
"It's okay, it's okay."

"Oh, I'm sorry, the professors should explain it to you later."

"Thanks, man, for helping me tonight."

In the crowd, Sean took the trouble to say this to his friends, explaining everything about tonight.

"Sean! How's it going?" The brown-haired girl squeezed through the crowd and came to Sean.

Sean smiled and let Hermione hold him and look at him. After she finished checking, he said, "Look, are you okay?"

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She glanced at Daisy who had been holding onto Sean's robe without revealing any trace, and then frowned and asked, "It's too dangerous...what happened inside?"

"Oh, I'll tell you two about this later." Sean said softly.

"And you!" Hermione looked at Daisy with her hands on her hips, her eyebrows wanting to stand up, "You are so impulsive! I almost fell off when I saw you crossing the broken bridge just now!"

Daisy stuck out her tongue, let go of Sean's robe, and then hugged Hermione coquettishly: "I, I was just anxious, I was wrong Hermione~~"

"Huh, you still know you're wrong?"

"Ah, so I'm right?"

"Begging for a beating!"

The two girls hugged each other and made a fuss, but no one cared about Sean.

Sean touched his nose angrily, no one will help me now?

Ah... Sean shivered again. He turned his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the source of the chill.

But all I saw was lots of fluorescent wands.

Sean's smile completely froze on his face. That seemed to be where Snape was just now...

"Everyone, evacuate in order, don't make any noise, and go to bed early when you get back." The voices of the prefects sounded everywhere, and Professor McGonagall asked everyone to go back and rest.

"Snape, teach, teach, teach... Professor..." A Slytherin student was about to ask his dean if he still needed to sleep in a sleeping bag in the Great Hall tonight.

However, as soon as he turned to Snape's front, he saw a pair of sharp and gloomy eyes, the anger in them was something he had never seen before.

The students were so frightened that they could not speak clearly.

"Speak, Mr.——" Snape raised his chin a little, and his voice was extremely dark.

"I, I, I... teach, teach, teach... I, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, two students immediately took him away.

"Sorry, Professor, he was cursed..."

Snape glanced at the three of them coldly, and they ran away as if they were dead.

After running far away, until they were sure that what they said would not be heard by Snape, the two people who took the third person away said one by one: "Do you want your life?"

"That's right. If you don't look at Professor Snape's air pressure, I bet that most of the bugs underground will die."

The third student still looked scared: "It scared me to death... It scared me to death..."

The other two people were quite experienced, and they actually showed proud expressions at this time, with a sense of deja vu as "I was unlucky before you, but I was timid before you, so I am more witty"...

"If Professor Snape's usual intimidation and oppression were expressed in numerical values, it would be ten. Then the first time I saw it, it would be fifty. What about the second time?"

The student who almost touched his brow for the second time puffed up his chest and said, "That's one hundred."

"What about me?" asked the third student.

"Ten thousand!" the other two said in unison.

Tonight's big event has finally come to an end, but Sean and Daisy have been looked at by countless people on their way to the school infirmary, making people feel a subtle sense of discomfort.

Mainly Sean, who everyone thought was seriously injured, fought against the powerful, crazy, and perverted infiltrator, and not only persisted until support arrived, but even killed the infiltrator.

The news has slowly spread, and everyone is looking at Sean with admiration in their eyes.

The first and second grade students who were not allowed to go out of the auditorium received the news after anxiously waiting. This group of little wizards who already admired Sean were completely excited.

"Professor Wallop, I heard that I had a head-on confrontation with that infiltrator. He was a very powerful wizard who had graduated a long time ago!"

"More than that, didn't you listen to what the seniors said? That infiltrator also has an extremely powerful monster as a helper!"

"I heard it. It seems that the covered bridge leading out of the castle was broken in several places. I heard that the dementors are also coming."

"Are you lying? The Weasley twins said that the covered bridge had completely broken. They heard that a big hole was smashed into the cliff below. When they arrived, Professor Wallop was fighting with dozens of Dementor fight!”

A lower-grade student vividly described the rumors he heard from Fred and George, which made the other little wizards exclaim. A timid girl even hugged her companion next to her.

The storyteller had a gift for speaking. When he got to the exciting part, he even stood up and pretended to be Sean: "You monsters, if you want to attack Hogwarts, if you want to harm my students, my Friends, then step over my dead body first! I, Sean Wallop, will never take a step back!"

Someone raised a question: "Would Professor Wallop talk like this? He is actually quite ruthless and doesn't talk much..."

The boy who told the story rolled his eyes at him: "Teaching us and fighting against the enemy are definitely not the same situation. Besides, this is the battle report sent back by the seniors in front - if it doesn't work, you can go see it by yourself during the day tomorrow. Listen to the covered bridge. It was said that it was all broken."

The persuasiveness suddenly increased.

"Hey, by the way, I just saw it was very bright outside. What's going on?"

"Humph, don't you know that now? That very beautiful senior sister is always next to Professor Wallop, remember?"

"Which one? Those two seniors are quite beautiful..."

"Stop dreaming... It's Daisy Potter, the one with particularly beautiful dark green eyes. I heard that when she saw Professor Wallop being surrounded by dementors, she flew up in a hurry. , and then summoned a particularly huge patron saint!"

"Wow -" the little wizards all exclaimed.

"Hey guys, don't let me put you in solitary confinement, it's time to go to bed!" the patrolling prefect shouted.

However, the little wizards retreated into their sleeping bags and were still discussing quietly and excitedly.

"Let me tell you, that patron saint is hundreds of meters in size!"

"Wow - what's a patronus?"

"I, I don't know either... Anyway, it's a very powerful spell. You don't know it even if I tell you it, just listen!"

"Oh, okay, then you continue..."

In the corner of Gryffindor, Fred and George were leaning in the shadows and eavesdropping on the discussion of the group of young wizards. The twin brothers looked at each other and laughed evilly.

"According to Sean's character, if he heard these words, his face would definitely freeze."

"Yes, he will definitely say, 'Oh, I swear, if you let me hear this again, I will definitely build a Hogwarts castle for you with my toes.'"

"Maybe little Daisy won't be able to hold her head up?"

"Probably - but she should thank both of us. Now everyone thinks she and Sean are a couple."

"What about Hermione, mate?"

"Oh, it's also - it's harmful. That's something Sean should consider. It's none of our business."

"Yes, Fred, you are a genius."

"You too, George."

The twins shook hands proudly, as if they had done something particularly proud.

At this time, Sean had already arrived at the school infirmary under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, and Madam Pomfrey was conducting a careful and comprehensive examination on him.

"Sean, if you feel any discomfort, you must say it and don't hold on, okay? Oh my god, after Daisy dispelled the Patronus, that place smelled of black magic." Professor McGonagall was quite worried. looked at him.

Sean smiled and raised his hand for Madam Pomfrey to check, and said by the way: "Of course, Professor, I am not the kind of person to show off, but there is nothing wrong with me."

After some inspection, Madam Pomfrey finally nodded seriously: "It's no problem, just get more rest."

"It couldn't be better," Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Poppy. Okay, Sean, you can rest here for the night."

"Okay, Professor," Sean did not refuse the kindness. He looked around and lowered his voice, "Have you checked Max Dawson's room and belongings carefully?"

"After checking, everything is normal. In addition, I also sent someone to the Three Broomsticks. Poor Rosmerta..."

Nothing... Sean held his chin and thought for a moment, then blinked slightly.

"Professor, listen to me..." Sean leaned into Professor McGonagall's ear and spoke softly.

Professor McGonagall frowned at first, then in confusion, and finally showed a serious expression.

"I understand what you mean, I'll go right away."

"Excuse me, Professor, you have to go as soon as possible, otherwise everyone will fall asleep."

"I understand, right, where to put it?"

Sean touched his chin and thought for a while: "It would be good to put it in your office. Professor Dumbledore happens to be not here either."


Professor McGonagall nodded and left in a hurry.

Sean lay heavily back on the hospital bed, his eyelids becoming heavy.

At this time, the auditorium finally became calmer. The returning students told the remaining people what had happened. Small groups of students discussing could be seen everywhere. However, after all, it was still late at night, and many people were still wasting their time. After a wave of magic power, everyone started to feel sleepy.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside.

The students near the door suddenly raised their heads.

Many people heard the arguments coming from outside.

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" The sharp and short voice came from Professor Flitwick.

"...Of course, I have intuition." It was Professor McGonagall who was serious and calm.

Several students near the door turned their heads and looked at each other, then in unison they pulled their sleeping bags and moved towards the door.

They knew that Professor Flitwick was responsible for staying and cleaning up the battlefield, and it seemed that he was back now.

Are the professors talking about some of tonight's discoveries?

Thinking of this, several students leaning against the door moved closer with excitement.

"What should we do about this?" Professor Flitwick said.

Professor McGonagall seemed to be thinking, and after a moment made a decision: "Let's keep it for now. This thing gives people a very bad feeling..."

"That's okay," Professor Flitwick agreed, "How about leaving it there?"

"It's my office. I usually live there, so I don't have to worry about anything going wrong."


The two professors discussed some small details in a low voice that were difficult to hear, and finally the footsteps sounded again.

A brave student secretly stood up and was surprised to see Professor Flitwick holding a huge box through the crack in the door.

The box is pure black, and you can see many magic spells and magic circles on it with the naked eye, just like the kind of barrier used to suppress demons.

The students who saw this scene finally couldn't help but reveal the news to their classmates in the middle of the night...

The next day, when the students woke up from their uncomfortable sleeping bags, Hogwarts welcomed the long-lost sunshine. The weather in the Scottish Highlands was very bad even in April and May.

During breakfast, Professor McGonagall briefly described the situation last night. After hearing that someone had indeed invaded and was repelled by Sean, most people opened their mouths in surprise.

Many girls in the lower grades have begun to have stars in their eyes.

"...In view of Mr. Sean Wallop's brave performance and outstanding magical strength in this incident, Ravenclaw will be given one hundred points."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, even though Sean was still in the ward, warm applause still broke out in the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall continued: "And Miss Daisy Potter's heart for saving her friends is touching. At the same time, I have also seen that in the decades since I have been teaching, no, it has been the most important thing since I have been a wizard for so long. Nice call to arms, I'm proud of you - another fifty points to Ravenclaw."

Daisy, who was quietly eating breakfast, suddenly fell into embarrassment. She was not used to accepting greetings from the students around her, and her face began to turn red.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall didn't mention much about this matter, and the speech ended quickly.

When breakfast was over, the impatient students immediately ran towards the outside of the castle.

They wanted to see with their own eyes what the covered bridge would look like after it was completed.

The professors did not stop them, but asked many teaching assistants to follow them to ensure that there would be no trouble.

Just as the students were marveling at the horrific scene, a figure was walking silently and quickly inside the castle.

Soon, the man came to Professor McGonagall's office.

He looked around to make sure no one was there, then secretly opened the wooden door of Professor McGonagall's office.

"Professor, I have a question to ask you, excuse me..."

After a greeting, there was no sound in the office.

At this time, two invisible people came out of the illusion spell.

"Really..." Professor McGonagall frowned.


I’ve said ten thousand words, so ten thousand words, here’s the second update, please give me a vote~~~

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