I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer

Chapter 622 Arriving in the Kalos area! The beginning of a peaceful life!

"The central plain of the Carlos region, centered on the city of Miare. Vast forests and numerous rivers cover this plain area. Some towns are surrounded by ancient walls and many castles stand here. 』

Luye flipped through the travel brochure and felt the faint turbulence of the plane. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Togepi leaning against the glass window on tiptoes.

It was sunny and windy outside the porthole window.

The plane passed through the clouds and gradually approached the Carlos area with lush vegetation and intertwined river networks.

Lu Ye closed the manual and put the restless Togepi back on his knees.

"Beep~" Togepi shook his little hand and chuckled.

Gengar sipped the Coke in the glass, swaying his short legs, looking up at the passenger plane announcement.

"We are about to arrive at Miare Airport. I wish you a pleasant trip..." A sweet female announcer said.

"Kou Jie!" Gengar raised his glass and bared his teeth in greeting towards the broadcaster who could only hear his voice.

Wish me a happy trip!

On this trip, Teacher Lu went to Carlos first to hand over the decoration task of the cafe with Zhentiao.

Zhulan also has a villa in Miare City, but since the cafe is a commercial and residential complex, Lu Ye plans to live in the cafe first and observe it for a while.

If it is closed, then go to the rich woman and beg her for food. (cross out)

It was mid-June, the bright sunshine was shining through the portholes, the plane had stopped, and tourists were getting up one after another.

Their faces were full of longing for a new journey, they tightened their backpacks, and on their shoulders stood their small partners such as Fenxiangxiang and Hua Beibei.

As we walked down the ramp, the blue sky was clear and the Carlos region appeared before our eyes.

Gengar floated next to Lu Ye, narrowing his red eyes and opening his mouth happily.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie!!"

Lu Ye wore sunglasses and a shoulder bag slung across his body. He held Togepi with one arm and chuckled:

"Carlos area, we are coming!"

Embark on a new journey and face unknown adventures.

There will be more Pokémon waiting for them——

Lu Ye seemed to hear the demonic voice of his middle partner, and his expression gradually became subtle.

A brand new journey is okay...just take the risk!

The alpaca didn't say whose hand the slate was in. Maybe he could get it in just one PY without having to fight?

When he first faced Arceus, he asked Teacher Lu to go to the Kalos area and bring back the Fairy Slate that had not yet been recovered. In return, He is willing to lend the Goblin Slate for a period of time.

Needless to say, Alpaca is quite generous. Last time he borrowed five slates in one breath, the psychological impact has not healed yet, and now he plans to borrow the goblin slates again.

Lu Ye shrugged, walked through the long pedestrian passage, passed through the shadows, and walked towards the noisy city of Miare.

Whether you can meet the Fairy Slate is still unknown... It's more practical to raise Eevee, open a shop, and fish!

Lu Ye looked ahead, and saw a small arrow bird stopping on the beam, spreading its wings and flying into the clear sky.

"What is our goal?!" Lu Ye suddenly said.

"Kou Jie! (`▽)" Gengar waved his small fist.

Become the World Championship Champion!

"Chajiduyi~(≧≦)" Togepi shook his little feet in his arms.

Drink ice cream and play games in an air-conditioned room!

The commemorative ball on his waist shook, and the snow-white Cong Youbing burst into tears.

"Gah! ()σ"

Just lie down and be a bastard~~

The noisy induction of "Superpower" seemed to contain a wrong answer.

It wasn't a big problem. Lu Ye nodded slightly and asked Gengar to take out the foldable bicycle, assemble it and mount the pedals.

Jingle Bell--

Fiddled with the bell, Lu Ye said: "Classmate Xiao Luo, activate the navigation mode!"

In this maze-like city of Miare, which is connected in all directions, without navigation, you might not be able to find your destination all afternoon.

Rotom got into the bicycle, and the front of the bicycle blinked.

"Beep beep... Navigating to the south side street, the original Rising Sun Cafe, Lotto!"

Carlos, city of Miare.

The landmark building at the far end, the Prism Tower, towers into the sky, reflecting the bright light and giving people a precise architectural beauty.

The Miare Gym is located inside it, and the two can be regarded as the same building.

The gym leader is Citron, an electrical expert, who is nicknamed the 'Hair Perm Expert'. The equipment he invented always explodes for no reason, and then changes the user's hairstyle.

It is worth mentioning that Citron also has a younger sister named Yurika, who is very cute.

With the Prism Tower and the Central Square as the center, the urban layout of Miare is diffuse and radiates to the surrounding areas.

The original Rising Sun Cafe was located on the south side of the street, which can be said to be 'within the second ring road'. Important facilities such as the [Bratano Institute] are also located on this street.


At the entrance of the store, two transport workers were standing on scaffolding, setting up a brand new name sign.

"Pokémon Colorful Cafe"

Passers-by gathered around curiously, discussing the new store that was about to open and the financial backers behind this expensive location.

"Qiang Qiang!" the porters shouted in unison, packing up the scaffolding and the wooden bars they carried with them.

Then, they wiped the sweat from their foreheads with a sense of accomplishment, looked at the sign, and nodded lightly.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The purple-haired woman with a stern face, short bangs, a dark OL skirt and black stockings, holding a folder in her hand, lowered her head and checked.

"The final payment for the project will be paid later, and there may be trouble coming to your place."

"Qiang Qiang~" The porters smiled and scratched their heads.

Don't worry, they already take good care of us on weekdays, so don't worry about the final payment or anything like that!

The real bird pushed up his round glasses and gave a rare smile.

Then, the real bird's smile gradually became cunning and cunning, just like Yan Yi's appearance in the city.

"Hum hum!"

Compared to the decorator... it turns out that Pokémon is still easy to fool!

"Ahem!" Zhentiao returned to normal, lowered his head and glanced at his watch, his movements as capable as a reliable secretary.

"It's almost time to meet with the mentor."

The real bird's middle finger pushed up the round-framed mirror, and the lenses glowed brightly.

Thinking of the mentor's spring-like smile and praise, Zhenniao's cheeks turned slightly red, and he quietly clamped his thighs wrapped in black stockings.

This task has been completed very well, and it will definitely be praised by him!

End of street.

Jingle Bell--

Lu Ye observed the surrounding buildings, full of lazy Carlos style, sycamore trees, and houses on both sides of the street.

Layers of floor tiles extend to alleys and streets, and canals flow diagonally through the city. From a distance, they sparkle in the sun, and a woman holding a parasol leads Dolimia across the bridge.

Riding a bicycle and walking through the central square, Lu Ye had the illusion of being in "Roman Holiday".

Princess Zhulan is eating tundra bear ice cream in Hezhong. Beside her, there should be Cattleya wearing a white hat, and Wanlong, whose cheeks are red after questioning love.

Girls' afternoon tea party.

Lu Ye imagined it until the 'eyes' of Rotom's bicycle glowed.

"Beep beep... we're about to arrive at our destination, Lotto!"

"Already almost there?"

Lu Ye looked towards the cafe under construction, and the real bird holding the folder came into view.

Zhentiao also happened to see Lu Ye.

"You, you!" Zhenniao's words stopped for a moment: "How can you ride a bicycle!"

Lu Ye was stunned and stopped his bicycle:

"Did the bicycle offend you?"

"What I mean is..." Zhennia hesitated, holding the document with both hands and bowing at a 90-degree angle: "This subordinate didn't think carefully. He should have prepared a travel plan in advance!"

Rikuye looked at the sky, and the image of a stretch black car with Boss Sakaki sitting solemnly in it came to his mind...

"Ahem, that's not suitable for me." Lu Ye asked, "How is the decoration going?"

"Kou Jie!"

As he spoke, Gengar put away the entire bicycle and put it in his pocket.

Zhenniao's eyes were unconsciously attracted, he glanced at it, lowered his head and said: "The decoration has been carried out according to your requirements, and now only the acceptance process is left."

Lu Ye nodded slightly.

Shintori's ability to do things is quite reliable, otherwise he wouldn't be managing the entire Rockets team for Boss Sakaki.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xigua...cough, thank you for your hard work, Zhenniao!" Lu Ye changed his words.

I almost called the trio the real bird nickname, ‘Watermelon Skin Glasses Girls’.

The real bird didn't notice, and he happily lifted the bangs of his short hair, lowered his head and said seriously: "This is my job."

"By the way, who is the person in charge of construction?"

Lu Ye looked around for the figure of [Decoration Captain Carlos Form].

"Qiang Qiang!" The transporter raised the wooden stick high and greeted Lu Ye happily.

"They are the leaders of this group of porters." said the real bird. "They live in Miare City and work in exchange for food and rewards from humans."

Lu Ye nodded suddenly and breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably.

The porter is undoubtedly a hundred times cuter than [Decorator Captain Carlos Form]!

Accompanied by the real bird, Lu Ye walked into this Pokémon cafe. (see this chapter)

Lu Ye was an amateur when it came to decoration, but he could see that the decoration style was quite cute and in line with his expectations.

The large Kirby sofa makes people want to nest in it; the Gengar pillow has a tongue that can be used as a blanket.

"Kou Jie~" Gengar stretched out his tongue, compared the length with the pillow, and finally lowered his head in regret.

The ordering bar, small wooden tables and seats, green bonsai, and the interior are quite spacious.

On the current price list, there are tree juice, Eevee latte, and three gopher sandwiches that Lu Ye has already ordered.

Zhenniao: “From a business perspective, the price may not be affordable to the people.”

Lu Ye: "It's okay, we have enough raw materials for tree fruits."

Real bird: "?"

If you want to open a business, you need to hire professional staff.

At present, he has only tricked Darkrai into working as a bodyguard and is considering becoming a delivery boy.

Pokémon employees suitable for cafes include, but are not limited to: Frosty, Sweetie, Tube, Nearly Doll...

Slowly expanding the number of employees in the cafe is also a sense of accomplishment.

"Let's go hang out in the backyard."

The backyard is quite vast, and there is even a white line demarcating the battle area.

Luye threw the pokeball and released the little guys.

"Kah..." The Water Arrow Turtle had just arrived in a new environment, frowning, and was using the waveguide to check for potential bombs around it.

Lu Ye: "The water tank has been put into Guigui's pocket."

"Kou Jie~" Gengar responded loudly.

The Water Arrow Turtle then relaxed its brows and began to study where the backyard would be suitable for farming...

There is a sycamore tree in the backyard, and there is a swing next to the tree. Fairy Eevee has circled the swing several times.

"Bu Yi..." (Whether we want to play or not...)

"Hey~" Youjilas tugged at the hem of Lu Ye's clothes.

"I know." Lu Ye said with a smile: "I will open a sand pit for you later!"

"Yoji!" Youkiras raised his little hand high.

The backyard is connected to a house. It is not as prosperous as the villa in Zhensha Town, but it is also fully equipped.

Lu Ye walked around the house and finally returned to the kitchen of the coffee house, where he fell into deep thought in front of the shiny kitchen utensils.

"Although I'm not afraid of anyone causing trouble...but we still have to set some thresholds for customers..."

There will be more and more cuties in the cafe in the future.

It even functions as a courtyard, allowing group members to place Pokémon.

Teacher Lu doesn’t intend to make a profit... he just wants to have a place in Carlos and develop his main business——

Open a store in Miare City and accept food from chefs!

Eh? It seems that there is a conspiracy.

Lu Ye shook his head, thinking of Carlos's water king, Chef Zhimi, who like him also cultivated Blastoises.

If you have the chance, you can ask him for advice on cooking skills... and his experience in raising water arrow turtles.

Walking out of the kitchen, Makoto was hugging the Pikachu pillow. When he saw his mentor, he stood up hurriedly, blushing and said:

"Yes, any instructions!"

"No more." Lu Ye spread his hands and said, "I'm very satisfied."

The real bird breathed a sigh of relief and smiled strangely: "I believe no one would have thought that the underground of such a cute cafe could actually be the secret base of Team Rocket, hehehehe!"

Lu Ye: "..."

Don't tell me, Miaomiao's dream is to open a ramen shop of his own.

Let those three idiots work in the store... you can earn money without letting them get blown up.

The days of hunger and cold are a thing of the past, and now comes the era of the Rainbow Rockets!

"Is this Rainbow Rockets team a little too salty..." Lu Ye thought to himself.

While the two were chatting.

"Kou Jie~" Geng's face was pressed against the window, looking towards the prism tower in the distance.

At sunset and dusk, the Prism Tower shines brightly. It is the focus of all trainers——

If you have a chance, go there and try the gym challenge!

"Jie!" Gengar grinned happily.

"Buyi~" Fairy Eevee jumped lightly on the wooden table, jumping from one table to another with an elegant and moving posture.

The real bird's eyes were unconsciously attracted.

By the way, the mentor is also a coordinator, a gorgeous master who can serve as a judge in Carlos’ Triple Crown Satellite Competition!

"In two weeks, I have to go to the Hezhong area." Lu Ye said, "During this time, I will find suitable employees for me."

"Understood!" Zhentiao said respectfully: "I will definitely prepare a young and beautiful maid with exposed thighs."

Lu Ye's eyelids twitched, I think you really want me to die.

"I'm talking about Pokémon." Luye said.

The real bird was stunned for a moment, with a strange look on his face, and then reluctantly nodded:

"Yes, I understand."

Lu Ye: "..."

Sooner or later I have to find an excuse to get you fired.

Before the official opening, Luye had to go to the Hezhong area to participate in the World Championship Youth Cup.

Then investigate the Fairy Slate... The main business of live broadcast and food UP can also be put back on the agenda.

At dusk, the setting sun shone into the coffee shop. Lu Ye stood up and said:

"Whatever you want to eat, real bird, I'll treat you to this meal."

The real bird was a little cautious, his cheeks were red, and he hurriedly said: "Anything is fine!"

"Well...provided you don't go into the back room. Changing your shoes will be too troublesome."

Real bird: "..."

It’s just that I sweat easily, and it’s not like I want to wear high heels!

Jingle Bell--

The real bird shudders when it hears it.

The wind chime-shaped pendant swayed crisply.

A young man in a black vest and a blue necklace around his neck opened the door and walked slowly into the coffee shop.

Behind him was a fire-breathing dragon, wearing an eye-catching Mega device, with a fierce look on his face, lowering his head and following behind the young man.

Lu Ye looked at the visitor from the bar and raised his eyebrows.

"Here comes the first guest."

Today I have degenerated into a new beast, I will work hard to evolve tomorrow_(:з」∠)_

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