I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 432 Daqin needs a strong crown prince!

Fan Zeng is worthy of being a first-class strategist in the world. His eyes are far away, and he has already thought of the situation after the Great Qin unified the six countries.

Such a person can be called the unparalleled national scholar. Ying Gao was very lucky to meet Fan Zeng. As for the means he used, he did not regret it.

Going through Fan Zeng's words in his mind, Ying Gao nodded and said, "What Mr. said is reasonable, but this is the most difficult way."

"General Changsheng is often the hardest one. In the Great Qin Dynasty, from Duke Xiao to today, in nearly a hundred years, there is only Lord Wu An who can do this."

"Countless victories are won, and often one failure will be ruined. In this world, many things are very realistic."

"People's hearts are unpredictable, and it has been like this since ancient times!"

Although Ying Gao is not very old, he at least lives a transparent life. He knows in his heart that no matter what it is, it is always more difficult to establish than to destroy.

"It's natural, but my son, Daqin needs a strong prince. Looking at the current Daqin's sons, apart from you, none of them has such ability."

Fan Zeng took a sip of tea, took a deep look at Ying Gao, and said, "Master, this is your life."

"Now that Jing Yesi has gone to the West Sea, I'm afraid the same Black Ice Terrace has already gone. My father decided to send 100,000 great Qin warriors from the Great Qin to the northwest."

Speaking of this, Ying Gao glanced at the three of them, and said, "For this battle, sir will be the military adviser and the food and grass preparation."

"Wang Li and Meng Liao led the Wansheng Army into the northwest, and the other led an army of 100,000 into the northwest."

"I went to the northwest to find Wang Hu and Li Xin. At this time, Wang Hu must have arrived in Xihai County."

"My son will personally lead Xihai County with Tie Ying afterwards!"


Nodding in agreement, the three of them were very satisfied. Following Ying Gao to fight, it can be said that it is the least risky battle on the battlefield.


"It seems that Guanzhong is rich, but in fact it is very barren. There are not many things, and even if there are only a few things. With the manpower of this era, it is not worth vigorously developing."

In Yinggao's view, without mechanized equipment, it is not suitable for mining small veins, but suitable for mining a large mine, which can be used for countless years.

Therefore, he has a little disdain for the bottom resources in Guanzhong.

Therefore, this expedition to the northwest is already necessary. As long as there is the northwest as the background of the Great Qin, and the capture of the extreme south, in this life, the Great Qin will truly be qualified to conquer the Great Kyushu.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he was silent for a while. Ying Gao did not go to the laboratory again. Even if he told about the cement, with Daqin's ability, it was not enough to fire it in large quantities.

Everything is still waiting for him to conquer the northwest, and then make another plan.


With an order, preparations had already begun in Ying Gao's mansion, and at this time, Ying Gao went to Daqin Central University in person.

He wants to meet with the officials of the teaching material compilation team in a short time, and then reach an agreement on the purpose, so that what should be implemented should be carried out immediately.

He knew in his heart that this expedition would not be a simple few months, but several years.

Therefore, he needs to explain clearly what needs to be deployed in advance and what needs to be explained in advance. Among Daqin, the thing that worries him the most is the matter of the Education Department.

After all, he personally proposed these matters. If others take over rashly, they will not handle them well, and it will affect his deployment instead.

Also, regarding Confucianism, he decided to do something about it. If he didn't warn them, he always felt that Confucianism should be superior.

Facing him Yinggao, I don't know how to be in awe!


The car was rumbling, Ying Gao was on top of the car, thinking, going through the things related to him.

He wants to check for omissions and make up for vacancies, so that he won't be in the end, and he finds omissions, but he is far away in the northwest. At that time, this will cause him a dilemma.

The rumbling car drove Ying Gao's thoughts far away. There were some things he had to think about clearly.

Once a person reaches a high position, his heart will become different. The more he cares about and thinks, the more domineering and decisive he used to be.

The same is true for Ying Gao at this time, he has begun to change, he is no longer as indomitable as before, showing his sharpness.

Whether such a change is a good thing or a bad thing will not be known until the future.


Xianyang Palace Study Room.

General Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu, Li Si, Wang Wan, Zheng Guo and others were all there.

Ying Zheng took a sip of hot tea, looked at the ministers, and said, "Young Master Gao proposed to send 300,000 troops to conquer the Dayue Clan and the remnants of the Rong and Di tribes in one fell swoop before going south, and merge this area into the Great Qin."

"What do you Ai Qing think about this matter?"

"My lord, didn't you go south to conquer the extreme south?" Wang Jian's eyes were dark, he hesitated towards Yingzheng, and said, "Why did you suddenly change?"

"On the land of the Da Yuezhi, there is a huge iron ore vein and a coal mine for the development of Daqin's iron smelting technology."

"The same piece of land can feed tens of millions of people!"

Looking at the ministers, Ying Zheng was naturally aware of the other party's worries, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Young Master Gao's reason is that tens of thousands of troops have been stationed near Xihai County."

"This time, we only need to dispatch the Wansheng Army, plus the 100,000 Great Qin soldiers who originally went south, to meet the standard."

"In this way, the imperial court only needs to pay for weapons, food and grass. Although it has an impact on our strategy, it is not big."



Hearing this, Wang Jian sighed in his heart. He knew in his heart that since Ying Zheng said so, it meant that the expedition to the Northwest could not be changed.

The court meeting this time was not a discussion, but Ying Zheng expressly stated that the court was full of civil and military affairs.

Thinking of this, Wang Jian couldn't help but look at the map on the wall, and after a long silence, he said.

"Your Majesty, this place spans thousands of miles. If you want to completely conquer it, it will not take a year or two. It is impossible."

"In this way, it will affect the southward battle, but this battle can also train the army, and then the python sparrow army will go south."

"Leaving the 100,000 troops recruited later to garrison this land, and then sending the already elite python army southward, it can completely make up for this."

"It's just your majesty, who are you going to go with Young Master Gao?"

Turning the teacup around, Ying Zheng's eyes fell on Wang Jian, and he said, "Gu intends to choose one of you and Meng Tian to go."

"Although Li Xin is good, he is too sharp and doesn't know how to hide the front. Once the war comes, if you want to govern the country, you need the Tibetan front."

"I just hope that this place can be defeated in one battle, instead of someone rebelling at any time, which will affect the overall situation of Daqin's annexation of the six countries."


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