I Really Don’t Want To Be a Trainer

Chapter 449 Xuefeng Gymnasium! Against Xiao Siong

Monday, March 8.

Xuefeng City, Xuefeng gymnasium.

White snow covered the top of the gymnasium, surrounded by white snow.

The Xuefeng Temple stands on the top of the distant mountain, looking from a distance, it looks like a black shadow.

The head of the gymnasium, Xiao Song, stood in front of the gymnasium, looking at the temple, and let out a breath of white air.

"Mr. Jindai, the disaster prevention drill has been announced."

Xiao Song said to the picture book in the video call:

"Starting this afternoon, the citizens of Xuefeng will migrate to the surrounding towns, and the main buildings have also strengthened the light walls and reflective walls... I hope to minimize the loss."

"Thanks for your hard work."

The man with a resolute face folded his arms and nodded, "I am also on the lookout for Regichkas's movements. If there is any situation, I will notify you immediately."

"But..." Xiao Song worried, "At that time, will it be too late to recruit people?"

Mr. Jindai alone guards the Xuefeng Temple.

If Regichkas really wakes up.

Even the Pharaohs of the Pyramids couldn't delay the moment of support.

Age of God: "It doesn't matter, according to my many years of investigation of historical materials, deciphering the stone tablet found that the characteristics of Regichkas may be unique."

"What is it?" Xiao Song asked.

"Its response is extremely slow, and recovery often lasts for five days to a week. I infer that it is a characteristic similar to 'laziness'."

God generation frowned and said: "If it wakes up, taking advantage of this slow time to seal it is the key to our victory."

Xiao Song couldn't help praising Shendai for his knowledge and knowledge, and said: "I understand, I will organize the citizens to evacuate as soon as possible and calm their emotions."

"There is a waveguide envoy who will also come to help you."

Shindai said: "His name is Yaxuan, his appearance and clothes are very recognizable, I will send you the photo...he will arrive in the afternoon."

"Based on his accomplishments in waveguide." Thinking of the meeting with Yaxuan, Jindai nodded and said:

"I'm afraid there are very few people nowadays who can surpass him."

The identity of Bird's messenger, once put on the table, is a respected existence everywhere.

Xiao Si became more stable, nodded and said, "I will wait for Mr. Yaxuan in Xuefeng gymnasium."

The screen is interrupted.

Standing in the middle of the ice and snow, with his trouser legs submerged in the snow, he folded his arms and looked at the rumbling Xuefeng Temple.

"The so-called quelling anger is also deceiving oneself and others."

Shinji sighed softly.

"I hope that the Sinnoh Alliance can send the king and champion over as soon as possible to deal with Regichkas together..."


"It will be closed this afternoon?"

In Xuefeng City Elf Center, Xiaozhi put his hands on the counter and asked Miss Joy.


The Joeys with good faces and soft temperament are almost carved out of the same mold.

The soft-spoken Joey, blushing slightly, glanced at Teacher Lu, and explained to Xiaozhi:

"According to the requirements of the disaster prevention drill, starting from this afternoon, the business will be closed for transfer."

Wu Song, with lavender curly hair and wine red suit, frowned slightly, and said to himself:

"No, Xuefeng City doesn't have a tradition of disaster drills... there must be an accident."

Suddenly, Wu Song sighed lightly.

Have to work overtime again...

That can't be helped, who told me that I am the king of Sinnoh.

"Miss Joey! The Xuefeng gymnasium still accepts the challenge!" Xiaozhi asked.

"It should still be open."

Joey thought for a while, and said, "Because the Xiaosong Pavilion mainly coordinates the overall situation, it will be left until the end."

Hearing this, Lu Ye couldn't help but appreciate him more.

Xiao Song seems to be more mature than Ah Li and Cai Zhong.

Speaking of which, the gymnasium system in the Sinnoh area has just been implemented, and the gym owners are all younger, and their primary goal is to revitalize the gymnasium.

To sum it up in one sentence, I have not yet experienced the beatings of society.

In Hezhong, where the entertainment industry is well developed, gym owners generally regard this as a sideline.

Similar to the model Xiao Juer, the movie star Hatchku, the mine boss Ju Boss...

Even if one cannot make further progress on the path of a trainer, there is still a lot of room for development in the future.

As for Mr. Lu, he plans to continue live broadcasting after retiring.

Or, go back to my hometown and marry Mengmengda...

Lu Ye withdrew his thoughts, coughed lightly and said, "Then, let's go to Xuefeng Gym first."

"Are you going too?" Wu Song was surprised.

"With so many people going out of the city together, the investigation will take tomorrow afternoon."

Lu Ye said casually: "It's better to wait until there are fewer people before going out."

Of course, there is another reason to go to Xuefeng Gym——

I can't wait to see the scene where Xiaozhi is deflated!

If he really wins Xiao Siong... Watching an exhibition match for free is still blood money!

"Then, let me lead the way."

Wu Song pushed and supported the mirror frame, his expression was serious, and his movements were somewhat handsome.

"I'm planning to find out the truth about Xuefeng City..."

But this pretentious scene was gorgeously ignored by the two of them.

"Student Xiao Luo, navigate to Xuefeng gymnasium."

"Rotom is not a navigation app, Loto! o(TヘTo)"

"Huo, you are quite self-conscious, and you know that you should focus on eating."

Xiaozhi waved his arms: "Be sure to get the badge, Pikachu come on!"

"Pikachu~! (`dish)"

Wu Song stood on the spot alone, slightly lost in thought.

It's obviously a movie of three people, but I still can't have a name.

"You two, wait a minute, hello!"


Xuefeng City, Xuefeng gymnasium.

"Hey, listen to your parents carefully."

Xiao Song stroked the little girl's head and said with a smile, "Let's go out of town with my parents."

"Teacher, you have to work hard!" The little girl waved her hand and walked away holding her parents' hands.

Xiao Song's eyes showed relief, and he nodded vigorously.

As a result, the children of the Cultivation Academy have also been evacuated.

Next, just think about how to deal with Regichkas!

Xiao Song is also a teacher of the trainer academy while serving as the master of the gymnasium.

The most admired idol is Dr. Yamanashi, and the leader of education is Teacher Lijia.

She herself also signed up for last year's inter-school exchange competition, hoping to represent the Sinnoh region in the battle.

However, due to poor qualifications, he was ultimately rejected.

But Xiao Song is still determined to become a strong and gentle teacher——

Just like Teacher Lu!

Boom! !

While contemplating, the door of the gymnasium was pushed open heavily.

"excuse me!"

A youthful voice sounded.

"Is anyone there? I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. I'm here to challenge the Gym!"

Xiao Song stepped out of the shadows, smiled apologetically and said:

"Sorry, there are special circumstances these days, and the gymnasium will not fight."

"Ah...but we came all the way here."

Xiaozhi didn't give up and said, "Can you be more accommodating?"


'It bothers me a lot. ’ Xiao Song wanted to say that.

The eyes moved and fell on the two people beside the young man, Xiao Song couldn't help being stunned.

"You are the king of the super power department, Wu Song?"

"It's right down."

Wu Song smiled slightly, feeling inexplicably sour.

It's been two days, and finally someone recognizes me, the heavenly king!

"And this..."

Before Lu Ye could speak, Xiao Song shouted excitedly:

"Teacher Lu!"

Lu Ye scratched his cheek and smiled mischievously.

Where in the world is there no water friend...

Don't play the Masters next time, just come to the civil war... They are all members of our water friend group!

"If it is the trainer recommended by your two, of course I will accept the challenge."

Xiao Song showed a friendly smile, turned around and said, "Please come with me!"

Led by Xiao Song, the three of them headed towards the battlefield in the gymnasium.

Seeing Xiaozhi's excited appearance, Wu Song opened his mouth, and decided to save the slightly heavy topic for later.

"Is Xiao Si not cold?" Lu Ye suddenly asked softly.

Wu Song looked along.

In the cold environment, Xiao Song was still wearing a shirt and a short skirt, leather shoes and stockings on his feet, revealing two white thighs.

"Young people are not afraid of the cold." Wu Song replied in a low voice, "Of course it's different from us old people."

"Who is the old man scolding?" Lu Ye teased.

"Curse, scold myself..." Wu Song thought of a certain Sinnoh champion, and said a little humble.

"However." Lu Ye said, "This may also be a way of cultivation."

"A Li in the group only eats one meal a day in order to practice."

"Admirable will and determination." Wu Song sighed.

While chatting, a place covered with ice and standing icicles appeared in front of my eyes.

"The challenge in Xuefeng gymnasium is held on the ice field."

Xiao Song explained: "It was supposed to adopt the mode of choosing four out of six...but the situation is special, let's use the basic form of 3V3."

"No problem!" Xiaozhi said confidently, "I'm also quite familiar with the ice field!"

This is really not a lie.

Pikachu's classic battle of slaughtering gods is to successfully kill Regis on the ice field made by Regis.

The poor resistance of the ice system was restrained by Xiaozhi's fast attack style.

This is like the Aggro Cancer deck in the ladder.

Either you will be taken away by me, or I will surrender myself!

"You look very confident."

Xiao Song smiled, his eyes sparkling, "However, I will do my best!"

"I will be the referee for this game. The referee is absolutely fair and beautiful, Lotto!"

Rotom drilled into the drone and became the classic drone Rotom in the Master League.

Lu Ye and Wu Song sat on the sidelines, commenting and explaining.

"What do you think of the result, Mr. Lu?" Wu Song looked at Lu Ye beside him.

"Let's see if Xiaozhi has sent the main force."

Lu Ye said: "However, based on what I know about him, there is a high probability that he will send a newly subdued elf."

"Use a new elf every time you go to a new place?"

Wu Song raised his eyebrows slightly, "The difficulty of becoming a master is not only a little bit higher."

"The so-called bond is to meet new life and make life show the corresponding charm."

Lu Ye smiled helplessly, "Xiaozhi chose to subdue because of the belief of 'let every elf prove himself'."

"This concept..." Wu Song smiled, "I also agree."

In the first round of the match, Xiaozhi sent the sturdy forest turtle.

Xiao Song asked Ma Xuanla to take advantage of her speed to continuously detour with the forest turtle.

Unexpectedly, the wood turtle did not defend firmly.

"Roar!!" The bruised forest turtle withstood the slashing of Ma Yula's sharp twin scythes, raised its forelimbs regardless, and smashed down with great force!

Ma Yula swung her crystallized frozen fist and collided with the forest turtle. With a 'click', the ice crystal shattered immediately!

"Brute force." Wu Song praised and nodded, "Xiaozhi seized the opportunity."

Ma Yula, who was four times weaker, was sent to the soul by the "brute force" of the fighting system, and immediately lost the ability to fight.

Lu Ye: "It seems that he can restrain attributes...but sometimes he is a top iron."

Xiao Song's expression did not waver, and he played his trump card, the Blizzard King who sprinkled ice crystals and roared angrily!

Blizzard King looks like an evergreen tree, covered with ice edges and green pine branches, and when his thick arms are swung out, cold mist surges.

Snow feature, ice crystals smashing down!

Xiaozhi took back the tree turtle with residual blood and sent the Scorpion King: "Flame Fang!"

Lu Ye looked strange.

As soon as he finished praising Xiaozhi, he dispatched the Scorpio King who was four times as weak as ice!

However, Flame Fang is also the Blizzard King who is extremely restrained in the combination of grass and ice.

It depends on who can hit first!

"In Xuefeng City, where ice crystals are scattered all year round, I also gradually understand that ice and snow are not as fragile as people say."

Xiao Song's eyes were fixed: "Even the flames that melt steel will be swallowed by the extreme ice for a moment!"

"Blizzard King, risk your life!"

There was a vast expanse of ice crystals in the field of vision, Blizzard King moved his heavy body, stomped on the ground, and slammed into Scorpio King with the momentum of a snow-capped mountain.

The Scorpio King whose fangs were quenched was severely repulsed, but the flames still left a striking wound on Blizzard King.

"Roar!!" The Blizzard King continued to swing his heavy fists, a large number of ice crystals hovered on its right arm, the solid ice condensed, and the extremely frozen fist swung out!

Boom! !

The Scorpio King flew out in embarrassment, losing his ability to fight.

Xiaozhi's eyes didn't waver, and he threw the elf ball in an extremely contradictory situation:

"Little Fire Monkey, please!"

This is a weak little fire monkey with firm eyes.

In the fight with the Blizzard King, the little fire monkey burst out with golden flames, its eyes were red, and with the galloping posture of the flame wheel, it repelled the Blizzard King, which was several times bigger than it!

Blizzard King staggered back a few meters, his eyes showing a hint of appreciation.

Immediately, in the confrontation between the two, Little Fire Monkey successfully beheaded Blizzard King!

"Every time I see Eldest Brother, I will be fans."

Lu Ye said cheerfully, "I don't know when we will see it evolve."

"Eldest brother?" Wu Song asked strangely.

"Oh, it's the nickname of Xiaozhi's little fire monkey. It has a very strong talent."

Wu Song: "I can see it too... However, it is still too reluctant to use it in this game."

The last elf of Xiao Siong is the beautiful and strange snow demon girl.

After killing Xiaozhi's two residual blood elves in a second, which was almost full, Rotom announced:

"The victor, the owner of Xiao Si, Luoto!"

The two shook hands, Xiaozhi scratched his head and said:

"Senior Xiao Si, in a few days, can you continue the challenge?"

Xiao Song was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Of course, I am also looking forward to the scene where you go all out."

"Thank you very much!" Xiaozhi grinned.

"Okay, the gymnasium is also challenged."

Wu Song stood up and said in a serious manner: "Xiao Si, I have something to ask..."

However, Wu Song, who entered the pretending mode, was still ignored.

Xiao Song: "Teacher Lu, can you please teach me a lesson!"

"Me?" Lu Ye pointed at himself strangely.

Xiao Song nodded vigorously, and said a little shyly:

"Actually, my ideal is to become a qualified teacher of the Academy of Trainers."

"I also watched the inter-school exchange competition last year, and your performance left a deep impression on me."

Xiao Song raised his head, his eyes glowed brightly: "I want to ask you to teach me how to be a teacher!"


Lu Ye fell into deep thought.

Could it be that the so-called teacher's way refers to using cards to fool the students and playing the Baby Cup in person?

"Cough... It's not a problem, the main thing is, I don't know what to teach." Lu Ye said sincerely.

"It doesn't matter."

Xiao Song held up the elf ball, his gaze fixed: "Let's fight."

"During the battle, the mind of the trainer can naturally be interpreted!"

When Wu Song came to his lips, he choked back again, sat back in his seat in embarrassment, and patted his neighbor:

"Don't stand still, Xiaozhi, come and learn skills!"

"Okay~" Xiao Zhi made a trumpet shape with his hands, "Come on, Master Xiao Si!"

Lu Ye was slightly taken aback, and then became annoyed.

My apprentice, why is his elbow still turning outward!

But Xiao Siong's attitude is extremely sincere.

Lu Ye rolled up his sleeves, took out the poke ball, and walked to the edge of the field.

After that, Lu Ye curled his lips and smiled.

"Rotom, let's get a rice cooker first...no, microwave form!"


Trainer Diary, 2.7. There are some chores at home, two in one today, ─=≡Σ(((つω)つ

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