
Even now that there are strict regulations on entry and exit, Diagon Alley is bustling with activity.

In addition to the wizard families who came to Diagon Alley to shop, there were more groups of middle-aged men and women in suits and leather shoes with surprised expressions. They were accompanied by a curious, surprised and excited child.

This should be attributed to myself and other admissions specialists...

Looking at the people who had similar expressions to his former self and his father when they first came to Diagon Alley, a smile appeared on Sean's face.

On the sidelines, although they had heard about it many times and had also watched "Hogwarts: A History of the School", Capone and Milani were still dazzled.

Capone, who was already looking forward to all this, could hardly suppress his exclamations and excited and nervous expression. Milani, who had always pretended to be calm, completely let go of her restraints and wished she could have a few more pairs of eyes on her body.

"Let's go, we have a lot of time today, I can take you around slowly."

After one hour.

In Madam Malkin's robe store, Milani walked into the small cubicle to try on clothes, while Capone stood in the small corner with a nervous expression.

He hesitated for a long time, and after seeing Sean try on a robe, the young man sneakily walked to Sean's side.

"Mr. Wallop, Mr. Wallop..." Capone said softly.

"Thank you, madam. The cleaning spell on this robe is very clever. Madam Malkin's robe shop is indeed the best ready-made clothing store. Please bring me ten pieces in different colors. Yes, the old rules don't need to be too fancy. ...Huh? What's wrong, Capone." Sean lowered his head and looked at the boy aside.

Capone looked embarrassed and a little inferior: "Sir, the money my father gave me... is not enough. After buying new books, I feel a bit... can I buy second-hand clothes?"

Sean smiled: "If you want to buy a second-hand one, of course you can."

Capone breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good..."

"But -" Sean changed the topic, "There is a piece of information that you would like to take a look at?"

Capone doubtfully took the parchment handed over by the other party. There was also a plain gold-edged card stained on the parchment.

"A student aid project jointly launched by the Wizarding Charity Association and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Project Dawn."

With curiosity in mind, Capone read on.

After roughly reading the content, the young man raised his head in surprise: "Mr. Wallop, what is this?"

"Well, that's right, you can simply understand it as a student loan."

Sean stepped off the pedals and put his arm around Capone's shoulders: "For new students from various families, the Wizarding Charity Association has reached a series of cooperation agreements with Hogwarts."

"The Dawn Project will issue enough bursaries to students who have applied for loans to help them purchase all the supplies they need to learn magic, including books, materials, robes, overalls, cauldrons, etc."

"This parchment is a signed agreement. After signing, you will receive a stipend every year. This situation will last for seven years until you graduate - don't worry about what kind of shady business this is, oh, the boss of the Wizarding Charity Association As I know him well, he just wants to help those who are in desperate need. So, as you can see at the end, the entire student loan is interest-free, as long as you can pay it back within five years after graduation, of course , if it exceeds five years, you will be required to repay a handling fee, which is also very low, but the boss believes that people who have not repaid the loan five years after graduation are probably the kind of lazy people who do not have a good job. , this handling fee is more like a kind of supervision.”

Sean put his arm around Capone's shoulders and smiled: "Capone, you're not going to tell me that you won't even be able to repay such a sum of money after graduation, right?"

Capone immediately stood up straight: "Of course not! I will definitely work hard after graduation!"

After expressing his loyalty, he hesitated a little: "Sir, is it really okay to borrow money now?"

Of course, Sean understood the child's thoughts, and he comforted: "Actually, you also know that I am very rich, and I can easily cover your tuition and living expenses for the entire seven years..."

Looking at Capone who was shaking his head wildly, Sean laughed: "Yeah, I know you don't want me to do this, so I thought about it and helped you apply for the Dawn Project. First of all, the Dawn Project is There are several levels. The highest level is for those children who are in a worse situation before entering school. The Dawn Plan will directly forgive their loans for the first five years. And so on, the one I applied for you is the lowest level - this thing is also subject to review. Standard, to prevent some people with bad intentions from cheating on loans.”

"In fact, you don't have to think of this as a charity or sympathy, I personally think it's a good deal - you get more money and you can buy brand new things, you know, new crucibles, new Gloves and other things are still very important, and the charity association has also gained a better reputation and connections with a large number of outstanding wizards in the future, which is a win-win situation."

After listening to Sean's words, Capone nodded thoughtfully - Mr. Wallop's words make sense...

Sean shook the card: "Another point is that the Charity Association has also reached strategic partnerships with many merchants in Diagon Alley. Card holders enjoy discounts when shopping - Madam Malkin's Robe Shop is like this."

By chance, on the other side, a little boy who had just finished trying on clothes walked up to the counter, and Mrs. Malkin's kind and enthusiastic voice rang out.

"My dear, this suit suits you very well... Oh, you have a Dawn Card. Why didn't you tell me earlier? We all have discounts for students with Dawn Cards. Come on, come on, dear, I'll give you a new one." You do the math..."

Looking at the boy who was as embarrassed and excited as himself, Capone was moved.

"Mr. Wallop...then I'll sign."

"Don't worry, would I lie to you?"

"Of course not! I definitely don't have such thoughts!" Capone scratched his head sheepishly, "I'm just not very good at doing this kind of thing..."

"Just get used to it slowly. At the worst, you can help the Wizarding Charity Association when you graduate. By the way, Hogwarts students, as long as they hold Dawn Cards and get good grades in the final exam every year, there will be scholarships." , those who have achieved excellent results in the ordinary wizard examination and the advanced wizard examination can also get a letter of recommendation for their ideal position."

"Really?" Capone's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true. Okay, let's go try on the clothes and remember to show the card."

After sending Capone into the fitting room, Sean smiled with satisfaction.

He did not deceive Capone, everything he said was sincere, but... he did not tell Capone that the boss of the Wizards Charity Association was indeed very familiar with him, so familiar that his last name was Wallop...

Dad, you are such a genius...

Sean is very satisfied with the operation of the Wizarding Charity Association. What does the Dawn Project, which has spent a lot of money to carry out, mean after the first seven years?

All orphans and young wizards from single-parent families will be grateful to the Wizards' Charity Association, and those with stronger families, such as Capone, will also have a good impression of the Wizards' Charity Association.

With the current enrollment of students increasing significantly, a situation will inevitably occur in the next seven years - job saturation.

The number of wizards is not large, and they rarely change jobs. This will inevitably lead to the original positions becoming somewhat insufficient after a large number of freshmen graduate.

Many students will face difficulty finding their desired job after graduation.

At this time, various jobs that have been prepared by the Wizards Charity Association will offer them an olive branch.

With a position in a company that has contributed a lot to my study career, a generous salary, and a boss who is a generous philanthropist, it is almost obvious how to make a choice.

At this time, the Wallop Wizarding Charity Association will begin to slowly penetrate the entire wizarding world.

The first seven years, the second seven years, the third seven years...

Sean is confident that the Wizards Charity Association will become a behemoth in the entire wizarding world, and the self-interests and simple feelings of countless wizards will be tied to this organization.

And Sean doesn't need this association to rule the world, he just needs a voice with enough weight - to be honest, it couldn't be simpler.

Sean even felt that if he wanted to, he could change the financial system of the wizarding world, change the living laws of the wizarding world, and even become the Minister of Magic for a certain term - although he had no interest in this unfortunate position.

But then, what if Hermione is interested? What if Daisy is interested? What if my grown-up sister is interested? What if Capone, his cheap apprentice, is interested? What if those people with excellent abilities and good moral character who have a close relationship with me are interested?

Of course, Sean doesn't want to be nepotistic, but for now, his judgment of people is still very accurate.

Although there is still a big bomb in his body that has not been solved, this does not affect Sean's plans for the future - mainly because his father's various strategies are so easy to use and excellent, it is enough for him to be responsible for executing them.

After Capone and Milani had finished shopping for various things, with their expectant eyes, Sean led them to the place they dreamed of.

Wand Shop.

Ollivander: Made staff since 382 BC.

In the dusty window, a solitary wand sat on a faded purple cushion.

"I know you are waiting impatiently, but I asked my friend before I came here. She told me that there were a lot of people in the store just now, and now it is finally quiet. You can choose your wand with peace of mind."

After saying that, Sean winked at Capone.

Capone was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening - that Project Dawn card also had a discount in the wand shop? !

The boss of the Wizards' Charity Association is really a powerful person, Capone said with sincere admiration.

If Sean had known what Capone was thinking, he would have shrugged helplessly.

In fact, when Lupine was discussing cooperation with Mr. Ollivander, the negotiation never came to an end - the stubborn wand-maker was determined not to allow any external forces to be mixed into his wands, including the pricing of the wands.

So Sean called Stephanie, and the next day, Stephanie told Sean that cooperation could begin, and the discount was even greater than Sean had imagined.

Although I don’t know how Stephanie persuaded her stubborn grandfather, just reaching a cooperation would be enough. Of course, Sean would not let the Ollivander family suffer, and all the discounts would be paid by his association.

After pushing the door open and walking in, Sean immediately saw Stephanie sitting on the only chair in the store.

Just like when he first came here.

The silver-haired girl has hardly changed. She is still reading a book quietly. However, this time Stephanie has put on a delicate and cute short skirt, and her white legs are swaying gently there.

Stephanie saw the person coming, and she closed the page of the book in her hand without waiting for it to be finished.

"Grandpa, we have a guest." She called to the back room and came forward.

"How are you these days?"

"Not bad, what about you, Stephanie?"

"Thanks to you, that's fine."

Looking at the two people talking familiarly, Capone and Melanie exchanged surprised looks.

Why does Mr. Wallop know so many beautiful sisters?

The Miss Daisy Potter whom I saw first that day, and the Miss Hermione Granger who later came to celebrate Daisy and Harry's birthday, and now there is another Miss Stephanie Ollivander.

As expected of Mr. Wallop, Capone thought with admiration.

Mr. Ollivander came out and took the two of them to try the wand, while Sean and Stephanie walked a little further inside and talked softly.

"It's all up to you to get such a big discount this time."

The girl shook her head: "Fortunately, my grandfather is just stubborn. You are not involved in the production of wands. It is just a simple cooperation. You can even help advertise our wand shop. I have made it clear to him about the win-win situation." , and it didn’t take much effort.”

Sean spread his hands: "Although I do want to have a hand in it, such as asking Ollivander to print a small Dawn Project badge on the final product..."

Stephanie glanced at him: "As long as my grandfather was making wands, he would never allow it."

Sean shrugged helplessly: "So this is just what I thought when I was dreaming..."

"But when I take over the wand shop in the future, I can help you seal it." The girl continued.

Sean was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Then what day should I look forward to?"

"I am looking forward too."

The two were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

Halfway through the conversation, the door was pushed open again.

An arrogant little boy stepped in first, and behind him was a middle-aged man with the same posture.

"Please wait a moment." Stephanie looked up and shouted, and then she and Sean started talking in a low voice again.

However, the father and son didn't seem to buy it.

The boy was fiddling with the wand box carelessly, while the man paused the wand vigorously.

Mr. Ollivander ignored him.

This made the middle-aged man very dissatisfied. He made more noise, and then said in an unhappy tone: "Has Ollivander's wand shop lost its hospitality?"

Mr. Ollivander then raised his head: "Please wait a moment... Oh, oh, Mr. Race, long time no see. Is your son going to Hogwarts too?"

"Obviously, Ollivander."

"Wait a moment, these two guests won't take long..."

The arrogant little boy interrupted Ollivander rudely and saw the Dawn Project card that Capone had been holding.

"Why should such a poor guy ask me to wait for him to finish buying it first?"

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