I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 89: Corpses

"Boss Mu, so many zombies."

Yelled the king.

In a blink of an eye, he saw a dozen zombies appearing from a distance. Underground, in the river, and in the forest, all the zombies came out.

里面 Among the dozen zombies, even two iron corpses, I heard the madness of Erpin's corpse and ran towards the sarcophagus like crazy.

Obviously, Er'er Shapin was the leader of the corpses. When the corpses heard the leader's call, they immediately emerged from the hideout to rescue them.

Anxious, Wang Tong could not help but remind Xiao Mu.

"Don't bother you. Seal the coffin with peace of mind. Just seal the coffin and you're done. Remember, seal it horizontally, vertically, and left to right. Seal a net to trap the sarcophagus, and leave everything to me."

Xiao Xiao Mu commanded.

Looking at the zombies running in the distance, he clenched the peach sword in his hand.

"Roger that!"

Wang Wangtong promised loudly.

If you want to seal the sarcophagus, you must use the ink fountain line to seal the sarcophagus in all directions, seal it into a net, net the sarcophagus, Wang Tong and Zhao Yan who have seen the movie "Mr. Zombies" know this.

The two knew very well, but if there was a slight omission, even if no place was closed with ink fountain line, Erpin Sha Zhe could break out of the coffin.

"嗷 ..."

Obviously, the second-class corpse in the sarcophagus heard the movement of the corpses to come to the rescue, and the spirit was shaken. Under the frenzied anger, a tumult of gas poured out from the whole body, and the giant coffin was pushed more insanely.


The giant coffin was again lifted by about a dozen centimeters.

Obviously, the second corpse was wise. After being hit straight by the human being hit by Mo Dou, he was afraid of Mo Dou in the hands of Wang Tong and Zhao Yan.

This time, it deliberately avoided the straight line of the earth created by the ink fountain, and chose the second line of Wang Tong and Zhao Yan to lay it down. The ink fountain line was retracted, and the coffin was pushed at the moment when the third line had not been laid.

As a result, Xiao Mu's repression was loosened again, and the coffin lid was lifted off again under the impact of Erpin Sha Zhe's nearly full effort.

Xiao Xiaomu's face changed.

二 The strength of this second-ranked corpse is too strong, and it is also very cunning. After discovering that the corpse appears, it is trying to delay itself, so that it must suppress it with all its power, and it can't make any effort to deal with the corpse.

In this way, the corpses can find opportunities to kill Wang Tong and Zhao Yan.

As long as Wang Tong and Zhao Yan die, no one uses the ink bucket to seal the coffin, and there is absolutely no way to suppress the second-rank evil spirit on its own.

Once that time, I am afraid that it won't be long before Erpin Sha Zhe can break out of the coffin.

"嗷 ..."

At the same time, the strange call from Erpin Sha Zhe's mouth sounded like a language.

Although she did not understand the corpse words, Xiao Mu was still able to guess that the second-ranked corpse had given some instructions to the corpses.

In fact, not only did Xiao Mu judge from the call of the second corpse, that this second corpse was giving some instructions to the corpses, and Zhao Yan, Wang Tong, and even Li Guangyou who saw the corpses were guessing The meaning of Erpin Shashi.

The group of corpses suddenly separated, among them three ordinary zombies ran to Li Guangyou, and the rest of the zombies went to Zhao Yan and Wang Tong.

Among the twenty-four people, Xiao Mu had the strongest strength, and the second corpse was clearly experienced, so he left Xiao Mu to contain himself and directed the zombies to attack the other three.


I discovered that Li Guangyou, who was rushing towards himself at the same time, was stunned by three zombies. These three zombies looked too fierce, and the momentum of running together was too fierce.

When he shouted in fright, he almost wanted to escape subconsciously.

But fortunately, the footsteps had just moved, and suddenly I remembered Xiao Mu's instructions, so that no matter what happened, just stand in the circle and don't move.

I just stepped up, but fell again, standing still in the circle.

Wu Rao was so watched as the three zombies rushed at him, his legs were frightened, and he couldn't help shivering.

This is a zombie and can eat people.

"嗷 ... 嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬!"

Xun discovered that the three zombies who had not escaped when Li Guangyou was standing there were extremely excited, and howled while making a weird laughter.

For a moment, the three zombies arrived in front of Li Guangyou. At close range, the three zombies could almost smell the delicious blood smell from Li Guangyou.

Evil spirits capture human yang, zombies devour human flesh.

"嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬!"

兴奋 The excited and weird laughter rang out again in the zombie mouth.

The next moment, the three zombies screamed and rushed at Li Guangyou together, and they wanted to devour this delicious human being.


光 Li Guangyou was frightened again. He didn't dare hide, didn't dare to move, his whole body was embarrassed. At the same time, because he knew that Xiao Mu was in an urgent situation, he didn't even dare to make too much noise to disturb Xiao Mu.

Under the trembling of his whole body, he could not help closing his eyes.


While squinting at the sight of the three zombies about to hit Li Guangyou, a golden light wall suddenly appeared around Li Guangyou's body.

As soon as Jin Guang shuddered, the bodies of the three zombies were immediately rebounded back.

"嗷 ..."

While bounced back, the Tao Aura released on the golden light wall quickly eroded the bodies of the three zombies. The place eroded by the golden light wall began to emit black smoke as if splashed by sulfuric acid, and the body surface also ablated. Under the signs of extreme pain, the three zombies could not help but uttered a miserable howl ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Li Guangyou, who heard the movement, opened his eyes again, and couldn't help but stop there.

Then I found out that I do n’t know when a golden light wall appeared around my body to protect myself, and the three zombies who flew towards me just now fell to the ground, holding their own black smoke. Body craziness.

奇 A strange sense of security breeds, Li Guangyou is grateful to Xiao Mu from the heart.

I was grateful and couldn't help looking at the sarcophagus where Xiao Mu and others were. At this look, a heart hung up again.

Wang Wangtong and Zhao Yan are in danger.

The rest of the zombies are divided into two groups, one group is about five or six, and an iron body is led to Wang Tong and Zhao Yan.

"嗷 ..."

The second-class evil corpse in the sarcophagus sent a corpse to direct the corpses, and at the same time, it pushed the coffin cover with its claws.


The coffin lid was once again lifted, forcing Xiao Mu to take action to suppress it.

显然 The second evil spirit apparently made up her mind to drag Xiao Mu, so that Xiao Mu couldn't take a distracted look, giving the corpses a chance to kill Wang Tong and Zhao Yan.

"Boss Mu, help!"

Wang Tong, who held the ink fountain in his hand, was in danger first. An iron corpse rushed towards him with five zombies at the same time.

In normal times, even when he was at its heyday, he might not be able to defeat the iron corpse even though he was rigid and rigid.

After all, his strength is the same as that of Iron Corpse, and they are on the second level.

Because Xiao Mu does not have a special method of restraining evil, like Xiao Mu, the strength of ordinary warriors is even slightly lower than that of evil spirits and zombies.

One iron corpse, plus five ordinary zombies, can easily kill Wang Tong, if Xiao Mu had not prepared.

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