I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 219: The three false generals are rare in the world.

Li Si didn't have a title, nor a specific position. At this moment, in front of the officials of the Great Qin, he could only be at the bottom.

However, he was very calm in his heart.

This court meeting must be the content of his conversation with Ying Zheng three days ago, even if there are changes, it will not differ too much.

Regarding this point, Li Si was still very confident.

While Li Si was thinking secretly, King Qin Yingzheng's voice sounded from the court hall. The voice was thick and thick, and at this moment, it seemed extremely domineering.

Obviously, all kinds of troubles in the Great Qin have been cleared up this time, and when it's time to develop insignificantly, this court meeting will definitely attract the attention of all.


"My lords, the famine of the Great Qin Dynasty has passed. Zheng Guoqu's effect is astonishing. The whole country is constantly recovering. At this time, cleaning up the court is the top priority."

Yingzheng got up from the throne, walked up to the royal steps, and glanced at the ministers who were sitting upright: "The solitary government has been in power for more than five years. First, there was the rebellion of Marquis Wenxin, and then there was the rare famine."

"Now my Daqin is united as one, Zheng Guoqu is formed, and I have Jiuyuan County, Yangcheng and other six cities. Today's court meeting will rectify the state affairs."

"The king made it clear that Daqin should come out!"

At this moment, the entire main hall of Xianyang Palace was neatly wrapped up. These people were almost all the confidantes of Qin Wangzheng. Now that the court situation was stable, it was time to reward meritorious deeds.

Looking at his confidant ministers, Ying Zheng's gaze was like a sword, and he said decisively: "The position of the Great Qin should be based on merit. However, except for a few people in the Great Qin, there is no meritorious service."

"So, the key personnel appointed this time will all be treated with false positions. Once the achievements are confirmed, then the false characters will be removed. What do you love?"

"I have no objection!"


At this moment, Ying Zheng's gaze paused, and he signaled Zhao Gao to hand over the imperial edict and hand it over to Shizhong.

"Qin Wangzheng Special Letter: The former Chief History Wang Wan was promoted to a fake prime minister to lead the state affairs, and the former general Wang Jian was promoted to a fake general to organize the army."

"Original Xianyang ordered Meng Tian to promote him as a false general to assist Wang Jian in reorganizing his army, and Henggan as a false general to sit in the camp outside the customs.

"Bi Yuan, the former governor of Neishi County, was promoted to the false court captain, and Ying Teng, the former captain of Xianyang, was promoted to the governor of Neishi County, and also led the Xianyang order and general of Xianyang."

"Promoting Keqing Li Si as a fake long history..."

Speaking of this, Ying Zheng looked at the officials below and said, "If you have any objections in your hearts, you can just say it right now—!"

"I have no objection!"

At this moment, except for the old Guo Wei Meng Wu, the old Ting Wei Ying Miao, and the old Taicang Ling Ying Huan, everyone has been promoted, so naturally no one is dissatisfied.


Everyone has no objection to the reward and promotion, but the ministers are also a little surprised by Qin Wangzheng's move today. Daqin actually gave birth to three fake generals.


After the officials left, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian and Heng Gan did not leave. They knew that compared to others, their pressure was the greatest.

Seeing the people in the main hall leave, Ying Zheng invited the three of them to the study.

In a world of great contention, the army is the most important thing.

"You are all our peerless generals in the Great Qin Dynasty. Do you have a plan for the incident?" Walking into the study, Ying Zheng said bluntly.

"Your Majesty, I think that the two-army system will be implemented in the Great Qin Dynasty, with the battalion outside the pass and the battalion inside the pass."

Wang Jian's gaze was sharp, he paused every word, and said: "The camp in Guannei is based on the camp in Lantian, and it has trained 500,000 troops to serve as the main force of the Great Qin Dynasty."

"The camp outside the pass is at war with the nations to contain them..."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng paused for a moment, and turned to Wang Jian: "Speak, I must be clear about everything and the purpose of doing this!"

"My lord, the battle outside the pass can give the world the illusion that Qin has no generals, and at the same time make the six Shandong countries relax their guard against the Qin army; second, the six Shandong countries will be overwhelmed with offensive warfare."

Wang Jian bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Under this situation, the intention of conscription and training can also be hidden.

In the future, it will be able to catch it by surprise. "

Accompanied by Wang Jian's words, Ying Zheng thought for a long time in his heart, before he finally said: "Wang Jian is in the camp of Lantian to recruit troops and train, and Henggan is in the camp outside the pass."

"Use Meng Tian as the liaison between all parties, recruit soldiers and reform the military armor and clothing!"


At this moment, Ying Zheng stood up suddenly, and said: "The camp outside the pass, one is located in Sanchuan County with a garrison of 30,000 troops, commanded by Ying Gao, and the place where the rest of the army is stationed with about 100,000 troops is determined by the general."



For a time, the news spread all over the world.

When Ying Gao got the news, he couldn't help but frowned. After all, the military and dignitaries have always been single-minded, but this time Qin Wangzheng was uncharacteristically, and suddenly brought out three generals.

Although they bear fake characters, in the Great Qin, these people are undeniable generals.

"Sir, what do you think your father is doing?" Ying Gao was silent for a while, then looked at Han Fei, who had mixed feelings about this person.

Between Qin and Han, there must be life and death.

And Han Fei is the son of South Korea, he is a direct descendant in the true sense, but at this time, Ying Gao has no one who is good at planning, so he can only rely on Han Fei.

"There are regular battles outside the pass, and there is a great army inside the pass!" Han Fei was silent for a long time before he said with a complicated expression, "Using the battle to show the appearance, disrupt the enemy and strengthen the country."


Thoughts roiled, and almost instantly, Ying Gao understood what was in Xianyang's monarch and ministers' minds.

It's just that when Ying Gao thought about Li Mu's next move, he shook his head: "With Li Mu's talent, I'm afraid this partial division will definitely lose."

"Sir, is there a way to make me Daqin win this time?"

Han Fei stared like a torch, pondered for a moment, and said: "It depends on the county guard. If the county guard is peerless in military power, his military skills are overwhelming, and it is no longer a problem to turn decay into magic."

Hearing this, Ying Gao shook his head: "Although I have been taught by Wang Jian the tricks of tempering qi and blood, I have also been taught the thirteen tiger moves, and there is also a peerless medicine to cooperate."

"However, after all, it is too young, only eleven and a half years old, not even twelve years old!"

"If there are another ten years, this young master will be peerless and invincible, even if Li Mu is here, he can win in one battle—!"

"I'm afraid the war is not far away, the county guard made plans early..."

Hearing this, Ying Gao's eyes flickered. He knew in his heart that even if he was prepared, he had nothing to prepare for. After all, at this moment, he had no soldiers or generals.

There are only county soldiers in Sanchuan County, and they are not under his control. At this point, Ying Gao's eyes are complicated.

"The county guard, with the power of Wang Jian and Henggan, Li Mu's opponent may not be undefeated. After all, the discord between the monarch and his ministers has long been known in the world." Seeing Ying Gao's silence, Han Fei persuaded him.

"What if their feud is fake?"


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