
Sean really didn't react. After all, Snape gave him so many things, and coupled with the other person's words, the meaning should be:

The things are ready for you. From now on, be more careful in your work, treat yourself more numbly, and drug your enemy more cheerfully - this way, he will not be in danger, and Daisy will have to worry about him, or even take risks to save him.

That should be...that's what it means, right?

Obviously, Snape was very dissatisfied with Sean's slow response. He snorted coldly and said with a sullen face: "Mr. Wallop, your Potions class results are so sad. When it comes to difficult potion research, I suggest you find a student with a relatively good score in potions..."

Damn it...you should have told me earlier...

Sean understood immediately.

Why don't you just say that this bottle of elixir is for Daisy... You have to go through such a big circle with me...

Sean now has paranoia about being monitored when facing Snape, and he also feels guilty, causing his brain to not work very well...

"Oh - Professor, I understand," Sean nodded quickly, "I will study it with my outstanding classmates in Potions class?"

Who knows, before he finished speaking, Snape's chin raised a dangerous arc: "Classmate?"

Is there something wrong with my classmate...hiss...

Sean was about to cry. Did Snape misunderstand his classmate as Hermione...

He had no choice but to quickly change his words and even made it clear: "I will go find Daisy... Daisy's classmate to study together."

Snape snorted with satisfaction, but his tone was indifferent: "Whoever you want to study with, there is no need to report to me."

Sean: "..."

Are you interested? !

The arrogant old bat made Sean hold a lot of complaints in his throat, and his strong desire to complain even overshadowed his desire to survive.

"I'm definitely going to find Daisy to study with her anyway," Sean shrugged. "After all, she is recognized as a potion genius by her classmates. Professor, do you know that?"

"Say, don't waste my time." Snape looked unconcerned, but straightened his body slightly.

Sean secretly showed a narrow smile: "Everyone said that a professor with such high standards and strict requirements like you actually values ​​Miss Daisy Potter so much. That means she is indeed excellent. Everyone even calls her a devil." Where is Princess Medicine?"

However, the old bat's determination and shamelessness exceeded Sean's imagination.

"She can get my praise and bonus points because she did a good enough job -" Snape said lightly, glancing at Sean mockingly, "For mediocre people, [The Potions Princess] ] It’s such a poor word, but that’s all you can do.”

"Because mediocrity will never reach the world of genius."

Sean: "..."

The old bat talks so annoyingly...

Moreover, to be honest, both Daisy and Harry obviously inherited a lot of potion talents from their mother Lily, but Harry is obviously the one with better talent.

Daisy is better than Harry in magic beasts and charms, but Harry is stronger than her sister in potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and actual combat.

Of course, this is without taking into account the Fire Dragon Patron Saint.

Sean dared to bet the box of limited-edition colorful dung eggs in Fred and George's pockets that if Slughorn continued to be the Potions professor, Harry would definitely become the darling of his class - Harry He got the title "Little Prince of Potions" from Slughorn in the first grade.

But in Snape's class, Harry would be deducted two points for moving the wand with his left hand first, then deducting two points for talking back, and deducting two points for showing dissatisfaction...

If Sean snickers, he will also be deducted two points...

But if it was Daisy, and Snape didn't add five points because she stepped into the Potions classroom with her right foot first, then it would be considered that this old bat was more restrained...

It's hopeless. It's hopeless.

Sean took the elixir dejectedly, and then quickly left here under the gaze of Snape's "surveillance camera".

On the way to class, Sean wiped the sweat from his forehead - he had never sweated so much when fighting the terrifying combination of Dawson and the Mouth of Silence.

Snape was just too scary.

However, it has to be said that as long as Daisy is involved, no matter how dissatisfied Snape is with Sean, as long as he takes action, it will be extraordinary.

In the potion combination given to Sean, the top row contains potions that can be used in various scenarios, even the kind that can save lives - the most powerful healing potions that can get rid of hypnotic mental stimulation. Medicine, water breathing potion, resistance potion...

There are all kinds of potions, and they are all of the highest quality. Obviously, Snape has been preparing for a long time - Sean asked Lupine to help find out that Snape's personal potions are sold on the black market of potions. The price is three to five times that of other potion masters.

In the row of poisons below, Snape has obviously prepared them for use in various scenarios, whether they are liquid, solid or gas, irritating, odorless, colorless, odorless and colorless...

There is definitely no problem in poisoning the entire Hogwarts with these poisons.

Snape even prepared an antidote for each poison, and attached a detailed description of the poison - he had already written down the poisoning method in his notebook and gave it to Sean.

Of course, don't get me wrong, it's not that Snape was considerate to Sean, it was purely for Daisy's sake.

As for the last bottle of elixir given to Daisy, Sean, who had drank it once before, could tell at a glance that it was of the highest quality. In fact, because the quantity was relatively small, the quality of this bottle of elixir might be higher than that of Lily's. The elixir carefully brewed for Sean is better.

It can only be said that no matter what aspect, Snape came up with the best thing.

For Daisy... Sean, that's by the way.

If Daisy didn't release such a powerful Patronus for Sean, and Snape didn't poison Sean, it would count as him keeping his moral bottom line today.

After counting what he had gained from Snape, Sean whistled briskly. There was only one Potions class in the afternoon, and he could still go where he originally wanted to go.

Hogwarts Library.

The specific identity of the remaining lurker is still unknown. Sean is going to the library to find some information to see if he can find some information about the black rhombus crystal. This may help him understand the returnee better, and maybe Can find some useful information about the lurker.

"Wallup - don't let me find out you're doing something bad again, do you understand?"

Mrs. Pince said sternly to Sean, and the feather duster floating beside her nodded up and down as if in demonstration.

"Of course, ma'am."

Sean was also a little jealous of Mrs. Pince. He often came to the library to find some taboo materials, but eight out of ten times, Mrs. Pince kicked her out with a feather duster.

Fortunately, Sean now has the status of a teaching assistant and can freely browse the restricted areas of the library - as long as he does not eat, make loud noises, mess up books, etc. in the library.

Even as a teaching assistant, Mrs. Pince was unceremonious. The only person who could make her look pleasant was Lockhart, whom no one else looked down upon...

Sean kept quiet and spent a lot of time searching in the forbidden book area. Unfortunately, he still didn't find any information related to the black rhombus crystal.

Closing the book "Details of Ancient Parasitic Magical Creatures" in disappointment, Sean shook his head regretfully.

The Restricted Book Section of Hogwarts doesn't have everything. It seems that I have to start from other aspects.

When she returned to the entrance and exit of the library, Mrs. Pince was waving a feather duster to teach a student, and it took a long time before she was let out.

"Oh, hey! Sean!" After the other party came out, he greeted in surprise.

"Good afternoon, Padma, is your sister feeling better?" Sean smiled friendly.

Padma Patil nodded gratefully: "I don't even know how to thank you, thank you... Madam Pomfrey said that if Parvati's condition lasts for one more minute, she may have to stay. She has suffered permanent trauma. She just needs to rest and receive treatment for a period of time, and she will be fine."

"That's really good news. I hope to see her back in class soon." Sean congratulated sincerely.

Padma nodded, then glanced at Sean secretly and quickly withdrew her gaze, then said as if she had nothing to say: "Yeah, I really hope she comes back soon... She still has a lot of things to do, oh God, even though I'm worried about her, I can't help but blame her now that I know she's going to be okay."

Sean smiled and spread his hands: "Twins seem to love each other so much."

"Yeah, there are a lot of things I have to do for her, such as returning books. I was scolded by Mrs. Pince just now, even though I wasn't the one who borrowed the books..." Padma felt a little aggrieved.

"Don't take it to heart, this is a necessary process. In fact, I was just scolded," Sean smiled, and then asked, "By the way, what book did Parvati borrow?"

"Oh, it's the Encyclopedia of Ancient Love Magic." Padma replied.

It seemed that it had nothing to do with this matter... Sean felt a little regretful.

Padma continued: "Actually, I also helped Lavender return the book, but the result was a double reprimand."

Lavender is also lying in the hospital recovering. These two little sisters probably don’t want to touch divination in the future...

"I don't think Mrs. Pince is too angry." Sean said smoothly.

"Because it was only one day overdue. If it had been a week, Mrs. Pince would have given me a few blows with her feather duster." Padma said with a wry smile.

"Yes, Mrs. Pince is very sensitive to time, especially books..." Halfway through, Sean suddenly froze, and then narrowed his eyes.

"Sean, what's wrong with you?" Padma asked curiously.

Sean raised his eyebrows: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that I didn't send back a book I took out to read. I have to go back quickly, otherwise Mrs. Pince won't let me enter the library door next time - —See you next time, Padma, bye."

"Eh... doesn't Mrs. Pince sort the books automatically... eh, okay, bye." Padma waved her hand with some regret.

After saying hello, Sean quickly turned back towards the library.

The time Padma mentioned just now reminded herself that it happened to be such a coincidence.

"Mr. Wallop, you just left." Mrs. Pince pushed up her glasses.

"Sorry, ma'am, but this is for an incident at school," Sean said.

Mrs. Pingsi was quite knowledgeable in this regard. She stood up and said, "Oh, so...what can I do for you? Apart from destroying books."

"Of course not, ma'am, can I check the student borrowing list for the past month?"

"Oh, sure."

Mrs. Pince waved her wand, and a large stack of parchment fell neatly in front of Sean.

Sean immediately started flipping.

After a while, he stopped at half a month ago.

The parchment records that Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown both borrowed books on the same day, but they did not come together.

According to the previous situation, the time of borrowing books happened to be the day when these two people were controlled.

In other words, both Parvati and Lavender were controlled by the Imperius Curse before and after borrowing the books, and then began to "take out" the private behavior of Professor Trelawney's true prophecy.

Of course, borrowing books wasn't a special common denominator, and that wasn't much evidence, but Sean saw someone else.

Isabel Petty, the controlled sixth-year Gryffindor student, went to Professor McGonagall's office under the influence of the Imperius Curse to try to find the black rhombus crystal that was used as bait.

Isabel Petty was controlled that day, but she has not yet recovered. Sean and the professors cannot obtain more information, and even if the other party wakes up, there is a high probability that the memory will be extracted, and nothing can be asked.

But this borrowing seems to be a coincidence.

Sean and the professors have been looking for where exactly these girls controlled by the Imperius Curse were recruited. After all, there are many murals and stone statues in Hogwarts Castle. Professor McGonagall, as the The vice principal has monitoring authority.

Now it seems that Sean may have accidentally discovered the place where several girls were controlled.

Hogwarts Library.

Sean looked up at Mrs. Pince. She looked like the same as before. Dave didn't have any idea that she smelled wrong, and he didn't find any signs that she was controlled by the Imperius Curse.

everything is normal.

The possibility that Mrs. Pince is a mole is very small, and Professor McGonagall has conducted another strict screening of the faculty and staff, and has not found the possibility of a dark wizard.

"Ma'am, on this day," Sean pointed to Isabel Petty's name, "when this lady came to borrow something, was there anyone else in the library?"

Mrs. Pince recalled: "There was no one else."

"Are you sure? No one else has come in since the library opened that day?"

"No, I'm pretty sure."


Today is my sister's thirtieth birthday. I was rushing back after seeing off people. Halfway through the drive, a car came out of the side road, which scared half of my soul.

At nine-thirty in the evening, on a small road with a speed limit of 60 mph, an old car driving at least 70 mph looked directly over... without even turning on the lights!

Thanks for the new brake pads I replaced not long ago...

If I dream tonight, it will definitely be a nightmare related to Lao Tou Le, hey...

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