I Want To Be a Nobleman

Please take a leave. I went to the county to travel and won't come back at night.

First of all, I solemnly declare that there is no meaning of being a eunuch or being unfinished. The grades are indeed average, but I can still earn one or two thousand a month. I will not be a eunuch for this money.

The job I'm looking for is a community service worker. It's very boring, and I have a lot of time to code every day. I will never be a eunuch.

The reason why there are few recent updates and no drafts is because I spent time thinking about the plot behind and how to fill in the pits.

Before I started writing this book, I didn’t spend too much time combing the outline. It started to collapse in the middle of the book and made a lot of poisonous points. Now it’s very difficult to write. slow.

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