Chen Tianci did not expect that this goblin would actually speak human language. No, what he was speaking at this moment was not human language, but 'animal language'.

However, when Chen Tianci thought about it again, it was wrong. Beast language was just his own generalization of the language that the team could communicate with.

But Chen Tianci had no way to communicate with those animals that had not become monsters.

So in the true sense, the language they can communicate with is not animal language, but another language.

And this language actually comes from the language of these monsters from within the earth's crust, or from other places.

This makes the appearance of Chen Tianci and the demon clan somewhat uncertain.

Are they the darlings of this world, or are they just pawns placed in this world by an invader.

Chen Tianci squinted his eyes and looked at the goblin in front of him.

The goblin spoke with a condescending tone in his words:

"Why not attack those humans?"

He looked at Chen Tianci, as well as the tabby cat Xiao Ke and the civet cat Hua Lian beside Chen Tianci with extremely puzzled eyes.

He didn't seem to be worried that Chen Tianci and the others would attack him.

"Wang, what's going on with this guy?"

The raccoon cat's colorful face was the most curious, so he didn't hold back and was the first to ask the question in his mind.

This question didn't matter, but it made the goblin startled:

"you...You can actually talk."

The goblin's cute yellow eyes stared at the short civet cat's painted face in shock.

It seemed as if he had seen something incredible in this world.

Then he muttered to himself:

"Although your body has not undergone major changes, you seem to have the ability to speak."

This goblin gave Chen Tianci a very special feeling.

He did not conform to Chen Tianci's stereotype of goblins as stupid and unintelligent low-level monsters.

Instead, he had a kind of reasoning ability and a An advanced intelligent creature with the ability to think and understand independently.

And from this brother's incomprehensible words, Chen Tianci realized that things were far more complicated and mysterious than he thought.

This time, it was launched against humans. His actions are not just an act of revenge from the earth, but there may be something deeper that Chen Tianci did not foresee.

"what do you?"

Chen Tianci looked at the goblin in front of him and said:

"Where are you from and why are you here killing these humans? The goblin suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Tianci in surprise:

"You can actually speak."

The civet cat has a painted face, but now, even Chen Tianci can speak, which surprised the goblin even more. He frowned, Chen Tianci didn't like being looked at as a rare object.

This made him feel that he The primary and secondary positions with the goblins have been reversed.

He should be the one in the position of controller, unlike now, the goblins have become this higher-level existence.

"In this case, then I have to let you know what is going on first."

Chen Tianci gave up the method of obtaining information through verbal communication.

It was too slow, and he still needed to constantly communicate and explain to this brother to make him understand, and then give Chen Tianci an incomplete report. The answer.

But if violent means are used to obtain intelligence, the speed and effect will become more efficient.

Although it is not a long-term stable solution.

But for the current situation, it is Chen Tianci's favorite.

Pang Pang What his body brought to Chen Tianci was the excitement and flexibility that had not been reduced.

As well as more powerful strength and a stronger physique.

"what you up to!"

Looking at Chen Tianci who attacked him even after a disagreement, the Goblin was shocked, and then roared in horror:

"How dare you attack me!"

It can be seen from the deep disbelief that it seems to be in the Goblin's inherent knowledge.

Chen Tianci is a humble subsidiary existence, and he will never dare to take action against the Goblin.

And this discovery, This makes Chen Tianci even more concerned and curious.

He must be able to learn a lot of important information from this brother's mouth, some secret information that is not known to others.

These things are very important for the situation in front of him at this moment. For Chen Tianci, who was very confused, it had an extremely important meaning.

So he ignored the goblin's anger.

Chen Tianci easily knocked him to the ground with his tiger palm, and stepped on his brother condescendingly. Behind Brin, Chen Tianci's words carried an unquestionable commanding tone:

"Now, tell me something I want to know, or I'll kill you."

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