Ninety-ninth: The Kingdom of Shadows

Scathach is a twisted one.

This distortion comes from the curse of the gods.

As it turns out, the Tentacles of Deterrent aren’t all that easy to hack.

And the huge crime karma of beheading the gods put her in a state where she couldn’t survive or die.

She longed for death—be it beautiful or ugly.

Either way, she would be grateful to someone who could grant her a real death.

This sounds very “heroic”, and there is a kind of generosity and elegy of an epic hero who dies calmly at the end of the legend.

Just, unfortunately.

That’s not what the old woman actually did, despite what the old woman said.

“As soon as there is a threat of death that can be given to her, she will immediately enter a state of seriousness.”

“Then, relying on his own strength, he defeated death again.”

“It’s like defeating the gods once.”

“The idea of ​​pursuing victory has already been integrated into her soul – it is beyond her control.”

Looking at Scatha who was talking with Artoria, Shaar, who was hiding in the Sword in the Stone, was talking to Xiaoguang about the old woman’s various problems.

—He didn’t know why he did it.

He only knew that when he said these words, he suddenly felt much better.

It’s not just because the death aura around him has disappeared.

It is even more because the current him can already see Scathach with a more normal state of mind.

The old (old) woman in the dream.

The legendary rose hero.

The Queen of the Shadow Country who sits in the Kingdom of the Dead.

Three different images, fused together.

Only then constituted the real Scathach standing in front of Artoria.

“Not in a hurry.”

He looked at Arturia who had put her hands on the hilt and was ready to draw her sword at any time.

There was a slight smile on Scathach’s face.

“Since it’s a distinguished guest coming to the door, how can there be any reason to resort to weapons~?”

“Please follow me.”

Scathach, who was walking in front, led the way while introducing the kingdom of the dead to Artoria.

——Here, it is necessary to popularize such a concept first.

The Kingdom of Shadows in a broad sense is actually the entirety of the Secret Realm, including the Sea of ​​Death.

At the same time, the sea of ​​death is actually the most important part of the secret realm of the kingdom of shadows.

“All souls will struggle in it.”

“And the vast majority of souls are lost in the process of struggling, and finally merged with the sea water.”

Therefore, the black ocean Shaar saw before is actually a sea of ​​souls full of countless resentments.

A soul that cannot let go of its obsession will never be redeemed.

At the same time, even if there is a soul who can let go of the obsession in his heart, he accepts his own death calmly.

They will also accept new challenges after going ashore.

“The seven peaks piercing the sky are not only the curtain between life and death, but also the only way for the warriors to prove themselves.”

Only through the souls of these seven peaks can they be called true warriors and gain the right to settle in the royal city.

And those souls who cannot withstand the test will become the food in the mouth of monsters.

Yes, even in this kingdom of death, there are monsters.

However, it is different from the creatures in the outside world. The monsters here are born from the dead, feeding on psychic energy.

“Sounds like those undead creatures in fantasy novels.”

Xia Ya complained silently in his heart.

But then again.

The existence of this special monster can be regarded as a wake-up call for Shaar.

“The undead are good.”

“No rest, no meal.”

“Not even a place to live.”

“Just dig a hole and it will be a house.”

After letting go of the prejudice against those undead creatures.

Xia Ya suddenly thought that if possible, he really wanted to replace all the labor force in the kingdom with those undead creatures who are tireless and don’t need to eat.

——In the whole world, there is really no cheaper and more loyal labor force than them.

“Also, it is very simple to summon the undead.”

Looking at the system store, there is only an enchantment worth 1,000 magic weapons: Frostmourne (low-level).

Xia Ya had to admit.

Now he is indeed a little moved.

“On Artoria’s side, it seems a bit difficult to handle.”

Shaar, who was in distress, was a little confused about whether to challenge AlToria’s moral bottom line.

At the same time, Arturia also came to the palace of the Kingdom of Shadows under the guidance of Scathach.

This is a magnificent palace.

Its appearance is quite simple, and the palace built with gray stones is integrated, and there is no trace of artificial construction at all.

And those large stone pillars standing inside the palace give people a feeling of oppression, which makes people breathless.

to be honest.

After seeing this palace, Shaar’s first impression was that he didn’t think it was a place where people could live.

——Compared to the royal palace, this is clearly more like a temple.

Xia Ya thought silently in her heart.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking.

After all, Scathach is a real god.

And the place where the gods live is not the real temple?

It’s just… is this lifeless place really suitable for life to live in?

Xiaya thought about it carefully, then shook his head silently.

At this moment, he suddenly admired this old lady (okay).

She was able to live in such a depressive environment for so long and still maintain a relatively stable mental state.

His willpower has also reached an astonishing level.

In the empty and deserted palace, there were no attendant boats.

Not to mention any entertainment.

Worst of all, there is no water.

“You can’t eat our food, and you can’t drink our water.”

“Otherwise, you are a real person in the underworld.”

Looking at the puzzled Artoria, Scatha warned seriously.

There is no difference between life and death.

Some things, once crossed, can never go back.

In this regard, Arturia expressed considerable regret.

——She also wants to taste, what is the difference in taste between the monsters in the underworld and the monsters in the outside world.

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