Sean looked at the two like-minded genius wizards, their smiles at the moment were so dazzling...

He lowered his head and pinched the letter in his hand, suddenly feeling a sense of fear.

Ms. Bagshot probably wasn't that confused when she received this letter. Combined with the disappearing package, does that prove that someone has tampered with it?

Perhaps it was a spell, perhaps a potion, that man made Bagshot forget this important letter and stole the package at the same time. Dumbledore and Grindelwald's relationship was not repaired in their youth...

Is the method in the letter that allows people to enter the memory also the handwriting of this person?

Sean felt the hairs all over his body stand on end. Who exactly was that person? Even the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald was so clear...

In the room, the two people were chatting happily. Dumbledore poured two more glasses of wine, then picked up his own glass and took a sip: "Gellert, when I was studying the history of Helbo yesterday, I learned an interesting ancient story. magic."

Grindelwald showed an interested expression: "Let me tell you, I have always been covetous of your rune skills."

Dumbledore took out his wand: "First use the wand to draw the symbol for "frost" in the rune. Then when the wand draws out the magic power, you have to outline the appearance of the ice and snow in your mind. Likewise, don't forget what I told you when you cast it. Ancient magic tricks..."

"ymir breath (winter has arrived)"

A large wave of frosty air appeared instantly, sealing the wine glass in Grindelwald's hand firmly in the ice.

"Perfect." Grindelwald looked at the ice cube in his hand carefully. The cold air was only a little bit away from his fingers. "Albus, your ability to control magic is so good. I'm even a little jealous!"

Dumbledore smiled slightly, and the young wizard who had not yet completely calmed down showed a slightly complacent look on his face.

Grindelwald also took out his wand: "; oculus"

A dazzling orange-red flame burst out from the tip of his wand. Under Grindelwald's control, the flame turned into a miniature version of the flaming phoenix. The phoenix circled around the ice, and the goblet transformed back into It has lost its original appearance, and the wine inside has not even evaporated.

"Beautiful spell." Dumbledore praised.

Sean's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he could learn new magic in a memory session.

The system was still usable, and two spell messages appeared on his panel.

Freeze Spell (Ancient Magic) lv0: Proficiency 0/20000

Divine Fire Spell (Ancient Magic) lv0: Proficiency 0/20000

However, this proficiency...

The corner of Sean's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't gain any proficiency at all from the two genius wizards' personal demonstrations...

He felt that his talent for runes was hopeless...

The memories continued, and Dumbledore and Grindelwald seemed to have endless things to say. They talked about ideals, magic, and history. Although Sean on the side was a little depressed, he quickly recovered.

Both of these two people were extremely knowledgeable and accomplished in magic. Sean felt that he had benefited a lot just from listening to them chatting.

After a topic about "Why did ancient magic decline?", Dumbledore mentioned Herbo again.

"Gellert, don't you find it strange that the inheritance of ancient magic has been cut off so much? Just like Haierbo, his life has become increasingly blurred with time."

Grindelwald leaned lazily on his chair and touched his chin, which had yet to grow a short beard: "Yes, yes, in the history we have found, there is almost no description of Herbo's later years, just like in ancient times Like magic, they shine with the times, but also fade with the times."

Grindelwald drank the remaining wine in one gulp and licked his lips: "I'm a little curious about the Horcrux developed by Halbo..."

Dumbledore frowned: "That kind of thing is meaningless."

"Of course, Albus," Grindelwald showed a wild smile, "No matter how long an empty life is, it will be disgusting. The Horcrux itself has no appeal to me. I just have some interest in the way of dividing the soul. I’m just curious, and what about Haierbo’s Horcrux? No one has mentioned it.”

"Do you doubt that Haierbo is still alive?"

Grindelwald chuckled: "Who knows... However, I have a hunch that just like the flicker and decline of ancient magic, a new era is coming soon..."

At this time, the entire space became distorted, and Sean felt that his body had lost weight. When he came to his senses again, he had returned to the bathroom of the Potter family.

He looked at his hand and found that the letter had disappeared.

"Is it a one-time thing..." Sean muttered.

"Sean, did you fall asleep in the bathtub?" Harry's voice rang outside.

"Sorry, I'll be fine soon."

Sean shouted. He spent a lot of time in his memory. He washed himself in a hurry and walked out.

Lying on the soft bed in the Potter's guest room, Sean was still digesting what he had seen today.

He finally understood a little bit about the past between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, and he was very concerned about the taboo human experiments that the other party discussed using the Sorcerer's Stone.

He was now almost certain that Ariana had turned into a phoenix, and her soul might be trapped in the phoenix's body.

In other words... Phoenix's soul is trapped in Ariana's body, and Ariana's soul may be floating.

Doesn't this correspond to what Dumbledore said that he has not yet rescued his sister? !

The more Sean thought about it, the more he felt that this conjecture was very likely!

In today's experience, what worries Sean even more is, who stole the package that Grindelwald wanted to give to Dumbledore?

And what kind of things were put in that package.

The letter was left behind and became a temporary pensieve for Sean to enter the memories of the two of them when they were young. Who set this up?

Sean has a feeling that behind this world, there is an invisible hand guiding the progress of the world line.

What about yourself? Was it an accident or became a pawn?

Sean's mood became a little heavier. Although nothing too bad had happened so far. As a little wizard, he was powerless, but this situation always gave people a bad feeling.

Moreover, he has not forgotten the prophecy that he is in...

Probably because he was overusing his brain, Sean fell into a deep sleep that night, but it was Daisy who woke him up the next day.

"Sean, it's time for lunch." The girl knocked on the door, but her voice was soft regardless of her strength.


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