I Was Spotted By Grindelwald and Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 190 Slytherin’s Magical Experience

The rustle of turning parchment echoed in the quiet stone chamber. Sean kept staring at the basilisk from the corner of his eye. However, the big guy was half-immersed in the lake water without any movement. If it weren't for its stoutness, The snake's tail would sweep the ground from time to time, and Sean would even think it was dead.

What's the purpose of Slytherin putting another basilisk here? It didn't respond to me flipping the parchment. It doesn't seem to be to protect treasures or anything like that...

Confused, Sean muttered a few words and returned his attention to the paper.

The second page was a little different from before. The dark green font turned into bright red. After Sean opened it, a faint, sulfur-like smell gradually filled the air.

It seemed like Slytherin had used some kind of ink that Sean hadn't seen.

"My descendants, when you can see these writings, I, Salazar Slytherin, has fallen asleep. The magic I have been studying is stored in the secret room of the castle. Of course, I also placed a Little cutie to protect those things.”

A cutie... Slytherin said the basilisk was a cutie... Sean said he couldn't complain.

"The Parseltongue spell that summons it is: Speak to me, Slytherin, the greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

"Remember, make good use of it - if necessary, I allow you to use the power of the basilisk to terrorize others, but not to kill."

"Hogwarts is a school. Even if too many people in this school are not qualified to sit in the classroom, killing is still not allowed."

Sure enough, just as Sean expected, Slytherin had emphasized many times that the basilisk should not be turned into a killing tool.

However, there is something strange... Sean frowned.

According to what is said above, the descendants of Slytherin should have arrived in this small stone room first to discover the spell to summon the basilisk, so they must have seen the warning written by Slytherin himself.

But whether it was the person who killed Myrtle or Gormley Gaunt, the descendants of Slytherin obviously did not follow Slytherin's warnings.

Ancestor’s words don’t work? Or have they never seen this sentence at all?

Sean continued to read with doubts.

Slytherin spent a lot of space describing his own philosophy. In his dream blueprint, wizards should be a group that stands on top of the world, and pure-blood wizards are the nobles among the nobles.

A simple summary is that pure-blood wizards should order half-blood wizards, while half-blood wizards order Muggles and manage the world.

Sean had some strange feelings, and he thought of two people.

Riddle and Grindelwald.

Riddle's goal is immortality, and of course, the creed he uses to gather the Death Eaters is pure-blood domination of the world. Grindelwald is different. He believes that wizards are naturally noble, regardless of pure-blood hybrids. Muggles, as inferior creatures, should be ruled.

Including Slytherin, the three people's ideas are somewhat similar, but their focus and radicalness are completely different.

Racist in all its forms...

After that, Slytherin recorded many magical experiences on parchment, whether it was ancient spells or black magic developed by himself, it covered many types.

Moreover, Sean discovered that from this, we might be able to see the changing history of the development of magic in the wizarding world.

Dumbledore once told him something about this. He said that the development direction of today's curses has become more oriented towards home use and daily life, and most of these curses are improved or weakened from previous curses.

For example, Slytherin mentioned a spell. According to the name of the spell, it is the same as 'Clean Up', except that the root word has been changed, and the wand waving gesture has been changed.

However, the effects vary wildly.

This spell recorded by Slytherin can instantly peel off a layer of skin of the cursed person...

Another example is another article, in which we can see the predecessor of ‘Expelliarmus’.

However, this 'finger removal' can instantly remove the five fingers of the cursed person's right hand...

Slytherin seemed to have some talent for painting. He described the state of the cursed person in detail. In the simple drawing, there was a wizard covering his bloody right hand with missing fingers and screaming. On the side, there were five fingers on each side. Flying to other places...

Sean also felt cold all over. In terms of power, the curse at that time was much greater than it is now.

The most important thing is that Sean calmly memorized the "clean up" line seriously, and a new spell appeared on the system panel. And this spell is not labeled as black magic!

This means that no negative emotions are required to cast this spell!

As a wizard who has mastered dozens of dark curses, Sean was surprised to find that many of the dark curses that are enough to enter Azkaban as long as you cast them on the wizard are not as powerful as this ancient version. 'Cleaned up'!

The wizard's duel environment at that time was really scary... Sean muttered.

And on the last page, Sean turned to a magic spell that made his eyes light up.


This kind of magic that detects thoughts is an extremely high-end magic. It is not only difficult to learn, but also its effects.

Seeing into people's minds is always scary.

Slytherin describes in detail the effects of Legilimency and how it works.

He emphasized that Legilimency does not read people's minds, it can only extract certain memories in the head.

In other words, a person who uses Legilimency cannot fully see what is going on in a person's mind.

At the end, Slytherin wrote: "The human heart is extremely complex, and thoughts are not engraved in the head. Legilimency can only allow you to see fragments. If you want to analyze useful information from it, you need to cast the spell yourself. To judge and analyze.”

"Remember, don't be obsessed with Legilimency, let alone try to see into people's hearts."

He is indeed a famous Legilimency master... Just reading it quickly, Sean can feel all the details and technical content.

Moreover, just looking at these notes, Slytherin himself was actually a pretty good teacher.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he left these good things only to his descendants.

However, this is mine now... Sean, who had walked between life and death, took Slytherin's experience as a matter of course.

I was almost killed by another basilisk you secretly raised. Is it okay to take something from you?

In the stone chamber, the basilisk remained obedient and did not move. Sean looked at its huge body and felt a little doubt in his heart.

What's going on with this guy?


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