I Loaded the Love Game

Chapter 135: Kyoto! Kyoto! (End)

Because Rena's resistance was fierce, Watanabe had to pretend to go to the toilet and leave the backstage full of misunderstandings.

   Rin Kiyano followed for some reason.

   But it’s okay. It’s not the first time the two have gone to the bathroom together.

   "Kyono-san, because of you, Tokyo's face is lost in Kyoto."

   "I think it was Iwate's face that I lost. What do you think, Watanabe-san?"

   "The island country is one family, why separate Iwate and Tokyo."

   Kiyano Rin originally had no hope for'Watanabe Toru's Reconsideration'. She said, "The opportunity is rare. You can stand up solo later."

   "It can be, why?"

   "I have already lost in character, and I always have to win it elsewhere."

   "That's it." Watanabe nodded, "Look at me, definitely let them kneel down."

   "What if not? You ran back to Tokyo?"

   "Hey, Kiyo-kun, you are very wrong today, why are you more venomous than usual? You are like this, I like it more."

   "If you like to be scolded, I can satisfy you with as many sentences as possible."


   Looking at Watanabe Toru who was speechless, Rin Kiyono smiled happily, and suddenly frowned, "Your sleeves."

   "Sleeves?" Watanabe Toru raised his hand and looked at his sleeves: "What's the matter?"

   "...Don't you feel messy?"

   "It's okay." After moving the instrument just now, Toru Watanabe put down the cuffs casually. It looks not as neat as before, but it's not messy.

   Kiyino Rin put his hand on his forehead and sighed that he couldn't help it.

   She directly reached out and grabbed Watanabe Toru's right hand, and carefully arranged the cuffs as they were before carrying the instrument. No, better.

   Seeing Rin Kiyano slowly flipping his sleeves, Watanabe suddenly felt a warm current in his heart.

   "That, thank you." He said unnaturally.

   "Left hand." Rin Kiyano showed no sympathy for the young boy's touched heart.

   After finishing both sleeves, she nodded, smiled with satisfaction and said, "I finally feel comfortable."

After    expressed her thoughts, she turned a little faster than usual and walked into the women's bathroom.

   actually came to the toilet?

  Watanabe Toru who stayed in the same place didn't feel much, but he was here, so he could only drop by one by the way.


   "I'm so annoying! I'm so annoying! I'm so annoying!"

   "What the **** is going on with that person! It's inexplicable, and the character is too bad!"

   "A guy who is worse than trash! Ah! I'm so angry! I'm so annoying!"

   Looking at Rena who stomped and yelled, because the volume was too loud, Kumiko smiled wryly and bowed and apologized to the dumbfounded Kita Uji and others.

   had never seen Luhui and Hazuki like Rena before, and they blinked in fright.

   cursed for a while, Rena let out a big sigh of relief, then grabbed Kumiko's hand hard and pressed it to her chest.


   "Huh? Well, I'm here!"

   "You must make that guy look good!"

   "Hmm! But...how do you make him look good? Can't you beat him up?"

   "What are you thinking? Of course, it completely defeated him on the show!"

   "Okay!" Kumiko nodded vigorously.

   "Little Green is here to help too!" Luhui clenched his fists and couldn't help raising his heels. "I can't think of that person being so nasty!"

   "Me too!" Ye Yue shouted without much confidence.

   "Thank you." Rena said with a smile, "Let's make him look good together!"

   "However, Sister Rena is indeed very big." Kumiko exclaimed, feeling the swelling of her chest.

   "Kumiko!" Rena's hand pressed hard, and the five fingers of Kumiko's hand overlapped.

   "It hurts! It hurts! Rena—it hurts!"

   Kita Uji came second, behind Lihua.

All the eighty-one members of the    playing club played, and there were so many people on the square stage. After the members of the trumpet and trombone were lined up on it, there was no room.

   Kumiko stood under the stage holding a musical instrument, her eyes could not help but search among the audience.

   There are many people, but she quickly finds Watanabe Toru who is standing at the corner of the stairs.

   Confirming that the target is present, Kumiko turned to look at Luhui.

   She is petite, holding a huge double bass, and nodding firmly to Kumiko, she looks more cute, she is completely a primary school student.

   Kumiko looked at Hazuki again. She didn't notice Kumiko's gaze, she seemed to be fidgeting, and she was probably so nervous that she forgot to make boys look good.

   Rena is the last.

   concentrates completely, raising his head and chest, holding the trumpet tightly in his hand, like a knight holding a sword, the front of his sight is not the music score, but the stinky rascal from Tokyo.

  ‘For Rena, come on! Kumiko took a deep breath and carefully felt the bulging and contraction of her lungs.

   Kita Uji's consultant, Takisho, bowed to the audience, and the noise in the station slowly settled.

   Until the venue was completely silent, Taki Sheng raised the baton, and at the same time, Kumiko lifted the bass from his lap.

   The white baton shook slightly, and Kumiko immediately sent the breath into the mouthpiece.

   Kita Uji participated in the wind music contest's free choice-"East Coast Style Painting", played slowly at Kyoto Station.

   The melody transitions smoothly to the second movement.

'coming. Kumiko's heart tightened.

   Speaking of the highlight of the second movement, it must be the trumpet solo, which is the part of Rena. This is a one-on-one duel.

   Takisori closed his eyes, and the baton danced softly. In Rena's trumpet, there were delicate and gentle notes.

   Her tone is so shining, it's breathtaking. Kumiko closed her eyes, intoxicated.

After    played solo, Kumiko had already put her lips on the mouthpiece of the bass horn, and she desperately played out what she was responsible for.

   absolutely can't hold back Rena, to make the guy from Tokyo look good, this is her only idea now.

   As a performer, the performance was over before he had time to feel it carefully. Kita Uji received a enthusiastic response from the audience and sent them out with thunderous applause.

   "It looks good!"

   "There should be no shame, right?"

   "No matter how many times I perform, I will be nervous, I don't know how I play!"

   Kumiko listened to the discussion of the other members in a daze, unexpectedly someone patted her on the shoulder from behind.

   "Kumiko, I went to watch Kamikawa's performance."

   Kumiko was taken aback. Looking back, Rena looked at herself with a small instrument case, Luhui and Hazuki were also behind her.

   "Sorry, I didn't recover from the game just now."

   "Go! Little Green can't wait!"

   "I said Xiaolu, you haven't forgotten your revenge? We are not going to enjoy the show!" Ye Yue said.

   "Little Green didn't forget it!"

   During the quarrel between the two, Kumiko lifted her instrument case, and her palm was immediately strangled by the handle.

   I really envy you, the rich Tokyo high school, I really want Kita Uji to have his own school bus.

   The stairs in front of the stage are already crowded with people. When Kumiko and the others arrived, they couldn't find a seat at all, so they could only stand and watch.

   Luhui was too short to see anything even on tiptoe. Kumiko and the three had to use their body as a wall to open up a good position for her vision.

   On the stage, the girls from Kamikawa High School wear school uniforms and pleated skirts, while the boys wear long trousers, the color is pure black, which has a negative beauty.

   Kumiko thought of the crow on their school bus.

   "It's that person, right?!" There were passers-by girls talking around.

   "That's right! I appeared on TV last time and said that my goal is to become the prime minister of the island nation!"

   "It's so funny, but he looks so handsome!"

   "You haven't heard the guest expert in the news say that he has the hope of becoming the prime minister!"

"real or fake?"

   Kumiko and the others couldn’t help looking at the girl. Although they didn’t hear the name, they looked handsome, right?

   Although the character is poor, it cannot be denied the fact that Kumiko and the others are ‘’.

   But what is it like to become the prime minister? Not a performer?

  The girl continued: "The TV has investigated his identity. It is said that he was admitted to Tokyo's private high school through self-study from a rural school that was about to be abandoned, and his academic performance is sure to be admitted to the University of Tokyo."

   "Wow, that's amazing! But it’s hard to be prime minister when you are born in the country?"

   "Perseverance, smart, and handsome!"

   "That's right!" Another girl easily echoed her peer's point of view.

   "Also," the girl whispered, "It is said that his girlfriend and friends are all old nobles in the past, but now the chaebol, and the family has seats for parliamentarians from various regions!"


   "I heard that there is no report in the news, but listening to the angry tone of the expert, it seems that he is really likely to become the prime minister. It should be true!"

   "Why are the experts angry?" Ye Yue asked familiarly.

   The girl glanced at her, and whether she knew it or not, she explained:

   "Experts say that today's smart people all want to enter the University of East Asia, and then enter politics and financial circles, and give up science and culture. Experts also concluded that if the younger generation of island nations continues to do this, sooner or later they will be finished!

   "What the experts say makes sense!" Ye Yue nodded appreciatively.

   Kumiko wanted to say that not all smart people have the conditions to target the prime minister.

   However, I can really be the prime minister...

   She looked at Rena and said with a low smile: "What should I do, it's the Prime Minister, do we still want him to look good?"

   Rena looked at her angrily: "Are you going to betray me?"

   "Of course not." Kumiko shook his head firmly.

   "That's good!" Rena nodded in satisfaction.

   "I won't vote for him!"

"......This one?"

   Rena's look with surprised lips was so cute that Kumiko couldn't help but rubbed her cheek with her face.

   "I will always stand by Rena's side." She whispered.

   "Yeah." Rena also rubbed Kumiko's cheek with her face.

   "It's about to start!" Luhui's words brought everyone's attention to the stage again.

  It's really different for everyone to enter the imperial university's high school. They raised their heads and looked at the conductor and the audience with torch.

   Especially the oboe musician sitting in front of the conductor, his awe-inspiring self-confidence, attacked everyone with a strong sense of oppression.

   "What should I do, I look at that guy now, as if I saw the Prime Minister." Kumiko grabbed Rena's hand and whispered.

   Rena held Kumiko's hand back, said nothing, and waited quietly for Kamikawa's performance.

  The staff who served as the emcee began to report: "The following performance is from Kamikawa Private High School in Tokyo. They are also one of the 29 teams that entered the national competition this year. The repertoire is: "The Prosperous Four Seasons"."

   Kumiko and Rena looked at each other subconsciously, and of course they knew this piece of music that they had been in contact with wind music since they were young.

   Produced by Hideaki Kawakawa, a piece that is almost determined by oboe musicians.

  Kamikawa High School chose this piece and became the seed team recognized by the Kanto representative and judges, which shows that the oboe musicians have unimaginable strength.

   Kumiko subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water. It was as if he had already lost half of the performance before the show started.

   She secretly glanced at Rena, her crystal eyes staring at the stage motionlessly, and her breathing was slightly rapid.

  ‘So Rena would be nervous too? After subconsciously thinking this way, Kumiko smiled bitterly, and people would get nervous, which is not of course.

  At this time, the beautiful girl named Kiyano on the stage waved the baton, and the deep and awe-inspiring music intertwined into a winter melody, and the quiet music flowed in the venue.

   Just as Kumiko was immersed, the hand held by Rena and Rena suddenly tightened, and then the musical instruments on the stage suddenly quieted down.

   As most of the people put down their instruments, the guy who claimed to be a fan of Rena stood up.

'coming! Kumiko held his breath.

   When the first note came out of the black wooden tube, Kumiko's forehead felt like a heavy punch. The sound was very gentle, but the air vibrated and penetrated her eardrums.

Kyoto Station is big and tall. Every time I stand here, Kumiko feels that the four thousand pieces of glass above her head are as far away as the sky. However, at this time, they—the glasses, seem to be falling slowly, so I need to listen closer. This wonderful tone.

   The quiet and quiet note sounded like a soft whisper for a while, and the clarinet and brass suddenly joined, and the scale of the music became magnificent in one go.

   Each note is shining brightly, giving birth to a pleasant melody.

'spring is coming! Obviously many people have never heard of this song, but they immediately understood the artistic conception.

   The expressiveness is too strong!

   The brisk melody, the slowly accelerating rhythm, and the sweet notes, bounce on the stage.

  Everyone is really good, but the audience's eyes cannot be taken away from the standing woodwinder. His fingers are dazzling fast, and he constantly emits a sweet sound that makes the mind rippling.

   Kumiko's breathing became difficult, and she tightly grasped the costume on her left chest.

   The moment the last note sounded, there was no more footsteps in the entire station.

   After a moment of silence, there was applause that almost shattered the glass, and the sound reverberated throughout the entire station building.

   Kumiko sighed deeply, and then realized that she had been holding her breath for a while.

   "This is the level of that rogue." Rena muttered to herself.

   "It's amazing!" Hazuki, who was standing by, turned red and looked at the stage almost feverishly.

  , on the contrary, is a strong school fan Luhui, holding his cheeks contentedly, and sighing lazily, "Ah, today is a perfect day, Xiaolu has nothing to ask for."

   Kumiko looked at the Kamikawa playing club, who was bathing in the spotlight and preparing to exit: "Is this our opponent in the national competition?"

   "Kumiko!" Noting the loss in her tone, Rena held her face in both hands, "Now is not the time to give up!"

   "...Well, I see." Kumiko couldn't be as confident as Rena.

   At the level of Rena’s trumpet, she is also very strong among high school students in the country, but she can’t, she can’t even compare to a third-year senior.

   "Kumiko," Rena noticed her friend's emotions, and she posted it on her forehead, "Three years, we have three years, we can definitely surpass them!"

  The long hair fluttered in front of her eyes, and the soft touch through the fabric made Kumiko cheer her up.

   There was an impulse from deep in her heart, her throat was itchy, and she couldn't tell whether it was joy or shame. Kumiko whispered and firmly said to Rena:

   "I, the game will come on!"

   "Hmm!" Rena happily let go of Kumiko, "Sooner or later, we will use our strength to make that guy apologize for his frivolity!"

   "I think he likes Rena's... breasts, shouldn't it have anything to do with strength?" Kumiko deliberately teased.

   "I'm going to hate you!"

   "Ah, sorry, sorry, I was wrong, I won't make this kind of joke again! Sister Rena, please forgive me!"

   "Kumiko!" Rena shouted helplessly.

   At the time when Kumiko went from losing to exhilarating and began to molest Rena, the people from Kamikawa High School reappeared in the audience, preparing to enjoy the performance of Kiyoshi Girls.

   Kumiko suddenly felt lucky. Fortunately, Kita Uji was not behind Kamikawa, or the pressure was too great.

   "Sister Rena." A smiling cry came from a distance.

   Kumiko smiled and looked at Rena, and Rena naturally had a pretty face. If there were too many people and there was no room to go, she probably turned her head and left.

   "Sister Rena, it's me, your first fan." The boy came over.

   "Hey, you are enough!" Kumiko wanted to be fierce, but after speaking, she realized that her tone was full of uncontrollable smiles.

   Rena glared at her friend, then stared at the boy: "Don't think you can be arrogant if you are better than me now!"

   "Arrogant? How come!" The boy quickly denied, "I'm really a fan of you, can you give me an autograph? This is the biggest purpose of my coming to Kyoto!"

   "Do you dare to mention that!"

   Rena's tone was so fierce that Kumiko almost thought she was going to fight on the spot.

   "I only need to sign." The boy was not scared at all, and said reluctantly, "As long as Sister Rena you sign for me, I will disappear immediately!"

   "Don't go too far!" Luhui looked down, "How can boys do this kind of thing!"

   "That's right, don't you want to be the prime minister? Doing this kind of thing will leave a stain for the future!" Kumiko smiled and joined the reprimand.

   "How do you know about the prime minister? Forget it, for the sake of Sister Rena, I don't have to be prime minister."

   Kumiko was stunned for a while, turned her head, with an uncontrollable smile on her face, and said to Rena: "He said he, hahaha, he can do it for you and not be the prime minister."

   "Does he do anything to do with me in the prime minister!" Rena said angrily to her damaging friend.

   "Don't be angry," Kumiko comforted, "I feel that this classmate is not malicious."

   "As expected of Kumiko-kun!" Watanabe gave a thumbs up appreciatively, "When I become the prime minister, I must be promoted to my secretary."

   "Aren't you not the prime minister?" Rena stared at the boy in front of her.

   In her eyes, Watanabe Toru is a Tokyo scumbag who bullies girls by relying on his own strength in playing!

   "As long as Sister Rena, you sign me..."

   "Don't even think about it, go to hell."

   Watanabe Toru had to look at Kumiko, who had a good relationship with Rena sister: "Kumiko-san, you can help. I only need to sign, and I don’t have any malice against you."

   "Well—" Kumiko pretended to be pensive, "If you ask for an autograph, you can't be the prime minister. If you can't be the prime minister, I can't be the prime minister's secretary. So, sorry."

   "...Are you kidding me?"

   "Yeah." Kumiko nodded neatly.

   "Hahaha." Rena, Luhui, and Hazuki all laughed at the same time.

   Watanabe Toru also laughed helplessly.

   took the liberty to ask the girl for autographs, or as a fan, so it should be fooled.

  Moreover, he still doesn't care about competing with a few young and lively female high school students.

   He smiled, the others stopped smiling, and they all looked at him dumbfounded.

   Toru Watanabe reacted and said, "Sister Rena, sign me."

   "Go to die."

   Watanabe slowly put away his smiling face, and a pair of Kiyoshi Girls who looked at the stage just now what happened.

   They are wearing white suit jackets and trousers, black ties, and long hair tied into ponytails. They are obviously girls but they are very neat and tidy.

   Maybe because of the smile, Rena also felt that this boy really didn't have any nasty thoughts.

   "Let's do it," she pinned the scattered long hair behind her ears, "If you win a gold medal in a national competition, it's not impossible to sign you."

   "Can't you give it in advance?"

   Rina became angry, and laughed and mocked: "You mean, you must get the gold medal?"

   "Can't you?" Watanabe asked thoroughly.

   "..." Rena was speechless, and said in embarrassment, "How do I know if I can? Maybe you didn't perform well? Did you have a sudden diarrhea or a car accident?"


   "I think it is more likely to be caught by the police because of harassing women," Kumiko said.

   "Don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to be okay, really, good Kyoto girls are very gentle."

   Several people laughed, and after seeing Watanabe Toru give up, the atmosphere suddenly eased.

   "That," Ye Yue said excitedly, "Can I ask you a question?"


   "How long does it take to practice from a novice to your level?"

   "It has nothing to do with time. People who work hard can become great in only half a year."

   "You only practiced for half a year?!" Kumiko couldn't help but be surprised.

   "...It's not."

   "Scared me to death." Hazuki, who has been in the wind club for half a year, nervously patted Rena's **** which are only one-third the size~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How long have you been practicing? "Lu Hui asked, raising his head.

   "It started in July, how long has it been...a little more than two months."

   "...you lied, somehow it fits a little truth." Kumiko said helplessly.

   "No, no, no." Watanabe Toru shook his head, "I never lie."

   "A ghost believes in you." Rena said disdainfully.

   "Don't, even if you don't give an autograph, but Sister Rena, I'm really a fan of you."

   "Can I ask you to die?"

   Under the harassment of Watanabe Toru, no one paid attention to the performance of Seiyoshi Girls, and only applauded with everyone at the end.

   "Goodbye, Rena, and Kumiko, short hair, and this lovely Hanada Asako-senpai No.2."

   "See you at the national competition," Kumiko said politely.

   "Goodbye!" Hazuki, with short hair, was very enthusiastic.

   "Hanata Asako-senpai No. 2?" Luhui touched her curly hair, not understanding what Watanabe Toru was talking about.

   Watanabe Toru did not answer this question, waved his hand, and walked towards Kamikawa’s school bus.

   "Hey, on the road of music, I will surpass you sooner or later."

   "I'm waiting for you, Sister Rena."

   In the eyes of the four, Watanabe did not stop. He waved his hand ‘music is good’ and disappeared at the exit of Kyoto Station.

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