like? Is one of them..."

Sean described to Hermione what little Lace looked like.

"Yes, that's him. He is the one who has been taught the most among the three first-year students - Sean, do you know what's going on?"

"You can probably guess..."

Sean told Hermione the original grudge between Capone and Chris in Diagon Alley, and finally concluded: "When I got in the car, I deliberately fought Capone in front of Bram and his group. I said hello, they probably happened to bump into each other when they were preparing to get to know Capone."

"That guy with the surname of Lys is a bit annoying," Hermione frowned and said unhappily, and then glanced at Sean again, "But after all, he is only in the first year, and he hasn't even been sorted yet. Sean, you have to talk to your students. Let’s talk to them and ask them not to go too far.”

Sean smiled: "Don't worry, they should still have this sense of propriety."

"I also think that Sean is very good at teaching and educating people. Bram was still a thorn in the beginning." Daisy on the side interjected.

"Bram is a bit arrogant and has a good reputation, but he has a good foundation and good intentions. I spent some time correcting him." Sean spread his hands.

"Corrected to be Professor Wallop's little fanboy~" Daisy laughed mischievously.

"Thank you for the addition, Professor Wallop's little crush." ​​Hermione rolled her eyes at Daisy.

"You're welcome, Miss Granger whom Professor Wallop admires~"

"You're looking for a fight——"

Looking at the two girls playing around, Sean smiled. He had almost guessed the whole story, but Capone hadn't come to him yet. It seemed that he was preparing to seriously solve the first test he gave him. .

That's good, Sean likes this kind of serious person, and he is also looking forward to what Capone can achieve.

"Okay, two beautiful ladies, we have arrived at the station, we have to get off."

In the bustling auditorium, the students were chatting enthusiastically. After the summer vacation, they returned to Hogwarts again and saw their friends again. Everyone had so much to say.

"Frankly speaking, I think you two can attack the Head Boy and Student Council. Professor Flitwick will be very happy when the time comes. Both the Head Boy and Head Boy will appear in Ravenclaw."

At the long table, familiar friends were encouraging Sean and Hermione, the new Ravenclaw prefects.

Sean spread his hands: "Let nature take its course, but Hermione, I think there's nothing wrong with it."

"That's no problem. You two have always been number one and number two, and Sean is even an assistant teacher -" Sean's roommate Michael Corner interjected, "Look, Slytherin's prefect is Mal. Foo and Pansy Parkinson, Gryffindor is Neville and Parvati Patil, Hufflepuff is Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, in terms of competitiveness, you two should be early It’s full.”

"Hey, Michael, don't say that, and it's still early, there are still two years." Hermione said.

But even though she said that, looking at her expression, she was obviously a little moved.

Sean smiled silently. He was not very interested in the position in the school, and by the seventh grade, he would probably have to fight against [arrogance] wholeheartedly...

As they were talking, the door to the auditorium opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in with the freshmen.

The students consciously shut up their chatter and looked at the increasingly large group of freshmen.

The freshmen looked at every part of the auditorium nervously and curiously, while the old students looked at the freshmen with a sense of superiority as in previous years - this is probably a phenomenon that occurs in every school around the world.

When the freshmen stood still, the Sorting Hat grinned and sang.

Like last year's song, however, The Sorting Hat seems to accentuate the lyrics that emphasize people's unity.

"This is the first time there are no new songs -" Daisy said in a low voice.

"Maybe I don't have enough time to write songs..." Sean replied.

"You two, stop talking!" Hermione turned her head and glared at the two of them.

Sean and Daisy exchanged a "just as we expected" look, and then shut their mouths honestly.

At this time, the freshmen had already started sorting into different schools.

"Mike Alfonso."


The first student was assigned under the green flag, and the little snakes burst into applause.

Based on the previous experience, Professor McGonagall obviously sped up the process as the number of new students increased.

One after another, students were assigned to various colleges amidst warm applause and received a warm welcome from their seniors.

"Henry Lyce."

Hearing the familiar name, Sean looked up. Xiaolai Si looked lethargic, and the most interesting thing was that the person standing behind Xiao Lai Si was Melanie, and behind Melanie was Capone.

The Sorting Hat didn't take much time and quickly called out Little Lace's house.


The little snakes burst into applause, and Sean looked over and saw Little Lace walking straight towards Malfoy.

"Oh, you're really good at finding it. It's interesting..." The corner of Sean's mouth raised a slight arc.

"Milanie Locke."

The exquisite-looking Milani attracted a lot of attention. She turned back and glanced at Capone who was right behind her, and then ran over quickly.

When the girl put the hat on, the Sorting Hat was embarrassed for the first time in this sorting. It took a full seven minutes for the Sorting Hat to yell.


Melanie took off her hat and breathed a sigh of relief, then ran towards the long table of Ravenclaw with a smile on her face that could not be concealed.

Sean clapped his hands while looking at Capone. The little boy seemed a little nervous and kept pursed his lips when looking at Melanie.

"Come here, Melanie." Daisy called Melanie over, and the girl sat next to Little White Flower, excitedly greeting the people around her.


Sean leaned over and said hello: "Welcome, Milani."

"We will be in the same college from now on, Mr. Wallop!"

"It's an honor - but why didn't you go to Gryffindor?" Sean asked casually.

Milani's eyes widened immediately: "How do you know?"

Sean shrugged: "Obviously."

Melanie's character is actually closer to Gryffindor, but she ended up in Ravenclaw, which only proves that she bargained with the Sorting Hat, and the bargain was obviously to be in the same house as Capone...

Although Capone had just sat on the barstool, it was almost a no-brainer that the boy must be a Ravenclaw.

It wasn't Sean's intentional guidance, and he didn't even say anything about the branching, but it was obvious that after learning that Sean was a student of the Eagle Academy, Capone would obviously like the Eagle Academy a little more.

Melanie came to Ravenclaw to be with her friends. Capone obviously knew this, so his expression was slightly strange.

However, Sean’s opinion is: it’s not a big problem.

Now Hogwarts has adopted the teaching method of group classes. Except for Slytherin, the other three houses are integrating better and better. Moreover, Sean has always felt that it does not matter which house you are in, what is important is A future of your own choosing.

At this time, the Sorting Hat had already made a sound.


Milani immediately clapped her hands happily.

Capone scratched his head and trotted over quickly. The first person he looked at was Sean.

Sean just smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Capone relaxed immediately and finally had time to talk to Milani.

The sorting of freshmen students was still going on quickly, and it was not until the last student was sorted into Hufflepuff that the hall returned to calm.

The old man sitting at the teacher's table stood up and showed a kind smile.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He looked cheerful, "The new school year has begun, and Hogwarts has also won new blood. Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words!"

"Idiot, crybaby, scum, screw!"

“Then let’s get started and enjoy the food!”

After the usual brief opening remarks, the food suddenly appeared on the long table, and the sound of clinking knives and forks was heard.

"Professor Dumbledore looks very happy," Hermione said as she took the food.

After cutting a piece of sausage and putting it in his mouth, Sean looked at Dumbledore and echoed, "Well, he looks very happy."

Amidst various small talk, the pleasant dinner came to an end with pudding, maple syrup pie and other desserts.

Dumbledore stood up again.

"Before everyone's blood rushes to their stomachs, I have something to explain to you, otherwise you will get sleepy."

He extended a hand to the side.

"First of all, please allow me to introduce to you our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Alastor Moody!"

Mad-Eye Moody, a ferocious-looking man with magical eyes and wooden limbs, stood up.

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