I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 321 The toad comes to report

As soon as Sean walked out of the closet door, he saw Hermione's eager face, and he smiled easily.

"It's okay, and I've already found someone to protect them. It's Mr. Lupin."

The big stone in Hermione's heart fell to the ground. After taking a deep breath, she looked at Sean.

"Should we just stay at Hogwarts and make no other moves?"

Sean spread his hands helplessly: "At present, this is the safest course of action, but what I'm more worried about is the Ministry of Magic."

He just tried to contact Barty Crouch Jr., but he could feel the Dark Mark belonging to Barty Crouch Jr., but there was no response from the other party's Dark Mark.

This can only mean one thing, Barty Crouch Jr. has been controlled.

What is unclear is whether the person who controls Barty Jr. is his father who escaped the Imperius Curse, or the unidentified behind-the-scenes forces.

If it is the latter, then the current composition of the British Ministry of Magic will be marked with a big question mark.

Moreover, Sean cannot contact other members of the Death Eaters rashly at this time. This group of terrorists has different ideas. After Vita Rozier cooperated with Sean in a play last semester, the identity of 'Voldemort' also changed. It should be in a hidden state.

With his eyes open and blind, if he were not worried about the current undercurrent situation, Sean would even want to change his identity and go out to investigate on his own.

When several people walked out of the Room of Requirement and returned to the auditorium, most of the students had dispersed, but many people were still waiting anxiously.

Those were students whose families were at the center of the accident.

"Hey, Lee, what do the professors say?" Sean grabbed Lee Jordan, a good friend of the Weasley twins and the commentator for the College Cup Quidditch.

"I talked a lot but didn't say anything," Li Jordan spread his hands. "In the end, we were asked to wait for the news, but now the owls are not allowed to fly, and many people are unsure."

"Lee, you have so much information. Have you ever heard of the Ministry of Magic banning the communication methods of Hogwarts students?" Sean asked.

Lee Jordan frowned and thought for a while: "Probably not, at least not in all the years since Filch took office - Fred and George and I have sneaked into his office. Filch has a special filing cabinet To record the major events that happened in Hogwarts, for Filch, it would be a big deal if more than three students went out at night, but there was no such thing as a ban on communications."

The first ban... Sean couldn't help but frown.

And the very next morning, Filch took a hammer and nailed a new order to the top of the bulletin board.

"Ministry of Magic Educational Regulation No. 18 (in line with the emergency principle of the Secrecy Act)..." Sean read out the name of the regulation.

"Effective today, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry cancels all extracurricular classes and Hogsmeade Village is temporarily closed."

"In response to growing tensions, Owl communications are disabled with immediate effect."

"At the same time, the Ministry of Magic and the School Board have unanimously decided to send senior investigators and personnel prohibited by regulations to be stationed in Hogwarts to monitor any violations."

"The Senior Inquisitor will have all the authority below the Headmaster of Hogwarts..."

Below the large bold letters is the seal of the Ministry of Magic and a series of signatures in flamboyant cursive letters.

Sean frowned. Could it be Umbridge's pink toad again?

Moreover, has the situation become tense enough? Is this approach sure not to arouse rebellious psychology among students?

Especially for young wizards born in Muggle families, this behavior from the Ministry of Magic just says "I don't believe you Mudbloods" written on their faces.

As Sean expected, many young wizards born in Muggle families had gritted their teeth, and their expressions were also gloomy.

Hermione's face didn't look good either. She suppressed her anger and whispered: "You don't inform us of the safety of our family, don't let us contact the outside world, and send people to monitor us?! Oh my God! Dumbledore doesn't care about these things. Yet?!"

Sean looked up at the ceiling and shook his head silently.

This is one of the biggest differences between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

Although he is the most powerful wizard in the world, he doesn't even need to have the suffix "one". But he is still restricted by major official organizations, such as the Ministry of Magic, the International Federation of Wizards or the Hogwarts School Board.

It was not that Dumbledore was incapable of overturning these institutions, but that he was unwilling to break the rules.

The more you think and care, the more constraints you will have.

However, the conflict came sooner than Sean expected.

In the afternoon, a Gryffindor student and a Slytherin student had a serious conflict. After the argument, both took out their wands and pointed them at each other.

The people around them didn't even have time to persuade them further before they launched jinxes at each other.

The end result was that the Gryffindor student was coughing up blood and the Slytherin student had a broken finger.

Both were sent to the infirmary, where it would take at least a week to recover.

The cause of the matter was that the Gryffindor student was complaining to his friends that he could not write home to inquire about the situation. He came from a Muggle family, and his family was at the center of the attack.

By chance, the Slytherin student passing by couldn't hold back his intention to ridicule.

"Ha, that can only be said to be a bit unlucky."

Such words were followed by a series of sarcastic laughter.

The Gryffindor students were immediately irritated. After an argument, the Slytherin students angrily cursed Mudblood.

The insulting words directly ignited the accumulated anger of the Gryffindor students, and they directly launched an attack with their wands.

"Additional chaos..." Sean frowned immediately after hearing the news.

Some Slytherin students have maintained their stupid pride of being superior to others, and have lost even the most basic ability to empathize.

Sean, who was already upset, even considered whether to wait until the Slytherin student was discharged from the hospital before sending him back.

The only thing that made him somewhat gratified was that most of the students turned to the Gryffindor student. As passionate young people, they could understand this kind of passionate action.

The students of Slytherin House did not show too much indignation. On the one hand, since Voldemort had not gained power, the relationship between Slytherin and other houses was not as bad as in the original book. On the other hand, in their opinion, Come on, they were a little embarrassed by the guy who failed to win even though he took the initiative to provoke them, and the professors also made their intentions clear.

Both students will be given detention as they recover from their injuries, but the Slytherin student's detention is much more severe than the Gryffindor student's.

The little snakes who are good at observing the words and deeds of strong men wisely kept their mouths shut.

Just when this episode outside Sean had passed, the senior investigator of the Ministry of Magic officially arrived at Hogwarts.

"What the hell..." The first time he saw the person coming, Sean felt a nauseating feeling of vomiting.

Pink and tacky jacket, short and thick figure, plus that disgusting fake sweet smile.

None other than Dolores Jane Umbridge.

At the dinner, looking at Umbridge sitting on the teacher's table, Hermione whispered to Sean in a low voice: "That's the newly sent senior investigator. Frankly speaking, he looks a bit uncomfortable - even though I judge people by their appearance. It's a bit rude, if she was a good person, I would apologize again."

Hermione's sixth sense is so accurate...

Sean curled his lips: "I think your judgment of people is very accurate. To be honest, we may not have a good life."

Daisy asked in confusion: "Why do you say that?"

"Well, you know, I also have some sources of information in the Ministry of Magic, and this Umbridge has a pretty bad reputation."

Hermione was immediately shocked: "Everyone in the Ministry of Magic thinks this person is bad? Oh my God..."

"Ding, ding, ding." Just as he was saying this, there was the sound of a spoon hitting a golden cup.

That is usually Professor Dumbledore or Professor McGonagall's way of reminding students to quiet down and listen to them, and Professor Dumbledore is often absent from school recently.

The students looked up and saw that the man tapping the cup had stood up and walked over to where Dumbledore had been delivering his speech.

"It's so nice to meet you, the new force in the wizarding world, the future of this country, children." There was no trace of sincerity, only a perfunctory official smile.

At the teacher's desk, Professor McGonagall had already frowned.

"Please allow me to introduce myself, Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Investigator of the Ministry of Magic. My duties include but are not limited to what you see on the notice board today." Umri Qi was arrogant, and his short, thick fingers were crossed on his waist.

In Dumbledore's absence, Umbridge's behavior was extremely disrespectful to Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal.

"Looks like an elegant toad..." Sean heard Fred scoffing at the Gryffindor table.

He is usually most afraid of Professor McGonagall, but he also respects this professor the most.

The sound is a bit loud.

Umbridge paused, still with a fake smile on her face, but her tone was more annoying.

"Our new minister and the president of the International Federation of Wizards believe that the quality of students in magic schools today is worrying. It coincides with this tense moment. In addition to enforcing regulations," Umbridge smiled sharply, "Minister It also gave me the right to help Hogwarts students improve their personal qualities."

The students looked at Professor McGonagall in confusion.

But Professor McGonagall just looked livid and did not stand up to object, obviously acquiescing to the other party's statement.

"Now, please ask the student just now to come forward. You will get a small punishment for your impoliteness." Umbridge said.

There was silence in the auditorium. Fred just smiled secretly from his position without moving his buttocks.

Umbridge looked at the auditorium: "Aren't you going to stand up? I hope you won't affect everyone's mood for enjoying the dinner."

Still no one stood up.

Umbridge showed a disgusting smile and clapped her hands: "Very good, that's it. If the student doesn't stand up, we'll just wait."

Professor McGonagall stood up.

Umbridge looked back and said: "Professor McGonagall, this is the right given to me by the minister. Please don't forget that Hogwarts is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic."

She turned her head to look at the students again: "Did you not understand what I meant? I said, if that person never comes forward, then we will just wait, yes, everyone."

There was an eerie calm in the auditorium.

Behind the hypocritical Umbridge, Professor McGonagall stood up and looked ugly, and was pulled down by Professor Flitwick.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the auditorium became increasingly strange.

Sean's expression remained normal, but his eyes flashed with anger.

This toad came up with the intention of dividing the crowd...

After a while, there were noisy low-pitched discussions among students in the auditorium, and many people had already secretly cast their eyes on Fred.

Umbridge obviously noticed their gazes, but she pretended not to notice, still standing in that annoying posture, just waiting for Fred to stand up automatically.

Obviously, Fred didn't want his bad mouth to affect others, so he stood up readily.

"It's me, Professor, I'm sorry, I apologize."

Umbridge looked at him quietly, and then said: "No, what you need is not an apology, but a punishment. Come to my office after class tomorrow afternoon and before the dinner."

"Okay, I understand." Fred said carelessly.

After saying that, he was ready to sit down directly.

"No, sir, please introduce yourself, name, grade, college, and then apologize to other people who have been affected by you."

Fred's face turned pale for a moment, and Umbridge's eyes already had a hint of threat.

Fred finally stiffened and replied: "Fred Weasley, fifth year, Gryffindor, I apologize to everyone."

There was a burst of jeers from the Slytherin table.

"Not sincere enough, Mr. Weasley. Please eat standing up. Everyone else, please enjoy your dinner."

Professor McGonagall couldn't bear it any longer: "Professor Umbridge, Hogwarts will never use such punishment methods to insult students!"

Umbridge just handed over a piece of regulations, and then showed a hypocritical smile: "I don't want to either, Professor McGonagall, but this is an order from the ministry. You know, today's students are too out of touch. The situation is tense and I have to make sure they mature quickly."

"To ensure that after they enter society, they will not do anything that affects the wizarding world's anonymity..." Umbridge trailed off.

Professor McGonagall's expression changed for a while, and finally she sat down slumped.

Dinner appeared on the long table, but the standing Fred was too conspicuous, and many people looked at the out-of-place Fred while eating.

"This is an insult!" Hermione looked at Fred, who was trying to keep his expression normal, and was furious.

"It's not only an insult, but also an act that divides students." Sean took a piece of steak and put it on the plate.

"Fred will definitely be depressed during this period. Although he is usually carefree, he actually has a lot of pride." Daisy whispered.

"Obviously." Sean said as he took some more food and put it on Daisy and Hermione's plates.

In their doubtful eyes, Sean stood up with the dinner plate in hand.

"Let's eat in a different position." He showed his white teeth.


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