"If you really remember to bring your poor brains to the Potions class, then brewing this underwater visible potion should be a piece of cake. Just fire up and brew."

On the podium, Snape said coldly.

All the students took action, but Sean was the only one who still stood there stupidly.

There is no way, one main material is missing...

Snape glanced at him grimly, then moved closer to Harry.

"What a sin..." Sean sighed secretly.

After what happened last night, Daisy and Hermione simply ignored him. Sean was so upset that he didn't even notice that there was a little thief who was ruining his potion's main ingredients.

The fresh eyes of the rhino-horned flounder were eaten by the little airwings as snacks...

"Wow..." A low chirping sound came from Sean's clothes.

Hermione glared at him warningly, but turned slightly to block Snape's view to her right.

"Don't cause trouble at this time, little guy..." Sean secretly reached in and pinched the little Airwing's buttocks hard.

The little airwing trembled for a while in Sean's clothes, and soon lay numbly in the bag without moving.

After testing, it seems that the little airwing's buttocks are its weak point, and a pinch can make it limp for a while. There was no way, this guy was just born, and although he was close to Sean, he couldn't understand what Sean meant. Besides, he was still a fool, so Sean could only use this method to calm him down for a while.

The Potions class was still going on, and while Snape was laughing at Harry's stirring techniques, Sean quietly came to Hermione's side.

"Hermione..." Sean shouted softly.

Hermione's expression didn't change at all, she just moved a little further to the right.

"Professor Snape asked me to vote..." Sean was originally prepared to explain this.

However, he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

No, why should I explain?

An idea occurred to me.

I didn't do anything wrong...

wrong! Don't think so! Sean, show off your ability to coax the little neighbor girl!

But after thinking about it, Sean still couldn't figure out what to say.

It was obvious that I was very good at communicating with other girls before...how come that now I can't think straight?

Sean suddenly missed the days before Hogwarts, when he could roam among girls of all ages, but now he was restricted.

"Wallup—" After the cold voice, a book was smashed on Sean's head.

When he came back to his senses, Snape was looking at him condescendingly.

"'Looking on' - is the meaning of this word difficult for you to understand?"

Sean and Harry, who was also rubbing their heads, looked at each other. The other side stuck out his tongue at Snape's back and raised his eyebrows at Sean, indicating that the old bat seemed to be in a bad mood today.

Probably Daisy grabbed my hand yesterday...

Sean sighed secretly and took the punishment honestly.

After Snape turned around and left, Sean glanced at Hermione who was carefully brewing the potion, and finally decided not to speak.

Just pretend that nothing happened. This kind of thing will become more confusing the more you explain it, and the further you go, the harder it will be to untie the knot.

let it go……

Sean ignored Hermione's disgusted look and leaned over shamelessly, then watched the process of the other party brewing the potion.

Hermione still didn't look at him seriously, and even deliberately stepped on Sean when he came close.

Sean was unmoved at all and still leaned aside shamelessly.

I hate it, but there is one thing about Hermione that is always particularly likable - she doesn't let her personal emotions affect what she thinks is important.

Not only did she not deliberately block Sean, but she also moved the material shelf slightly so that Sean could see more clearly the steps she took when brewing the potion and the situation in the crucible.

Of course, she didn't say a word to Sean until the end of get out of class.

After class, Sean was about to hook up with Hermione and play tricks on girls, but Snape stopped him.

"Demo potion, come with me." Snape did not hide his dislike for Sean.

The payment has arrived...

Following Snape to the basement level, Sean almost thought he was in the wrong place as soon as he walked into Snape's office.

The large glass jars filled with weird limbs and scary animals seemed to have been removed, replaced by many types of potions that could be stored for a long time.

The potions in glass bottles and crystal bottles look very magical. Some are boiling on their own, some are constantly jumping, and some are emitting colorful light. Coupled with the brand-new bookshelf, they look very comfortable. With its velvet armchairs and bright bonfire, Snape's office looked far less spooky.

What Sean felt when he first walked in was a potion master's profound potion skills, extensive knowledge, and the warmth that only comes with some personal space.

When was it changed? I haven't been in solitary confinement for a long time and I don't even know this... Sean looked at the whole room in amazement.

Of course, Snape is still the same Snape and has not changed.

He walked to the potion shelf and took down two bottles of potion, then handed it to Sean and said expressionlessly: "Underwater visible potion, go back and study its medicinal properties. If you can't satisfy me with the weekend confinement, Then prepare to lose your days off forever.”

"Uh, of course, professor." Sean agreed, and then looked at the potion in his eyes.

One of the bottles was dark blue, and there seemed to be light flashing inside, and the bottle was cold. Hermione also brewed a similar potion in the class just now, but the color of Hermione's bottle was much lighter, and the flickering dots in it were difficult to see.

The other bottle was dark green with bubbles rising very slowly from the bottom of the bottle.

"This is?" Sean asked doubtfully.

Snape flipped his sleeves impatiently: "It seems you haven't even read the catalog in the potions book. This is an underwater breathing potion, which is an excellent combination with the underwater visibility potion."

"Did you give it to me?" Sean asked in surprise.

Underwater breathing potions are much more valuable than underwater visibility potions. The cheapest one in Diagon Alley costs fifteen gold galleons, which is still the lowest price. Potions produced by a master of potions like Snape are worth twice as much. That's common.

Snape gave Sean a slap on the back of his head: "It's about to expire. Please help me get rid of it."

"Oh, easy to say, easy to say, I'm very happy to help." Sean quickly put away the two bottles of potion.

Grain ruffian

Seeing that Snape stopped talking, Sean walked to the door: "Then I'll go first, Professor?"

Just when Sean was about to close the door, Snape suddenly spoke out, his voice filled with warning and seriousness. Sean even heard some elders admonishing younger ones.

"Wallup, the key to brewing a potion is to concentrate and be single-minded—" In the end, Snape said almost word for word, "Do you understand?"

Sean: "...Yes, I understand, Professor."

"If you understand, then implement it seriously, otherwise, a pot of good potion may turn into poison——"

The exhortation was gone and it was full of threats.

Sean laughed awkwardly: "Okay, Professor."

Then he quickly left the underground office.

When the footsteps faded away, Snape turned around and slowly sat on the velvet armchair, but he seemed to still maintain his previous habit, with his back straight and not leaning on the soft backrest.

"Huh." After a while, Snape slapped the table in displeasure.

Snape was like an old hen protecting her young... While eating, Sean was still thinking about what Snape told him just now.

He is not stupid, of course he can understand the meaning of the other party's words.

The problem is that he doesn't even know himself...

Thinking about it, he looked sideways at the other side of the long table. Daisy and Hermione were chatting happily while eating, but he should have been there in the past.

These two girls didn't wait for themselves to eat today.

"Hey, what a woman's heart is..." Sean sighed, and then secretly stuffed a piece of fish steak into his clothes when no one was paying attention. Soon, the sound of a little airwing swallowing came from inside.

Although this little guy was just born, his intestines and stomach are very good. Apart from eating to support himself, his stomach never hurts.

After finishing lunch and taking a break, Sean walked towards the outside of the castle. There was a Care of Magical Creatures class in the afternoon. Professor Scamander should have been making preparations there already. He happened to take the little Airwing to meet him and ask for his opinion.

Although he didn't see each other eating at the long table in the classroom during lunch, Sean didn't care. For Newt, this was the norm.

Sean didn't see Newt until he walked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest and saw Hagrid busy at work.

"Hey, Hagrid, how are you doing?" he greeted from afar.

Hagrid looked up and showed a fluffy smile: "Of course it's not bad. Come here, young man, and take a look at the little guy you are going to learn today."

A hippogriff was standing next to Hagrid, eating bloody chicken bones.

"Oh, Hippogriff? Cool." Sean walked over.

"Haha, you really know him, what a wonderful little guy -" Hagrid laughed heartily, "By the way, this guy's name is Buckbeak. I think you must know how to deal with hippogriffs, do you want to Want to try it in advance?"

"Of course." Sean nodded readily.

He walked up to Buckbeak, met its dark and lively eyes with a smile, and then bent down and bowed sincerely.

"Yes, that's it, well done," Hagrid encouraged from the side. "Of course, if it recognizes you, it will bow in return. If it doesn't return the favor, remember to back away slowly... Oh, okay... …”

Before Hagrid could finish speaking, Buckbeak had quickly bent his head to return the greeting, and then approached Sean affectionately.

"Huh? Hagrid, what did you just say? Sorry, I didn't hear clearly." Sean asked while stroking Buckbeak's fur.

Hagrid spread his hands helplessly: "Nothing."

"By the way, where is Professor Scamander? I thought he had come here a long time ago to make preparations." Sean neatly turned over and mounted Buckbeak, and then asked curiously.

"Oh, don't you know? Professor Scamander took a leave of absence and left Hogwarts yesterday." Hagrid tidied his messy coat quite proudly, and his beetle-like eyes narrowed proudly. He got excited and said, "Ha, he trusts me very much, so I will temporarily take over as a substitute teacher for a week."

"Oh, that's great, Hagrid, congratulations, everyone will welcome you." Sean congratulated sincerely.

"Oh, oh, I hope so," Hagrid's pride disappeared again. He rubbed his hands awkwardly, "I'm a little worried. After all, you know, Professor Scamander is so great."

"You're very good too, Hagrid. Of course, if you need my help, just ask." Sean said with a smile.

Hagrid is kind-hearted, but his understanding of the dangers of magical animals is indeed different from that of normal wizards. If possible, he is willing to help in class. If there were no danger, Hagrid's class would still be interesting.

Hagrid patted Sean's shoulder gratefully, and even the Hippogriff on his crotch almost stopped standing.

"That's great Sean!"

"You're welcome, Hagrid..." Sean replied with a wry smile.

While rubbing his shoulders, Sean also looked into the distance in confusion. It was rare for Professor Scamander to take leave. I wonder if it had anything to do with Grindelwald...

When the Care of Magical Creatures class started, Hagrid informed everyone that Professor Scamander was on temporary leave. He would take over the class for a week and invited Sean as his assistant.

Sean was quite popular, and Malfoy's Slytherins would not openly oppose him. Hagrid's first lesson went quite smoothly.

After Sean demonstrated it once, the students were quickly conquered by the handsome Hippogriff, and soon they were bowed and petted one by one in an orderly manner.

Even Malfoy, who had always been unhappy with Hagrid, was very honest for Sean's sake.

"Okay, next one," Sean shouted, standing next to Buckbeak.

The girl with excitement on her face touched Buckbeak again, then ran away, and a girl from behind walked forward.

It's Hermione.

Hermione still had the same expression as before, as if Sean didn't exist.

On the contrary, Sean's eyes lit up. He gently stroked Buckbeak, leaned over and whispered a few words.

With the [Beast Whisperer] being used all the time, Buckbeak quickly understood what Sean meant. Although he didn't understand why he had to take the girl in front of him to fly around and go to a small area on the side of the black lake. Garden, but since Sean ordered it, just do it a favor.

He also promised to send him two whole chickens.

Hermione's eyes showed suspicion, but there were already impatient students behind her urging her, so she had no choice but to quickly step forward and bow.

Buckbeak bowed slowly in return, and Sean smiled and said, "It likes you very much. You can ride on it and give it a try."

Hermione glanced at him, and finally walked around to Buckbeak. She refused Sean's move to help her up, and climbed on his back with one force.

"唳——" Buckbeak let out a long cry, then took four hooves and spread his wings amidst the exclamations of the students.

It took Hermione flying.


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