I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 428 Cavalry Three Treasures and Cement

The meritorious service of the Great Qin Dynasty, the nobles of the six countries, and even the old clans, the landlords who were bound to be suppressed by the Tweeting Order, could not hold their heads up.

This is a poisonous plan!

It is a poisonous plan that can make the aristocratic family chaos, and the court soldiers can reap the benefits of the fisherman without bloodshed. However, this poisonous plan is not suitable for the present.

Although Qin Wangzheng is powerful in Qin, but at this moment, the Great Qin has not yet annexed the world, and Yingzheng has not reached the point where one person can suppress the entire Central Plains.

Implementing the Tweet Order at this moment is more effective with half the effort.

Therefore, Ying Gao just mentioned it, but didn't say it to Ying Zheng. After all, under Daqin's eyes, stability is the main priority.

With this in mind, Ying Gao changed the subject, turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "My lord father, this is not the time to launch the Tweet Order, at least after the Great Qin annexed the six kingdoms."

"Father, the most important thing at the moment is war. The various systems of the Great Qin are all aimed at expanding the territory. Only by expanding the territory can the invincibility of the Great Qin warriors be guaranteed!"

Speaking of this, Ying Gao paused for a moment, and said in a low tone, "Father, when you are free, have you ever thought that when Daqin annexed the six countries, there would be no land rewards in Daqin anymore?"

"If there is no rice that is harvested twice a year, the Great Qin, which has just experienced the baptism of war and has just been unified, is not qualified to continue the conquest."

"If at that time, the imperial court was short of food and grass, unable to conquer foreign countries, and relying on the military merit and title system to be invincible, would the Great Qin warriors still be invincible?"


This is the biggest disadvantage of Daqin at present, but because this is the troubled times of the Warring States period, this disadvantage is not obvious.

If Ying Gao didn't mention it, it would be impossible for Ying Zheng and others to find out.

The princes above the Great Qin Dynasty only thought of the Great Qin annexing the six kingdoms, unifying the land of the Central Plains, and establishing an unprecedented kingdom.

They only thought of this, but they didn't think of the situation after the Great Qin Empire was established.

Therefore, the Great Qin Empire has always had disadvantages, and the emperors and ministers of the Great Qin did not think so far, so that there will be too many disadvantages in the future.

Therefore, at this time, Ying Gao will mention it to Ying Zheng.

He hoped that Yingzheng would think about this matter carefully, after all, Daqin in the future will become even brighter.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was also slightly taken aback. He had to admit that what Ying Gao said made sense. In this era, they only considered half of it.

"On this point, I will discuss with other people, and there will always be a solution. It's just that you think that this time going south, who else can go south besides you?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao quickly put down the teacup in his hand, with a calm expression on his face, he said: "Father, I think that besides my son, there should be generals and local politicians following me."

"This means that, in addition to military generals, some civilian officials are also needed to accompany the local people to change customs and popularize Qin law."

"Establish an official office, be responsible for governing the local area, and provide Daqin with a steady stream of food and grass. As for the digging of the road, I believe that the father must have certain ideas in his heart."

"However, Erchen knows a method. It was developed by Erchen's mansion. It's called cement. It can be mixed with sand and gravel. After it solidifies, it becomes as firm as bluestone."

"It can be used to dig galloping roads. The same minister's mansion developed the three treasures of cavalry, which are horseshoes, saddles, and stirrups."

"Three treasures of cavalry?"

Ying Zheng was keenly aware of the meaning of Ying Gao's words, and hurriedly said to Ying Gao, "Tell Gu in detail, what is the use of these three treasures?"


Nodding in agreement, Ying Gao drank the tea in the teacup, then turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Horseshoes, also known as horseshoes, are iron hooves nailed to the hooves of horses, mules and other animals."

"According to research, a horse's hoof is composed of two layers. The horse's hoof is in contact with the ground. It will fall off quickly due to the friction of the ground and the corrosion of stagnant water. The main purpose of nailing the horseshoe is to delay the wear of the horse's hoof."

"The use of horseshoes not only protects the horse's hoof, but also makes the horse's hoof grip the ground more firmly, which is very beneficial for riding and driving.


"A saddle is a seat made of a wooden frame covered with leather, stuffed with soft stuff, shaped to fit the rider's buttocks, and protruding front and rear."

"It is a utensil placed on the back of a mule for people to sit on. The two ends are high and the middle is low. The saddle is the key to the combination of people and horses."

"Stirrups are a pair of footrests hung on both sides of the saddle for the rider to step on when mounting and riding."

"The role of stirrups is not only to help people get on the horse, but more importantly, to support the rider's feet while riding, so as to maximize the advantages of riding a horse while effectively protecting the rider's safety."

"The biggest function of the stirrup is to free your hands. Only then can the cavalry rely on their feet to control their balance and charge, thrust, chop, and strike on the horse, which greatly improves the combat effectiveness of the cavalry."

"In the era when there were no saddles and stirrups, people needed to ride on the back of a naked horse, only by holding on to the reins or the mane and clamping the belly of the horse with their legs so that they would not fall when the horse was galloping."

"But this method is very unreliable. First of all, riding for a long time is prone to fatigue, and at the same time it is difficult to use bows and arrows effectively on the back of a running horse. In close combat, the rider cannot use swords and spears as he likes, chop and chop Or the assassination fails, and the impact of the blades of the two sides can make the rider slip off the horse at any time."

"As a result, the training is extremely difficult, the scale is difficult to shape, and the combat effectiveness is not high."


Having said that, Ying Gao turned to Ying Zheng and said, "With the horseshoes, the service life of the horses can be increased, and the horses will not be easily damaged during a march."

"With these three things, our Daqin cavalry can free their hands, and they are more elite than the cavalry of nomadic peoples such as the Huns."

"It's just that at this stage, our Daqin's iron smelting technology has not yet broken through, and it is very difficult to forge, and the iron smelting technology of the six Shandong countries is far more advanced than Daqin's."

"That's why I sealed off the mansion and didn't let it flow out. It's just that the coal veins in Sanchuan County have been continuously mined, which will promote the development of Daqin's iron smelting technology."

"Nowadays, Daqin only needs to find iron ore veins to wait for the development of iron smelting technology, and then gradually transform Daqin from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age."

"My Daqin bronze technology is the best in the world, and the iron swords of the six kingdoms in Shandong are far less sharp than my Daqin bronze swords. Why should we change?" Ying Zheng's eyes were deep, and he couldn't help looking at Yinggao, and said.

For a long time, the slow development of Daqin's iron smelting technology has a lot to do with the concept of Daqin's ruling and opposition parties.

"Father, don't you think the forging of bronze weapons is too expensive?"

Ying Gao glanced at Ying Zheng, said in a low tone, "After checking and calculation by everyone in the laboratory, iron wares are much cheaper than bronze wares at this level."

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