I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 220 Yang Ying's Response

This thread was posted around 10am.

By noon, the number of replies reached 400+.

At the same time, there is a small word 'Hot' next to the post, which is very eye-catching.

That means it's a popular post.

Because it is noon, people who go to work and school are eating and resting at the moment.

Therefore, the fourth natural disaster club also ushered in not low noon traffic.

And these people discovered the 'revealing the secret' post almost immediately.

Suddenly, the players were in an uproar.

I am super?

Bloody Scientist fun again?

Yang Ying?

main designer?

How to be forced to death by the top?

Meow meow!

Simply big news! ! !

As a result, netizens surfing the Internet clicked into this hot post of the day.

Then swipe down, and you will see a lot of text content and office photos!

This is actually a post full of pictures and texts!

The photos inside further verified the authenticity of the content of the post!

At this point, the players are excited.

If the person who posted the post is really the designer of the so-called "Blood Scientist", then the rich content of this post is definitely super fun!

I always love to have fun!

I want to see what happened to Bloody Scientist during development!

Therefore, the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster Club returned to the first floor and began to carefully read the so-called reveal.

The first sentence is naturally the self-introduction of the poster.

[RT, as you can see from the title, I am the main designer of "Blood Scientist" and the general leader of its development team Jump Group. ]

[I have left my job and have no relationship with Jiyou Network. ]

[I didn’t intend to post this post originally, but the action of Jiyou really disgusted me. In order to avoid heated discussions on the Internet, they dragged the disbanded jump team to the cusp of the storm on Vbo to bear accusations and misunderstandings. ]

[I admit that our development team should take some responsibility for the failure of "Blood Scientist", but I, Yang Ying, can use my reputation as a guarantee. That's it! ]

Seeing this, the eyes of the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster Club brightened.

Silly bird high-level?

I Zhuo, is "Bloody Scientist" a product of high-level interference? Or is it the cause of the confusion in the development team?


Things are really getting interesting.

Players understand that in the game circle, there is an unstoppable phenomenon.

That is the game company's high-level meddling in the development team.

For example, a foreign FPS "Revenge Action 3" is like this.

It tells the story of a special soldier who was framed by an officer to pay for his crime, and then rescued by his former comrades-in-arms to start revenge and rectify his name.

The first two generations of the game are of high quality, the plot has a certain depth, and the level design makes people feel extremely interesting and will not get bored.

But in the third generation, players found that the game seemed to be made by a different team, with drawbacks everywhere.

Let's not talk about the bloody plot, the number of enemies, and the repetition of levels.

What really makes the players feel uncomfortable is the story of the protagonist of the previous generation falling in love with a black girl from a passer-by, and then being killed by the plot, and then the son of the protagonist, as a black man, went all over the world to find his father-killing enemy, and finally forgave him with tears.

It simply shocked the player circle.

But this is just one of the bad situations where high-level players intervene in game development.

What's more, there are even high-level interventions in development that lead to dissatisfied employees leaving, and high-level interventions in development that make the game different from the original demo.

What should be there is high-level intervention in development to make the game run counter to the players and so on.

In short, high-level intervention in game development cannot be said to be a complete disadvantage, but it definitely does more harm than good!

From this point of view, what is the situation of "Blood Scientist"?

The players then looked at the post.

However, the next paragraph made them slightly stunned.

[The game "Blood Scientist" is developed to enter the horror game market and occupy a certain share, which is used to lay the foundation for future games. ]

[That is to say, this game is used by technical games to test the water market, not for us players, it is fundamentally used by high-level executives to pave the way for future products. ]

[Therefore, the development cycle of this game is very short, including the day of release, it is less than a year. ]

[Yes, you read that right, the development cycle of "Blood Scientist" is less than a year. The 32 partners in our jumping group worked overtime day and night to achieve this level. ]

[During this period, some people fainted at their workstations due to excessive overtime work, some people were dizzy due to long-term lack of sleep, and some people suffered from insomnia and were depressed all day long. ]

[I want to confide in everyone! I want to tell all players! We tried! We paid! But we really tried our best! It's not that we don't want to make the game well, but that the high-level executives of Shaniao are eager for quick success, and they compress the time again and again, making it impossible for us to do it! ]

Seeing this, the players couldn't help but frown.

a year?

Or 32 people?

Can this make a high quality game?

What's more, it is the so-called "terror + shooting" innovative FPS.

This is something that even foreign manufacturers cannot do!

The top executives of technical games probably think that game development is too simple.

Although the only game in China is released in a few months, there are at least a hundred people on their thank you list after clearing each game, which is only natural.

That is to say, "Dark Forest" was originally advertised to be developed by one person, which was controversial.

However, the reason why Weiyou is so productive is not only the large number of development teams, but also the solid partner of Unlimited Online Entertainment. Therefore, there should be no shortage of development funds, after all, word of mouth is there.

And a development team of your game has only 32 people, how can it be compared with a team of hundreds of people.

There is also the requirement to make games for one year, and even this little time has to be compressed, which really means using people as tools!


The players were puzzled.

Why are the top executives of technical games in a hurry to release it?

With such curiosity, the players then read the post.

At this time, the writing style of the post began to become sharp and emotional.

[A certain president of the technical game, don't say anything about his surname, interferes in game development again and again. ]

[Why was "Bloody Scientist" scolded by everyone for not finishing? It is thanks to this president who has a long-term vision. ]

[It was originally estimated that there would be 12 levels, but when the 10th level was produced, it was forcibly deleted by the "urgent" president. ]

[why? It's easy! ]

[Because he wants to make money quickly while the topic is still hot before the only game releases a new game. For this reason, we did not hesitate to use the move of "reverse bounce ticket" to gain attention, which eventually led to our jump team facing huge time pressure, so we rushed to the shelves without careful polishing, resulting in an irreparable mistake this time. ]

[In this regard, I just want to say, if you don’t understand the fuck, don’t show me your superior status! ]

[Before the development, it was only for quality and word of mouth, not for sales and profit. We believed it was true, and believed that we really wanted to make a masterpiece comparable to the only game. As a result, during the development process, we repeatedly intervened in the work plan, belittled us, eager to cash in, double standards to the extreme, and made a lot of our efforts go to waste! ]

[The higher-ups requested that the process be shortened, the script be compressed, and the finale be released in advance. His mind full of data reports was extremely simple, but he didn't know how much trouble it caused us and how difficult it was for us to do. ]

[I tried to explain to him the time-consuming work of models, art, music and sound effects, as well as testing, value adjustment, etc., and this does not include optimization and bug fixes. ]

[But do you know how that stupid higher-ups replied? ]

[The president who only had business and value in his eyes asked me why the game took so long? Why don't mobile games from other development groups take so long? ]

[Do you know how I felt when I heard this? I just fucking want to slap him! ]

[And finally, does anyone know how much time we have to trim the game and get it out there? ]

[Five days! ]

[Yes! You read that right, we only have five days! And do you think it can be done in five days? ]

[Obviously not! ]

[However, the wise president of the game thinks it is enough. ]

[Also, he also said something that I will never forget. ]

[That is: 'You must not only guarantee the quality for me, but also complete the game for me within the specified time. ']


Seeing this, even if the players like to have fun, they can understand who the problem is.

Within five days, it is necessary to ensure the quality and complete the development.

It's just not possible.

This statement alone is actually correct, but it is obviously outrageous to use it in this situation.

From this point of view, this "wise president" should belong to the type of pointing fingers and reading data reports, rather than really knowledgeable.

It's no wonder why such a big company like Jiyou can produce such a stand-alone game.

Feelings are directed blindly by Shabby's senior management!

With the current quality of "Bloody Scientist", it is a complete waste of manpower and time.

Not only lost word of mouth, but also lost development talents and some players and users. I simply don't know how to evaluate this high-level executive.

The players expressed their silent condolences for the person who broke the news, and then continued to watch.

The post continues, and the content continues.

[I explained to everyone the chaotic problem of game development. Next, I would like to answer the question on the Internet about whether "Blood Scientist" will continue to be updated and optimized. ]

[First of all, our jumping group has been disbanded, the resignation of the members, the arrangement of the arrangement. For a 'tool' that fails to bring profit to the company, it is almost impossible to obtain subsequent maintenance. ]

[In short, it has been abandoned. ]

[A certain president himself said that this 'tool' that was supposed to make money is for expanding the market, and there is no need to consider the player group or the player's taste. ]

[In his eyes, players are nothing but wronged species, batches of them don't need to be maintained at all. ]

[Despite my repeated pleadings, a certain CEO still insists on going his own way, thinking that he has a high position and authority, knows more than us, and can control the overall situation. ]

[The space sci-fi theme "Dead Space", which was the only game released some time ago, was warned by a certain president because it was the same as "Blood Scientist". ]

[Including the shooting system of "Mountain of the Sky" a long time ago, it was also accused of plagiarism by a certain president. ]

[I admit that a certain president of the game is outstanding in some aspects and powerful. But when it comes to game development, all I can say is, you're nothing! ]

[Here, my real name, Yang Ying, asks the players to forgive us. We can't maintain the game anymore, we failed, we are sorry for you. But we will never take the blame! I will never be pulled out by Jiyou to set fire! ]

[Players please look at this matter rationally, our development team is also a victim! ]

After reading the full post, the players of the Fourth Scourge Club understood why "Bloody Scientist" became like this.

Leaving aside the shortcomings of various aspects, in the case of insufficient time and compression, only 32 people can make it!

In other words, this is a game that got screwed by the top brass.

Players spent money and became wronged, and the development team was disbanded because it failed to meet expectations.

It is true that he lost his wife and lost his army!

It's not hard to find out who the "a certain high-level president" in Yang Ying's post is.

You can find out who it is by searching the company's website last time.

An Yuanlong!

The highest executive president of Jiyou Network!

After the players knew the target, without further ado, they ran to the V blog of Jiyou and started the yin and yang strange energy mode.

They all accused the technical game 'a certain high-level executive' of outstanding ability, long-term vision, and proper command.

And the one who bought the game became even more impolite, and directly picked up the keyboard and scolded An Yuanlong bloody, venting his displeasure at being wronged.

In this way, after a full day, the technical game was sprayed and became a coward, deleting blogs in place, not daring to bubble up.

But even so, the network fire is still pervasive.

All major platforms and groups frantically reposted Yang Ying's post, letting more people know the cause and effect of the incident.

And technical games are not easy.

Whoever helps to speak with the big V on the V blog and the manufacturer will be censored.

Some big Vs are very strong, and because they helped the game, they were yin and yang by the players. They were so angry that they went off the field and faced off in person. As a result, they were completely covered by firepower.

There are also big Vs who have been sacked, and they say that they will seek some legal assistance to let players know that the Internet is not a place of lawlessness.

Then got flushed a second time.

There are also big Vs, because they deliberately angered the players, scolded the players for being wronged, and wanted to find problems from themselves. As a result, they were boxed with real information the next day, posted an apology overnight, and then moved.

For three full days, there was no big V and manufacturer to help with the conversation.

Jiyou himself has been silent since being washed away, vowing to shrink his head to the end.

In this way, two days passed.

While the players were still talking about it, another shocking news broke out quietly.

That is, the media rating ban for the VR version of "Dark Forest" has been lifted!

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