Xia Zimu asked, "Who?"

  "The former housekeeper of the Lu family." Yu Fanghua recounted the past in a flat voice, "Steward Wu has worked in the Lu family for decades, and Shi Yan has been in charge of the basic necessities of life since he came to the Lu family when he was young.

   "Butler Wu has always hit or scolded Shi Yan, often insulting his background.

   "We didn't find out about it at first, but when we found out later, it was too late."

   "One month after Shi Yan's return, Steward Wu died in the flower garden to the south of the manor.

   "His body was broken into pieces by carts to feed the rosebushes.

   "No one would have known about it if the gardener hadn't seen it when he was digging the soil.

   "That's when we learned from other servants what Butler Wu did to him.

   "Everyone said that he killed Butler Wu just for the revenge of the past."

   "Since then, all members of the Lu family have kept him at a respectful distance, for fear that they will become his next murder target."

  Xia Zimu digested the message he just received, "You said Shi Yan killed Butler Wu, do you have any evidence?"

  Yu Fanghua: "There is no evidence, but he is the only one who has such a big enmity with Butler Wu. And on the day of Butler Wu's accident, no one knew where he was."

  Xia Zimu laughed, "So, you have no evidence, you just put the murder charge on Shi Yan for no reason, and are afraid of him because of this trumped-up charge?"

  Yu Fanghua disagreed with her words, "Where is it unfounded? The evidence at the time clearly pointed to him.

   "And he kept suppressing the Lu family at that time, trying to kill the Lu family. Jiannan is his biological father. Isn't he cruel to the Lu family?"

   "Auntie," Xia Zimu tidied up his clothes, his tone unhurried, "If Shi Yan really wanted to target the Lu family, you wouldn't be able to live in such a luxurious manor and live a life of spending money.

   "He's clearly been helping the Lu family all these years. It's a bit wolf-hearted for you to wrong him like this."

  Yu Fanghua also felt that the logic did not make sense.

  If Lu Jinghao really wanted to put the Lu family to death, it would be impossible for the Lu family to exist today.

  But if he didn't do those things before, who could it be?

   "The murder must have been done by him. And he was indeed suppressing the Lu family's business at the beginning.

   "As for why he started to help the Lu family later, maybe it was because he found out when he lost his way and his conscience discovered..."

  Yu Fanghua's voice became smaller and smaller, obviously she didn't have the confidence.

  Xia Zimu could tell from her tone that she was shaken.

  However, both of them were talking without proof, and Xia Zimu didn't plan to say anything more.

  Anyway, she knew what kind of person Lu Jinghao was.

   Butler Wu's business was definitely not done by him.

  If Lu Jinghao really wanted to kill someone, he would never bury the body in a place where it is easy to find like a flower garden.

   This kind of clumsy method is clearly intended to be discovered by others, and then put the blame on Lu Jinghao.

   As for who that person was, she might have an answer when she asked Lu Jinghao later.

  The two of them didn't trust each other, so they didn't speak anymore, and they remained silent on the way to the engagement ceremony.

  The engagement ceremony was held in an old castle on a cliff.

  The car climbed up the mountain road, crossed the tall and ancient forest, and finally stopped at the gate of the majestic castle.

  Lu Jiannan was in the same car with them, and Lu Qingjue was unable to walk, so he didn't come over.

  After arriving at the destination, Lu Jiannan opened the door for Yu Fanghua and welcomed her to get off.

  Xia Zimu pushed the door open and got out of the car. He glanced around the door, but he didn't see Lu Jinghao.

   It's more than an hour's drive from Lu's manor to here, but Yan Jiu's headquarters is closer, only half an hour away.

  Before she came, she had talked with Lu Jinghao on the phone, and the other party said he would wait for her at the door, but he was nowhere to be seen at the moment.

  She took out her mobile phone and dialed Lu Jinghao's number, "Didn't you say you were waiting for me at the door?"

   "There is a temporary situation on my side, and I may arrive later."

  The voice on the phone is as pleasant as ever, the background sound is very quiet, and no noise can be heard.

  It is too quiet, which makes people feel strange.

   "Where are you? Why are you so quiet?"

   "Still in the office, there is no one at the moment, so it is quieter."

  Xia Zimu had no doubts about him, and urged: "Come over here after you're done with your work. I don't know anyone here. The society is afraid of committing crimes."

   Lu Jinghao heard that she was joking.

  As the daughter of the Xia family, Xia Zimu grew up surrounded by crowds since she was a child, and she is not afraid of strangers at all.

   It is not so much a social fear as a social bull, who can hold any situation.

"OK, wait for me."

   After a brief chat, the two quickly ended the call.

  Hung up the phone, the man who had a smile on his face just now collapsed on the back of the sofa, his lips were pale, and beads of sweat ooze from his forehead.

   Yuan Jiao, who was standing by the desk, anxiously took the empty water glass in his hand. The brown liquid left in the water glass exuded a faint medicinal fragrance, which was exactly the same as that of Lu Jinghao's usual body.

  Yuan Jiao put the water glass on the table and said, "Sixth Brother, don't you plan to tell Sixth Sister-in-law about your situation? You are sick, why are you going to Nao Shizi's engagement ceremony..."

   Lu Jinghao leaned his head against the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

  It seemed to be convulsed by the pain, and the eyelashes trembled slightly, "It's okay, just take it easy, don't tell her."

  He was poisoned by Lu Qingjue before, and since then he has fallen to the root of the disease, and he will have seizures from time to time.

  He has been taking medicine to control it for the past year, and he hasn't had such pain for a long time.

  This sudden onset must have been triggered.

   And this inducement is very likely to be Lu Qingjue.

   It seems that he has been too kind recently, and the other party has dared to ride on his head to provoke him.

   It's time to get things in order.


   There were many acquaintances of Lu Jiannan at the engagement ceremony. He held Yu Fanghua's arm and chatted happily with others. Xia Zimu was bored, so he left Luyinping and walked into the old castle to visit.

  The decoration inside the castle is as beautiful as the outside, there are flowers and balloons everywhere, and the ancient paintings hanging on the walls are low-key and luxurious.

  She walked up the winding corridor, all the way to the top floor.

   Today is sunny, reflecting the patches of woods around the castle are shining brightly.

  The top floor was empty, Xia Zimu walked to the thick boulder wall, took out his mobile phone to take a selfie, and sent it to a man who hadn't come over for a long time.

  Just took out the phone, posed properly, turned his back to the forest, and raised his eyes to meet a pair of blue pupils.

   is a mixed race man.

  Xia Zimu's hands trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the phone.

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