I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 1095: Various news proves that Zhao Guo is seriously ill.

After hearing Dun Rui's analysis, all the officials in Zhangtai Palace fell silent. In the eyes of the Qin court, Zhao State had recovered from the silence after the Changping War.

The vitality that was severely damaged by Wu'an Jun Bai Qi's trap and killed 400,000 soldiers has been restored to great strength after more than ten years of recuperation.

After all, in these years, Zhao State had defeated the Yan Army several times, and even defeated the Qin Army once.

However, at this moment, Dunwei used data to tell the Qin government and the public that what they saw was just a superficial appearance. In fact, Zhao State was on a downhill path after the Changping War.

Ying Zheng sits on the throne, but he hesitates to speak at this moment.

Sensing Ying Zheng's thoughts, Ying Gao suddenly spoke to Dunwei and said: "Shang Qing, the reality of Zhao's country is related to this eastward march, our Great Qin's troop formation, and the formulation of a strategy to destroy Zhao."

"Apart from these, is there any other evidence?"

When Ying Gao spoke at this moment, all the officials looked at Dunrui, expecting Dunrui to give them an explanation, because the question they asked was something they were puzzled about and wanted to understand.

When Dunruo heard Ying Gao's question, he turned his eyes and immediately realized that this was not Ying Gao's question alone, or even not Ying Gao's question at all.

He knew that in recent years, the chambers of commerce under Ying Gao had spread throughout the Central Plains, and the infiltration of Jingyesi and Wumuya must have known everything about the Zhao Kingdom and the public.

This question was asked by Ying Gao on behalf of the King of Qin, and even on behalf of the Qin court officials.

As soon as he thought of this, Dunrui raised his hand towards Ying Gao, took a sip of tea, and then chuckled and said: "I'm reporting this to you, Crown Prince. Of course there is other evidence."

"After Zhao Xiaocheng became king, the Zhao State's government and the public were obsessed with restoring the former illustrious military power, focusing on the military and neglecting the people's livelihood. At the same time, Zhao State's second reform followed the death of Pingyuan Jun and Lin Xiangru and other ministers and Dismissal from office, thereby abolishing it.”

"This has led to a great regression in the administration of Zhao State over the years. There are advantages and disadvantages to the reform. Once the reform is successful, it will naturally become stronger and reap the full benefits. However, if the reform fails, it will definitely suffer backlash."

"Zhao's second reform was not successful, but it was because the reform disrupted the previous rules and created some irreconcilable contradictions, which deformed Zhao's politics."

"It is precisely because of this that the State of Zhao no longer has as many talents as it had when King Zhao Xiaocheng was king. Over the years, great talents have been lost, villains have taken over, and treachery has become widespread, leading to corruption in the officialdom of the State of Zhao."

"When Han Cang and Guo Kai came to power, from Zhao Yan to Zhao Wangqian, they were all frivolous and fond of women. As a result, there were many conspiracies in the Zhao court, and capable ministers and famous generals were no longer the mainstream of the court."

Having said this, Dunruo said impassionedly towards Ying Zheng and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs: "And all these changes began with King Zhao Daoxiang."

"From this, it can be concluded that the State of Zhao is terminally ill. As long as we, the Qin Dynasty, move out of the country, we will inevitably destroy the State of Zhao and open up the way for the Qin Dynasty to exit eastward."


Dun Ruo's impassioned speech gave the ministers a clear understanding of the situation in the Zhao court. At this time, Ying Zheng, who had been listening all the time, also spoke.

"Do you, my beloved ministers, have any objections to your analysis of the political situation of Zhao's monarchs and ministers as Shangqing said? Do you have anything to add?"

Having said that, Ying Zheng turned his attention to Ying Gao and Li Si. He knew in his heart that among the courtiers in Zhangtai Palace at this moment, if there were different ideas and understandings, only Ying Gao and Li Si were the ones.

He expected a different answer.

Because only by understanding various factors can Great Qin make the most comprehensive strategy. Only in this way will there not be too many variables in future wars that will catch Great Qin off guard.

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After a while, Li Si remained silent.

After glancing at Li Si, Ying Gao raised his hand towards Ying Zheng and said, "Father, I agree with your Majesty's words. The State of Zhao seems to have great weather and mighty military, but in fact it is just a paper tiger."

"Although Zhao State has famous generals, they are far away from the center and cannot be reused. Traitor officials are in power. Both Han Cang and Guo Kai are capable officials in governing the country..."

"According to the news, the population of Zhao State has decreased by 300,000 households in recent years, and famine has occurred in many places. Natural and man-made disasters have continued, and the survival of the people has become a problem."

"Furthermore, in recent years, the price of goods in Zhao has skyrocketed. The price of one stone of rice has soared to about 1,000 yuan. Except for the Zhao Bianqi in Li Mu's hands, the Zhao army lacks training and military discipline is corrupt..."

At this point, Ying Gao changed the subject and his tone became firm, saying: "Therefore, I agree with your Majesty's words. The Zhao State at this moment is no longer the Zhao State it once was."

"The State of Zhao is already terminally ill, and its military might in recent years is just a flashback."

As Ying Gao added, the atmosphere in Zhangtai Palace became relaxed for a while, and the Qin court officials had an understanding of the situation in Zhao.


With a slight nod, Ying Zheng was also pleasantly surprised. With Dunwei's analysis and Ying Gao's data, the government and the public had a deeper understanding of Zhao's situation.

This meant that the Qin court could formulate a more accurate and appropriate strategy.

"The war against Zhao is a key battle for the Qin Dynasty to annex other countries and unify the Central Plains. This battle is destined to bring the entire country of the Qin Dynasty out, hundreds of thousands, or even a million troops."

Ying Zheng's sharp eyes fell on Zheng Guo and Wang Wan: "Once the war breaks out, I don't want any mistakes, especially in the supply of food, grass and weapons."

"Do you have any difficulties in governing Su Neishi and the Shaofu?"

Ying Zheng is a man who knows military skills.

Naturally, we understand that before the troops and horses are moved, food and grass go first, and a war is also a war about food and grass, weapons and the country's economic capacity.

As a king.

Ying Zheng knew that he wanted to know everything and control everything, and then after Wang Jian and Ying Gaodong came out, he would sit in Xianyang, coordinate and cooperate with each other.

Therefore, he asked Zheng Guo and Wang Wan directly.


Hearing this, Zheng Guo, the governor of Su Neishan, and Wang Wan looked at each other. Seeing Wang Wan's gaze, Zheng Guo cupped his hands towards Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, all the twelve warehouses in Da Qin are full, especially the one in Ao Cang." There are three years' worth of food and fodder for an army of 500,000 people."

"Of course, some of them belong to the three major chambers of commerce under the prince's command. The imperial court's grain and grass reserves in Aocang can only provide for an army of 500,000 people for one year."

"If a war breaks out and the front line is tight, since the road from Xianyang to Bashu has been built, we can mobilize food and grass from Bashu in a short time."

"Therefore, when Great Qin goes east, unless the war is protracted and lasts for more than ten years, there will not be a big problem in terms of food and grass."

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