I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 251 Kryon's Adventure (4)

"But, I can't breathe in the water. Your country is under the sea." Kryon wanted to agree excitedly, but realized his own limitations.

Kryon's expression was suddenly sad, not only because he wanted to be separated from the Little Mermaid, but more importantly, he thought of the racial barrier between the two. Even winged men, orcs, and even lizard men would not have such a big gap. It may be difficult for two people with completely different environments to go on together.

"It doesn't matter, human aristocrats, our sea clan has a lot of magic props, it's not difficult to breathe underwater, and your body can definitely withstand the water pressure on the bottom of the sea!"

The elder of the Hai Clan was quite capable, and easily resolved Kryon's troubles. The haze in Kryon's heart was swept away, and he replied very excitedly: "Okay, then I will pack up and set off with you!"

The knights under Kryon were all dumbfounded, not to mention his wives, who wanted to dissuade them but dared not intervene. It was the old and friendly knight Stone who went up to persuade:

"Boss, isn't this a bit... You see, the territory is busy with construction now, and you are the only noble, so it's important!"

Kryon pushed away the stone indifferently, with a very serious expression, and said righteously: "Oh, this is wrong, I went to the Sea Clan to establish diplomatic relations in the future. We are weak now and need the help of our allies. You are working hard!"

Cleon is talking nonsense, and the Little Mermaid is already slapping her tail on the surface of the water excitedly. Although Cleon treats her very well, how can she not mind those beautiful and plump wives? More happy now.

Kryon set off with some valuable and rare items. The elders of the Sea Clan swore that there would be no problems. He was not a fledgling like the Little Mermaid, and no one in the ocean dared to find fault with him.

At this time, Alan was a little impatient, and swallowed what he wanted to say. Before Harold left, he asked him to help take care of Cleon's illness. If he can suppress it, he will suppress it. return.

But looking at Kryon's current posture, he couldn't hold back even if he was afraid of things. He didn't know Kryon very well. It was just that the two got along for a while when they dealt with the Winged Queen last time. There was no way to force him to stay.

"Kryon, take this, I'll use this to notify you when Harold is back, and if it turns red, that's my signal!"

Alan doesn't have the ability to make a remote communication device, but a simple device that can transmit signals over a long distance is not difficult. In case Harold comes back and wants to treat the disease but can't find anyone, Alan is also very troublesome.

Kryon set off in a hurry, and his knights shrugged helplessly, and they couldn't help what the boss wanted to do.

On the contrary, Kryon's wives were a little sad. Although they didn't dare to try to monopolize Kryon, they must still feel a little uncomfortable seeing a man treat other women so courteously.

Bias was a little touched when she saw it, and suddenly asked a very strange question: "Alan, are all human beings like this? Do you think Harold will do the same to me in the future?"

Alan was taken aback, he was a clansman like his sister, and a good friend on the other, he really didn't know what to say, but after thinking about it, he replied: "No, Harold and Kryon are not the same kind of people , and it’s not all Kryon’s fault for being like this!”

"Mermaids have a natural charm effect, and they are extremely attractive to races with normal aesthetics. You and I are elves, and our souls are strong and immune, but humans are indeed easy to fall in love with each other unconsciously."

After finishing speaking, Alan pointed to many human knights who were secretly looking at the mermaid, and even many women looked at it obsessively. Although the little mermaid is beautiful, it is definitely not so beautiful that it is suffocating. What Alan said is not a lie.

"Then we should remind him, isn't he being controlled?" Bias was cutely silly, and Alan sighed, when will these young elves not need to worry about him.

"First of all, Kryon and the mermaid are in love with each other. Maybe Kryon's liking for the mermaid is not entirely from his heart, but the mermaid's liking for Kryon is 100% sincere!"

"Secondly, the two of them together are indeed not harmful to the current human beings. The Sea Clan also wants to have contacts with the land. Whether it is the elders of the Sea Clan or Harold's younger brother, they are very happy to facilitate this matter. Haven't you noticed? "

Bias nodded half-understood. She definitely couldn't understand such a complicated matter, but she roughly understood that it was not a bad thing for the two of them to be together, and then went back to the original point: "Then you can be sure that Harold will not be like Let him do this! I have decided that Harold will never be allowed to go near the seaside in the future!"

Alan was speechless, thinking that you can still stop Harold? At that time, just coax you casually and you will not be able to find the north!

Bias' girlish heart made Ailan think about it for a while. He didn't want Bias to be angry and sad, and he didn't want to be too cocky to take care of Harold's private life. Finally, he hesitated for a while and took out a bottle of potion.

"This is a special potion that can regenerate the body. You apply it evenly on your chest every night before going to bed, and there will be a big change within two weeks. By then, the probability of Harold changing his mind will be almost zero!"

Alan whispered into Bias's ear that this potion was made from the activated cells he extracted from Sha Duo'er's avatar and combined with some rare herbs. Originally, he wanted to develop a potion such as the rebirth of a broken arm. To make some money, it turned out that this thing only has the effect of breast enhancement.

It's a pity, Ailan's era is not good, otherwise the price of this potion would really not be cheaper than the potion of rebirth with a broken arm!

Alan nodded in satisfaction, thinking that both Bias and Harold would be very happy to do this, but I feel a little sorry for Tiona.

The only advantage she had over Bias was gone, but anyway, the bully didn't need him to worry about it, and he would definitely not be able to stand being bullied. Ailan didn't feel guilty at all.

As if she had found a treasure, Bias held the medicine bottle and nodded in admiration, then asked greedily, "Is there any more?"

Alan was stunned, "With your figure, an average one is enough to stand out, what more?"

Bias nodded frantically, Ailan had no choice but to hand out two more bottles, and said: "Remember to eat more meat! And it's best to have a massage!"

Bias knows that bigness is justice, and this set of values ​​was taught to her by the technicians of the Yiren sisters. Because of her kindness, Bias helped take care of many weak Yiren during the time when Sha Duoer left. Learned a lot of strange knowledge.

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