I Play DC Hero In Marvel

Chapter 119 Clean the house before treating guests

Black Braised Egg was not surprised that Anton called out his name, but took it for granted.

Since he took the initiative to see Anton, it means that he has long been prepared to face anything.

Whether Anton is Batman or not, he will treat Anton as a very important figure.

On the one hand, it is because Anton has close ties with most of the superheroes currently appearing in New York.

On the other hand, it is also because of the DC company founded by Anton.

From Batman, Green Arrow, to Cyborg, even if Nick Fury is blind, he can't continue to ignore the value behind DC.

As Coulson said, who knows if there will be Superman, Flash, Shazam, and other heroes, who will take turns playing?

Moreover, does the appearance of these people mean... the aliens are pressing step by step?

The reasons are complex.

In short, after receiving the news, the black marinated egg immediately clarified the context and placed Anton in a position that could not be ignored.

So, set off to New York to meet with Anton.

In addition, according to the information they have, Anton is likely to be a member of the Justice League, a superhero team established by Batman.

That way, the two sides have more to discuss.

"It seems that you don't need to introduce yourself, you are very familiar with me."

Nick Fury replied calmly, with no expression on his black face, and said lightly: "Anton, S.H.I.E.L.D. has investigated all the information about you. Since you took over the Daily Bugle, your changes have surprised countless people."

"The prodigal son is back!"

Anton said frankly: "Isn't this a plot that everyone likes to see?"

"You are not simply looking back. You are now close to a mysterious organization, and you need to know..."

Hei Ludan paused and said with emphasis: "This organization is not legal."

"So, are you legal?"

Anton asked back.

"Do you think that the World Security Council can support you, so you can confidently tell me that the Justice League is an illegal organization?"

Anton said, looking at the black marinated egg with a half-smile.

The latter's expression remained unchanged: "This is the truth."

"But as far as I know, the team you want to form is currently empty. It's even just an idea of ​​yours."

Anton glanced at Natasha next to him: "Even if you include Black Widow and Hawkeye, you should call it a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent team, not a superhero team."

Hearing the words, the black braised egg turned even darker.

In fact, Anton's words shocked him.

The superhero team he is building is really empty at the moment.

However, this should be a secret.

Even for his confidants, Coulson didn't know who he planned to invite, and whether he had formally invited any of the members.

This is the secret of the black marinated egg itself.

It is also a fact that will only be exposed after the team is established.

However, Anton seems to be very sure that the superhero team he is building now has no members.

Does it mean that what you do is under their watchful eyes?

So, inside S.H.I.E.L.D. has a pair of eyes, or even multiple pairs of eyes, staring at itself?

His every move was exposed to the eyes of An Dong and others!

The black brine egg's face was condensed.

Even a black face can make people feel the change.

Anton didn't know what this guy was thinking, but through the change in the guy's face, he knew very well that the black marinated egg was fooled by himself.

As a result, the smile on his face deepened.

A moment of silence.

Black Braised Egg said: "In any case, I hope the Justice League can think about it and reach a cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D., you will need us."

"I think it's you who need us more."

Anton said with great interest: "Nick, Batman has already reminded you, so you should have felt the unrest inside S.H.I.E.L.D., right?"

Black Braised Egg frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

"He wants to tell you what I said... let you clean up the house and treat yourself!"

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from behind Black Braised Egg and Natasha.

The two suddenly turned their heads and saw a figure in black armor with a flying cloak, stern and threatening, standing at the door of the office, facing them.


Natasha's pupils shrank.

Batman is close to the surrounding area, which is less than five steps away, and he doesn't notice it at all!

Then he thought of something and looked at Anton again.

It seems that the case has been solved. Batman and Anton are not alone at all.

Before, all the words that Anton was Batman were just lies made by Batman and Anton.

The black marinated egg was equally horrified and took a deep breath.

He is not alone here, the employees of DC Company have been politely invited out by them.

Coulson and Hawkeye were left standing at the gate to prevent outsiders from breaking in, ensuring that there were only a few of them on the entire floor of the DC company. .

As for outsiders...

For example, still upstairs at the time of the Daily Bugle Deck, a superhero, and perhaps one of the full members of the Justice League, Eddie Brock, nicknamed Venom.

But Eddie hasn't moved yet, but Batman has appeared in front of them unknowingly.

The most terrifying thing is that Coulson and Hawkeye have not had any response so far.

There are two possibilities.

First, the two have been knocked out by Batman.

Second, the two did not find out that Batman was in DC at all.

The former is fine. If it is the latter, it can only show that Batman's horror is far beyond his imagination.

Neither Black Braised Egg nor Natasha noticed that Anton, who they hadn't noticed, had his eyes slightly bent, and a smile was hidden in his pupils.

This sudden appearance of Batman, of course, is his clone!

The clone can be freely placed within a 100-meter range of the main body.

Although it is the main template, it can also be cloned.

Secondly, it is worth mentioning that the difference between the main template and other heroes seems to be that the appearance does not change.

You know, after exchanging Green Arrow and Cyborg, he tried his body to transform.

But without exception, he has become Oliver Queen and Victor Stone.

Only in Batman state, he is his own face.

Of course, Batman comes with two attributes.

One is called "identity hiding".

The second is called "indestructible, can avoid all attacks, and no one can recognize the sexy chin."

The second feature has a slightly longer name, but there's no doubt that it sums up Batman's basic setting perfectly.

However, the alien characteristic of Venom is one of the inevitable bugs.

After all, Venom's perception of a person is only the guy's head is delicious, and that guy doesn't look delicious.

At this moment, even Anton himself, seeing the Batman avatar in front of him, felt that the avatar's temperament, movements, and even the corners of his mouth under the mask were different from his own.

It was only natural that the black marinated egg and Natasha could not recognize each other.


"Clean up the house before treating guests?"

The black marinated egg has a strange face.

He is not someone who has never read books, and in the era when he was studying, he happened to have heard this sentence.

Knock on the blackboard, knowledge points.

In the test paper on the other side of the ocean, the meaning of this sentence is "to eliminate foreign aggression forces in China, and then establish diplomatic relations with countries that are willing to abide by the principles of peace, democracy and equality."

Black Braised Egg suddenly realized that this sentence happened to describe the internal situation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Where is this hint!

This is already tantamount to express!

However, for the information that he was aware of, the black marinated egg did not fluctuate too much, and quickly calmed down.

Think of the meaning of "re-inviting" again.

It seems to represent that Batman and others have no malice towards S.H.I.E.L.D. and are willing to cooperate.

The premise is, "clean the house".

"If that's your attitude, I'm happy to accept it."

Thinking of this, the black gravy looked much better, and then thought about it, and said, "Batman, I can go to communicate with the World Security Council, but the premise is that I want you to tell me that those worms inside S.H.I.E.L.D. come from where?"

He was actually very puzzled.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is a relatively independent power organization, and it has the power of law enforcement in many countries.

Such an organization has moths inside, which is actually a matter of course.

But what Nick Fury could not have imagined was that even he, the most powerful person within S.H.I.E.L.D., was controlled by these worms.

When I didn't notice it, I thought it was fine, but now after I observed it intentionally, I was shocked to find that S.H.I.E.L.D. was like a tooth decay in the mouth of a child who ate too much candy.

The surface of the teeth is smooth and clean, and the interior is already dark and completely hollowed out.

"The troubles within S.H.I.E.L.D. have a long history. This is your own business. Outsiders can't intervene. You must solve it yourself."

Batman's tone was calm, but he still gave the black gravy a face.

"The internal corruption of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a problem left over from history."

He opened his mouth slowly, instead of saying the name, he made a mouth shape.


That is the Hydra!

Nick Fury immediately caught the name of the mouth shape representative, unable to control the change in his face, and the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

Natasha was stunned, she also saw the meaning of this mouth shape.

"Then, we won't send it!"

Seeing this, Anton knew that it was time to see off the guests.

Get off the chair and speak rudely.

Batman at the office gate made way for them, obviously.

The black marinated egg restrained and looked slightly absent-minded, nodded to Batman and Anton, and led Natasha out of the office.

At this time, Coulson and Hawkeye noticed the movement and glanced inside.

The first thing that catches the eye is not the director and female colleagues, but the tall, arrogant, stern shadow that cannot be ignored.

Batman! !


Coulson was taken aback, and Hawkeye beside him widened his eyes, feeling his scalp tingling.

They have no idea when Batman entered DC.

In short, what they are sure of is that Batman was definitely not here before he and others came to DC.

Batman must have come here after he and others arrived at DC.

Immediately, I saw Anton beside Batman.

The two were a little confused.

But this scene seems to have answered a long-standing doubt for them.

Anton is not Batman!

This time, some of the unintelligible places that occurred in the past have been solved.

"Let's go."

With an ugly face, Hei Lu Dan gave an order and the group left the DC company.

"Barton, you share a car with Coulson."

At the gate downstairs, Coulson and Hawkeye looked at each other and got into the same car.

Black Braised Egg and Natasha went to another car.


In the car, Natasha regained her true identity as a black widow, her glamorous face became serious, and she said solemnly, "Batman just said..."

"Don't tell Patton and Coulson."

Nick said lightly: "You know what I mean, Natasha, we can't be sure that any one is a good person right now."

Natasha didn't speak, and took a deep look at the black marinated egg.

She really can't tell the difference between good people and bad people now, but she is very sure that if she didn't meet the right time, and Nick Fury got information about Hydra from the mouth of Batman at the same time, the latter would never regard her as herself people.

This is Nick Fury, and I don't trust anyone.

He only trusted himself.


Anton watched everyone in SHIELD leave, and looked at Batman's clone, who immediately disappeared into the air.


Anton sighed.

It's not because of heartache for fan value, but because of his glamorous assistant who sighed and left him just like that.

It's a pity that the specially prepared catwoman uniform at home has to be worn by another person!

However, they will definitely have a chance to meet in the future.

Lots of opportunities.

Anton turned his head and thought again that to build the Justice League, we really can't rely on power to act recklessly. When necessary, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a good cover.

So it is inevitable to establish a relationship with SHIELD.

This is also the biggest reason why he let S.H.I.E.L.D. deal with his own situation first, and then discuss cooperation with him.

Moreover, Anton's identity is rooted in Miaohong.

His old man, Jonah Jameson, has worked hard for many years on this acre of New York and has a good personal relationship with New York politicians.

Because of this level, no one will openly oppose him.

As for the secret activities, Anton is not afraid of anyone.

Standing on the surface by him, as the spokesperson of the Justice League, is enough to occupy a "speaking of justice".

Then he is now on the face of the identity.

Rich kid, entrepreneur, screenwriter, talented Hollywood director, spokesperson for the Justice League, a string of titles truly interprets the winner in life.

In secret, he not only has the above titles, but also Batman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, and possibly Superman, Flash, Aquaman, and... uh, Wonder Woman in the future.

"After a while, can I hang the Avengers up and hammer?"

Anton is thinking.

at the same time.

Upstairs, Eddie at the Daily Clarion is still working hard. Everything that happened during the day, plus the footage recorded by the camera, is enough to take his already booming career to the next level.

They all habitually ignore a person.

Phil Urick.

Neither Anton nor Eddie knew that Phil, who had broken into the enemy camp, had followed the remnants of the Bigfoot Gang and Dr. Stockman on a plane to Brazil.

I see that some people are still chasing votes... There is no need, I have completed 4 achievements, the previous chasing votes should have almost earned back, and the remaining achievements are only finished! As for the film and television adaptation... Well, I put my pillow up when I go to bed tonight, and when I'm dreaming, I wait for Disney to come and ask me to help him write a screenplay. It's really not good, and Warners can too!

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