I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 503 How can the officials in Xianyang feel panic?

"Born in the Garden of Emperors, and with the ability to rebel, now that Young Master Gao has shown his sharpness, it's no wonder Wang Wan is worried!"

Ying Zheng was filled with emotions, looking out the window, at this moment, a gust of wind blew, the willows swayed gracefully, and the scene was peaceful.

However, he knew in his heart that there were many problems in the Great Qin Dynasty, which should not be underestimated. With the rise of Yinggao, these years have become more and more obvious.

In recent years, Yinggao has outshined others.

Some people are too good, and in the eyes of some people, they are also hatred. There is a saying, the other's hero is my enemy.

Today's Yinggao blocked the way of many people.

It's just that this is Yinggao's path, he doesn't want to interfere, and he was the same back then, if he wants to transform from a dragon to a real dragon, this step must be experienced.

The previous king didn't help him back then, and Ying Zheng didn't plan to help Ying Gao either, because he knew that the political struggle in the future would become more and more cruel.

He had high hopes for Ying Gao, so he could only watch helplessly as all forces swarmed up to beat Ying Gao.

Only when he comes out in the end can he be qualified to become the heir apparent of Great Qin and complete his unfinished hegemony.

"Your Majesty, in fact, it seems that the young master is holding a heavy army and sitting in one side, but if this army excludes the elite Rongdi, it will actually only have two hundred thousand people."

"Although it is located in the four counties of Xihai, the land of these four counties is far inferior to Sanchuan County in terms of population and products."

Meng Tian's eyes were burning like torches, but he knew very well that when Ying Gao came back, he could go south with Ying Gao to conquer the extreme south.

With the victory in battle right in front of him, Meng Tian was naturally unwilling to give up.

At this moment, Meng Tian looked at Ying Zheng and smiled, very seriously, and said: "What's more, the son is the most powerful among the princes of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he is almost the best candidate for the heir of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Under such circumstances, the brothers are unable to succeed, and only Ying Gao stands out. Naturally, there is no more threat."

"The position of crown prince is easily available, and such a position will have the least impact on Young Master Gao, so I think this matter is nonsense."

Meng Tian's words were like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which made Ying Zheng suddenly enlightened, and some things that he couldn't figure out before suddenly became clear.


But the officials in Xianyang are becoming more and more afraid of Young Master Gao..."

Ying Zheng didn't doubt Wang Wan, because he knew that Wang Wan would not be able to stand in line with the other sons ahead of time, not to mention, no one was so stupid as not to choose Ying Gao, but to choose other people.

The only reason is that King Rong Di surrendered to Ying Gao. This time, it really put pressure on Wang Wan, and someone yelled at Wang Wan.

The battle for the country!

Because of this, the previous Confucianists were forced to die in Xianyang, and Fusu had to go north to Jiuyuan. As a result, several months passed, and the struggle between the country and the country was staged again.

"Meng Tian, ​​how are your preparations for going south?" After thinking for a long time, Ying Zheng changed the subject and said.

"Your Majesty, this matter has basically been prepared. There are some matters that I will discuss with Zheng Guo and need to be decided by the King..."

Meng Tian looked a little embarrassed, smiled wryly at Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty brought Zheng Guo here, Your Majesty..."


Ying Zheng noticed Zheng Guo at first, but it was about Ying Gao, and finally got upset and waved the others to retreat.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng turned to Meng Tian and said, "Bring to Zheng Guo!"



Meng Tian bowed his hands towards Ying Zheng, and said to Ying Zheng and Wang Jian, "The grain, grass, weapons, and equipment are all ready."

"Similarly, at this time, the Chi Road in Bashu has already started construction, but due to the request of Mr. Gao, this Chi Road has eight lanes."

"It is possible to walk side by side with eight or two cars. Since Mr. Gao said something first, the road at this moment is just a preliminary excavation."

"I heard what Young Master Gao said, the enemy in the extreme south is not strong, but poisonous insects, climate, etc. are a big problem."


Meng Tian is a generation capable of both civil and military skills, he knows in his heart that at Ying Gao's speed, within half a year, the Great Yue Clan will surely be wiped out.

What's more, he heard from Ying Gao that he didn't want to destroy the Da Yuezhi, but just wanted the land of the Da Yuezhi.

In this way, the conquest of the Northwest will inevitably end in a short time.

Once the expedition to the northwest is over, it means going south, which will definitely be on the agenda.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng said in a low tone, "The two lovers also know that if what Young Master Gao said is true, it means that the conquest of the extreme south is far more meaningful than the conquest of the Da Yue clan."

"The twice-cropped rice in a year will definitely increase the population of Daqin and reduce the number of people who starve to death, making Daqin even stronger."




This is a sign of whether a country is strong, especially Daqin is a country that started with farming and warfare.

He attaches great importance to farming and warfare.

Population and food are the basis of farming and warfare. When Ying Gao mentioned that there is rice that is harvested twice a year in the extreme south, Ying Zheng and others were moved almost immediately.

"Gong Zigao is not an untrustworthy person. Since he has decided to go south to the extreme south land, it means that there are rice crops twice a year on the extreme south land."

Wang Jian took a sip of tea, smiled slightly at Ying Zheng and Meng Tian, ​​and said, "Since when has Young Master Gao ever done something that is not beneficial!"

"Gong Zigao's character can be summed up as being unprofitable. As long as Gong Zigao is passionate about one thing, it will definitely be profitable!"


Hearing this, a black line appeared on Ying Zheng's face. At this moment, because of Wang Jian's words, he remembered the development of Xianyang City South.

In the process of building the university, not only the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce and the Peacock Chamber of Commerce under Ying Gao's command are making a lot of money, but also Meng Tian and Wang Jian are making a lot of money.

Ying Zhenggao was sitting in Xianyang Palace, so he was clearly aware that he was also short of money. When he thought of this, he felt like slapping Ying Gao to death.

He has his share in the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce, so Yingzheng is naturally aware of how much the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce has earned in the development of Xicheng.

"That's right, the development of Nancheng, the two lovers can be said to have made a lot of money!"

Hearing Ying Zheng's emotion, Meng Tian smiled, bowed his hands towards Ying Zheng, and said: "Your Majesty, based in the south of the city, Young Master Gao once said that as long as the universities and palaces do not collapse, even if the family declines in the future, you can become a rich family." Weng."

"If you don't fall into a slump, the matter in the south of the city, I owe you a favor!"

Meng Tian is very frank!

He knew in his heart that the development of the south of the city was made by Ying Gao, but the decision was indeed made by Ying Gao and Ying Zheng.

In this matter, there is no secret at all.

What's more, even if there is, as long as Ying Zheng inquires, he will tell Ying Zheng in every detail, and Meng Tian believes that Wang Jian will do the same.

This is the retainer!

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