As one of the top criminal investigation captains in Tianhai City, Zhao Team has always felt that he is the nemesis of criminals, after all, since he became a policeman, he has not known how many cases have been solved.

But, he, the chief of the criminal investigation team… But inexplicably, he became the “Chief of the Special Events Section”!

Team Zhao was a little unclear, he was demoted…

Or is it been… Promoted?!

He looked confused!!

Since the frequent occurrence of supernatural events, the authorities have only gone to various measures that can be taken.

But the official suddenly found that various measures … It’s useless!

Their measures have no fart use for the ghosts of the dead!

Those ghosts… It’s still very rampant!

Seven days have passed since the 375 bus incident.

For seven days, supernatural events large and small.

It happened… There are dozens of them!

And it is precisely because of the increase in supernatural events and precisely because of the increase in all kinds of unjust ghosts.

A mysterious “circle” has emerged!

It’s a mysterious side of the circle!

In order to contact and communicate with those people as soon as possible, the official did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, manpower and material resources to set up a “special incident handling department” in major cities, a new special agency!

The authorities wanted to try to envelop the mysterious side of the circle, although… It seems that the other party has no response.

At present, the only person officially has access to…

There was only Liu Xiaoling alone!

However, Liu Xiaoling is a cute new…

That’s a headache!

“Without any means or ability to deal with unjust ghosts, the name of the chief of the special incident handling section of Tianhai City was given to me… I don’t know how to perform my current duties! ”

Team Zhao… Oh no, now it should be called Chief Zhao, who only feels that his brain hurts.

Why not find a professional to be the chief of this special incident handling section!

A criminal investigation captain who specializes in handling ordinary criminal cases….

Inexplicably, he became a special section chief…

How does this make people adapt to their new careers!

The pressure is not generally high…

Sitting in his new office, Chief Zhao didn’t expect that… One day, I was able to sit in my office and blow air conditioning.

Usually, he is busy and busy, running around the place where the crime occurred.

Right now…… All he has to do is deal with just three events!

One is the 375 bus incident!

The second is the murder of the ghost of the Dingding Group!

The third is the Tianhai City Hotel Ghost Murder Incident!

The problem is three events… Chief Zhao was completely complete, and he didn’t have the slightest clue!

He didn’t even know where to look!

That’s why he has a headache right now!

“Unless… Contact the girl named Liu Xiaoling, but the contact a few days ago can already be known, she is not too clear about too much inside information… However, since she is suspected of being the spokesperson who was pushed out, as long as she continues to contact her, sooner or later she can get in touch with the circle on the mysterious side! ”

Chief Zhao thought about it, and finally… The key point can only be placed on Liu Xiaoling’s body!

After all, the only one at the moment who has shown the power of the mysterious side in front of the authorities….

There was only that little girl Liu Xiaoling!

Have to say… Those mysterious side people.

Hidden is not ordinary deep!


Liu Xiaoling, who was far away in the villa area of Tianhai City, did not know that many people were chanting about themselves.

At this time, she… All the attention is attracted to the [Mother-and-Child Ring]!

Because [the mother-daughter ring] vibrates once it is vibrating….

That means that another task has been issued!

[Mission: Go to the Fengmen Village in xx City, xx Province, and make an investigation, remember, don’t go too deep, the yin atmosphere here is very strong, very dangerous! Remember, it’s dangerous!! If there is any unexpected situation, do not hesitate to return to the spot as quickly as possible!! Since the difficulty of the mission is too high for you, you can cooperate with the official on a shallow level!! 】

[Zimu Linghuan] is a line of small characters, Liu Xiaoling does not know whether this thing is high-tech… Or a magic weapon of metaphysics.

But the content of the task, as well as the “exclamation points” that all of them, made her look solemn.

Especially the last sentence, which made her mind a little stunned, a little surprised.

Unexpectedly…… How can we cooperate with the authorities on a superficial level?

That is to say, you can represent the circle of the mysterious side….

Collaborating with this official war machine?

Hiss…… It’s unbelievable!

Can a Meng Xin, who has just joined the company not long ago, really cooperate with the official?

In case one of your words and deeds is inappropriate….

There was a stalemate with official relations….

Isn’t it cool to be cool?

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but secretly swallow a mouthful of spit, whether it was the circle that only exposed the tip of the iceberg, or the official who was like a war machine that could destroy the entire surface human civilization… None of her little cute new can afford it.

Liu Xiaoling’s first instinctive reaction was… Go find the help of this old brother of Liu Feng!

And…… So did the same, running straight to the door of the willow wind room and knocking on the door.

After hearing the movement coming from outside, Liu Feng didn’t have to guess to know what the situation was.

He smiled helplessly, and the 3D stereoscopic virtual map of the “Sealed Gate Village” in front of him disappeared.

Then walked over and opened the door of the room… What caught my eye was a young girl.

Not…… They are all twenty-one years old, is it a little inappropriate to use the term girl?

Looking at the hint of worry hidden between Liu Xiaoling’s eyebrows.

Before she could speak, Liu Feng smiled and asked, “Did you receive any tricky tasks?” ”

Liu Xiaoling was slightly stunned, his face was surprised, but he still nodded obediently: “Well…”

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