Chapter 97 Druid Dragon Legion and Elf Documents (2/7 Seek Complete Customization)

Lin Ke was secretly surprised.

Although he has also seen the elven documents in the treasure house, but not all the documents.

He did not expect that in the natural elven empire back then, there would be a dragon army composed of elven druids.

You must know that the Druid’s Transfiguration is not a simple illusion, but a real race change.

When you become a bear, you have the strength and defense of the bear.

When you become a leopard, you have the agility and speed of a leopard.

When you become an eagle, you have the flying ability of an eagle, as well as keen eyesight.

If you transform into a giant dragon, then the Elf Druid will also have all the power of a giant dragon. If the elven druids who transform into giant dragons can speak dragons, they can even release dragonspeak magic and breathe dragon’s breath.

It can be said.

The elven druid who transforms into a dragon is comparable to a real dragon in all aspects.

Lin Ke secretly said: “It’s no wonder that the natural elf empire was able to rule half of the sacred continent. In addition to the ancient treants, the natural elf empire also has a powerful army of druid dragons!”

“It’s just a pity that the way for natural elves to advance to druids has disappeared!”

04 Lin Ke sighed.

He didn’t know exactly how it disappeared, and why it disappeared.

I believe that even the knowledgeable Agatha did not know.

Because there is no information about the disappearance of the druid profession in the elven literature, the only thing we know is that the natural elves once had the druid profession.

Looking at a group of claw druids in front of him.

Lin Ke turned his head and said to the three elves legion chiefs: “After transforming into a war bear, the claw druid can release a totem halo similar to the totem of the orc. The elves healed his injuries, you have to remember that.”

It is impossible for him to personally lead every war.

So he hoped that his three elven army commanders would understand the talents possessed by the elven arms.

The three elven army commanders nodded one after another.

Usmarie said: “Your Majesty, I think the totem aura of the Druid of the Talons is very useful for the elf huntress, because the elf huntress is a melee class and needs to fight in close combat with the enemy. With such a totem aura, the elf huntress The combat effectiveness is even stronger.

Monica and Eve also agreed.

In contrast.

Elf archers don’t need the totem halo of the Druid of the Claws.

Because the elf archers only need to shoot a volley of arrows on the edge of the battlefield. With the war taunts of the mountain giants, the elf archers are enough to give the enemy the most desperate blow.

Lin Ke’s gaze fell on Usmarie.

Usmary lowered his head.

She felt her heart beating very hard.

Thinking of the whispers that Elder Agatha had said to her before, Usmarie suddenly felt physically sent out and wanted to leave His Majesty the Elf King’s sight as soon as possible.

“His Majesty.”

Agatha’s soft voice rang.

Lin Ke gave a light cough, turned his eyes to the group of claw druids in front of him, and said, “Go down first. Remember, you must have a good relationship with the elves, mountain giants and the little tree monsters in your territory.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After the claw druids saluted, they turned and left.

They are about three meters tall and have strong physiques. At first glance, they are born fighters.

In human form, their combat effectiveness is not strong.

But once they release their talents and transform into combat power, their combat effectiveness will multiply.

Lin Ke even believes that the claw druids at the peak of the eighth stage, after transforming into a war bear, their combat effectiveness is completely comparable to that of the early stage of the ninth stage, and may even be stronger.

Dryad, claw druid, mountain giant.

Although these three high-level elven arms were a bit more expensive, none of them let him down.

Whether it is the passive talent poison of the beautiful Dryad, the totem halo of the Druid of the Claw, or the war taunt of the mountain giant, it is a great weapon on the battlefield.

These three talents are used well, and it is definitely a very simple matter to win more with less on the battlefield.

Lin Ke looked at Agatha and the three beautiful elven captains next to him, and said, “You guard me all night, and you should be very tired. Go to the tree of life and take a rest.”

Agatha said to the three of Usmarie: “You go and rest, I will accompany your majesty.

“Good elder!”

Usmarie didn’t dare to see Lin Ke, and left in a hurry.

Monica and Eve looked at her back suspiciously, and followed after they saluted Lin Ke.

Lin Ke asked, “What were you whispering to Usmarie before?”

Agatha covered her mouth and smiled: “Your Majesty, how can you inquire about this kind of thing? If we are talking about sister Usmarie’s private affairs, I told you how to face her in the future.

Sister Usmarie?

Lin Ke looked at Agatha in surprise, he did not expect Agatha to move faster than him.

He decisively stopped asking more.

Agatha also changed the subject and asked: “Your Majesty, when shall we return to the Dark Night Forest?”

For her, the dark night forest is the real home.

After all, she has been living in the dark night forest and has never left. This is the first time she has traveled far.

Lin Ke said: “Don’t worry, wait until the elves have finished mining the underground gold mine. For 10,000 elves, it will take more than half a month to complete the gold mine.

Agatha said: “After you go back, are you going to establish a kingdom of elves?”


Lin Ke nodded.

At that time, the deadline for the mission was approaching.

Agatha thought for a while, and said, “Then you can make a wizard document now!”

Lin Ke was puzzled: “What is the wizard document?” 693

Agatha said: “Your Majesty, the elves are the secret art of our natural elves, inherited from the age of the elves. Your majesty only needs to seal the information in the magic stone, and then shoot it out with a special elven arrow, and the elven arrow will be Go to the target location on your own. Whether it is the West Sea where the dragons are entrenched, or the orc royal court in the depths of the savannah, the wizard arrows can quickly arrive. When the natural wizard empire mobilized the troops of all parties, it used the wizard documents.”

Lin Ke was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the former empire of natural spirits was so advanced.

“In this way, it is much more convenient. You can directly use the wizard documents to invite the races of the Holy Continent to visit the founding ceremony of our wizard kingdom.

Agatha thought of another aspect.

“When your majesty’s name spreads throughout the sacred continent, I believe we will soon receive elven documents from people from distant clans!”

Lin Ke continued with her soft body and said: “It’s not just an elves, but more and more natural elves will gather in the elves kingdom!

“Yes, your Majesty, they will come back!

Agatha’s smile was as beautiful as a flower.

Lin Ke suddenly felt.

Guarding the smile of the beautiful queen seems to be a very important task.

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