I, Pirate Shichibukai

Chapter 268 Tomb Raiders 【Subscription, Flowers】

This is not true!

This is not true!

Looking at Kuina lying flat under the shade of a tree, Zoro's expression was dumbfounded, and he kept muttering, obviously not daring to admit the reality in front of him!

Zoro didn't cry out, but Dou Da's tears fell down.

At this time, Koshiro was not in the mood to comfort Zoro, but was silent, and his eyes were a little straight.


Laki tiptoed over to Crocodile and whispered.

Crocodile waved his hand, indicating that it would be better to wait and see, and stop talking nonsense.

"Zoro, don't be too sad, maybe it's destiny, maybe it's a better thing for Kuina." Koshiro sighed and said leisurely.

good thing?

Laki was a little confused for a while. Your daughter died, and you said it was a good thing. Even if your mentality is open-minded, it's not like this, right?

However, Zoro seemed to understand, and nodded sadly.

Indeed, in this life, Kuina is a girl, unable to reach the highest level of swordsmanship, and maybe a boy in the next life, and her dream is no longer a castle in the air, illusory.

Seeing that Zoro's mood has stabilized, Koshiro waved: "Prepare for the funeral!"9

After finishing speaking, Koshiro turned around alone, looking like a lonely traveler, very lonely, with a hard heart, and the extremely spicy Laki couldn't help but sympathize with this man after seeing this scene.

"Go and call me Orovia!" Crocodile whispered, leaning closer to Laki's ear.


Hearing this, Laki was startled, how could he forget her, that guy is an angel fruit person, with her there, the dead can't be saved, no wonder Mr. doesn't seem worried at all.

and many more!

Suddenly, Laki shuddered.

Why did Mr. bring Orovia here, did he expect such a thing to happen before he came, or was the accident caused by Mr.

Seeing Laki's slightly terrified expression, Crocodile knew what the little secretary was thinking about.

"What the heck, I didn't do this." Crocodile explained it rarely.

Laki didn't dare to hesitate, if the time passed and people were really dead, even if Orovia came over, it would be of no use.

By the time Orovia came over, Kuina's body had been moved into a bedroom that looked very cozy. If you guessed correctly, this should be Kuina's boudoir.

Seeing Kuina's pale face, Orovia immediately knew what she was being called to do, and without thinking about it, she was going to go there for treatment.

However, this time it was stopped by Crocodile.

"Orovia, are you sure you can get her back?" Crocodile's tone was very solemn, obviously he valued Kuina very much.

"It didn't take a long time for the accident, and there is no major problem." Orovia said confidently.

That's fine, but instead of letting Orovia pass, Crocodile pulled him aside first.

"Can you rescue her temporarily, but she is in suspended animation. 99

Hearing this, Orovia is a little puzzled. What is the reason for this? Could it be that Mr. still wants to use his own abilities to blackmail the owner of Koshiro?

But Orovia is very sensible and knows when to ask questions and when to be silent.

"It's not a big problem, it can be done." Orovia hesitated for a while, then said affirmatively.

Kuina's coffin was buried in a hurry without being placed for a few days, and the ceremony was not very solemn. Almost no one in the town knew that the stubborn girl was ecstatic.

It was night, and Crocodile brought Orovia to a quiet grove, where there were two tombstones, which looked even more desolate in the bright moonlight.

One of them is Kuina's new tomb, and the other, without guessing, should be the tomb of Koshiro's wife.

"Sir, is this bad?"

Following Crocodile here in the middle of the night, Orovia had already guessed what Mr.

"Oh, why not? Are we going to watch the girl in this blooming season be buried here. We all know that she is not dead now. If we don't dig her out, she will really die." Crocodile's mouth curled up. Lie, said in a deep voice.

・・0 flowers・

Orovia was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say, that little girl would either die, or be rescued, what the hell is going on with such trouble, it's different from someone's style before.

In Orovia's impression, when Crocodile met a suitable prey, he would not care about the miscellaneous things, and just need to force it away. Why does it look a little weird now, or he doesn't want to have any conflict with Koshiro. ?

While Orovia was dazed, Crocodile was already in action.

The ground gradually turned into quicksand, and a coffin slowly emerged from the ground. Fortunately, Orovia knew about Crocodile's ability. If others saw this scene, they might think it was haunted.

After the coffin came out, the ground returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.


The coffin lid was rudely opened by Crocodile, making a muffled sound.

The girl lying in the coffin seemed to be asleep, and there was no joy or sorrow on her delicate face.

"It's not bad." Crocodile sneered while rubbing Kuina's cold face.

That's it, Orovia said nothing else would help.

Taking over Kuina's thin and small body, Orovia felt a little pity. If her daughter had been by her side back then, she might not have died.

In fact, Orovia's feelings for Kuina are still relatively complicated. After all, this girl is about the same age as Robin, and her character is also very imaginative. Every day she looks at Kuina, she seems to be looking at her own daughter.

Just when Orovia was stunned, the coffin had sunk to the ground.

"It's been long enough to stay here, since the things have been obtained, there is no need to waste them, we should go!" Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly.

With his character, he basically won't say goodbye to Koshiro, and he probably leaves without saying goodbye, and the guy may be relieved.

With a wave of Crocodile's hand, Laki's figure came out of the dark corner, and he knew that this little guy must be around.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect your husband to be so interested in corpses? Zhang.


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