I really didn’t want to be a warm man when I was reborn

Final words and a preview of the new book!

After much procrastination, I finally finished the book. First of all, I must thank everyone for your continued support.

The book "Warm Man" was actually started by accident. I am a veteran, and I have been writing books intermittently for a long time, but either my grades were not good enough or I got 404.

In 2019, I came up with the idea of ​​opening a book again. At that time, I was watching "Leap to the Bubble Era" and liked Akina very much, so I wanted to open a daily entertainment book.

But I really don’t know anything about Japanese entertainment. After writing more than ten chapters, I had a headache just looking up the information.

I am not the kind of person who is particularly good at checking information, so I gave up again and wanted to write an urban rebirth novel to practice my skills. I had only written a Huayu novel before, and I had never written an urban rebirth.

Of course I have read too many rebirth novels.

Because it was a street game, I didn’t think about it becoming popular. I just wanted to work hard for a few months and finish the book with full attendance, so I started writing very casually and wrote a lot of counter-routines. There was no particularly perfect heroine or brother-in-law. Regarding my younger brother’s roommate, the protagonist’s family is not harmonious either.

The beginning is also very fast. I guess there are not many authors like me in the beginning who have pushed out the two main heroines before the book is on the shelves. They can delay it as long as they can.

However, the beginning of the book was very unrestrained and the pace was very fast, which also led to the end of the book becoming dull and watery. I will definitely learn from this lesson in the next book.

The book "Warm Man" is actually a refreshing novel about rebirth, but I failed to write enough refreshing points.

Okay, the book is finished, there are still a few extra chapters left, and you can also add a book club group... At the end of each chapter, apply to join the group.

Well, there should be benefits.

As for the new book, it is a companion volume to "Nuan Nan". The protagonist is Li Zhe from another parallel time and space. The heroine in the book will also be Xiao Zhou... No, it should be said to be Shen Yu. The book will be released at the end of June or later. It's early July.

New book preview.

In the conference room.

Xiao Qiao looked through the novel in his hand and found that he appeared at the beginning of the chapter, and he was immediately satisfied.

"Haha, after all, I'm still the heroine... No, it's gone now... Why is my role so small?"

She read back and forth, "Zhou Fox, Zhou Fox, Zhou Fox...why are they all her?"

Xiao Qiao angrily threw the novel on the table and looked at Zhou Ziyu angrily: "The heroine of the new book turned out to be you?"

Zhou Ziyu just looked at her calmly, "Isn't your role still very important?"

It’s not easy for her to be a heroine!

When Xiao Qiao heard this, he became even more angry, "What scenes, they are all..."

"Where did the bastard author go? I'm going to beat him to death."

A girl put down the novel and suddenly interrupted: "What are you two talking about? I am obviously the first to know Li Zhe, so I should be the heroine."

Xiao Qiao and Zhou Ziyu glanced at her at the same time, neither of them intending to get along with this idiot who knew nothing.

At this time, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and another girl walked in holding a novel.

"Sorry, I'm late."

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