I Was Once a Legend

Chapter 266: An arrow

Taking advantage of Dong Zheng and Cui Zuojing's work in the library, the others who entered the box returned after three days.

In general, this box is still full of surprises. All the way to the top of the giant tree, everyone's strength has been able to stand alone. Even Lin Hangzhi, who has not grown in terms of ability, has only picked up the body skills and ingenuity. It's good enough to go out.

Taking advantage of the rest of the people who came back from the box that day, Cui Zuojing and Dong Zheng went to the arms dealer's shop. According to the agreed time, Mr. Hades should have already made the actual weapon.

They went out early in the morning and there were no other guests in the store when they arrived. Mr. Hades knew in advance that the two were coming and was ready.

The silver-white crossbow was carefully taken out of the workshop by the old weapon merchant and held in front of Dong Zheng.

Dong Zheng and Cui Zuojing glanced at each other, and the teenager could not understand his concerns any more. He touched his lover with his elbow and gently encouraged: "Try it."

Dong Zheng took a deep breath and held out his hand, truly holding the crossbow that he had seen many times in his hands for the first time.

This crossbow is lighter than he thought. The streamlined crossbow body flashes a unique silver light of metal, with carved lines and grooves on it, and there is nothing in the memory.

Dong Zheng pulls the string with **** and pulls it back. The string does not know what material is used, and it is full of toughness. It is not difficult to imagine how amazing the power will be when the arrow is on the string.

The entire crossbow, regardless of size or shape, is very handy, as if...it seems to be a gift from Dong Zheng and Goddess of Fate.

"The forging of the crossbow body is very successful. When it is actually used for manufacturing, the characteristics of this metal are more obvious. It is certain that as long as the user trains more, its ability as a melee weapon will not be lost to other weapons. "

Hades said: "It's just that I have a little trouble. Due to the special nature of the metal, I originally thought that the arrows built with it can have special effects, but the results are actually not as good as I imagined. I tried many kinds. The plan and forging conditions are not as expected."

Can't make an arrow? Cui Zuojing shouted, "Can you show us the previous test samples?"

"Yes." Hades entered the workshop and took out more than 20 arrows, each of which was different. The length, thickness, shape of arrows and tail feathers, and the blood grooves on the arrows had not small changes. Dong Zheng took it one by one and tried it. Sure enough, as Hades said, it was not very good.

A crossbow without an arrow is no different from an iron block. Dong Zheng frowned. He placed the arrow on the table and said, "I can wait, waiting for you to make an arrow that feels as expected."

Hades nodded. He also believed that if he was given enough time, he could test out what kind of structure is the most perfect. Before Dong Zheng and Cui Zuojing left, he sighed casually: "It would be nice if I could have a similar sample for my reference."

The two left the weapon dealer's shop. Dong Zheng did not take the crossbow that had been made. Hades needed to use it to continue to test the energy efficiency of the arrows.

Cui Zuojing's mood is a little bit unspeakable. Although he has no blood contract, he can still feel that Dong Zheng's mood is heavier than his, because all this may well indicate that something will happen to him. fate.

Destiny, will there really exist this thing in the world?

Dong Zheng didn't believe in fate, but until he got into a car accident, he was guided by the clown to the post-death world, and through the blood contract, he met the lover who used life as a matchmaker. As if there were really hands in the midst, pushing them forward.

Heinrich’s text message was sent at this time.

[The system shows that you have a safe expired today. Come and pick it up as soon as possible. 】

Cui Zuojing: "Safe? When? Are you secretly saving money from private houses without me?"

Dong Zheng smiled: "Do I still save private house money?"

Cui Zuojing thought the same thing. At this time, his assets are accumulated in the form of points. There is no good money for private homes. However, when he goes out one day, he is raised by Dong Zheng as a three-no person who has no education, no work and no income. It is possible to secretly Save private house money.

Cui Zuojing couldn't help but shed a drop of invisible cold sweat. Fortunately, Dong Zheng didn't think in any other direction, wondering: "When did I use the safe?"

Cui Zuojing: "Go and see first."

The two arrived in Heimdall, did not specifically go to Heinrich, directly entered the vault, Dong Zheng entered a fingerprint on the system side, and related information popped up automatically.

[The safe A385467 you rented on September 12, 23rd expires on October 23, 24th, please remove the stored items as soon as possible. 】

Pure White Realm has its own calendar. The age is determined according to the name of the ruler, as if it was Red Peach **** years during the reign of the Red Queen, but neither Cui Zuojing nor Dong Zheng liked this. They still According to the time when you enter the realm of pure white land, use 2019 and 2020 instead.

Cui Zuojing was surprised: "September 23 of the Chinese calendar?"

If you remember correctly, at this time, they had just come out of the Twilight Island box not long before, and had not reached the top of the giant tree. Although Heinrich sent an invitation to contact again, but at that time, everyone did not even know the name of the organization he founded, how could it be stored in the safe in Heimdall?

Dong Zheng frowned, and he checked the registration information that used the safe at first, and it was indeed his fingerprint.

As for other information, there is nothing.

No team number, not even a name.

It was also due to the fact that Dong Zheng later joined Heimdall to register fingerprints, otherwise this thing will become unclaimed.

Has the system gone wrong? Or maybe... the man who left something in the safe at the beginning moved?

It’s useless to think too much. Dong Zheng remembers the number of the safe and found it in the depth of a row. This is a medium-sized safe that requires a fingerprint and a six-digit password to unlock it.

After fingerprint recognition passed, Dong Zheng hesitated facing the numeric keyboard.

He doesn't know what password at all. The passwords he uses most often, including computer passwords, are not six digits.

Cui Zuojing reminded him: "Try it, pick a number that is most memorable for you?"

Dong Zheng pondered for a moment, pressing key by key.

1, 9, 0, 4, 0, 3.

With a soft click, the lock was flipped open and the safe was opened.

Dong Zheng didn't rush to open it to see what was inside. He stared at the numeric keyboard and whispered: "This is the day I had a car accident."

Cui Zuojing knew the second half of Dong Zheng's unfinished sentence-this was also the day he met him, the day when all the stories started and the wheel of fortune turned again.

He put his hand on Dong Zheng's shoulder and said, "Open it and see, don't worry, no matter what happens, I will be by your side."

Dong Zheng snorted and opened the safe door. The bright light came in from outside, illuminating the small hidden space on that side.

Inside is a silver arrow.


When the door of the inner studio was knocked again, Hades was surprised that the two had returned so quickly, and even more surprised by the silver arrow in Dong Zheng's hand.

"Where did you find it?" Hades asked, stroking the straight arrow for the first time.

"..." Dong Zheng didn't know how to answer. Should we ask him to say that this was left to him by someone from the future?

Cui Zuojing asked with concern: "How can it be used?"

"Yes, this is what I want to be." Hades handed the crossbow and arrow to Dong Zheng together. He pointed to the lush tree outside the window and said, "Try it first."

Dong Zheng tightened his fingers one by one, and his fingertips clasped the cold metal tightly, holding the crossbow firmly. He put the arrow on the string and pulled it back to the card slot, and then put the arm of the hand that pulled the string under the right wrist to make the aiming more stable.

Cui Zuojing looked at him, and seemed to travel up the road, seeing the man who pierced the gluttonous beast with an arrow in Twilight Island.

Dong Zheng pulled the trigger.

The silver arrow shoots out like a streamer. This arrow seems to penetrate time and space and pierce a certain fate and ending.

Boom! There was a muffled noise, which was in the middle of the target, and the arrow submerged into the bark, squeezing out some translucent sap.

Dong Zheng put down his hand, he gently placed the crossbow arrow on the table and said, "That's it."

This is what he wants, the most convenient weapon.

The second winter that Dong Zheng spent in the pure white territory came silently.

At the top of the giant tree, even when the snow is falling, all the plants are still green and lush, and the white snow is pressed against the dense green branches. It really has a flavor.

Dong Linhai and Wang Que have probably formally established their relationship with their male and female friends. After training, they often go out together. Lin Hangzhi stayed in the old castle all day and did some academic exchanges with Victor. Generally, at this time, Xia Qiongyun would sit not far away and do his own thing, listening to two or three sentences from time to time.

After the huge piece of metal finished making the crossbow, the rest was estimated to be able to make three or four hundred arrows, Dong Zheng first asked for 150. After seeing Dong Zheng's tailor-made weapon, everyone except Xia Qiongyun who joined later was stunned.

"Hey, I, he... what's this, what's going on?" Dong Linhai's expression was terrified. After so long, the specific appearance of Domingo had been blurred in his mind, but Dong Linhai still can't forget the many "pretending behaviors" of the man.

Isn’t this a Domingo’s crossbow? How did it become a brother's weapon? ? ?

"I don't know, but I can be sure that the things that Domingo did at the time would basically not harm us." Dong Zheng did not say that the arrows in the safe, sometimes knew less, it was to other Human protection.

Wangque: "That Domingo finally took the amulet and broken time scepter for the sake of us?"

Cui Zuojing shook his head: "He should use those to do more important things."

When he said this, Cui Zuojing felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, and he remembered that when Domingo finally pushed him into the door, the demon who roared from behind and was crawling out of the ground was opening up with bones. Giant bat wings.

He didn't understand it until now. Under the ice-cold eyes of men, what was suppressed was the endless indulgence and mourning.

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