I obviously want to be a trainer

Chapter 347: Space for tricks

And Da Wang Yan, what the hell is that speed?

Amidst a series of doubts, King Dudu attacked again, his figure quickly approached King Yan, and his fists fell like a storm!

All of a sudden, the audience has doubts about the elves like the Dumb King. How did the Dumb Hippo evolve into the Dumb Queen?

"Is this supposed to be a mental move?"

"It's just that this thought power is too strong, and the speed limit of Da Wang Yan is too miserable, right?"

There were also spectators who tried to explain the situation in the arena, so it should be the power of thought that shrouded the arena, right?

While the audience was discussing, Wang Yan in the field tried to break through with his own speed several times.

But every time it wants to move, it seems that there is a huge weight on its body, making it very difficult to move its body even a little bit.

In this kind of confrontation, it forcibly received dozens of lightning punches from the King of Silence, and fell down unwillingly!

"Win, Dumb King won?"

Every time Wang Yan received a punch, the hearts of these scholars also trembled.

After Da Wang Yan fell, they were still very confused.

From the beginning to the end, the dull king's attack did not break through to the level of the king of heaven.

But just like that, the King of Silence defeated King Yan of the Heavenly King level so easily, which made them feel unreal!

"Mind power, mind power!"

"But the strength of this thought force is not enough to suppress King Yan!"

The scholars once again focused their attention on the mental power in the field, and faintly felt that there must be something wrong with this mental power.

"Come back, Great Wang Yan."

Yu Hong couldn't laugh at all now.

He suddenly knew what King Qingming felt like at that time.

I don't understand at all, how did Da Wang Yan lose?

Since it is not clear how King Yan was defeated, it is natural that he does not know how to deal with it.

As the four heavenly kings of the alliance, he has experienced more than tens of thousands of battles, but this feeling of being unable to start is really the first time!

"In this case, the crow boss will decide to be you."

Yu Hong's eyes flickered, and then he took out one of the elf balls prepared behind him.

As the poke ball was opened, a black crow appeared in the field, gently flapping its wings and flying in the air.

Since you are using super power attribute moves, then I will send evil attribute elves to target. This is a very simple idea.

However, this crow head is only his second team. Although its strength has reached the level of a king, it is still far behind the main team.

"Huh? The crow's speed has indeed slowed down a bit, but it doesn't seem to be as restrictive as Da Wang Yan's."

Observing the actions of the crows in the air, Yu Hong felt a little relieved. If this is the case, I will definitely have no problem fighting normally.

On the other side, Su Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the head of the crow in the air.

The move that the King of Dumb used is exactly the space of tricks!

In this space, the faster the elf, the slower the speed, and the slower the elf, the faster.

Therefore, the speed of an extremely fast elf like Da Wangyan was suppressed to a limit, but the speed of Dull King was increased a lot!

"The speed of this crow's head doesn't seem to be that fast."

"Under such circumstances, the Dumb King doesn't have such a big advantage when he loses his superpower-attribute moves and attacks."

Su Xiaobai pondered for a moment, took out the elf ball and took it back to the Dumb King, and at the same time threw out an elf ball.

In the air, while the elves were being exchanged, the crow head had condensed a tornado and swept it directly.

After some observation, Yu Hong also saw that the strange energy in the field would only restrain the speed of the elf, and the moves would not be restricted.

I saw a tornado rising from the ground, sweeping directly towards the elves that appeared in the field!

It can be seen that a burly figure appeared, and its body didn't move at all under the tornado!

Boom boom boom!

He stomped heavily on the ground, and the whole ground trembled.

After the smoke and dust dissipated slowly, the audience finally saw the figure of the elf in the arena clearly.

Without exception, none of the audience in the field had seen this elf, but this time, even the scholars hadn't seen it either!

"Another new elf."

"However, it seems that it has some imagination with the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus."

The scholars in the field looked at each other and calmly began to analyze the elf in the field.

Originally, the appearance of a new elf would definitely cause a commotion, but after watching too much, they felt that their horizons seemed to have broadened a lot.

Isn't it just a new elf? As long as Dr. Su is present, nothing is impossible!

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, even a rock blade!"

The corner of Su Xiaobai's mouth curled up, and he ordered directly.

The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus nodded, and stomped heavily on the ground, a large amount of gravel was condensed.

Afterwards, the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus waved its hands extremely quickly, and the rock blades shot out continuously!

The crow in the sky looked at the rocks that were coming, and the figure dodged with the power of the wind in a flash.

Quickly dodging the blasted rocks, the crow was just about to take a breath when he suddenly heard a burst of air.

Immediately afterwards, it felt a shadow covering itself, looked up, and saw that the super iron tyrannosaurus did not know when it had come to the sky above it, fisted with both hands, and smashed down heavily!


A violent roar sounded.

The figure of the head of the crow was smashed down from the air!

Suddenly, the whole ground trembled, and cracks spread like spider webs!

"Is this... a lie?"

"With the size of that elf, this speed... is too fake?!"

Everyone in the field was dumbfounded, and their first reaction was that this was absolutely impossible!

Even Heavenly King Yu Hong, who is very good at cultivating the speed of elves, would never be able to breed such a sprite to such a fast speed!

Boom boom boom!

Just when they were stunned, the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus in the air also fell down.

The terrifying vibrations from the ground also proved the terrifying tonnage of this elf!

This is no longer something a nimble fat man can explain clearly. A stone can't be lighter than a feather, right? !

"The fast elf is inexplicably suppressed in speed."

"And the slow elf has gained incredible speed..."

In the field, there were also quick-thinking scholars who discovered the key point, rubbing their heads and thinking hard.

But how? Is there really such a terrifying power? This already belongs to the same thing as the rules, right?


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