"Mr. Bell."

The moment he heard the sound, Bell used his hands to drag back Lord Shangshen who was jumping on his back. Probably because he had been jumped on dozens of times, Bell's body reacted almost subconsciously. It's just that dragging with hands made Bell feel a little rude. But because Lord God didn't mind and gave him the qualification to do so, Bell began to get more used to it.

"Mr. Bell, are you done with your evening exercise?"

"Well, today’s workout is over. I have mastered magic and sword skills at this stage, and now I need to go to the dungeon to verify the results of my hard work these days."

The next step is to go to the dungeon to see the results of his hard work for so long. Bell is not worried that his efforts will become a bubble. According to the situation in the dungeon, his efforts will definitely be rewarded, but even so, he still needs to experience Verification of the dungeon.

And it has been eight days since entering the dungeon for the first time. Now I need to go to the dungeon to adapt to the atmosphere below. Of course, even so, Bell is not ready to go to the second floor now, or even the third floor. Three levels of fun. In order to verify his ability, he needs not an equally matched opponent, but an opponent suitable for his stage.

Hestia also knows that Bell will prepare to go to the dungeon after adapting to the power. But now she She is no longer as worried as she was at first. Hestia believes that her child will definitely come back from the dungeon. And he will grow up little by little in the dungeon.

"Mr. Bell, you should be preparing to enter the middle level next, right?"


Bell directly denied the question asked by Master Shangshen. Naturally, Bell has some ideas about the middle level, but not now. As to whether the power he possesses is suitable for going to the middle level, continued verification is needed before a conclusion can be drawn. However, , for now, Bell has no plans to directly enter the middle level.

"Lord God, I will continue to accumulate combat experience in the upper levels and at the same time increase my current base value. Only after my base reaches the limits of the upper tiers will I be ready to move on to the middle tiers. I wouldn't have thought that way before I was fully prepared."

The most taboo thing in life is to aim too high. People can always only look at the road ahead of them.

Bell knew this truth very well, so he planned to move forward steadily from the beginning, rather than reaching the sky in one step. He thought that he had something similar to power. With magic and even first-level weapons, you can do whatever you want in the lower levels? You must know that the biggest problem in the lower levels is never the monsters, but the adventurers.

One's own specialness cannot be exposed at will, which means that Bell needs to be there at all times. Pay attention to this problem. And often need to find the deepest part of a floor, a place where there are almost no adventurers walking around. In order to achieve this, Bell knew that he could not keep moving forward like looking for adventurers, even at the beginning He took the middle level as his goal.

But after expressing his thoughts, Bell also felt that his behavior was somewhat sloppy. This made Bell feel a little embarrassed and asked Lord Shanggami.

"Lord God, are my thoughts like this hopeless? Hestia woke up from her daze. She burst out laughing. After laughing for a while, Hestia put her head on Bell's face.

"Nope. Fear of death is a normal phenomenon for everyone. Not only the children in the lower world are afraid of death, but even the gods in our lower world are also afraid of death. Maybe we are different from the children in the lower world. We will not really die. At most, we will need to stay in the heaven for a long, long time after death. But for us gods, endless life and boring days are what we fear most"

"Mr. Bell, actually we gods were not like this a long time ago."

Actually, Hestia has no intention of mentioning how they used to exist. But now Hestia can't help but want to tell her children about the past of the gods. It's boring and equally boring. meaningless past

"We in heaven have mastered our respective duties from the moment we were born. At that time, we were all pure white. We have always been confused about our respective existences, because for us gods, we actually don’t have to do anything. We don't care about the meaning of the existence of things, and we don't even care much about time, because there is no"change" for us. This makes our existence feel meaningless"

"But one day, there was a connection between the lower world and the heaven, which also allowed us to see everything in the lower world. I also saw"changes" from the lower realm that are different from us, and may even never exist. It was from that time that we, who remained unchanged, began to change and began to have some humanity."

"I know happiness, I know sadness, I know excitement, and I also know expectations. We, who have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, have changed. It was at that time that we began to formulate the rules of the lower realm. We also went to the lower realm to find various things. That throbbing, or that expectation"

"We who remain unchanged begin to change. None of the gods knew whether the change would be good or bad, but all gods expected it. That is to say, after the changes brought to us by the lower realm, we in the heaven are no longer as lifeless as before, and we are also full of vitality."

A lifeless figure appeared in Hestia's eyes. That figure was like a puppet with no self at all. But after blinking, the figure in the eyes turned into the always smiling Hestia..This is something that the gods never thought of in the past. As gods, they would be affected by children from the lower world.

"The gods in heaven come down from heaven one by one to find what they want. And in this process of"change", we also began to have changes in many different directions. Some good gods are beginning to move in the direction of good, and some evil gods are also moving in the direction of evil."

"No matter what you do, there will always be people who hate and like you, maybe because of their different ideals, or maybe just to express their dissatisfaction. But I quite hate those guys. If those guys could be sent back to heaven, the situation in the lower world would be much better."

"But Mr. Bell, you have to remember that we all came to the lower world in search of our own encounters. We like the changes in the children of the Netherworld and will agree with each child's choice. So, Mr. Bell, I will support you in any choice you make."

"Because you are my chance encounter."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please evaluate me.

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