I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 390 Only Education Can Make Great Qin Everlasting!


This is the first time since the establishment of the Education Department that there are so many staff members. Otherwise, there are only two or three people on weekdays to maintain the operation of the Education Department.

This is the first time since Daqin established the Education Department, as well as Daqin Central University and schools at all levels, it is the first time that officials of all levels belonging to the Education Department have gathered together.

In order to demonstrate the importance of this meeting, Ying Gao directly invited Ying Zheng to move this time, and asked Ying Zheng to increase the importance of this meeting with the capital of the emperor.

It's just that because Sanchuan University is far away in Sanchuan County, there will be no notification for a while, so we can only focus on Xianyang City. After a while, Yingzheng and Yinggao came to the Education Department.

When Ying Gao and others walked in, a group of people bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng and Ying Gao, and said, "I have seen the king and the sacrificial wine!"

"You don't need to be too polite, dear friends, just take your seats!"

Ying Zheng chuckled, and then stretched out his hand to signal everyone to sit down. He knew in his heart that whether Daqin would control the class of scholars in the future depended on Ying Gao's deployment this time, and teaching materials were the most important thing.

Therefore, when Ying Gao invited him, Ying Zheng agreed almost instantly. After Ying Gao's words, he made it clear that the unity of thought is extremely important.


Nodding in agreement, all the ministers found their seats and looked at Ying Zheng and Ying Gao with fiery eyes. They knew in their hearts that a few days ago, they had just sent the textbooks of all levels to Gongzi Gao's study.

In just a few days, King Qin was even more alarmed when Ying Gao found him. From this, it can be seen that there must be a problem with the teaching materials, otherwise they would not be summoned for other things.

"Everyone may be guessing in their hearts what happened, so that my son hastily summoned you and others, and even invited his father to come in person!"

After taking a sip of tea, Ying Gao glanced at Ying Zheng, and after receiving the signal, he said, "A few days ago, Fusu, the supervisor, delivered a cart of bamboo slips to my residence, and I stayed in the study for three days."

"My lord can only say that you all have very good ideas, but there is still a gap from the teaching materials in my mind, so there is today's meeting!"

"Please enlighten me, my lord!"

At this moment, led by Fusu and others, they all bowed respectfully to Ying Gao. They all knew that Ying Gao was in charge of Daqin Central University and other schools at all levels, as well as the Education Department.

And when they were training in Daqin Central University, they all knew that Yinggao was very knowledgeable and knew a lot of profound knowledge that they didn't know.

At this moment, they saluted as teachers.

Hearing this, Ying Gao pondered for a while, looked at the fanatic and sincere face, and said: "I have learned the textbooks, so I just need to revise them appropriately. Next, let's talk about the county school textbooks."

"Please enlighten me, my lord!"

At this moment, Ying Gao took out the blackboard and charcoal pencils developed by Shanggongfang, and said to everyone, "In my thinking, the county school accepts students from the end of elementary school and educates them."

"In the county school, it is divided into three years, one year and one level. After three years of graduation, pass the assessment and enter the county school to study. The same county school is like the county school, three years and three levels, and graduate after three years. If you pass the assessment, you will enter different colleges for further study according to the level of your grades."

"University is four years, special schools are three years, and medical universities are five years,

Starting from elementary school, selection is made layer by layer, with the survival of the fittest and the selection of available talents for Daqin. "

As Ying Gao opened his mouth, the clerk on the side began to record. Ying Gao's speech was not fast, and he had been waiting for the clerk's record. He didn't want the clerk to repeat the words after he finished speaking. again.

"There are eight subjects in the county school, namely Martial Arts, Qin Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Mathematics, and Thinking. There are the following requirements for the compilation of teaching materials for the eight subjects."

"There are four basic requirements for the compilation of Qin studies. First, to implement the core values ​​of Da Qin patriotism. Second, to inherit and carry forward the traditional culture of Da Qin, and to enhance students' sense of national pride and patriotism. Third, to follow the basic laws of Qin Xue education. , 4. Adhere to the selection of texts with both quality and beauty."

"About martial arts..."

Ying Gao explained the writing requirements of the eight subjects one by one, and then told the high school. As for the specific situation of the university, it needs to be discussed later.

After Ying Gao finished speaking, he looked at the people who were listening intently, took a sip of tea, and said: "So, the textbooks of both the county school and the county school are unqualified and need to be rewritten."

"My son decided to set up a subordinate organization under the Education Department called: Daqin County School Textbook Compilation Office, headed by Superintendent Fusu, to rewrite the textbooks."



In the current Daqin, the most difficult thing is not Sijiao and Qinxue, but the most difficult thing is physical chemistry. Mathematics still has a certain foundation, but physics and chemistry are really a new subject. The sudden birth is naturally extremely Difficult, this is equivalent to being caught off guard by Daqin Education.

But Ying Gao knew in his heart that mathematics, physics and chemistry must be persisted. Only when these three subjects are strong, can Daqin undergo earth-shaking changes in the future.

When the others dispersed and only Ying Gao, Fu Su and Ying Zheng were left, Fu Su couldn't help but turned to Ying Gao and said, "Jijiu, why do we have to offer physics, chemistry and other subjects? Isn't that all right?"

"Brother, there is a need for any subject, otherwise I wouldn't have worked so hard to promote it. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, education must be persisted!"

"I hope that one day, the whole country will be able to read and write, and everyone will be able to show ceremonies. Similarly, everyone can contribute to this country."

"Similarly, mathematics can be the foundation of everything. Whether it is the weapons of Shanggongfang or the assembly line operation of Shaofu, mathematics is the basis, and the calculation of taxes, and even wars, all require mathematics."

"The manufacture of weapons, the construction of houses, etc. all involve physics. Although chemistry has not yet become a subject that attracts attention, chemistry in the future may make Daqin look completely new."

"So persistence is a must, and education is the foundation of a country's long-term existence!"

Speaking of this, Ying Gao subconsciously glanced at Ying Zheng, and said in a low tone, "Only education can make the Great Qin pass on forever, not a powerful Great Qin warrior. That's why I valued education from the very beginning."

"It's like the Zhou rituals of the Zhou Dynasty, which allowed the Zhou Dynasty to last for eight hundred years..."

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