Chapter 45 Dwarf, betrayed the elf! (1/5 for collection)

Eliminating the demon wolf clan, Lin Ke has gained a lot.

In addition to thousands of magic cores, he also brought back the unicorn family.

When the elves and unicorns returned.

Excited cheers sounded across the territory of the natural elves. The elves surrounded the unicorns one after another, welcoming them with beautiful smiles and beautiful singing.

Unicorns are the sacred beasts of the natural elves, and they are also partners of the natural elves.

But since the elven empire disappeared tens of thousands of years ago, the natural elves who came to the dark forest to avoid disasters have never seen a unicorn again.

Now, the appearance of the unicorn makes all natural elves rejoice.

The unicorns are also very happy to see the huge elven territory and tens of thousands of natural elves.

For unicorns, where there are natural elves, it is their home.

It’s like the goddess lakeside.

Today’s Dark Night Forest is also their home.


The excited Unicorn King spread his wings and flew over the territory.

It finally felt the breath of freedom.

It didn’t fall to the ground until it was tired to fly, and came to Lin Ke’s side, enjoying the touch from His Majesty the Elf King very meekly. From the time he left the valley, Lin Ke has been his lifelong partner.

at this time.

Lin Ke also received news of the arrival of the bauhinia caravan.

“Bring them here!”

“Your Majesty!”

Soon, the bauhinia caravan entered the core area of ​​the natural elves.

Seeing tens of thousands of natural elves around, and almost all of them are professional big elves, the knights and magicians in the caravan were shocked, but at the same time they became more cautious.

The knight shot by the elf archer is a bitter lesson.

If the natural elves are offended here, their fate is probably more miserable than that of the knight.

Vivienne whispered with emotion: “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that in just one month, there were so many natural elves here, and they seemed to have emerged out of thin air.”

Joyce nodded.

A month ago, when he and Vivian came here, there were less than a thousand natural elves, but now there are tens of thousands of natural elves, and the changes are really great.

However, in Joyce’s view, the real change was his Majesty the Elf King.

His Majesty, the generous, sincere and kind-hearted Elf King, has now become extremely powerful and has an obsession with gold coins like a dragon.

He even suspected that His Majesty the Elf King was actually a dragon in disguise.

Although he has no evidence to prove it.

Hall of the Elf King.

Lin Ke summoned the two sisters Vivian and Joyce, the steward of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, as the other knights and magicians in the caravan were not qualified to enter.

Lin Ke wears an elf crown and sits on the gorgeous throne.

Condescendingly looked down at the three people in the hall.

Seeing Lin Ke, the handsome and beautiful Elf King on the throne, Vivian couldn’t help but speed up her heartbeat. She hurriedly saluted: “Dear Elf King Lin Ke, it is an honor for Vivian to see you again!”

Lin Ke smiled lightly: “Ms. Vivian, I hope that the compensation of the two million gold coins will not hurt our friendship.”

Joyce’s old face convulsed.

Sure enough, His Majesty the Elf King didn’t let him down, and the first words he spoke were gold coins.

Vivienne’s expression was also a little unnatural.

But soon she returned to normal and said with a full smile: “Dear Elf King, I believe these two million gold coins will be a testimony of our friendship! Our Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce and Nature Elves will jointly build a real The Bridge of Friendship is as close as the dwarven empire and the elven empire in the past.”


Lin Ke remembered the records in the elven literature and said: “The dwarves once were indeed friends of our natural elves, but in the Five Races Covenant, they betrayed us.”

Vivienne’s expression was dull.

Dwarves, have betrayed the natural elves?

According to rumors, dwarves and natural elves are the hardest allies. She even discovered from an ancient book that there was an army of dwarves among the Elven Empire army back then.

Vivienne quickly said: “Your Majesty Lin Ke, you can rest assured that our Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce will never betray the natural elves.”

Lin Ke said: “It doesn’t matter, I only want gold coins!”

Joyce glanced at Vivienne.

did you see it?

His Majesty Lin Ke, the elven king, has completely blinded the eyes of wisdom by the light of gold coins.

Except for gold coins, nothing can impress him.

Vivian smiled and said, “Your Majesty Lin Ke, this time Vivian brought you four million gold coins!”

Lin Ke’s heart jumped.

Four million gold coins, if all used to summon elf archers, forty thousand can be summoned!

With an army of forty thousand elf archers, the scene was absolutely shocking.

Lin Ke said calmly, “Four million gold coins, not many. Except for the 3.4 million gold coins that your chamber of commerce will deliver to me, you only have 600,000 gold coins left to buy wizard equipment from me. ”

Vivienne smiled stiffly.

Four million gold coins are not many?

She has almost emptied the vault of the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, okay?

Lin Ke said: “I have a large number of gold and silver objects, magic cores, and the corpse of a king-level monster. If your chamber of commerce does not have enough gold coins, then I can only find other chambers of commerce to cooperate.”

The corpse of a king-level monster?

Vivian was shocked and blurted out: “Your Majesty Lin Ke, our chamber of commerce has a gold mine worth at least 10 million gold coins!!”

Gold mine?

When Vivian finished speaking, Lin Ke suddenly heard a voice from the system.

PS: Good morning, everyone.

Wake up first in the morning, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, and give a reward!

Also thank you for being a god milk? , Yunjuan Yunshu, acquaintance is fate, funny? ( ̄▽ ̄?), Brother Niu, Kuaibo survivors, Aiyeyeyeyeye, **, gods, monthly tickets voted by everyone! *

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