After the group returned to Professor McGonagall's office, Sean hesitantly mentioned the news about Slytherin again.

Although this news sounds bizarre, there are endless magical things happening in the wizarding world. There are also rumors in Hogwarts that the giant squid in the Black Lake is the transformation of Gryffindor.

Sean felt that although Slytherin was a notorious purist, as one of the founders of the school, he should not be able to kill professors and students.

But there are always contingencies. In order to make the professors more cautious, Sean lied and told them that Salazar Slytherin might still exist in this world.

The professors were shocked and became more cautious in planning their next steps.

Under Sean's suggestion, the entrance and exit of the secret room, the girls' bathroom on the second floor, has been completely sealed. Every student was sternly warned not to come near, two huge magic phonographs were moved over, and Hagrid also transported part of the chicken coop nearby.

At Sean's request, Myrtle was called over and asked about the details of her death.

"...I saw a pair of frighteningly big yellow eyes, and then - I died." The translucent Myrtle puffed up her chest and was radiant, as if she had done something great.

"I'm sorry to ask you to tell it again, I understand... I have another question." Sean asked quickly, "Did you take off your glasses at that time?"

Myrtle looked at him with a strange look on her face: "You look quite handsome, but your brain is not working well - it is common sense to take off your glasses when you cry."

Sean smiled nonchalantly: "I just wanted to confirm, thank you for informing me, Myrtle."

His handsome face worked again - Myrtle chuckled, then winked at him.

"Myrtle, thank you. If you need any help in the future, you can come to us for help." Professor McGonagall politely asked Myrtle to leave.

Sean leaned against the wall and thought about the basilisk's killing method.

According to the records, my own memory, and Myrtle's experience, the Basilisk's glare has quite a few limitations. Sean feels that one key condition is: looking at each other.

The basilisk needs to look directly into the victim's eyes to kill him instantly. However, I don't know if wearing glasses is useful...

What about adding a bunch of mirrors to the bathroom? Will the basilisk be stared to death by myself?

The possibility is very small, but it doesn’t cost much to give it a try... By the way, you can also equip students with mirrors and other things...

Sean made one safe suggestion after another, and the professors' expressions became weirder and weirder - this kid was too careful, and he didn't look like a wizard.

After he finished all his suggestions, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat: "Sean, we will all adopt your suggestions... No more, right?"

Sean raised his head and went through all the matters in his mind, and finally shook his head regretfully: "No more... Unfortunately, this is all we can do."

Professor Flitwick almost spit out half of his hot tea when he swallowed it - can only? Are all little wizards this scary now?

He coughed twice and wiped his mouth, and then said: "Sean, you have done enough - don't look at me like that, kid, the expression on your face is very strange..."

Newt looked at Sean with interest: "Sean, if I gave you full authority to teach you how to do it, what would you do?"

"Teach me?" Sean blinked, "The venom and gaze of the basilisk are fatal. Even if advanced wizards jointly attack, there may still be casualties. After all, it also has high magic power. Resistance. If I were to do it, I would directly evacuate the entire school, and then ask Professor Snape to prepare a large amount of evaporative poison and pour it into every water pipe in Hogwarts. At the same time, I would let a hundred proud people Luo guards around Hogwarts, and of course, everyone must be accompanied by a few majestic roosters."

Sean spoke more and more vigorously, and even his eyes started to shine: "I will equip more than fifty phonographs to block every entrance and exit that is large enough for the basilisk to pass through. At the same time, have you listened? Did you talk about dynamite in the Muggle world?"

"It would be much easier if the copying spell could also be used on explosives - let non-existences, that is, creatures like Peeves or Dementors, rush into the secret room with bombs, and they won't be blown up anyway. Death, at best being petrified."

"As soon as you see the basilisk, you immediately detonate the explosives, and the wizards use magic spells on the ground to maintain the stability of Hogwarts Castle, otherwise the castle may collapse under the power of the explosives."

"If the basilisk is forced out of the ground, it would be more convenient. Bring a few tanks over and carry out saturation bombing on the basilisk's hiding place. What is a tank? It is roughly equivalent to an iron tank that can continuously emit explosive spells ten times more powerful. Shell, that's a good thing - Professor, don't look at me like that, the secrecy law is to protect the safety of wizards and Muggles, we are just borrowing it! We are not crazy dark wizards."

"Afterwards, we can use a thermal imager to detect the status of the basilisk. If this guy pretends to be dead, just fire a few more shots!"

After hearing Sean's plan, several professors looked at each other blankly, and they suddenly reached a consensus: They must ensure Sean's physical and mental health in the future.

"Sean, your suggestion, uh, is very constructive - okay, you can go back, we will discuss it again." Professor McGonagall showed a stiff smile.

"Oh, okay, then goodbye, professors, I wish you a good night." Sean left the office regretfully.

After all, Hogwarts is not under his control - otherwise, Sean feels that his plan is still very feasible!

Moreover, the good luck of the Elixir seemed to favor the entire Hogwarts - that night, Dumbledore returned.

This wise old man appeared at the dinner. When he appeared with a smile, the whole auditorium was boiling.

"Okay, okay, please be quiet, my children," Dumbledore stretched out his hands and waited for the applause and cheers to subside before continuing, "Please forgive me for my negligence. I didn't expect that someone would appear in the castle. Such a vicious accident.”

He paused and his expression became serious: "I assure you that the matter will be resolved soon. In a few days, you will be able to go to the playground, the library, and Hogsmeade as much as you like."

On the Ravenclaw table, Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

As expected, Dumbledore is the most reliable person to handle this kind of thing.

And on the night of the third day, Professor Flitwick used a magic spell to pass a note to Sean.

"Dumbledore has entered the Chamber of Secrets."


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