I obviously want to be a trainer

Chapter 409 Egg Group Theory

time flies.

The World League Tournament is about to kick off.

In the first half year of the competition, each alliance can submit an application for holding the alliance competition.

Since the elf battle is the most popular event in the world, there is no need to worry about the venue.

I don't know if it's because Su Xiaobai put forward a large number of research results. Scholars and trainers from all over the world are consciously gathering towards the Eastern Alliance.

Therefore, after the Eastern League filed a report application, the World League Competition Organizing Committee agreed without any hesitation.

To be honest, they also very much hope to take this opportunity to go to the Eastern Alliance to see, the goblin system, the weather system, the priority system...

At the same time, Su Xiaobai is also a league champion, holds the double titles of league champion and elf doctor, and created a scholar trainer.

All these things made the trainers and scholars of other alliances very curious about Su Xiaobai.

"This Eastern League competition is the best chance for our Eastern League to rise!"

After the Alliance Speaker got the news, he clenched his fists and made up his mind to show the strength of the Eastern Alliance in this competition.

Then, he remembered the news from Qinglian Town Research Institute, and a slight arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, showing a confident expression.


Another month passed.

As Su Xiaobai published papers one after another, it attracted the attention of everyone in the Eastern Alliance.

"What is this... elven genetics?"

Scholars looked at the title of the paper, and their hearts suddenly moved.

If elves and elves reproduce offspring, it has always been a key area of ​​research for scholars.

But under normal circumstances, scholars who breed elves to reproduce offspring will choose the same race or a close race.

But this paper divides the elves into different egg groups.

Egg groups are very similar to attributes. A sprite can belong to one or two egg groups at the same time. Egg groups are classified by the biological characteristics of the elves.

According to the records in this paper, the egg groups of elves can be roughly divided into monsters, water, insects, flying, land, fairies, plants, humanoids, minerals, amorphous, and dragons... The egg group is to judge two The key to whether elves of the opposite sex can lay eggs is that only elves of the opposite sex in the same egg group can lay eggs!

This paper contains very detailed records about egg groups. If the viewpoints in the paper can be formalized, a new elf discipline can be established!

Only a large number of systems can achieve a discipline, and a discipline must have multiple interrelated systems as the basis. It can be seen how valuable this paper is.

If it is a normal situation, the first reaction of scholars must be to debate and refute, and to come up with the most correct answer in the constant discussion.

But this time, because it was Su Xiaobai who had never been defeated in the academic circle who proposed to publish this paper, the entire academic circle was silent.

Since Dr. Su dared to publish this kind of paper, he must use his opinion as a corresponding argument, and the seminars left a deep impression on them.

In the absence of rebuttals and debates, scholars subconsciously start exploring from the perspective of verification, making the academic world extremely quiet.

"Heh, is this a scholar from the Eastern Alliance?"

"Having lost the heart to debate and refute, is this still a scholar who has the courage to explore?"

The one who expressed this opinion was the league champion from the United Region, who came to the Eastern League by taking advantage of the opportunity of the World League Competition.

He didn't come here with an attitude of learning. Although the World League competition belonging to trainers has not yet started, it does not prevent him from starting as a scholar.

This time, they came with the belief that they must win. This is a very good opportunity to hit the morale of the Eastern Alliance!

Especially when this Dr. Su is also the champion of the Eastern League!

After the Alliance King expressed his attitude, the elf scholars in the Hezhong area also huddled together and began to question elf genetics.

Among them, a scholar put forward a very classic size theory, Gyarados and Carp King are evolutionary forms of each other, and must be in the same egg group.

But how to reproduce with Gyarados with the size of Gyarados.

In addition, there is reproductive isolation. Two completely different elves can reproduce in the same egg group?

After the doubts were raised, the quiet atmosphere was instantly broken, and more and more scholars joined the discussion!

"Have you ever seen an elf lay eggs?"

Facing this question, Su Xiaobai just responded lightly.

After hearing about it, those scholars subconsciously answered that they had seen it before, and the word "baby egg" would allow them to make up the picture by themselves.

But after they really calmed down and recalled it, they realized that they had never actually seen elves laying eggs.

Although they have seen elf eggs, but no one has actually seen elves multiply in this way!

All of a sudden, it was exposed that none of these scholars had specialized in research on elf eggs, and the scene became awkward for a while.

Since they haven't seen the process of elf reproduction, their previous accusations become groundless.

As an elf scholar, the most important thing is to seek truth from facts, which made them all blush, and the atmosphere was inexplicably strange.

"Hmph, I haven't studied elf eggs and I really don't know."

"But with so many scholars, there will always be someone who has seen it?"

The deflated scholar thought bitterly in his heart, waiting for someone to speak up to refute.

But as time passed, the academic world was still so quiet that there was really no rebuttal!

"Haven't everyone watched elves multiply?"

"Are you afraid of this Dr. Su and dare not refute? What about those scholars who study elf eggs? Are you all softies?"

In this silent atmosphere, the scholar couldn't bear it anymore, and spoke again, wanting to provoke those scholars who studied elf eggs to speak.

At this time, someone spoke again.

Only this time it was not an elf scholar, but an elf cultivator.

Indeed, although elf genetics is studied as an academic issue, when it comes to elf eggs, breeders are most familiar with it.

"Elf eggs are not actually bred by elves, but appear suddenly."

The cultivator's words made the entire elf scholar world quiet for a while.

"What do you know as an elf trainer?!"

"It popped up suddenly? You said that the elf egg popped out of nowhere? Why didn't you say that the elf popped out of the stone!"

Several trainers continued to taunt loudly. Even if they are trainers, they know that this kind of thing is impossible!

But strangely, there were no scholars or breeders to respond to their views, and the atmosphere fell into silence again.

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