Technical Master! (please customize)

After seeing the current battle situation, the water friends are also quite emotional.

Don’t look at Scyther has been suppressed by the steel armored crow, but no one can underestimate it.

After all, the strength it displayed is really not weak.

Anyone other than Su Yu, even if all Pokémon play together, it is difficult to say that they will be able to defeat it, and it is even difficult to even make a tie.

Because Scyther’s attack is too fierce, ordinary Pokémon can’t stand it at all.

Therefore, even if it is a group fight, at this time, it is almost impossible for anyone to defeat it.

But it was such a powerful Pokémon, but in the hands of the steel-clad crow of Evolution just now, it had no power to fight back, which made them extremely shocked…


Although they were severely beaten by the Steel Armored Crow, they and Scyther still didn’t want to give up.

Immediately, rich sky-blue energy gathered on the twin sickles, and rushed towards the steel armored crow again.

Su Yu, who didn’t care much about Scyther’s attack at first, couldn’t help but gradually frowned after noticing Scyther’s unprecedented aura at this time.

“Look at it… it should be Aerial Ace, right? But this power, why does it look stronger than the previous Air Slash?”

“So, its characteristic is a technical master?”

“Steel Armored Crow, rush up and use the Drill Peck, and get rid of it directly!”

After trying to understand the reason, Su Yu unceremoniously launched an attack.

Although the characteristic of technical masters, in the original game, unless it is combined with some specific skills, otherwise, its effect cannot be brought out very well.

But in the actual battle, it is obviously not the case.

The more powerful the skill itself, the longer the time it takes to condense energy. Similarly, the less powerful the skill, the shorter the time it takes to condense energy.

Scyther, who has the characteristics of a technical master, is actually the most suitable way to fight, which is to use the less powerful skills to continuously attack the enemy, so that the opponent cannot use those powerful skills.

In this way, unless the strength gap is too large, few Pokémon can persist in Scyther’s storm-like attack.

But what makes Su Yu feel a little pity is that Scyther obviously doesn’t take its own characteristics into consideration, which makes its fighting style look somewhat awkward.


Unlike Su Yu, the steel armored crow didn’t think so much. When Su Yu’s voice fell, it turned its body and rushed towards Scyther.

And as its rotation speed became faster and faster, the sea of ​​fire around its body produced circles of sky-blue energy that was also constantly rotating, completely enveloping its body in it.

Just in the blink of an eye, the sharp sickle collided with the hard beak.

If Scyther was in its heyday, the Iron Armored Crow would still feel a little bit of a sense when facing its Aerial Ace.It’s difficult.

But now… the two sides just stalemate for a moment, and Scyther began to feel a little powerless.

As the sky-blue energy on its twin scythes was exhausted, the Steel Armored Crow tackled Scyther with an indomitable momentum, and knocked it into the air.

After a while, there was still no movement from Scyther, presumably having lost the ability to fight.

After seeing such a situation, Su Yu had no choice but to look in the direction where Scyther disappeared.

After all, Scyther is a serious injury right now, if she doesn’t deal with it, it will be very troublesome.

As for subduing it?

Forget it, he mainly likes all kinds of furry Pokémon, Scyther is really not his cup.

And most importantly, he has nothing to do with a fighting madman like Scyther.

You say let it fight?

There are too many Pokémon battles in my team, but it is easy to cause conflicts, which will affect the harmony of the team.

Although Su Yu won’t stop it from a proper fight, judging from Scyther’s situation… Maybe it’s just a little bit injured, and it immediately wants to fight the Steel Armored Crow.

0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・

But you don’t let it fight, do you?

Scyther will definitely have objections, it’s okay to stop him just once or twice, but after too many times, it will affect his relationship with Scyther.

So simply refused to subdue it, and everyone walked on the road facing the sky.

While Su Yu was thinking this way, he had also successfully found Scyther along the damage caused along the way after he was knocked out.

After using Potion on it and making sure that it was basically fine, Su Yu left here with Dragonite and Lucarios.

And the steel armored crow was still the same as before, flying directly into the sky, checking the surrounding situation in the sky…

“At first I thought Scyther could hold on a little longer, but I didn’t expect it to lose so quickly.”

.. .. . . . . . .

“It’s normal. After all, it has been pressed and beaten by the steel armored crow from the beginning to the end. It must not last for too long.”

“A Pokémon streamer as powerful as Scyther won’t accept it? You can give it to me if you don’t want it!”

“Are you thinking too much? The anchor will never give away Pokémon, and it’s better to subdue Pokémon by yourself. Otherwise, if you don’t obey at the critical moment, it will easily cause accidents.”

“Yeah, only the Pokémon you tame yourself will truly obey your command, otherwise there will definitely be hidden dangers.”

“It’s normal for the anchor not to subdue Scyther, right? If you want to be strong, the previous Steelix is ​​the real one!”

The water friends were all surprised when they saw that the battle ended so quickly, and that Su Yu had no intention of subduing Scyther.

However, when they thought of what Su Yu had done in the past, they gradually got used to it.

After all, Su Yu was not the kind of person who would subdue any Pokémon he encountered.

It can be seen from the fact that he has met so many Pokémon, but now he has only tamed one. His requirements for Pokémon are obviously very high.

And it is precisely because of this that someone is already looking for Pokémon according to Su Yu’s team.

After all, if you want to say who knows Pokémon best, it must be Su Yu.


As for the Pokémon that he can see, the potential must be extremely good.

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