The night is deep. In the cold and clear moonlight, a commercial vehicle was galloping in the dark on the road.

Outside the car window, the scenery became a blur, and I couldn't help but back up.

In front is Jingshui Lake Park.

There is a fence outside the park and dense jungle inside. Occasionally, I can get a glimpse of the scenery of the lake in the gap between the branches and leaves. The lake was crystal clear, and a clear moon floated on it.

Just before arriving at the destination, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

Du You picked it up and heard a hurried male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Du, it's not good!"

Perhaps it was because of the shock that the always calm informant was a little incoherent.

The person who had the accident was You Haoyu. The subordinates who arranged the surveillance suddenly heard the sound of broken glass coming from the apartment, and then they saw people running out.

And behind that person, there was a white shadow. The speed is too fast to see what species it is.

I only know that wherever I go is a mess.

In front of the building, several large blue trash cans were knocked down and **** rolled all over the floor. The street lamp tube shattered and the main road fell into darkness.

Even the bench on the street was pulled up out of thin air and lay down in the mud behind him.

The informant reported emotionally: "Then ran to a nearby construction site. The distance is too far to see clearly. Our people are rushing over..."

While listening, Du You instructed the driver: "Turn around."

"Huh?" The driver looked confused. He was about to find a place to stop.

"Turn around and go to Shanren Apartment."

Shanren Apartment is a newly built single apartment in recent years. Although the price is not cheap, the security is tight. Many public figures who value ** will choose to purchase a real estate here to facilitate their work in S City.

And these public figures are away on business all the year round, making this place extremely deserted.

In short, after all the houses in Shanren Apartment were sold, the developer was ready to develop the second phase and purchased a property nearby. Currently under construction.

At night, the workers left, and the construction site was silent.

The scale of the building has begun to take shape, with reinforced concrete overlapping vertically and horizontally, and a dense green net is hung on the periphery. Like a huge monster, scrutinizing the incoming people in the quiet night.

A dark shadow flashed in. After realizing that he had entered the construction site by mistake, he paused for a second.

But the guy behind him pressed harder every step, he didn't hesitate for too long, and ran towards the half-completed building.

At least there are many bunkers there, maybe you can avoid tracking.

You Haoyu didn't even see who was chasing him. After seeing those eyes on the glass window, before he had time to react, the man launched an attack on him.

The window behind him exploded, and he was forced out of the window by the oncoming strong wind. The moment I fell, I thought I was going to die.

Fortunately, the floor is not high, and there is still a lot of vegetation downstairs as a buffer. So after landing, I didn't feel much pain.

He saw the other's feet step on the window sill and looked down at him in a squat position.

In the night, those green eyes seemed to glow.

The man just jumped down.


You Haoyu didn't know the identity of this guy and the reason for attacking him, but he knew at least one thing. If you get caught, you will definitely die.

So he immediately stood up and fled outside. In the chaos, he didn't see the direction he was running, only a loud noise couldn't help coming from behind.

It was really chaotic, this extraordinary scene made him think he was dreaming. It's like being in a low-quality sci-fi horror movie, with no cause or effect, just running away.

There was another dull sound—the bricks and stones behind him suddenly exploded!

He didn't have time to turn around, speeded up, and finally hid in the half-completed building.

The man hasn't chased in yet. Taking advantage of this gap, after hiding in the column, he covered his nose and mouth with his hands to cover his breath.

The rise of adrenaline can stimulate people's potential and make people ignore pain or fatigue. But the time limit is extremely limited.

You Haoyu only felt that his heart and lungs were about to explode, and he tasted a little blood in his throat.

Even if he would exercise regularly, there was no terrible guy chasing after him.

But now, in order to avoid making too much movement, he didn't even dare to make a breathing sound, so he could only force himself to reduce the frequency of his heartbeat.

You Haoyu closed his eyes, and the back of his hand burst into blue veins.

The mood now is not so much fear as anger-being attacked inexplicably and chased inexplicably.


The sound of rocks turning. The man seemed to come in, but because he lost his prey, he didn't run into the rampage as he did at the beginning.

Stepping on the sand and gravel, approaching a little bit.

You Haoyu opened his eyes and looked into his right pocket. There is a cell phone.

Maybe it's time to call for help. But who should I call?

Call the police?

After hearing his report, the police might think he was a lunatic.


Even if he called that guy over, it probably wouldn't be of any use.


Du You.

The man's stern face appeared in his mind. You Haoyu's breathing gradually calmed down, and his right hand reached out to the phone in his pocket.

The other party may know something. Suddenly let him go home, probably in anticipation of danger. Unexpectedly, the murderer would stand by at home.

But immediately, he denied this approach.

No, you can't call Du You over. Don't involve him in this dangerous thing.

You Haoyu squeezed the phone with his five fingers.

The surrounding area seemed to be quiet, only the wind could be heard. The footsteps disappeared.

Have you left?

He frowned and turned his head to look to the right. A big hole was opened in the wall, underneath is the accumulated sand and gravel, and the green net protecting the outer wall swayed lightly in the wind.

No one is seen.

Then he looked to the left again. The inner wall is bare gray, and there are graffiti left by workers in their spare time.

Also empty.

At this time, the tip of the nose suddenly felt itchy. You Haoyu lowered his eyes, and saw a strand of white hair dangling and falling on his feet.

It suddenly went dark in front of me.

His heart beat faster. When he raised his head again, what appeared in front of him was not a human face, but a white wolf with soft, bright white fur and gloomy eyes.

When looking at those dark green eyes, You Haoyu immediately realized that even though his body is different, this is the guy who attacked him in the first place.

It opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth.

Du You didn't even have time to close the car door, and rushed to Shanren Apartment after getting off the car.

"Mr. Du!" The informant was at the destination early, and when someone came down, he immediately walked over, "The construction site is here, come with me!"

The two came to the construction site. It's quiet inside, no voices.

Although there was no one, the lights for lighting were still on. The pale light reflected on the ruined walls, looking ghostly and deserted.

The informant saw that the scene was quiet and couldn't help but startled: "Huh? It is indeed coming in..."

As if sensing something, Du You's nose moved slightly to stop the informant who wanted to enter.

"Stay here."

"Ah, yes." The informant stopped.

Compared with the two, the system was so nervous that it shivered. It is just a poor and weak system that teaches the host to talk about love. I have never seen such a horrible scene.

It means that from the time of the car accident, it seems that something is wrong.

First, the host encountered a car accident and escaped. Then it was Shen Chen, unfortunately fractured. Now even You Haoyu has suffered.

In the original book, although these small attack slices don't deal with each other, at least they won't hurt each other in order to suffer. What is going on now?

There is a huge footprint in the sand, unlike a human. The sharp claws pierced deeply, leaving five hollow pits.

White hair, animal shape.

The system saw the footprints, suddenly realized something, and immediately launched a frantic search.

Du You's gaze swept across the marks on the ground, and then walked into the building under repair.

Suddenly, there was a pause.

The walls were dark gray, and under the bare eaves, you saw a huge white wolf whose hair seemed to be gleaming.

Under the sharp claws, while pressing You Haoyu's shoulders, he opened his blood basin and prepared to bite down.

You Haoyu didn't look away, looking directly at the monster in front of him. It just felt like the bones were about to crack.

But the opponent's strength was too great, and he couldn't resist.

The teeth are so sharp that they can break his blood vessels with just a slight scraping. Blood splattered and stained the gravel underground.


What kind of monster is this?

You Haoyu couldn't understand the status quo at all. I can’t understand why I’m being crushed by a wild beast and is dying.


There was a deafening dull sound, and the body suddenly lighted. A violent wind blew across his face and set off his hair.

He was breathing fast, leaning against the column behind him, somehow unable to react to what happened.

The beast flew out instantly and slammed into the inner wall. The whole building shook with it.

You Haoyu stiffened his neck and looked over, but saw that the white wolf fell to the ground and did not immediately stand up. There was a whimper in the throat, and it seemed that the injury was serious.

And standing in front of the beast was a familiar figure.

Lacquered suit with a straight waist. A gust of wind came in, blowing the man's dark hair.

The man walked up to the white wolf and squatted down on one knee: "..."

Said nothing.

The White Wolf finally woke up, turned over and jumped up. Attention shifted to the person attacking him, all four feet on the ground, full of guard and hostility.

One wolf and one person looked at each other quietly, no one moved.

In the end, the White Wolf couldn't hold back at first. He opened his blood basin and rushed over.

But before he had time to act, he was caught up and down with his mouth, and pressed down fiercely-dust was everywhere. The figures of both sides were covered by soot.

You Haoyu leaned on the column and stood up straight, squinted, not really looking at it.

After a while, the dust dispersed, showing two figures. Du You grabbed the giant wolf's neck with one hand and dragged the person from the ground abruptly.

The white wolf looked painful. After a while, he retreated the animal form, showing its original form.

The muscles were tense, both hands tightly held Du You's arm, trying to pull it away, but did not move. Half-length silver-haired shawl, ears quivered from time to time.

Because of lack of oxygen, Jun Lang's face flushed.

Du You finally let go of his hand. The opponent fell to the ground all of a sudden, his tail drooped and his body shrank into a ball.

Ryan looked at the man in front of him, his dark green pupils gleaming with fear.

He met such a powerful human for the first time. Even in the original world, almost no orcs are his opponents.

Not to mention the people here, so delicate and vulnerable. But what's the matter with this guy.

Not only defeated him, but also so easy?

In Ryan's eyes, this man looked terrifying. The skin is blue, the pupils of the eyes are pale, and the dark red pattern spreads from the collar up to the chin.

This is not a normal human face.

Will he be killed.

Du You squatted down again, staring at the opponent blankly. From the horrified eyes, I saw my own figure reflected in it.

It's not like humans, it's extremely ugly.

He hates this image of himself, so he has always shown himself in a human face. But if you want to defeat the White Wolf as soon as possible, you have no time to distract yourself and make a disguise.

The system was also stunned.

It was a host discovered in a human concentration camp. When it saw the face exactly like the protagonist of "A Domineering President Falling in Love with Me", it decisively abducted the person.

But I never knew that the host had another face.

Although faintly aware of the other party's unusualness, is the truth so.

The host is... not human.

Du You mentioned White Wolf again: "Your body is very strong, right."

Ryan heard the question. He nodded hesitantly, then shook his head frantically.

No matter how strong he is, if he is beaten by this person with such strength, he will probably burp soon.

Then, his chin was grabbed.

"do not move."

Du You fixed the young man's head, and his gaze fell on the opponent's neck. There is still a red mark on it.

His eyes sank and he opened his mouth. The teeth in the mouth are different from the usual, very sharp-bite it down!

The pain hits instantly. Ryan's pupils shrank suddenly, but soon lost focus. The tense muscles relax and the arms hang down.

The system is trembling: [Host, host? 】

Du You let go of Ryan and put the man on the ground. The man has fainted and closed his eyes.

Du You: [Nothing, just in case. 】

He stood up, turned around, and met You Haoyu's eyes.

The young man's face was stained with dust, his right hand supported his injured left arm, and he looked at him incredulously.

Du You walked over, and with every step he took, he recovered a point. Her eyes turned black, and the pattern gradually retracted, finally disappearing. Skin tone returned to normal.

When he finally stood in front of You Haoyu, he was like Du You again.

In other words, he has been present in front of everyone.

"Are you injured?" Du You looked at You Haoyu's left arm, "The car is outside. Let's go to the hospital first."

You Haoyu did not respond, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

In the end, Du You took the lead to look away.

Even human beings in the last days will not accept their identity, let alone a peaceful world.

Therefore, he didn't intend to let people see his true body.

"It's okay, let the driver take you off." Du You said, "I will stay and deal with this guy."

But when he was about to turn around, his arm was grabbed.

You can feel that You Haoyu's hands are shaking, and his amber eyes are staring at him intently.

Du You: "?"

He just wanted to ask what was wrong when the other party suddenly hugged him up.

You Haoyu's left arm didn't seem to be able to lift up, he just grabbed his back with his right hand. The forehead was buried in the neck fossa, and the heat from his breath sprayed on the neck.

Make Du You feel a little itchy.

You Haoyu didn't say a word, as if grabbing a straw, he hugged Du You tightly. It seems to be rubbing all his own flesh and blood in.

He had many questions and puzzles, but for a while, he didn't know what to say.

He only subconsciously thought that if he was separated from Du You in this way, he might never have a chance to be with each other again.

He didn't mind what Du You looked like, even if he wasn't human, he didn't care at all.

He only knows that he likes Du You.

Outside the building, the remnant leaves fell on the sand. A lacquer leather shoe stepped on it, making the sound of paper tearing.

A young man stood outside the window with his back against the wall. The light chestnut eyes reflected the two people embracing in the building.

The light from the site lighting hit his face, making his face paler.

The five fingers wearing black leather gloves clenched tightly and creaked.

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