I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 409 The signs of education reform at Hogwarts


Sean's reputation at Hogwarts is growing.

As a fourth-year student, he became a teaching assistant in the Transfiguration class and gave an explosive Transfiguration teaching to the first-year students. Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and others all praised him...

A lot of things made Sean's already excellent popularity even higher. The first and second grade students couldn't wait to hang around him when they were eating. His friends who were familiar with him were also proud of him. In fact, he was already Many Slytherin students will take the initiative to say hello when they see Sean.

So what if he's not a pureblood? Smart Slytherins are not stupid either. They can see a person's huge potential and bright future. Although the relationship between everyone was not good before, it can't get worse, right?

Of course, this is also thanks to classmate Draco Malfoy. He secretly followed Sean's teachings and is currently working on integrating the Slytherins. The slogan is simple: true nobility.

Hogwarts seems to be just a Garden of Eden in troubled times, and the situation outside is still tense.

According to the information Sean received from Lupin, the Muggle world has a lot of troubles to deal with. The missing year has been officially classified as an "unknown accident". The focus now is on eliminating the time caused by the accident. The impact, of course, is not small.

In the wizarding world, time accidents are also a big problem, but fortunately, wizards are more or less able to understand time-related accidents. At least when carrying out follow-up aftermath work, wizards are mostly very cooperative and easier to accept this. .

As for the ministries of magic in various countries controlled by the returnees, such as the British Ministry of Magic and the French Ministry of Magic, they still maintain the appearance of normal official institutions in front of the public, and they do not seem to have made any big moves recently.

Not knowing whether it was because he was too weak to withdraw or because he was planning something, Sean told Lupine to keep a close eye on that group of people.

On the other hand, during the drastic reform of the International Federation of Wizards, those old antiques who were stuck in the rules were sent down from their original high-power positions by the saints. Grindelwald appeared several times during this period, without exception. It gives the saints more confidence and also gives some warning to some people with ulterior motives.

Among them, Sean has made two guest appearances in the past, both of which were important occasions that required "Grindelwald's special talk", and some less important occasions, as far as Sean knows, were when a close saint took Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself. of.

In addition to the reforms of the International Federation of Wizards, the hunt for former members of the United Wizards Guard is still ongoing, which of course also includes a group of dark wizards who have escaped from the Ministry of Magic prisons in various countries.

At present, the original escort offices of the Ministry of Magic of various countries have been disbanded. Those members can choose their next work direction after being screened. Most of them chose to become a striker or an Auror. This has made the Ministry of Magic of various countries The strength in his hands has grown - by the way, Mr. James Potter, the owner of the British Guards Office, did not choose to return to the Auror Office after losing his new job.

James was extremely angry about the attack on Hogsmeade and knew that there was some collusion between the Guards and the Auror team. He also knew that the Ministry of Magic was no longer the same Ministry of Magic as before, so he chose to stay at home.

Of course, he originally considered whether to stay at the Ministry of Magic to convey some inside information to Dumbledore, Lupin, Sean and others. However, his grumpy old buddy Sirius went directly to the director of the Auror Office, Kings Le Shacklebolt had a fight, and James accidentally blew up the Auror office while trying to break up the fight...

Generally speaking, the external situation is still chaotic and tense, but generally it is moving in a direction of gradually calming down.

As for Hogwarts, it can probably be regarded as the Garden of Eden in troubled times.

Although, this "Garden of Eden" is not very relaxing.

The students' learning tasks have almost doubled, including more courses, more homework, and longer papers. Except for people like Hermione and Percy who can handle it contentedly, even Sean is a little too busy. .

Of course, it's not a big deal for Sean to just take more heavy classes. With the addition of the job of teaching assistant in the Transfiguration class, Sean is completely busy.

Every day he has to do homework in class, and he also has to give homework to others. Sean also has to find time to complete the spell exercises that he has basically not missed since he entered school, etc... By the way, because of the increase in the number of magical animals, he He also spent a lot more time in the ring every day. Fortunately, Hermione, who had plenty of time under such circumstances, and Daisy, who also had a high affinity for magical animals, shared a lot of the pressure for him.

Of course, Hermione was speechless when she saw the Selma Lake Monster and a large, seven and eight small Thunderbirds.

"Hermione, think on the bright side, the Ministry of Magic can no longer control Hogwarts, and the Ministry of Magic now has a big problem of its own - besides, this is not the first time that Sean has violated various rules. By the way, so are we both.”

Little white-flowered Daisy said to Hermione nonchalantly while teasing the little Selma Lake Monster.

This little girl's personality has become more and more like James and Sirius recently... Of course, she has also inherited her mother Lily's gentleness and understanding very well.

Hermione rolled her eyes at Sean and Daisy angrily, and while feeding the Thunderbirds, she complained about them: "If one day I am expelled from Hogwarts, you two will bear full responsibility!"

"Last time someone was urging me, when will the official steps of Animagus begin-" Sean muttered in a low voice, and then he and Daisy snickered.

Hermione and Daisy's Animagus has been delayed until now. They could have started the first step long ago but were stopped by Sean - he was worried that there would be another time accident that would cause problems.

Therefore, in the end, the time when the two officially became Animagus was moved to one year later. At that time, after Grindelwald's time travel accident was resolved, there would be no need to worry about this issue.

Although extremely busy, this period of time is the most relaxing period for Sean. He likes magic, exploring more mysteries, and sharing his unique insights with the nestlings waiting to be fed.

Sometimes he even thinks that becoming a professor in the future might be a really good choice...

Under such circumstances, time runs forward non-stop like clockwork, and the chill in the Scottish Highlands is gradually dissipating.

In the first-year Transfiguration classroom, Sean leaned lazily on the newly purchased podium - after paying for the podium that turned into a fire dragon and flew out of Hogwarts and was smashed to pieces by the Whomping Willow, Sean simply ordered it at his own expense. a podium.

He didn't know why he liked turning the podium into various flying things so much, and then letting them fly out of the classroom.

So the new podium has a matching fixed summoning spell...

"Everyone's performance was pretty good today -" Sean looked at the time and clapped his hands to indicate that everyone could get ready for get out of class to end.

Someone raised their hand and asked: "Professor Wallop, did the reward you promised last time last until the end of this month?"

"Yes, whoever can complete the Transfiguration puzzle I left in the last class at the end of this month, then this thing will belong to him/her-" Sean took out a glass bottle from his arms and shook it.

It contains a pale golden potion - don't think too much, it's not a blessing elixir.

With Sean's current level of magic potions, he is not generous enough to regard such a blessing elixir as a prize for first-year students.

The potion in this glass bottle comes from Dumbledore.

During the summer vacation of his first year, Dumbledore gave Sean a piece of his imitation Philosopher's Stone. Of course, it was not comparable to the real Philosopher's Stone, but the effect of the imitation was very practical.

Fill a gold cup with water, soak the imitation in the water for twelve hours, and then drink the cup of water. The magic attached to the spell will last longer for a period of time, and the magical effects will be more difficult to remove.

This potion is simply an experience multiplier for practicing transformation spells, and it makes it easier for the caster to observe the status of the transformed object during the period of maintaining the magic power.

Sean has been drinking this stuff for a long time. Of course, given his current strength, the effect is no longer that obvious, but it is still very good as a prize for junior students.

"Standard silver spoon, three big mouthfuls at a time. After one hour, the magic attached to your spell will be more lasting, and the magic effect caused will be more difficult to remove. This is of great benefit for practicing transfiguration, and This bottle -" Sean shook it, "can be used by you more than fifty times, of course, provided you win the prize."

"Believe me, I won't let you down. Okay, get out of class is over, I hope someone can get this thing from me."

Under the eager eyes of the students, Sean put the potion in his arms, then pushed open the classroom door and walked towards the staff lounge.

He has become obsessed with the staff room recently. Please don't get me wrong, Sean is not trying to be isolated from the general public, but the staff room is indeed quieter and more suitable for rest.

Well, this also has something to do with the "Dunker Boss Magic Massage Back Chair" specially prepared in the staff lounge and the house elves' special recess drinks.

After walking to the destination with ease, Sean opened the door and walked in. Then he found that there were suddenly a large number of people in the staff lounge, which was usually empty.

"Hey, Sean, this way." Charlotte, one of the new assistant teachers in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, greeted Sean in the crowd.

Her old enemy and colleague Colton also nodded to Sean. This guy was standing not far or near Charlotte.

Although they have only been teaching for more than three months, the two of them have quarreled more than fifty times, had magic duels more than five times, and ridiculed each other countless times, but it is worthy of recognition that both of them have good teaching standards.

They were originally among the best graduates of Hogwarts and Nurmengard. They had experienced many adventures after graduation, and their strength was beyond doubt.

Although Charlotte is a grumpy elder sister, she is extremely patient and responsible when facing students. In addition, she already knows many students, and has gained the favor of many students in the past few months. like.

Although Colton has a cold and venomous character, he and Charlotte have one thing in common, responsibility. As the saying goes, do what you do and love what you do. Colton did not copy the powerful magic he learned in Nurmengard to Hogwarts, but made improvements according to local conditions. At the same time, because he is powerful and handsome enough, this guy He also gained the love of many students.

Poor Professor Lockhart has been despised by everyone. After teaching for so long, the little girl with no brains and no control over her appearance can see that this blond wizard who loves to show off is actually a fool.

The only place Lockhart likes to go these days is the library, because there is still his only loyal fan of the castle - Madam Pince.

But Sean felt that if Lockhart still went to the library so diligently to shout loudly and brag about his past experiences, then he would probably lose even his last fan.

Sean said hello and walked into the crowd. He found that most of the people in the staff lounge were strangers, and there were two people who had met once before, and the other person was also a graduate of Hogwarts.

And this group of people has one thing in common, they are all young wizards.

"Sean, are you here? It just so happens that you should come and get acquainted." Professor McGonagall greeted him in front of the crowd.

"Okay, Professor."

"You should also know that whether it is the increase in the number of students or the doubling of course tasks, every professor at Hogwarts is now under great teaching pressure. I have your help, Lockhart -" McGonagall The professor frowned, "Charlotte and Colton are here to help, and other professors also need teaching assistants."

Sean nodded to express his understanding. Indeed, for other professors, the teaching task is too heavy now, especially when they need to grade homework.

Last time, when Sean went back to the faculty lounge to get his things after dinner, he even met Professor Sprout who was sleeping on the armchair because he was too tired.

The lady of the Hufflepuff house and professor of Herbology had even forgotten to take off her dragonskin gloves that were stained with manure.

The other professors weren't much better, Professor Flitwick had been smoking a lot more frequently in his office lately.

Newt, who is more familiar with Sean, also has a headache. Because he is not allowed to go to the Forbidden Forest now, he can only bring magical animals to a special classroom to teach everyone - but there are too many students, even if Hagrid is willing Help, the two of them are a little too busy.

Hiring new assistants is imminent.

Sean looked around and saw that these people were the newly hired assistant coaches.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Sean Wallop, my teaching assistant in Transfiguration class, and currently a fourth-year Ravenclaw student."

The new assistant coaches looked visibly surprised.

"This is Charlotte Hawke, who graduated from Hogwarts, and this is Colton Sterling, who graduated from Nurmengard and is currently an assistant teacher in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Then, let me introduce these new teaching assistants to you one by one..."

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