Sean fell silent. He almost couldn't help but raise his hands, as if he wanted to see if they were stained with blood.

In a daze, he thought of what he had seen in the Mirror of Erised.

The self that grew up to be unruly, arrogant and arrogant...

He suddenly felt as if there was a dormant demon in his body, that demon was waiting to wake up and thirsted for blood.

But that's not me...

Sean clenched the fists in front of him hard, and when he raised his head again, the calmness and determination on his face made Dumbledore's eyes flash with surprise.

"Why me, Professor, how do you judge? That prophecy has no clear direction." Sean said in a deep voice.

Dumbledore patted the soft stool next to him and motioned for him to sit down, but Sean stubbornly stood there, standing in front of Dumbledore.

The old man retracted his hand and said softly: "Gellert and I spent a lot of effort to investigate and found that the disaster in history mentioned in the prophecy did indeed happen. The so-called 'culprit' is probably a wizard who awakened a special bloodline. And the prophecy mentioned that 'the guilt has sunk into prison', I think that means the bloodline has fallen asleep, you know, wizards are more like bloodline sorcerers in nature."

"The guilt has passed down his bloodline. Until a thousand years later, seven of his descendants will awaken the bloodline, and you are the most important one among them - Gellert is a prophet, he foresaw your birth, and the other A prophet I am familiar with made the same prediction..."

Sean nodded, his voice becoming calmer: "Professor, you and Mr. Grindelwald should have gone to investigate when I was born, right?"

"Yes, we have to determine whether you have the bloodline of 'Guilty'. The result is obvious." Dumbledore smiled helplessly, "I even secretly hoped that you would be just an ordinary person. ——However, the moment you were born, your name was recorded in the Hogwarts Admission Book."

Sean licked the roof of his mouth and continued to ask: "The prophecy means that the blood in my body will awaken some kind of dark power, which will bring disaster to the world. In the second half, the prophecy also said that the guilt Will it become a virtue?”

"Yes, at least that's the literal meaning," said Dumbledore, "but the prophecy is still too vague, and the specific meaning cannot be judged - but this is my goal all along."

He looked very calm: "Sean, guilt can be turned into virtue. I think this requires your own efforts. This is why I have always wanted to guide you."

Sean took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The prophecy says that this is impossible and everyone will die..."

Dumbledore stood up and said seriously and seriously: "Sean, I have always believed that everyone has a light side and a dark side, and we can choose which side to show - determine who we become. What is human is not our ability, but our choice.”

Sean finally smiled: "Professor, are you more serious than me?"

Dumbledore didn't expect Sean's reaction like this. He was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "You are more mature than I thought, Sean."

"After all, nothing happened." Sean shrugged casually.

After hearing the prophecy, he was indeed a little depressed and gloomy after being shocked. After all, no one can laugh it off with such a bomb hidden in his body.

But as Dumbledore said, it is choice, not ability, that determines the outcome. And he didn't believe it anymore. Couldn't he still control the power in his body?

The atmosphere seemed to relax all of a sudden. Sean picked up the drink that Dumbledore had poured for him before and took a sip and said, "I don't feel anything wrong now. Is that kind of blood slowly awakening?"

Dumbledore also took a sip of the drink and squinted his eyes: "This is one of the reasons why I chose to tell you. I don't know how the blood awakens. I hope you can be prepared in advance, whether it is physical It’s still psychological.”

Sean nodded and asked doubtfully: "What about the other six deadly sins? I saw the names of Harry and Neville in Mr. Grindelwald's."

"Yes, they also carry the blood of guilt. Judging from the prophecy, they seem to be led by you. In other words, your awakening will lead to others."

"Daisy too?"

Dumbledore's expression became more solemn: "No, Daisy does not belong to the seven of you - this is another reason why I told you the prophecy. There is a person behind the scenes who has been pushing something, and I don't Know his purpose."

"Although I am falsely called the greatest wizard of our time by many people, it is obvious that there are still too many things that I don't understand. There are too many unknowns in this world." He looked at Sean and emphasized his tone, " I suspect that the person behind the scenes wants to promote the prophecy, and he wants to release the 'arrogance' in you."

Sean's heart also became heavy: "Can that ghost thing in my body be released in advance in other ways?"

"No, blood is above all else. I don't think anyone in this world has such ability. Sean, remember, the only person who can release the true guilt is you. Likewise, only you can suppress it."

Only myself? Sean thought about this sentence. What Dumbledore meant was that his bloodline would not be affected by external factors?

He scratched his hair a little irritably. Other people's bloodlines were noble things, but this piece of shit in his own body was going to destroy the world after waking up? Damn it!

"Professor, are there any special conditions for the awakening of the bloodline? Or is there a time limit? The prophecy mentions a thousand years later." Sean asked.

"If you go by what the prophecy mentioned, time is the most intuitive condition for awakening. In six years, when you graduate from Hogwarts, your bloodline will definitely awaken, and you will become." Dumbledore Said in a deep voice.

"Six years..." Sean took a deep breath. Six years seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only such a small amount of time.

What's more, there is a person behind the scenes who wants to make the prophecy come true. This time may be shortened...

Dumbledore handed over a notebook, and he smiled: "You don't have to be tense all the time. I think a good attitude will help, and you can study normally - if you are distracted during class, your demons will The medicine professor will definitely deduct your points."

Sean took the notebook: "Professor, what is this?"

"If you have any knowledge about Animagus, you can always ask Minerva if you don't understand anything."

What a good thing... Sean rubbed the rough aspects of the notebook.

But he quickly realized that there was another meaning in Dumbledore's words.


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