I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 716 What does Yaxiang think about Qi Mo 1 matter?

The army is under pressure!

This is the greatest suppression and deterrence, especially for Zhao Guo at this moment.

Yao Jia's disappearance is tantamount to a provocation against Daqin. Normally, the time is fine, and there will be no major problems. But at this moment, Yinggao led an army to suppress the situation, and the army of Lantian Camp served as the backing.

Zhao Guo must be cautious, otherwise, this disaster of swordsmanship will be added to Zhao Guo.

Zhao Guo and Qi Mo are not related, and Qi Mo even killed him once, so King Zhao is naturally unwilling to stand up for Qi Mo.

Suddenly, King Zhao panicked.

He knew in his heart that this matter could be big or small, and usually nothing would happen, but if the army is overwhelming, if there is a little carelessness, the guns will go off, and the war will break out.

The sword is out of its sheath, and the sword is drawn.

When the atmosphere is up, any sentence is no longer so simple, and it is very likely that a fight will break out because of a quarrel.

King Zhao was not afraid of Da Qin, and what he thought about day and night was killing Da Qin, King Qin, and beheading Ying Gao.

However, he can be the leader of the alliance, and unite the Shandong kingdoms to fight against the Great Qin, instead of fighting thunder for others.

In a short period of time, the news of the Wansheng army's invasion spread like wildfire. The whole Handan, and even the whole Zhao country knew it well, and a new kind of panic was constantly forming.

Of course, a kind of anger is also hidden in it, quietly taking root.

The hatred between Daqin and the State of Wei runs through the entire Spring and Autumn Period, and the hatred between the State of Zhao runs through the entire Warring States Period

Handan Palace.

Guo Kai walked into the Handan Palace again, and this time Guo Kai was accompanied by Lian Po.

The situation in Zhao State was critical, and Lian Po couldn't care less about being angry with King Zhao. This is celebrities, they can quarrel with the king, after all, everyone is angry, but when the country is in danger, they will definitely come forward.

This is an invaluable spirit.

It is also the spirit of the most special "scholar" class formed in this era.

For the sake of the country, go forward!

In hereafter,

There is a sentence that can describe this very well, *********, *****.

"Minister Guo Kai, Lian Po has met the King!" Walking into the Handan Palace, Lian Po and Guo Kai saluted King Zhao respectively and said.

"Yaxiang, are you here?" King Zhao was very surprised to see Lian Po at this moment.

He knew that Lian Po should still be having a quarrel with him at this moment. And Lian Po's temper, he is also clear, among civil and military officials, it is not small.

And now that I am older, my temper tends to grow.

However, at this moment Lian Po came, which surprised King Zhao very much. He couldn't help but look at Lian Po and didn't move for a while.

He knew in his heart that the sub-prime minister Lian Po was much stronger than the prime minister Guo Kai.

Out will be in phase!

This is the pursuit of celebrities during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods!

Lian Po looked at the King Zhao who was close at hand, and he was filled with emotion. He has been in Zhao Guo for half his life, and he has basically stayed here for almost the extraordinary years of his life.

Although he won a few victories that were not considered small, he was far from being famous in the Warring States period where swords and soldiers were frequent.

Lian Po also has a very lofty pursuit in his heart for this life, he wants to become a great celebrity.

He knew in his heart that first of all, he had to be famous in the world, and only the achievement of affecting the world structure in one move could be considered as the highest state of celebrity.

For example, Li Kui's reform in Wei State made Wei State a super powerful country in one fell swoop and became famous all over the world. For example, Wu Qi, in addition to being a victorious general on the battlefield, was also a famous official in power and reform.

Just like Lord Wu'an Bai Qi, who suppressed the whole world by himself, only such a celebrity is the goal of Lian Po's life.

He often felt that his talent was similar to that of Bai Qi, and he also wanted to be undefeated on the battlefield, but during the Changping World War I, Zhao Wang temporarily changed his generals, which made Lian Po's thoughts flow.

After experiencing a period of disappointment, Lian Po's desire to become a real celebrity completely disappeared. The reason why he is still in the court of Zhao State is that he wants to see Zhao State become better.

"I heard that Lord Wu'an of Qin State led an army close to the border. This is a provocation against our State of Zhao. Therefore, please enter the palace to see the king!"

Lian Po didn't hide his purpose either, he directly spoke impassionedly towards King Zhao.

"Ya Xiang, this matter was also a lonely mistake. I wanted to delay Yao Jia, but unexpectedly, King Qin Yingzheng stepped in and let Yao Jia get the news in advance and leave Handan."

Zhao Wang smiled bitterly, and said: "In this way, Gu will fall into a passive state instead."

"What does Yaxiang think about Qi Mo?"

Originally, King Zhao didn't need to explain to Lian Po, but he knew in his heart that if he didn't take the responsibility, then Guo Kai would take the responsibility.

Once caught by Lian Po and others, at that time, even if Guo Kai is not dead, he will be stripped of his body.

Therefore, the responsibility for this matter can only be borne by himself, so that Zhao Guo's government and people can be speechless and have nothing to say.

On the contrary, it was Ying Zheng who ordered Qi Mo to be defined as a thug. This incident made him feel a little ready to move. This was the first time that he and Ying Zheng's ideas came to the same mind.

Qi Mo, these people are too lawless.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, assassins were popular and famous, and King Zhao was originally an extremely perverse person. He had encountered more than one assassination in these years.

All, for Qi Mo, almost all the monarchs, hated it from the bottom of their hearts.

"What about Qi Mo?"

With a murmur, Lian Po understood Zhao Wang's meaning. He knew in his heart that in Zhao Wang's heart, the hatred for Qi Mo was not at all inferior to Ying Gao at the moment.

At this thought, Lian Po hesitated for a moment, turned to King Zhao, and said: "Your Majesty, Qi Mo's actions are inconsistent with the laws of heaven, but Qi Mo is one of the hundreds of schools of thought after all."

"Mohism and Confucianism are very popular in the world, and they have a great influence on the people of the world. The state of Qin is different from my state of Zhao."

"I heard that Prince Yinggao of the Great Qin Dynasty ordered the establishment of a school, and he stood on the opposite side of all schools of thought."

Lian Po knew that the promulgation of the imperial edict of the Qin Dynasty this time would hurt the hearts of the kings of all countries, and it would also intensify the confrontation between the various schools of thought and the countries of the Central Plains.

In the State of Qin, Ying Zheng and Ying Gao and his sons were heroes at the time. They could suppress the counterattack of various schools of thought, but Zhao State may not be able to do so.

After all, Daqin has always been the place with the least infiltration of the schools of thought. Originally, the Legalist family was dominant, but later the rise of the Qin-Fa faction, coupled with Ying Gao's intervention, made the schools of thought feel more concerned about Daqin. The influence of the imperial court further weakened.

Although they are all countries in the Central Plains, there is a big gap between a country and a country in terms of strength and influence.

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