I Treat You As A Brother, You Lied To Me To Rob A Bank?

Chapter 119 The Strongest Robber In History, The Real Extrajudicial Fanatic

Next to People's Square.

After Lu Ming finished his meal slowly.

Start walking on the edge of the square.

The square is quite lively, with bright lights and people coming and going.

It was about seven in the evening.

At this time, the pedestrians on the square were basically not busy during the day, and everyone was quite leisurely.

On the edge of the square.

Many mobile vendors have set up barbecue stalls and various food stalls.

Many young couples walked around the booths, talking and laughing.

This huge People's Square is a bit more flamboyant than during the day.

Lu Ming stretched.

I found a place to sit next to the fountain and looked at everything in the square with a calm expression. pen fun library

It also seemed very leisurely.


The kidnapper's perspective live room.

Because the camera in the live room is on Lu Ming.


At this time, the picture in the live broadcast room is naturally what Lu Ming saw.

The live broadcast room was very lively.

"Damn it, Lu Ming is too brave. Now the police team is searching for him, but he ran out to hang out on the street?"

"Brothers, take a good look, do you find this place a little familiar?"

"Isn't this the place where the first ransom was traded at noon? At that time, Lu Ming asked Wu Peng's mother to circle around the fountain, and then two stupid thieves took Wu Peng's mother's ransom."

"It's really that fountain. If you didn't say it, I really didn't realize it. Lu Ming's wave is so daring, he came here swaggeringly."

"As expected of the strongest kidnapper in history, I'd like to call Lu Ming a real extrajudicial fanatic in this wave."

"I, Lu Ming, are indeed a little arrogant. Does this show us what the most dangerous place is the safest place?"

"Hey, I don't think the commander-in-chief would have thought that Lu Ming would come here and sit here."

"Speaking of Lu Ming is in People's Square, how could Wu Peng's mother receive a text message from Huangjiang Park?"

"The brothers upstairs really didn't watch the live broadcast. In the afternoon, Lu Ming went to Huangjiang Park and left a mobile phone there."

"Reminder, the mobile phone has the function of sending SMS regularly, so as long as the time is set, you can send it anytime."

"As expected of Lu Ming, this wave of manipulations is a real show, and it's completely playing with everyone!"

"This live broadcast is really exciting, but if you leave for a while in the middle, you can't understand it when you come back."

"Lu Ming went to more than one place today.

Yuan, I saw that he took a taxi for almost a few hours and left seven mobile phones! "

"It's too good. If the commander-in-chief can't react, the police team will not be tossed by Lu Ming?"

"But I feel that although Lu Ming's doing this can really mess up the police team, as long as the commander-in-chief keeps sending people to follow Wu Peng's mother closely, Lu Ming still won't be able to get the ransom!"

"Indeed, although Lu Ming's operation is very good, I still don't see any hope of him getting the ransom."

"Brothers, with your brains, you definitely can't guess what Lu Ming wants to do. Just watch Lu Ming's operations with peace of mind."

"That is, you just need to always believe in Lu Ming, and leave the miracle to him."

"Big Lu Ming, yyds! Please take my knee!"


In the face of Lu Ming's wonderful operation, the live broadcast room completely exploded.

All the audience went crazy.

after all.

In Lu Ming's current situation, everyone thinks that he should find a place to hide and wait for the ransom transaction.

But Lu Ming was like a normal person, strolling leisurely in the square.

the most important is.

This square is also where the noon ransom transaction failed.

This move that shocked everyone, naturally aroused the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room.

at the same time.

It also won a lot of gifts for the live broadcast room.

The heat in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed wildly.


on the viaduct.

Wu Peng's mother drove the car and looked at the road ahead.

She honked the horn anxiously.


Such a move is completely useless. pen fun library

The traffic in front was still moving at a very slow tortoise speed.

He looked down at the time.

Twenty minutes have passed since I received the kidnapper's text message.

In these twenty minutes, Wu Peng's mother drove only four kilometers.

It seems impossible to rush to Huangjiang Park in the rest of the time.

at this time.

Wu Peng's mother was so anxious that she wanted to cry without tears.

He could only keep honking the horn again, praying for the vehicle in front to make way.

in the case analysis room.

The picture sent back through the camera in Wu Peng's mother's car.

The commander-in-chief looked at all this calmly.

He didn't speak.

after all.

Wu Peng's mother didn't know that this was just an exercise.

Therefore, the anxious commander-in-chief in her heart is understandable.

But because of Wu Dong and the director's

It was agreed that the truth of the exercise could not be disclosed to the rest of the Wu family.


Even looking at Wu Peng's mother's current mood, the commander-in-chief could not tell the truth about the exercise.

"Team, the mobile phone signal tracking of the kidnappers in Huangjiang Park failed."

"That means the kidnappers turned off the phone."

Right now.

A technical police officer sitting in front of the computer suddenly looked at the commander-in-chief and reported the latest situation.

After tracking the cell phone signal of the kidnappers in Huangjiang Park, they have been locking the location of the signal.

And during these twenty minutes, the signal did not move.

That is to say.

The kidnappers stayed where they were.

However, this signal suddenly disappeared.

"Lu Ming, is this the place where the ransom of the transaction is going to be changed?"

"Sure enough, be cautious."

"That's his style!"

The commander-in-chief was not too surprised when he heard the words, but nodded calmly.

He murmured a few times to himself.


He had already expected that the kidnapper's cell phone signal would disappear.

after all.

In the mind of the commander-in-chief, Lu Ming is a cautious person.

Such an important step in the ransom transaction, if Lu Ming would have been waiting in place.

This will make the commander-in-chief feel that something is wrong.

"Retrieve the monitoring that we have permission to monitor around Huangjiang Park."

"Staring at the people coming out of the park to see if there is a chance to lock Lu Ming's figure."

The commander-in-chief took the marker in his hand and tapped lightly on the conference table a few times.

Only then did the police officer of the technical department issue an order.


The cop heard the news.

Turn around and call for monitoring according to the commander-in-chief's request.

The commander-in-chief's gaze returned to the picture returned by the camera on Wu Peng's mother's car.

For the intention to use the camera surveillance outside Huangjiang Park to lock Lu Ming.

The commander-in-chief did not hold out much hope.

after all.

Lu Ming is a smart and cautious person.

He will definitely avoid the cameras along the way as much as possible when entering and leaving Huangjiang Park.

In a free park like this, it is not difficult to find a road that is completely in the blind spot of the camera.

at this time.

The commander-in-chief was rather curious.

Where is the real ransom transaction location in Lu Ming's mind?

(I've been thinking about this episode for a long time, and I still feel good about myself, so it's not too much to ask for a wave of gifts, hee hee hee...

Throw flowers, love letters, blades, and milk tea over here! )

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