I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 401 The arrival of new students


When Diango Rubio left No. 6 Mulberry Street, his forced smile suddenly fell.

This was the first family he chose, but the admissions staff at Nurmengard actually beat him by a full day? !

This made his originally happy and relaxed mood suddenly become tense. When the time comes, he won't be busy all day long, just following other people's butts, right?

When he thought of this, Diango immediately quickened his pace, walked to a corner where no one was paying attention, and immediately apparated away towards the next destination.

Many other admissions specialists sent by wizard welfare organizations also encountered the same dilemma. They were full of confidence in completing the tasks assigned by the big boss, but in the end they were intercepted without even seeing the target of the task.

The originally easy task suddenly became urgent, although Sean did not say that everyone must be brought back to Hogwarts.

At this time, in the castle, the side hall next to the entrance to the auditorium has been well decorated.

Although the matter was urgent, the proper sense of ceremony still had to be prepared for the new students. Professor McGonagall decorated the off-white side hall to make it very warm. Hagrid also moved several of the original Christmas trees over and re-decorated them. It's a new decoration all of a sudden.

In the side hall, Professor McGonagall was already waiting in a grand dress, and Sean also put on a formal wizard robe and stood next to her.

"This is the first time to welcome new students like this..." Professor McGonagall adjusted her glasses, looking a little helpless.

Professor McGonagall is not the kind of person who pays attention to ceremony and pomp, but she is keen to maintain the classics that have been passed down. She has always believed that this is a way to maintain the rich atmosphere of Hogwarts.

Sean smiled and said: "For new students, no matter what kind of admission method, it is the first time, and whether it is for them or for us at Hogwarts, it is important for a new little wizard to grow up to the age where he can Being on your own, that’s the most important thing.”

Professor McGonagall also smiled when he heard this: "Yes, yes, this is the most important thing."

The two of them stood in the side hall chatting, and from time to time they talked about their experiences in transfiguration. The time passed quickly.

However, time passed quickly, but no one appeared in the side hall.

Professor McGonagall frowned: "Did we encounter an accident? It's impossible. In order to prevent accidents, Professor Dumbledore specially opened the transmission authority in the school. All the admission notices as door keys were made by him himself. Yes, there will be an early warning when it is lost, and the user's identity can even be identified to a certain extent during transmission..."

Sean glanced at his watch and said: "According to the information I got, the first batch of admissions specialists left two hours ago. Normally, even if the parents of that family are more wary, If I follow the precautions you gave me to persuade me, it shouldn’t take so long..."

He is also a little unsure now.

You can trust Lu Ping. Don't worry about any problems with these admissions specialists. The problems can only lie in the rush and the students' families.

But there are more than just one or two admissions specialists. Lupine told Sean that he would send out at least ten people in each batch. It is impossible for everything to go wrong, right?

Just when Sean was about to rush to the Room of Requirement and then go to Lupine through the Vanishing Cabinet to check on the situation, there was movement in the center of the side hall.

The space became distorted, the small vortex expanded rapidly, and then an ignorant little boy clutched an admission notice in his right hand and a large suitcase in his left hand, and appeared in the side hall in a daze.

"Oh, new student? Welcome to Hogwarts." Sean breathed a sigh of relief and greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, oh, hello, sir." The little boy was obviously a child born in a Muggle family. He looked surprised and embarrassed at the moment. He glanced at Sean and Professor McGonagall secretly from time to time, and asked curiously from time to time. Take a look at this magnificent wing.

Sean picked up a sheepskin and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous. This is a very normal thing for wizards. I think the admissions specialist should explain it to you and your family. Alright?"

The little boy nodded nervously and swallowed: "Yes, yes."

"That's good, oh, I almost forgot, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sean Wallop. I am a fourth-year student in Ravenclaw. I am responsible for the partial coordination of this enrollment. And that person—— "Shaun turned sideways and raised his hand to introduce, "It's the vice principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the professor of Transfiguration, Professor Minerva McGonagall. The letter you saw should have her signature on it. ”

Professor McGonagall nodded to the new students.

It can only be said that even if he can restrain his majestic aura, Professor McGonagall is still very "destructive" to the little wizards.

The little boy stood up straight as if he had been electrocuted: "Hello, Professor McGonagall! My name is Claude Mackennin!"

Professor McGonagall nodded and smiled, although this smile made Claude even more nervous.

"Okay, okay, don't worry," Sean patted his shoulder reassuringly, "I hope that in the next seven years, you can treat Hogwarts as your second home and gain those What do you want to gain, now, feel the magic of the magical world?"

As soon as "the magic of the magical world" was mentioned, Claude immediately turned his head and looked at Sean with some expectation and some fear.

Sean clapped his hands, and after a popping sound, a house elf wearing a pillowcase with the Hogwarts crest appeared on the spot.

"It's an honor to serve you, Dear Mr. Wallop!" The house elf lowered his big, bald head almost to his knees, and then his big bulging eyes turned slightly and saw other people.

"And you, Professor McGonagall! So happy, so happy to see you again!" His voice was particularly sharp.

"Nice to meet you too, Polis." Professor McGonagall also said hello with a smile.

Sean reached out and patted the house elf known as Polis on the shoulder: "Poris, we are old friends. You don't need to be so polite. I have sneaked into the kitchen so many times to steal food... Oh, McGonagall Professor, can you pretend that I didn’t say that?”

Professor McGonagall pretended to be dignified and pushed up her glasses: "Mr. Wallop, it is against school rules to enter the kitchen and eat secretly..."

Who knows, just as he was talking, Polis suddenly screamed: "No, no, no, Professor McGonagall! It was Polis who invited Mr. Wallop to be a guest. He didn't sneak in! Bad wave Lys, bad Polis! Please punish me!"

Professor McGonagall pinched her eyebrows with a headache: "Poliss, I rarely joke a few times a year..."

Sean laughed loudly: "Man, Professor McGonagall is joking with me. You can't do this. Besides, didn't we say it before? Friends, you don't need to be so reserved - oh, by the way, meet our new students. .”

Clyde was startled when he saw the sudden appearance of the house elf, but seeing that Sean was so familiar with him, he felt a little relieved.

He mustered up the courage to stretch out a hand: "Hello, Mr. Polis, my name is Claude McKennan, you can call me Claude, I, I am a new student at Hogwarts, It's nice to meet you."

Then, he saw the house elf in front of him scream, his big wrinkled face made an extremely exaggerated expression, and his huge round pupils seemed to be filled with great surprise and exclamation.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Polis exclaimed, "The respected wizard should shake hands with the humble Polis! What an honor it is!"

Let me just say that Hermione's idea of ​​liberating the house elves still has a long way to go...

Sean shook his head helplessly and made a don't care gesture to the panicked Claude.

Polis shook Claude's hand cautiously and excitedly, and then screamed.

"What an honor! What an honor! I will take good care of your belongings!"

After saying that, he carried Claude's box and disappeared.

Sean spread his hands towards Claude: "House elves are basically like this. You will gradually understand it in the future... By the way, over there."

He pointed to a small door in the corner of the side hall and snapped his fingers.

A small piece of paper with Claude McKenning on it jumped out and was wrapped around the little boy's finger.

"Go there and put on the wizard robes. This little note will lead you to the cloakroom with a pair of your size - Oh, by the way, just put the changed clothes there. The house elves are here. It will be sent to your dormitory together with your suitcase."

"Okay, okay." Claude looked at his finger in surprise, then raised it up and entered the small room by the side door like a torch bearer.

Sean turned around and caught the smile on Professor McGonagall's face.

He also showed his white teeth: "Professor, is this part of the reason why you become a teacher?"

Professor McGonagall nodded: "Yes, looking at the new buds, whether they are panicked or curious and amazed, always gives me a feeling - I will lead these immature beginners to a more mature world. The big world, this feeling makes me proud and fascinates me.”

Sean nodded in agreement, and then he clapped his hands again: "At least the first freshman is here. It seems that the time is uncertain. We may have missed the time for the freshmen to prepare their luggage and say goodbye to their parents."

Professor McGonagall agreed: "Yes, it is not comprehensive enough. The luggage brought by Mr. McKennan will take a lot of time to prepare. Moreover, after all, they are only eleven years old, and the oldest is only twelve years old."

"Yes, but in the future, there should be more and more students."

Sure enough, just as Sean said, when Claude had just changed into his wizard robe and stood nervously on one side, two freshmen were teleported over by the portkey one after the other.

Their faces all had the same expression as when Claude first arrived. As the person in charge of the welcome this time, Sean kept an elegant smile and greeted them.

Although this matter is not a good job, Sean himself also has some small thoughts in it.

They say you have to start with babies... Sean decided that from now on he would select young wizards that he could take seriously.

Yes, he has already begun to prepare to develop his own power.

It's not about becoming the king of Hogwarts, nor is it about organizing an army of wizards in the future.

However, Sean felt that he needed a group of young blood who had enough strength and the same goal.

He doesn't want to change the world, nor does he want to go to war with anyone, nor does he want to dominate the world and become the dictator of the world. However, Sean wants the world to become a better place.

He didn't know if his current idea would change in the future... But Sean knew that if he didn't do it, it would really be too late when he needed it in the future.

In the current wizarding world, the Ministry of Magic is almost rotten to the core. Barty Crouch, who replaced Fudge, was first controlled by his own son. After Barty Jr. lost news, Barty Sr. did not change much. , in Sean's view, he is still a tool man.

Moreover, even if he is not a tool man, Sean doesn't think he can make any new reforms.

In particular, the top management of the British Ministry of Magic are basically controlled by the Returned People. Sean estimates that part of it is magical control, and part of it is willing cooperation.

How can Sean trust such an official institution? Even if the returnee problem is solved soon, will the British Ministry of Magic be better off?

Sean doesn't think so.

In addition, there are problems not only in the Ministry of Magic, but also in the social system of the entire wizarding world, even Hogwarts, which is known as the young prestigious school.

To put it bluntly, in Sean's eyes, Hogwarts' education system also has loopholes.

In many cases, as a magic school, Hogwarts has preserved the teaching model of an old wizard leading a young wizard in the Middle Ages. Although Hogwarts has also experienced many reforms during the thousands of years of development, But in Sean's eyes, it's far from enough.

To change all this, we must start with the youngest group of wizards.

Sean has already decided that this orientation is a good opportunity for him to leave an impression on all the new students.

Then came the Transfiguration class. Professor McGonagall had already stated that she would be responsible for teaching the first-year freshmen after they enroll.

Sean is going to teach the Transfiguration class while mixing in some of his own personal stuff...

It’s time for the Golden Dawn to become a little stronger.

The ignorant freshmen walked into the cloakroom one by one under Sean's smile, then put on wizard robes and stood in a row awkwardly but expectantly.

As time went by, more and more freshmen came to the side hall, and the nervous little wizards became active because of the increase in their companions.

"Yes, go in, don't worry, there are many cloakrooms inside, my note will guide you... Well, what can you do?"

A little girl pulled Sean's sleeve: "Hello, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Diongo Rubio, who is here to recruit students, asked me to give this to the person in charge of Hogwarts."

"Oh, okay, thank you."

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